Navigating the ISIR Analysis Tool


We recommend that you pull a sample of up to 10 dependent and 10 independent students.

Use the worksheet to review Student Eligibility requirements for each student.

Student Name:       SSN:       Award Year Reviewed:       DOB:       EFC:       Dependency Status:       Enrollment Status:       Name of Program:       Start Date:       Grad/Withdrawal Date:      

|Citizenship (check one) |Financial Aid History |Financial Need |

| | | |

|U.S. citizen or national |Student not in default on |Student’s COA       |

|U.S. permanent resident |a Title IV loan |- (minus) EFC:       |

|Citizen or certain Pacific |Student is not in | |

|Islands |overpayment status |= Financial Need       |

|Other eligible non-citizen |Student has not exceeded | |

|ISIR Social Security match successful |annual or aggregate loan |Institutional Aid: $       |

|ISIR comment indicates INS |limits | |

|match successful |Bankruptcy and total and |+ Outside Aid $       |

|Citizenship status not confirmed, but resolved |permanent disability resolved | |

|through acceptable |Financial aid history |+ Pell Grant $       |

|documentation or secondary confirmation |received from previously | |

|Citizenship status not confirmed or resolved |attended institutions |+FSEOG $       |

| |For transfer students | |

| |within same award year, |+Other Fed Grant $       |

| |school checked remaining |+FWS $       |

| |eligibility using transfer | |

|Regular Student In |monitoring process |+Sub Stafford $       |

|Eligible Program | | |

| | |+Perkins $       |

| | | |

|Name of Program:       |Valid Social Security Number |= Sum of Need Based Aid (1) $       |

| | | |

|Is the student enrolled in | |+ Unsub Stafford $       |

|an eligible program? | | |

| |SSN Match successful |+PLUS/Grad Loan $       |

|Yes No | | |

| |If match not successful, the discrepancy was |+TEACH $       |

|Credential: |resolved:       | |

| | |+ Alternative Loan $       |

|Degree Certificate Other | | |

| | |= Sum of All Aid (2) $       |

|Does a regular student | | |

|exemption apply? | |Overaward (Need) Yes No |

|Teacher certification | |Overaward (COA) Yes No |

|Preparatory coursework |Drug Related Offense | |

| | |: |

| | | |

| |If student self-reported drug-related offense | |

| |on FAFSA, the issue was resolved | |

| | | |

| |Resolution of issue:       | |

If you identify areas requiring a corrective action, we recommend that you complete an Action Plan.


|Verification |Academic Qualifications |Selective Service Match |

| | | |

|Verification Tracking Number       |Student has high school |Selective service match |

|Was this student selected for verification? |diploma or equivalent |successful |

|Yes No |Ability to benefit test taken | |

|Was this student selected by CPS |The student received a |If match was not successful, |

|Institution |passing score |the discrepancy was resolved in the following manner: |

| |A copy of the student’s |      |

|Did the student provide acceptable documentation for |scored test is on file | |

|all required items? | | |

|Yes No | | |

| | | |

|Is the student eligible for one of the verification | | |

|exemptions? Yes No | | |

| | | |

|Was verification completed for this student? Yes | | |

|No | | |

| | | |

|Please consider completing the Verification Module for| | |

|more detailed analysis of your school’s verification | | |

|program | | |

|Eligible Program |TEACH Grant |Satisfactory Academic Progress |

| | | |

|Program length: Hours       Weeks       | |Student’s GPA (or comparable assessment measured against a norm): |

| |TEACH Eligible Program: |      |

|Academic Year length: |Yes No | |

|Hours       Weeks       | |Student’s pace of progression (to complete program within maximum |

| |Meets 3.25 GPA or 75th Percentile: |timeframe):       |

|Eligible program : |Yes No | |

|Yes No | |SAP monitored according |

| |Within Aggregate Grant Limits: |to school’s policy |

|Eligible location: |Yes No | |

|Yes No | |Student met standards? |

| |Proper Disbursement:: |Yes No |

| |Yes No | |

| | |If NO: |

| | |For schools that evaluate SAP at the end of each payment period: |

| | | |

| | |Student placed on warning (if part of school’s policy) |

| | |Student appealed and placed on probation (if part of school’s |

| | |policy) |

| | |Student met terms of probation (made SAP at the end of subsequent |

| | |payment period or met institutionally developed academic plan) |

| | |Subsequent Aid canceled due to student not meeting SAP |

| | | |

| | |For schools that evaluate SAP annually or less frequently than the |

| | |end of each payment period: |

| | | |

| | |Student appealed and placed on probation |

| | |Student met terms of probation (made SAP at the end of subsequent |

| | |payment period or met institutionally developed academic plan) |

| | |Subsequent Aid canceled due to student not meeting SAP |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Documentation kept in file |



Student Eligibility


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