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Name: ___________________________________________________________ Your favorite food: (just curious ()

From Paleolithic to Neolithic Reading Guide

Directions: Read Sections 3.3-3.7 in History Alive. Use keyword note-taking to complete the chart below. The first two are done for you.

| |In Paleolithic Times… |Neolithic Age Fact #1 |Neolithic Age Fact #2 |Why are the facts in the Neolithic Age |

| | | | |significant? |

|What are important |hunting |plant | | |

|facts about the food |gathering |seed | | |

|supply? |unstable |harvest | | |

| |scarce |crops | | |

| |dangerous | | | |

|What are important | | | | |

|facts about shelter? | | | | |

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|What are important | | | | |

|facts about | | | | |

|communities? | | | | |

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|What are important | | | | |

|facts about jobs? | | | | |

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|What are important | | | | |

|facts about trade? | | | | |

| | | | | |

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