FSA ID Webinar Transcript - Student Aid

FSA ID Webinar TranscriptFemale Speaker:Thank you so much for joining us today. We will be getting started in approximately eight minutes. Thank you for holding.Ladies and gentlemen, we are ready to begin today's conference. Please stand by, there will be a moment of silence as I connect the line. Welcome and thank you for joining today's Financial Aid Bootcamp webinar series session two. FSA ID and Federal Student Aid Tools and Resources. Please note this conference is being recorded and all audio connections will be muted for the duration of the event. With that, I will turn the conference over to my Myesha Challenger. Myesha:Thank you so much. Good afternoon everyone. We want to welcome you to our first ever Financial Aid Bootcamp webinar series. As mentioned, my name is Myesha Challenger, and I'm an awareness and outreach specialist here at FSA. For those in attendance, Federal Student Aid will be hosting a two-day virtual financial aid boot camp starting today, October 20th and tomorrow, October 21st. This boot camp will feature subject matter experts from FSA, focused on information designed to help participants learn about the federal financial aid process and how to complete the 2021, ‘22 free application for federal student aid otherwise known as the FAFSA form. This boot camp is ideal for students, parents, guidance counselors, college access professionals, and other members of the financial aid community. In our first session that just concluded, we had a phenomenal session where we talked about understanding the FAFSA form. Our second webinar in our five-session theory is entitled FSA ID along with FSA tools and resources. Our presenter again, will be to Tanika Mangum. So, you all know you are in for a treat. I wanted to share with you all the additional webinars that will also take place in our webinar boot camp series.This evening, at the conclusion of this webinar, we will have one more session from six to 7:00 PM and the title is understanding the FAFSA form. Tomorrow, starting at 11:30 AM, this is all Eastern time, we will do a 2021, ‘22 FAFSA line by line demo and an evening session with the line by line demo from six to 7:00 PM. Another set of housekeeping rules, all questions during this presentation should be sent to the following email address, fsaoutreachwebinars@. We will share that information with you during the presentation. Once again, that's fsaoutreachwebinars, with an s, @. At the conclusion of the webinar, we will share some questions and answers and give our presenters an opportunity to provide additional… our presenter and opportunity to provide additional information. It is important to note that for those who are unable to join this webinar in real time, it will be recorded. We will share with you where you can find this information in the coming weeks. We will also provide you all with the PDF version of our PowerPoint slides along with a brief survey. We also sent out to you all a questionnaire, and we would appreciate your feedback as possible. Now that we've gone through all the logistics, let's get to the presentation, the Tanika, let's begin. You can take it away.Tanika:Hello, good afternoon everybody. We are so excited that you are here at the financial aid bootcamp webinars series. We are here at session two FSA ID where are you all begin for financial aid if you were to get right into it. But as you can see on the screen, we don't want you to forget to ask them as many questions as possible throughout the duration of this presentation. Make sure you email fsaoutreachwebinars with an s, @. Again, that's fsaoutreachwebinars, with an s, @. Let's get started. Next slide, please. Today, what are we talking about? We are talking about FSA ID. Why do I need an FSA ID? Who needs an FSA ID? What is needed to create it? When should I create it? Where should I create it? All these things we're going to cover today, including our FSA tools and resources. Let’s go. Next slide please. Why is an FSA ID needed? Next slide. It is quite frankly, your username and password. You cannot go here. This is the point where you have to begin. You cannot move forward to complete your FAFSA form or do anything else without an FSA ID. It is your username or password for you individually. We're going to go into how you will get started. Next slide, please. What can you do with this account? Well, you can do a few things. The first and foremost, which many of you may be on the call for today is to complete your FAFSA form that’s open on October 1st. You want to create this FSA ID in order to complete that form. You also will be able to sign your master promissory note. For someone who's new to this whole process, and you're like, what is a massive commissary note, Tanika, is basically your signature to say that you accept that if you take out any student loans, then will be responsible for paying back that loan, the interest fees, all of those things, all in a legal document. You also will be able to use your account to apply for any repayment plan. You also will be able to do loan counseling, which you will need for your entrance and your exit counseling, entrance meeting. This is something that you're going to be taking out. So before you accept any student loan that you might take, there is an interest counseling, and then there's also an exit counseling, meaning that after you complete your degree or you're ending your program, then you will have an exit counseling and make sure