For the 2019-20 Academic Year

Congratulations to 2017-18 Arthur S. Marmaduke Award Winner Beau Menchaca (right), from Century High School in Santa Ana. He is pictured with U.S. Congressman Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana).

For the 2019-20 Academic Year

This workshop is conducted through a partnership of the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), the California Association of Student Financial Aid

Administrators (CASFAA) and The California Community Colleges Student Financial Aid Administrators Association (CCCSFAAA). Please visit csac. or

for an online version of this workbook and additional resources. This workbook is provided through the generous support of ECMC ()

for the High School Counselor Workshop Series.

Host a Cash for College Workshop

The Cash for College program, funded by the California Student Aid Commission, is one way high schools can help students make the transition from high school to college. Cash for College workshops are free and provide assistance

to students to complete their FAFSA, CA Dream Act application, or Chafee Grant application. CSAC is proud of our program and invites all high schools, colleges, student advocacy groups and community organizations to consider

hosting at least one workshop per application season.

Workshop Benefits

Access to marketing resources

Workshop Requirements

Provide free assistance with completing financial aid applications

Student data and "How Did We Do" reports

Workshop hosts must administer Student Exit Survey

Financial aid training resources Sites must have free internet access

$300 support stipend*

*subject to available funding

Office additional language support specific to community language needs



August 2018

Dear High School Counselor,

Welcome to the annual High School Counselors Workshop series! This is the California Student Aid Commission's partnership with the California Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (CASFAA), the California Community Colleges Student Financial Aid Administrators Association (CCCSFAAA), and the Educational Credit Management Corporation (ECMC).

Our 2018 High School Counselors Workshop series is scheduled to run from August 31, 2018 through October 19, 2018. This year, we are holding a total of 42 workshops across the entire state. That's nearly double the number held just a few years ago as we continue to increase our coverage to include underserved areas in the state.

Through this training, you will have an opportunity to learn the most up-to-date information regarding the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as well as an overview of the Cal Grant programs and awarding process and timelines. We will also discuss other financial aid programs that may be available for your students. New this year ? in response to the valuable feedback from our past attendees - some locations are offering an optional second session where attendees can expect to receive a more in-depth look at the Commission's WebGrants system or the California Dream Act Application. We hope to expand these extra sessions going forward.

The goal is to equip you with the tools and resources needed to best assist your students in navigating the financial aid process as they transition to college. One of these tools is the Commission's "Race to Submit" Dashboard, which allows schools and districts to track the total numbers of submitted financial aid applications and students who have received a Cal Grant award offer. A great way to increase the number of your students who receive aid, is to host a Cash for College workshop at your school! We will cover these topics and many more during today's workshop, and you will be able to follow along as the entire presentation is contained in this workbook (along with specific links to references that will assist you throughout the year).

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to join us for this training today. We appreciate your dedication and all the work you do to prepare students for college. We look forward to an informative and fun workshop series.


Lupita Cortez Alcal? Executive Director California Student Aid Commission

Anafe Robinson Co-Chair CASFAA High School Relations

Dennis Schroeder Co-Chair CASFAA High School Relations

Table of Contents

1. Federal Update & The FAFSA


2. FAFSA on the WEB (FOTW)


3. Special Circumstances


4. 2018-19 Paper FAFSA Application


5. Student Aid Commission Presentation


6. California Dream Act


7. High Schools "Doing your Part"


8. Additional Information & Resources


9. Cash for College


10. Resource Section


Federal Updates & The FAFSA

? 2018 CASFAA

Welcome to the 2018 High School Counselors Workshop series, sponsored by the California Community Colleges Student Financial Aid Administrators Association (CCCSFAAA), the California Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (CASFAA), ECMC and the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC).

Today, we're going to go through a number of updates to the financial aid process, most of them from the federal government, the FAFSA process, and special situations you probably have all heard from your most at-risk students. There aren't many changes to the FAFSA, so we will spend more time on special circumstances that need that extra attention.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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