FAFSA: Earlier & Simpler - ACT


Earlier & Simpler

MorraLee Keller

Director of Technical Assistance

National College Access Network

2017\18 FAFSA Changes

? Submit a FAFSA? Earlier: Students will be able to file

a 2017C18 FAFSA as early as Oct. 1, 2016, rather than

beginning on Jan. 1, 2017.

? Use Earlier Income Information: Beginning with the

2017C18 FAFSA, students will report income

information from an earlier tax year. For example, on

the 2017C18 FAFSA, students (and parents, as

appropriate) will report their 2015 income

information, rather than their 2016 income



What Does This Mean?

? Early FAFSA

? Prior Prior Year \ Use federal tax info from TWO YEARS ago (as

opposed to the previous years tax info)

? Students entering college in fall 2017 will use tax year 2015 info

to complete the FAFSA

? Returning students will use 2015 income on two separate FAFSAs

? How early? Starting October 1, 2016



Why the Change?

? Increase use of the IRS DRT (Data Retrieval Tool)

C Pre\filled FAFSA = simplified/shortened form

? Reduces likelihood of being selected for verification

? Longer time frame to file the FAFSA

? More time to make college\related decisions

? Perhaps more likely to attend college

? NASFAA data confirms that PPY yields same eligibility

as PY 98% of the time



Is This a Good Thing?

Students will:

? Know initial federal estimated awards earlier

? Be able to use the IRS data retrieval tool

? Less students in verification

? Enjoy a longer timeline for special

circumstances and appeals

? Certainty of data due to less usage of estimates

? Have the ability to make a more informed decision

about where to attend college




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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