you understand all of the requirements in order to complete those payments.Then lastly, loan forgiveness help tool. This is for public service loan forgiveness specifically. IF you are wondering if you will be eligible for service loan forgiveness, or even how to start that process and make sure you're on the right track, you will be able to do all of that starting with an FSA ID. Next slide please. Oh, let's break this down a little bit more than you can see what you can use your account for. You will be able to use your count in three different ways from federal student aid. You can do it for student . You can also use it for my student aid app or mobile app, which will allow you to not only sign your form, but also renew your FAFSA and manage your FSA ID if you want to change a password or something like that. You also have your , which is also where you can sign your FAFSA form and your renewal process, and make sure that you have any corrections that you want to put for your FAFSA form. You can complete it on here. Your entire FSA ID can do all of these things and follow three of these online system. Next slide please. Who needs an FSA ID? I'm glad you asked. Next slide. You do. Simply yes. Students, parents, borrowers. You need an FSA ID. If you are a student who is US citizen or an eligible non-citizen, or if you are being registered for selective service, if you're a male, if you are going to be enrolled or currently enrolled, you need an FSA ID or if you're pursuing a degree or certificate program or any form of education, whether that will be a public institution or a private institution, a community college or career school, a trade school, or even part time online classes, you will need your FSA ID if you plan to want to be considered aid for federal financial aid.Parents, if you are a parent of a dependent student, you will need an FSA ID. I will go into what that means, a dependent student shortly, and then borrowers, any borrower, if you're currently taking out any federal financial aid, or if you're participating in any of our programs, you will need an account, your FSA ID in order to access all of it. Next slide, please. Should a parent and a student creates two separate accounts? Absolutely. Parent and students should not have one account. They should not have identical accounts. They should have similar accounts. It should be each student should have their own account. If you are dependent, and the student is the dependent, only one of the parents will need an FSA account or FSA ID. Let me repeat that. If I'm a student and I'm enrolling in school, I'm getting ready my first time or first-generation student, or I'm a returning student and I'm a dependent student. That means I will only need one of my parents to create an FSA ID for this process, for financial aid process and completing my FAFSA form. So, one parent per one dependent student. Next slide please.Let's talk about dependency status. Let's dive into it a little bit more. To make this simpler, we have a 10 questionnaire, 10-point questionnaire to ask you. If you answer yes to any of these, then you will be considered an independent student. If you are 24 or older by January 1st of this school year, which you are applying for the eight, are you 24 years older? Yes, you're independent. Are you married or separated, but not divorced? Yes, you were independent. Will you be working towards a master's or doctoral degree? Yes, you are independent. Do you have children who receive more than half of their support from you? So, you support your child more than half the time. Yes, you are independent. Do you have dependents who live with you and receive more than half of your support other than children? This could be… or a spouse. It could be parent or could be a relative that's living with you that you fully support, or you support half the time, then, yes, you are independent.Are you currently serving an active duty in the US armed forces for purposes, other than training? Yes, you are an independent student. Are you a veteran of the US armed forces? Yes, you're right. You are independent. At any time since you turned 13 or both of your parents deceased, were you in foster care or were you a ward or dependent of the court? If any of those situations where you had both parents were deceased by the time you were 13, you were in foster care or that you were dependent of the court, then yes, you are an independent student. Are you an emancipated minor, or you are legal guardian as determined by a court? I you are emancipated, minor, and you're living with someone who considered a legal guardian, then you are indeed independent student.Lastly, are you an unaccompanied youth who is homeless or self-supporting and at risk of being homeless? If that is you, then you are also an independent student. If I went through all kinds of dailies, say, nope, not me, not me, not me, then you are considered a dependent student. You can find this on our website, at student dependency to see all 10 questions to make sure that you understand. If I say yes to any of these 10 questions, then I'm considered an independent student. If I answered no to all of these questions, then I am considered a dependent student. You only need to answer yes to one of the 10 in order to be considered an independent student. Got it? Yes. So, answer yes to one independent. Answered no to all dependent. Got it? Right. Next slide, please.What is needed to create an FSA ID? Next slide. Items needed to create an