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Let’s Review Units 1-7CAN YOU DO THIS? YES, YOU CAN!The Thirteen ColoniesJamestown Colony: The FACTSYear FoundedSignificance (importance)Why was Jamestown colonized?Hardships/challenges faced by the colonists1. 2.Survival1) Who forced them to work?2) What cash crop did they start to grow?3) Who found out this crop could grow?1. 2. 3. Why were slaves brought to Jamestown?What was Jamestown’s government called?The Virginia House of _________________. It was the first _____________________ government in the American colonies.Plymouth Colony: The FACTSYear Founded?Why did the Pilgrims/Puritans leave England?Hardships/challenges faced by the Pilgrims/Puritans1. 2.Who helped the settlers survive?How did he help them? 1. 2. What was the Mayflower Compact?Why was the Mayflower Compact signed?1. 2. What was the primary reason for settling the Plymouth Colony?Directions: Use the Word Bank below to label the 13 Colonies.ConnecticutDelawareGeorgiaMarylandMassachusettsNew HampshireNew JerseyNew YorkNorth CarolinaRhode IslandPennsylvaniaSouth CarolinaVirginiaTrue or False: Most settlements and towns in colonial America were located by bodies of water.Which colonies had the following geographical features: Rich soil, good growing season, Many large rivers, excellent harborsWhich colonies had the following geographical features: Rich soil, warm climate, long growing season, large coastal plain, many large riversWhich colonies had the following geographical features: Hilly, Heavily forested, Thin, rocky soil, Long, cold winters, Short growing season, Many good harborsWhat was the major reason the original settlers of Plymouth Colony came to America?New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware are all a part of which colonies? Fishing, lumber, and fur trading was a major economic activity in which colonies?Why did most colonial farmers settle near oceans or coastal waterways?What was the main reason for the variety of products in the different regions of the country? Tobacco and rice were major products of which colonies? Wheat, grain, and manufacturing were major products and economic activities of which colonies? Which geographic feature of the Atlantic coastline contributed most to the growth of colonial trade?In a representative democracy, the people have the power because they elect the ______________________.Explain what happened during the Great Awakening and its significance (importance).Why was the Mayflower Compact an important step towards our democracy? (Hint: what idea did it create?)Why did early settlers go to Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland, and Pennsylvania? (Hint: they all had one thing in common)In a democracy, _________________ have the power.What was the name of the 1st permanent British settlement in the Americas?What was the name of the journey that slaves were forced to take to get to the Americas?What were the 3 major European nations that explored the New World?Explain the term subsistence farming.What is the difference between a primary and secondary source document?What was the nickname of the Middle Colonies?Which colonial region was known for its diversity?Pre-American RevolutionMercantilism = _____________________________________________________________Fill in the arrows with what resources were exchanged between the different countries.2371725183832500237172590487500 Triangular Trade = __________________________________________________________What is the “Middle Passage”? _________________________________________________________________________21526501169670003209925194119500432435052197000252412547434500Who wrote Common Sense?What did Common Sense urge colonists to do?Who said “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death”?Give an example of two types of protests.Which historical figure got France to provide patriots with money and soldiers?Why did colonists blame the British soldiers for the Boston Massacre?According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the purpose (job) of the government?What are unalienable rights?Which famous patriot rode to Lexington to warn the Minutemen that the British were coming?What are the three unalienable rights?What did the Quartering Act force colonists to do?Why did colonists resent (hate) the Proclamation Act?Who were the Sons of Liberty?What do people have a right to do against an unjust government?According to this trade policy, the job of the colonies is to benefit the mother country.Why were boycotts effective?“Shot heard around the world” is a quote commonly associated with which battle of the American Revolution?The Battle of Saratoga was significant in the Revolutionary War because it(A) ended the British threat to the South(B) guaranteed Canadian help for the colonists(C) convinced the French to support the Americans(D) forced the British to withdraw from North AmericaWhich document is a primary source concerning the American Revolution?(A) a videotape showing a reenactment of a battle(B) a journal of the events written by a Continental soldier(C) a social studies textbook(D) a published article written by a history TeacherThe main purpose for signing the Treaty of Paris of 1783 was to – (A) declare war on Great Britain(B) force France to support the Revolutionary War(C) convince Great Britain to abolish slavery(D) end the Revolutionary WarWhere was the last battle of the American Revolution fought?(a) Valley Forge (b) Saratoga(c) Lexington (d) Yorktown“. . . We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. . . ”Which document contains these words?(a) Mayflower Compact(b) Treaty of Paris(c) Emancipation Proclamation(d) Declaration of IndependenceWhich statement represents one of the main ideas in the Declaration of Independence?(a) The United States needs a strong central government.(b) The power of the president must be limited by the legislative and judicial branches.(c) People have a right to rebel against an unjust government.(d) Americans cannot afford to pay high British taxes.The United States Creates a GovernmentThe Articles of ConfederationAt the Constitutional Convention (1787), the Great Compromise resolved the issue of congressional representation by(a) limiting the terms of elected lawmakers(b) providing for direct election of senators(c) creating a two-house legislature(d) including the electoral collegeWhen census numbers show changes in a state’s total population, what is likely to be affected in the state?