Government – Review of Chapter 1

Government – Review of Chapter 1

Name _____________________________________________ Period ________

Recalling Facts

1. Why did the thirteen British colonies in America become known as “states”?

2. What system of government divides power among different levels rather than giving all power to a central government?

3. Describe three kinds of non-state groups that influence national politics.




4. Identify two types of monarchs ruling today.



5. How is a direct democracy different from a representative democracy?

6. What is the role of government in a laissez-faire economic system?

7. List the two classes into which Karl Marx divided all people in industrialized nations.



8. Identify two countries that operate under a form of democratic socialism.



9. Who makes most economic decisions in a command economy?

Understanding Concepts

1. Public Policy List the major advantages of living under a constitutional government.

2. Global Perspectives Which of the following ideas do you perceive to be the most powerful force in the world today: communism, socialism, or capitalism? Explain.

3. Cultural Pluralism How does a federal system provide for the expression of a variety of opinions?

4. Free Enterprise Why do totalitarian states often limit economic choices for their citizens?

Critical Thinking

Cause and Effect Why is widespread educational opportunity necessary for a nation to develop a democratic system?

Government – Review of Chapter 1

Name ______________KEY_______________________________ Period ________

Recalling Facts

1. Why did the thirteen British colonies in America become known as “states”?

At that time each state considered itself an independent country.

2. What system of government divides power among different levels rather than giving all power to a central government?

Federal system

3. Describe three kinds of non-state groups that influence national politics.

a) political movements – such as national liberation organizations maintain diplomatic relations with many states.

b) Multinational Corporations – have offices and factories in many states and carry out activities on a global scale.

c) International Organizations – undertake a variety of tasks, often to serve the needs of member states.

4. Identify two types of monarchs ruling today.

a) Absolute

b) Constitutional

5. How is a direct democracy different from a representative democracy?

In a direct democracy, the people govern themselves by voting on issues individually at meetings that all citizens may attend. In a representative democracy, people elect representatives to govern for them.

6. What is the role of government in a laissez-faire economic system?

The government avoids interfering except to ensure free competition in the marketplace.

7. List the two classes into which Karl Marx divided all people in industrialized nations.

a) Bourgeoisie

b) Proletariat

8. Identify two countries that operate under a form of democratic socialism.

a) Great Britain, Tanzania, Denmark, Norway, Sweden

b) (lots of others too)

9. Who makes most economic decisions in a command economy?

Government officials

Understanding Concepts

1. Public Policy List the major advantages of living under a constitutional government.

Answers may include” The government’s power is limited by the powers assigned to it and withheld from it. Powers are divided among branches of government. The people maintain sovereignty.

2. Global Perspectives Which of the following ideas do you perceive to be the most powerful force in the world today: communism, socialism, or capitalism? Explain.

Students will probably choose capitalism since many communist or socialist systems have failed or are faltering.

3. Cultural Pluralism How does a federal system provide for the expression of a variety of opinions?

A federal system distributes power to more levels than a unitary system, so more opportunities for participation exist. Each level in the federal system could choose to do something differently.

4. Free Enterprise Why do totalitarian states often limit economic choices for their citizens?

By limiting choices, totalitarian states are better able to control the economy.

Critical Thinking

Cause and Effect Why is widespread educational opportunity necessary for a nation to develop a democratic system?

Without education, people do not have the skills and knowledge to make informed, intelligent choices.


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