account. You will need your social security number, because again, it is for US citizens and not eligible students, but you will need your correct social security numbers. So, if you don't know that you want to contact your social security administration or your parents or find a social security card and you want to memorize it and make sure it is secured with you, don't share with everybody. Okay? This is just your social security number that you will need to create your account. You will also need your mobile phone number. This is important that you have a mobile phone number to put into the account. Then you also have an email address. Although this is not required. An email address is the only thing that is not required in order to create an FSA ID, but it is strongly recommended. Why? Any of us ever forgot a password before? Yes. All hands and feet up. That means this is the way that I can make sure that I can get access back into it. We highly recommend, although it's not required, we highly recommend that you provide email address as well. Next slide, please. Let's talk about social security a little bit more. Social security number. Once you put in your social security number to ensure that it is you that is creating this account and that it is accurate, you will receive an email informing you that your social security number has been verified. You will receive this email within three days of you creating your FSA ID. If you did not receive an email and you have not given us an email address in order for us to contact you, then you will check the status on your personal information. You will go to student settings/edit information, personal information. Now don't recall like, oh, what did she say again? Don't worry. We're going to be sending you this presentation afterwards if you will have this link specifically. So that way you can check on the status of your social security number in verification. If there is an issue at all, then you need to log into your account settings and you need to either update your social security number so that you can have it accurate. Or if you have been informed that the information is correct that you provided, the information you provided is correct, and there still seems to be an error, you need to call the social security administration to ensure that the matching is accurate. You can call them at this number or visit . Next slide please. You're going to create your account username and password. Let's talk about username and password, because listen, I don't want you to put anything in jeopardy and cause something to be filled out that’s not right. We're here about your protection. Let's talk about usernames. You should not put your date of birth or your name in your username. Make sure it's clear of any personal information for your username account. If you see a message that says your username entered is already used, is already been used. You got to create it with something else. Then for your password, your password must be between the characters of eight to 30 in length. It must include one uppercase, one lowercase, and one number. Say with me again, one uppercase, one lowercase, one number. You need all three of those, plus it has to be between eight to 30 characters in length. Your password is case sensitive. Whatever you put in, when you first signed up, you created your password, that's what it's going to be for this case forward.If you put an asterisk, it's going to be an asterisk. If you put a one, but you meant an exclamation mark, it's a one. Make sure that you make sure that you have all your password and username protected that you saved them in a private, personal space. You do not want to share your username and password; it’s connected to all of your financial aid information. Don't share it with your parents, don’t share it with your teachers, your counselors, nothing. This is your username and password, and it should be held secret just to you. Next slide, please.When to create an FSA ID. Next slide. You should create it as early as possible. We are in financial aid season. What that means is that FAFSA opened on October 1st. We are October 20th. It's important that you start this process of now. You want to go ahead, and you can create your FSA ID right now. As I alluded to earlier, it's important to do it earlier because it may take up to three days to get verified for your social security number for your account. Now, to be clear, when you complete your FSA ID, you could use it right away to complete your FAFSA form. You do not have to wait to complete your FAFSA form. However, if you're going to do a FAFSA renewal, meaning that you are returning students, or if you want to look at repayment or loan counseling, or you want to sign your promissory note, all of that will take time only after the social security number had been verified. Make sure that you create your account early to start the process and make it faster for you so that you don't have to wait too long, but you can, as soon as today, create your FSA ID and complete your FAFSA form today. Next slide, please.Where to create an FSA ID. Next slide. Well, you have two options here. We have our desktop, and we have our mobile. You can go to student and you can just go on internet or your phone, or you can go to your desktop or your laptop and you can go to student and [00:58:53 front] and center, you will see where it says right in this picture here, create account. That is the link that you will click on to create