All about these Fourth Grade Arithmetic Facts Review Sheets

All about these Fourth Grade Arithmetic Facts Review Sheets

? Free downloads!! You can download these Third Grade Arithmetic Facts Practice Sheets for free from our website: . On this website, there are also sheets designed for fourth and fifth grade, as well as a bookstore (Making Math MeaningfulTM books) and online workshops for teachers.

? This is review! These math fact sheets are intended as a review and strengthening of the Third Grade Arithmetic Facts Practice Sheets. It is important that the students first do those third grade Practice Sheets (and are very familiar with the 105 facts in them) before doing these fourth grade Review Sheets.

? Timing. Each sheet has 30 problems. There are 100 sheets in the whole set. A class should do three sheets per week (on average) throughout the fourth grade year.

? Caution! This should be fun and easy for the students. If successful, their confidence will grow. If it is too difficult, then it is likely that more work with the facts and the multiplication tables needs to be done with the class as a whole. It is important to make sure that these sheets don't become torture for the students. Try to de-emphasize the importance of speed (which can wait until fifth grade). Help the students to realize that improvement is the goal.

? A special note regarding division with remainders. Towards the end of the Third Grade Arithmetic Facts Practice Sheets, we introduced division with remainders. On those sheets, these remainder problems looked something like 31 ? 5 = __ r __ , which warned the students that they were remainder problems. In contrast, the Fourth Grade Review Sheets (found here) don't warn the students of the remainder problems. Therefore, the problem is simply given as 31 ? 5 = __, and the student should write the answer as 6 r 1. The students should know that on every sheet (of 30 problems) there is always one remainder problem. This makes it consistent, and perhaps fun for the students to find the mystery remainder problem.

? What comes next? The next set of practice sheets is titled Fifth Grade Arithmetic Facts Speed Sheets. They are designed to increase the calculation speed of the students.

? Daily math practice:

? The 30 problems listed on a particular sheet are only one part of the daily math practice. It would be very unfortunate if daily math practice consisted of nothing more than the 30 arithmetic facts practice problems that appear on these sheets.

? When the class is not in a math main lesson, daily math practice should take about 10 minutes. The 30 arithmetic facts may take 3-5 minutes. The remaining 5-7 minutes can be spent doing a couple of written (vertical) arithmetic problems, some brief rhythmical work, or something else.

? When the class is in a math main lesson, daily math practice should take about 30 minutes. The 30 arithmetic facts may take 3-5 minutes. After that, the remaining 25 minutes of math practice (during a math main lesson) consists of the material that was brought in previous blocks and the current block.

? Mental arithmetic. The teacher may decide to read the first 6 problems from the practice sheet out loud.

? Extra math practice problems. The teacher should write a few extra problems on the board. The students can copy these problems into their practice books and work out the answers. These problems also include practice and review of material covered in previous math blocks.

? Challenge problems. Every day, there should be a challenging problem or two in order to keep the advanced students fully engaged.

? And what happens if...? We hope that it won't happen, but even when most of the class is doing well with these sheets, there may be a few children who still haven't solidly learned their arithmetic facts by the middle of the fourth grade year. In order to help these children, it may be helpful to give them a multiplication/division table (i.e., a square for the tables). Additionally, these students could study the basic arithmetic problems with flashcards during morning practice time.

Arithmetic Facts Review Sheets ? DAY # 1

12 - 6 = __ 13 - 9 = __

8 + 5 = __

11 - 4 = __

3 x 5 = __

9 x 4 = __

9 = 16 - __ 28 ? 7 = __

3 + 9 = __

7 + 3 = __

17 - 9 = __

9 + 2 = __

12 - 7 = __

3 x 8 = __ 42 = __ x 7

7 = __ - 7

2 + 8 = __ 36 ? 7 = __

15 - 6 = __

6 x 6 = __

45 - 9 = __

10 - 2 = __ 63 ? 7 = __ 6 + 68 = __

32 = __ x 8

9 x 6 = __ 33 - 27 = __

9 x 3 = __

5 x 6 = __ 85 - 77 = __

Arithmetic Facts Review Sheets ? DAY # 2

12 x 12 = __

3 = __ - 8

12 - 8 = __

5 x 8 = __

8 + 8 = __ 12 x 11 = __

12 - 9 = __

11 - 5 = __

7 x 8 = __

12 x 9 = __

13 - 6 = __

49 ? 5 = __

49 ? 7 = __

3 x 7 = __

14 - 9 = __

6 x 3 = __ 20 ? 5 = __ 7 x 12 = __

12 - 5 = __ 13 - 5 = __ 6 + 87 = __

3 x 3 = __

13 - 4 = __

64 - 6 = __

6 x 4 = __

8 x 8 = __ 91 - 83 = __

8 + 3 = __

8 + 4 = __ 46 - 39 = __

Arithmetic Facts Review Sheets ? DAY # 3

11 - 9 = __

9 + 8 = __ 72 ? 8 = __

6 + 5 = __ 36 ? 3 = __

11 - 6 = __

4 + 9 = __

6 + 9 = __

13 - 8 = __

11 x 11 = __ 16 = __ + 7

10 - 7 = __

11 - 7 = __

4 + 7 = __

5 + 9 = __

17 - 8 = __

10 - 8 = __

14 - 5 = __

48 ? 6 = __ 12 - 3 = __ 52 = 47 +__

4 x 3 = __

8 + 7 = __ 80 ? 11 = __

12 - 4 = __ 16 - 8 = __ 74 - 68 = __

18 - 9 = __ 12 x 5 = __ 55 - 48 = __

Arithmetic Facts Review Sheets ? DAY # 4

12 - 6 = __ 13 - 9 = __

5 + 8 = __

11 - 4 = __

10 - 5 = __

9 x 4 = __

16 - 7 = __

7 x 4 = __

13 - 7 = __

9 + 9 = __

17 - 9 = __

8 x 12 = __

12 - 7 = __

3 x 8 = __

7 x 6 = __

14 - 7 = __

6 + 6 = __ 38 ? 5 = __

9 = __ - 6 36 ? 6 = __ 80 - 74 = __

7 + 7 = __

7 x 9 = __

35 - 9 = __

8 x 4 = __ 54 = __ x 6 48 + 6 = __

27 ? 3 = __ 4 x 12 = __

8 = 75 - __


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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