(a) boundary lines(b) number of counties(c) representation in the United States House of Representatives(d) number of senators in the United States SenateFederalists are _______ the Constitution. Some famous Federalists include: ____________________________________________________________________________Anti-federalists are ________ the Constitution because it did not have a _________________________.Some famous Anti-Federalists include: ____________________________________________________________________________To win support for ratification of the United States Constitution, Federalists agreed to(a) give up western land claims(b) restrict the importation of slaves(c) add a bill of rights to the document(d) grant voting rights to all adult white malesThe Constitution of the United States was considered an improvement over the Articles of Confederation because the Constitution changed the(a) status of slavery(b) civil rights of minorities(c) number of Americans eligible to vote(d) balance of power between national and state governmentsDelegates at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 agreed to the Three-Fifths Compromise as a way to(a) limit the power of the president(b) provide legal rights for women(c) settle differences over representation in Congress based on counting slaves (d) establish term lengths for senatorsDuring the struggle over ratification of the Constitution, Federalists and Anti-federalists disagreed mainly over the(a) wisdom of maintaining friendship with England(b) need for the continuation of slavery(c) election of George Washington as the first president(d) division of power between the national government and the statesWhich historic document was written in support of ratification of the U.S. Constitution? (a) Magna Carta (b) Mayflower Compact (c) Declaration of Independence (d) The Federalist Papers Between 1787 and 1789, a major controversy between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists focused primarily on -- (a) expansion of slavery into the territories (b) the wisdom of creating a two-house legislature(c) division of power among different levels of government (d) the issue of ratification of the new U.S. Constitution. What was the purpose of Hamilton’s Economic Plan? ____________________________________________________________________________What are political parties?____________________________________________________________________________FederalistsDemocratic - RepublicansMain Party LeaderViews on Hamilton’s Economic PlanViews on the ConstitutionLoose Constructionists: the national government should take all steps needed to govern the states. Strict Constructionists: the national government should only have powers expressly listed in the Constitution. Views on the GovernmentViews on Foreign PolicyPro-BritishPro-FrenchMain SupportersWhat 3 points were made through George Washington’s Farewell Address?---What were some important events of Thomas Jefferson’s presidency?---center0War of 181200War of 18124149090607568000454342535140900018192753485515001830705604710500411416517919700018313401788160005031740297815009525294640005032375582803000503237529724350095252957830001270058280300027432002190115War of 1812“Star Spangled Banner”00War of 1812“Star Spangled Banner”51352455552440Effect #300Effect #3857255556885Cause #300Cause #351339752704465Effect #200Effect #2513397527940Effect #100Effect #1857252704465Cause #200Cause #28572527940Cause #100Cause #1236918525146000Embargo Act“Era of Good Feelings”Monroe Doctrine(Stay out our business!)Description:Description:Description:Impact: Impact: Impact:4572000Chief Justice John Marshall & the Supreme Court00Chief Justice John Marshall & the Supreme CourtWho is John Marshall?____________________________________________________________________________Marbury v. MadisonMcCulloch v. MarylandGibbons v. OgdenDescription:Description:Description:Impact: Impact: Impact:3429000Andrew Jackson Presidency00Andrew Jackson PresidencyElection of 1828“Spoils System”Indian Removal ActEvent:Importance:Event:754380172974000Importance:Event:Importance:3086100815340002057400243840Key Events during the Jackson Presidency00Key Events during the Jackson Presidency4572000152400017145008153400016002001524000459168576771500Worcester v. Georgia“Trail of Tears”War on the National BankEvent:Importance:Event:Importance:Event:Importance:550427-131681The Industrial Revolution00The Industrial RevolutionWhat is the Industrial Revolution?____________________________________________________________________________Life before the Industrial RevolutionImpact of Scientific InnovationsCanals:Cotton Gin:Interchangeable Parts:Steamboats:Steel Plow and McCormick Reaper:Textile Mills:Railroads:Telegraph: Steam Engine:Result of the Industrial RevolutionWhat impact did the growth of transportation and communication have on the United States?____________________________________________________________________________What was life like for people working in factories during the Industrial Revolution?____________________________________________________________________________00Reform Movements00Reform MovementsWhat does REFORM mean? ________________________________________________________What does TEMPERANCE mean? ____________________________What does SUFFRAGE mean? ______________________________What does ABOLISH mean? _______________________________Temperance MovementEducation ReformPrison ReformGoals:Goals:Goals:Leaders:Leaders:Leaders:481012524130003409949241300015906752413000center119380The Age of Reform00The Age of Reform167640016573500438150016573500Treating Mental IllnessWomen’s RightsGoals:Goals:Leaders:Leaders:What was the Abolitionist Movement?____________________________________________________________________________Harriet Beecher StoweHarriet TubmanWilliam L. Garrison3476624273050043338752730500160020027305001323975294005Abolitionist Leaders00Abolitionist Leaders1419225217170003533774165100045624751651000Sojourner TruthFrederick DouglassHenry David Thoreau ................

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