your FSA ID. On your mobile app, you can also do the same. You can go to my student aid, which is available on Apple Android for you to be able to download this my student aid app and you can create your FSA ID and complete your FAFSA form all in the same app. You have two options, depending on what's most comfortable to you. Whatever you feel like you normally want to do, you're always on your phone. You want to use your phone, use your phone. If you're always near a laptop or you feel more comfortable with a laptop or desktop, then do that as well. All will be the same, so you just have the opportunity to use it at your convenience, whatever fits best for you. Next slide please.Again, let's reiterate all the steps. First, you're going to visit . Not student , not .net, not .org, not.co. All the other ones that don't matter, right? It's .gov. You want only, and that is where you're going to create your account. You're going to enter your name. I say, this your name, not your nickname, not what people have been calling you for years, your full government name. What is the name of on your social security card, on your birth certificate? That is the name that you want to enter. You also want to enter your date of birth and your social security number. You’re going to create your username. Again, that does not have your personal information in the username. Yes. So, no date of birth, no name, and your username. You're going to create your password that has what? One upper case, one lower case, one number and is at least eight to what? 30 characters and links. That's right. Eight to 30 characters and links. Then if you choose to put in your email address, you'll be able to also enter your email address there. Next slide, please.Now, you will have to submit a mobile phone number, however. This is a time when you will also enter your mobile number and you will also have the opportunity to set up for challenge questions. This is an opportunity for you to say, these are answers that no one else knows. These are answers that I know that if I get stuck, I lost my phone number. I lost my phone. I lost my email. I lost everything. I just need to figure out how to get back into my account. You can answer these four challenge questions to help you get access back into your federal student aid account. You will also be able to read and accept the term and verify your phone number and your email address if you choose to have entered it. Next slide, please.Let’s go over some frequently asked questions that I may not have answered already. Next slide. Can I create an account for someone out? I hope you know the answer to this. This is an absolute no, no, no, no, no, no. Ever. And no circumstances create an account for someone else. I don't care if you're a counselor. I don't care if you're a parent. I don't care if you're a student health and a sibling. No, you only, only the person, the student will have to create their own individual account. Or if you're a parent, you will create your own individual account. No one else can have a username and password. It is something that you create and only you create only. Next slide, please. Do both my parents need to create an account? Great question. Only one parent. Again, it is only if you're a dependent student, only one of your parents will need to create an FSA ID. You don't need both parents to do it. You only need one. If you’re a dependent student. If you are an independent student, only the parents. Don't need it at all. All you need is to your account, but if you do have a parent, you will need to have one of your parents creating an FSA ID account. Next slide, please. Do I have to create an FSA ID for each one of my children?Say you're a parent and you have multiple children here going to school at the same time. Do I need to create an account for each one of my children? The answer is no. Oh, and thankfully. Yes, you only have to create one account. That way is unique to you, your child, each one of your children will have to create their own account, but you as a parent will only have to create one. Next slide, please. When can I use my new account? You can use it immediately and only to create your FAFSA form. Remember when I said earlier that everything else that you would like to do for your account cannot be done until your social security is verified. Once your social security number is verified and you receive that email address, if you provided it to us, or if you double check, well using that link on the status of your verification, then you'll be able to use all the other features to use your account. But when you can rate your FSA ID today, hopefully, then you'll be able to start and complete your FAFSA form today. Next slide please. What if I get an error message? If you are creating FSA ID and your information, like your name, social security number, and your date of birth is sent to social security and it's to be verified, but if it is different, say your name is different. Say your social security number is wrong, or your date of birth was wrong, on the form, then you will receive an error message. This is the reason for your error message. Is important that you spend special time. Don't let the computer just fill it out for you. I know some of us are known to that. We're like, ‘’Oh, they know my name. I'll just auto-populate.’’ This is not a time to auto-populate. You want to make sure that all the details in there are accurate, the names, the spelling, your date of birth and your social security are all accurate. Next slide, please.Can I still find the FAFSA form without an FSA ID? You actually can. Yes, you can pre-print the signature page and mail it in instead of submitting an online application. Now, this is most likely ideal for parents who may not be US citizens. Earlier we talked about eligibility. Maybe you're a student who is a US citizen, you were born in the United States. However, your parents were not born here and they're not US citizens then, because you are still a dependent student, you will still need one other parents to create an FSA ID. But if they can't create an FSA ID to then not a US citizen, what do you do? I still need to fill the form. This is what you do. You sign, you print, the signature page and have your parents sign there so that… and then you mail in applications, on higher application so that it can be completed. That is how you will do that. If a parent says they don't want to do an online account and they can also do it this way as well. So yes, we can print it then as a page and mail it in instead. Next slide, please. What if I forgot my username and password? Oh, you talked about that earlier. Both hands and feet. Yes. How do you retrieve your username? Well, when you go to , just like when you're going to create your account and you click the login button instead, because you've already crazy account and you're going to see two buttons, two links. One that will say, forget my username, forgot my username. You're going to select that link and you have three options in order to retrieve your username. You can do it by code, which means that you will get an email sent to you. If you have supplied your email address, and when you created your FSA ID, you will get an email that will have a code to reset it. You will also have the option to text or that mobile number that you said that we have to have. That will also give you the option for it's a number code to be texting you so that you can retrieve your username. You also have the option to answer those challenge questions that you had to complete when you were submitting your FSA ID. That is another way that you can ensure that you're retrieving your username. What about resetting your password? You forgot it. You need to start over, right? You can also select forgot my password link, and that is where you would provide your username and verify your email address as you put that in or your phone number that you put in and along with that with your month and the day of your date of birth. So, it’s not the year, but the month and the day. That is how you will be able to reset your password. Next slide, please.Let's talk about federal student aid tools and resources and what we have to support you. Next slide. We’ve an awesome social media team. We are everywhere that you hopefully are. You have your Facebook; we got your Twitter. We have even an Instagram page now that we encourage you to join and follow us. Then you also have our YouTube page. Our YouTube page is amazingly filled with videos and tips to help you through this process. There's actually a specific video on how to create your FSA ID. This is important if you know, parent or student or relative or friend who needs to understand how to consider your FSA ID, and they weren't sure able to join us today. It's okay. Send them to YouTube. There's a video there all set for them to follow so that they know exactly what to do to start the process. Because again, you cannot skip going this. You cannot complete your FAFSA when you can't do anything. And so, you complete your FSA ID because it’s not assigned to you. This is an FSA ID, your username and password that only you create the start your financial aid process. You can also visit us a student as we are here to help you. We can do it through chat, we can do it through email. You can also call us. Make sure that you call us if you have any questions and you're having difficulties with the site. You also have student aid .gov/coronavirus if you have questions related to coronavirus or financial aid in general with your institution. Next slide please. We have a couple of upcoming sessions coming up. We just finished session two, which you just did. Now we're moving on to three witches tonight at 6:00 PM. If you said this was great, Tanika, I understand FSA ID, now what? What do I do? When I get to the FSA form? I'm pumped up now. I've got my FSA ID, I'm ready. What do I do next? Well, you need to join for session three. Let’s get an understanding of what the FAFSA form is. Let’s get an understanding of how to utilize it and what you need in order to complete it, and then join us back again tomorrow. Tomorrow, we're going line by line. Did you hear me? Line by line? That means we're completing the whole FAFSA form. We're walking it step by step. All the different types of scenarios that you may encounter that help you start the process and make it as seamless as possible. We want you to join us tonight at 6:00 P.M. If you already participated in the first session, you said that was great. I want to share it, share it, have other people register. We're here to help. So, join us again tonight at 6:00 P.M or tomorrow for either one of the sessions for the line by line. Maybe you're a student or you say, listen, I want to start the line by line first. I'm going to join the first session. And then you want to come back for a second session and do it with your parents, because I got to fill it up too. Because you're a dependent. Because you're a dependent student, right? You need your parents to fill it out too. That's will be a great time for you to do your section first. You understand how you do it and then join back with your parents and help them get through it too. We are doing this for you. We hope that you're enjoying this bootcamp. Again, it’s our very first time doing it, and we're loving it this far. We hope that you are too. Next slide please.We're going to have a couple of questions. I think Myesha is going to jump on board. If you haven't already, this is the time to submit your questions to fsaoutreachwebinars with an S @. Again, that fsaoutreachwebinars with an s, @ so that we can answer any questions that you have currently. Myesha.Myesha:Wow, Tanika, that was absolutely amazing. You went through some very detailed information that people find so confusing and you made it sound simple, but also gave people the steps to understand how to create an FSA ID, where to find it, the things that are necessary in order to create it, who needs it. Thank you so much for a lot of that amazing information. We have absolutely been getting questions in. Let me share some of the questions with you and we'd love some feedback from you as well regarding some of the information. I want to thank our colleague who was answering the questions that you all have been sharing with us via our email address. Let's share a couple of these questions. One of the questions we have is, do I need both my biological parents to make an account if I'm dependent, but only live with one. I have a stepdad who hasn't technically adopted me. Would he take the place of my missing biological parents? That's one of the scenarios that we have.Here's the answer we have. Yes. If you were considered as a dependent, you would need one legal parent’s assigned sign the FAFSA form. At least one parents should create an FSA ID. If you haven't set parent who is married to the legal parent, whose information you're reporting, you must provide their information as well on the FAFSA application. Tanika, let me read the question one more time and let you answer. Do I need both my biological parents to make an account if I'm dependent and only live with one? That's the first question.Tanika:Excellent question. This is a great question that talks about the dynamics and the different types of families that we have. To answer the question, it goes like this. Your FSA ID, you will only be one of your biological parents in order to create an FSA ID account. Just to an account, you need your account, and you also need one of your biological parent’s accounts to create an account. After, when you're starting to fill out the FAFSA, however, your stepdad's information and your other biological parent will also be providing their financial information, but they will not be required to create an account. To create an account, you only need one biological parent, which is the person who might be living with the most. Whoever you're living with the most, that is the person that I would recommend to create an account for you and then you will be able to supply more information when you're completing your FASFA for any other details that are family related in terms of income.Myesha:Great. Thank you for that distinction, Tanika. Here's another question. Why does the number have to be a mobile phone? We've gotten a couple of questions about you sharing about the mobile device. The cell number is used in case to reset… The cell number is used to provide a reset link, which is needed for the FSA ID. Can you share a little bit about why the mobile phone number is necessary?Tanika:Yes, quite frankly. The only reason why we're asking for a mobile phone is because it's the only number we can text. We can't text her home number. What are we going to use a voicemail and say, hey, call us back here as a code? No, we can't do it. We need a mobile number so that we can text you immediately because you want an immediate response to get back into your FSA ID account or your federal student aid account. It's important that we have a mobile number so that we can text it directly to number immediately because we want things fast and we want them done now. This is the time to be able to do that. We cannot do that with a home number.Myesha:Now, Tanika, this is just a follow-up question. If someone doesn't have a mobile device, can they still create a FSA ID? Tanika:They can still create an FSA ID; however, it's going to be… You can still create an FSA ID, but you will need to also make sure that you are at least providing some type of number. Again, we want the mobile number because it's going to be easier for you, but it's important that you notice that the only other option, if you don't supply an email address will be just to answer the challenge question if you get locked out. It's really important that you provide a mobile number and you also provide an email address, or you will only be subject to the challenge question, but yes, you also have to supply a number on that form.Myesha:Thanks, Tanika. Here's another question. Can high school juniors create an FSA ID, or should they wait until they're high school seniors? Why or why not?Tanika:Oh, great question. These are our get ready early writers. Let's get it done now people. Yes. So yes, you can create an FSA ID at any point in time, but if you're a high school junior, yes, you can create your FSA ID now. Will be recommended, not necessarily, the reason being is because you will have to wait an entire year to be able to reuse it again. Most likely, if you don't use something that you're not going to participate in, you're going to forget it. You're going to forget your username and password, and you're going to forget all of the steps and things that you need to do. It's very important that you have high school juniors on the call or parents who have high school juniors now who are starting early to understand the process. That is excellent. Thank you so much for being here. It was very critical that you do so, but it's not important that you create an FSA ID right now. It is beneficial to start when you're starting your high school senior year so that you can actually get started with the process. As soon as you start your FSA ID, then you'll be able to start with FAFSA form and then move on from so on and so forth. But right now, if you create an FSA ID, you're just creating one. You won’t to do anything with it, which means that you may forget it or worse off you might lose it. That's not something that we would like because it is secure and it's something that we want you to maintain in private.Myesha:Great. Thank you Tanika. Here's another question, how can a student change their password? The account holder can log into the FSA ID and edit account information, including the username or password.Tanika:Yes. The account owner can go to again, , and when you click on log in, you will see two links. This is the question that's specific to password. You'll want to click on the word that says forgot password. And there, there are options for you to reset your password and you will need to provide your name, your social security number and the month and the day of your date of birth to be verified so that you can reset your password. But that is the quickest and easiest way to reset your password by going to and clicking on log in and click on forgot password.Myesha:Oh, here's a really good question. Thanks, so much Tanika. It says my middle names are misspelled on my social security card. Is this going to affect the verification of my social security account or my account? Also, should I write my middle name just as an S when creating the account? Here's the answer and please elaborate, Tanika. It says it is recommended that the exact name with spelling that is listed on the social security card be used when establishing an FSA ID account.Tanika:Yes, it is highly recommended that you use the exact spelling. I say exact, exact spelling. Now, if you're like, but it's wrong, Tanika, it's wrong. They spelled it all wrong. I understand that. Trust me, my name. I understand misspelling. I would highly recommend that you actually go to and you actually call, or you can call the social security administration to see how you can get it fixed. This is important. This is your social security information that you're going to be using for the rest of your life. Do you want it to be accurate? Yes. I would say the very first thing. We'll probably contact them first to see if you can make corrections to it. Then once that's verified and corrected to your liking, then you'll be able to fill out the form directly. But it has to match, no matter what, the matter if you decide to correct it or not, it has to be the exact matching that the social security administration has.Myesha:Great. Thank you so much Tanika. We'll take a few more questions. Here's one more question. When I tried to create my FSA ID, I got a message that my mobile phone number was already registered. What should I do? What should I do Tanika?Tanika:Great question. Is it saying that your mobile number is already correct? It's already been used? That could mean then somebody put in their mobile number that’s does not right or not… They did something. In order to verify your door mobile number, then you can go onto and you could at least put in either another mobile number or you can contact, I would say, call us directly to see what needs to happen in order to verify your account. But it needs to have a verification and you will get a verification code to say that it has been utilized before. Sometimes mobile numbers, we have an old number that was used by five other people before when we got our new phone. That happens. So, this is a time where you can at least correct it or have it verified. So, give us a call, see what we can do in order to help you with your accountMyesha:Tanika, what phone number would they be using to call for more information or help?Tanika:Excellent question. It is the one 1-800… I forgot.Myesha:No, it's okay.Tanika:It’s on… If we go back to the slide, you can see it. Right here. Sorry. So [01:22:43 inaudible], thank you. So, 1-800-433-3243. For Fed Aid is the number that you would call to see how we can correct that mobile verification for you.Myesha:That's great. I'm so glad we are going to provide these slides to everyone because all the information they need is right on these slides right here. We're going to take one more question, and it says, it is confusing about when the student and parent IDs are created. Are they separate form? What is the distinction between two accounts? I'll read the answer. It says, FSA ID can be created at any time. Students and parents will have to complete separate applications for an FSA ID. The distinction is who owns the account. The student will have their own FSA ID and the parent will have their own FSA ID. It is treated as two separate FSA ID. Is that right, Tanika?Tanika:That is absolutely correct. Others, ensure, it basically means no matter if you create your FSA ID today and your parent creates it tomorrow, either way, you both have to create an account. It doesn't matter about the timeframe and what you do, you create the account, but however, you both will need to create your FSA ID account in order to complete your FAFSA form. Again, since we know that it's important to fill out your FAFSA form, as soon as possible, we want you to be supportive of each other and encourage each other to complete it as soon as possible, get your account as soon as possible. So that way you can fill out the information that you need for your FAFSA form. Although you can do it at different times, it's not a different height to go to or anything. It's all the same sites, the same information, the same criteria that you would need to create. Your accounts is just two separate people creating their individual accounts to complete the form or any other resources that federal student aid has for them.Myesha:Great. Thank you so much. I see people are asking for that customer service number again, and I'll share that it's 1-800-433-3243. Once again, that's 1 800-433-3243. One last question Tanika, if anyone needs to update their FSA ID or change their name after it's updated, after they create their initial FSA ID, how can they go about updating their information?Tanika:In order to update your information, you still have to go to your student aid account. After you created your account, you can log back in and you'll be able to on your account settings, you'll be able to change any information or update any information that you might need. You can do this on your desktop or your mobile device and even on the app. There's different ways that you could retrieve or update your username if you need to. But it's important that you try to create a username that you don't have to change, because that is just the way for us to retrieve everything. But yet, you can go into your account settings and you can update anything that you will need, username and/or password.Myesha:Thank you so much Tanika. One other thing, because it really is critical. If people want to go figure out, hey, I'm ready to fill out my FSA ID. They're ready to fill out the FAFSA. They're going to school next fall. Where do they go to find their FSA ID to start to create it?Tanika:. The only place to be. So . Again, it’s , G-O-V, and that is where you will go. You will see a big white button that says log in and then underneath it says, create account. The link that says create an account. That is where you would click on to create your FSA ID today. You will also be able to start your FAFSA form today as well. It's important that you do that again. If you really want to take full advantage of the bootcamp webinars that we have going on today and tomorrow. If you want to, you can actually create your FSA ID today and join us for the understanding FAFSA form at six o'clock today. Or if you've already done that, and you feel like you understand the FAFSA form, you just want to get started and completing the fact book, then join us tomorrow for either one of the sessions as they go line by line in a live demo. They're going to be answering questions live and helping you through every single line of the FAFSA form. So, go ahead today, get your FSA ID ready, tell your parent to get their FSA ID account ready, and we all joined together tomorrow to go line by line for the FAFSA form.Myesha:Great. Thank you so much. Tanika, this was great. I want to thank you for your wonderful presentation and your expertise on FSA ID, as well as providing individuals with tools and resources that federal student aid has to offer students and families as they get ready to prepare for college post-secondary education. As Tanika mentioned, our next session will be tonight. We're going to keep it going from six to seven. Understanding the FAFSA form, the presenter will be Tanika Mangum. Listen, if you want to come back and hear her share some other resources, she did a session from two to three, but she's going to do another session. When it comes to financial aid, redundancy is a great thing. I think it's really great. If you want to come back and learn some more, if you weren't able to make the two to three sessions, please come back for session from six to 7:00 PM tonight. Again, Eastern time. Then as Tanika mentioned tomorrow, we have two line-by-line sessions. The first one will be at 11:30. I will actually be the presenter and our next session tomorrow night will also be a live demo by Isaiah Ellis from six to seven. With that being said, we appreciate you all joining. We hope you learned a lot about FSA ID. We hope you now know where to go to fill it out, what information you need and thank you all for joining us.Tanika:Could you skip the slide? Next slide. Next slide. Next slide. Please let us know what you think. Was this helpful for you? Was this session helpful for you? Please go to the link and let us know, because we want to see if we can do this again. It's our first virtual Financial Aid Bootcamp webinar. We love your feedback. Give it to us. We need it. We want it. The pleasure to see you... Well not see you, but I see you in my heart. Is a pleasure to be with you today, I hope this session was helpful for you and blessing.Myesha:Bye.Female Speaker:That concludes our conference. Thank you for using Event Services. You may now disconnect. ................

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