Reading Guide: Part One of Fahrenheit 451

A Separate Peace

by John Knowles



Name __________________

Due Date ______________


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|Read pages 10-32 and complete the reading guide and response to the focus question. Quiz on ________. |

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|Read pages 33-60 and complete the reading guide and response to the focus question. Quiz on ________. |

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|Read pages 61-85 and complete the response to the focus question. Quiz on ________. |

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|Read pages 87 – 137 and complete the response to the focus question. Quiz on ________. |

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|Read pages 138 - 204 and complete the response to the focus question. Quiz on ________. |

* We will fill in all of the discussion notes in class. If you are absent, you may copy the notes from a friend or get a copy from Mr. Stark.

A Separate Peace

About the Author

J ohn Knowles was born in 1926 in Fairmont, West Virginia. He left home at fifteen to attend Phillips Exeter Academy, an exclusive boarding school located in New Hampshire. After graduating from Exeter in 1945, he spent eight months as an Air Force cadet before enrolling at Yale University, from which he earned a bachelor’s degree in 1949.

Over the next seven years, Knowles earned his living as a journalist and freelance writer, traveling in Europe and publishing a number of short stories. He befriended the noted playwright Thornton Wilder, a fellow Yale alumnus, who encouraged him in his vocation as a writer. In 1957, Knowles landed a job as an associate editor at Holiday magazine. Two years later, he published his first novel, A Separate Peace, to overwhelmingly favorable reviews; the commercial success of the book allowed him to devote himself to writing full-time. Since 1960, he has published eight other novels, including Peace Breaks Out, the companion volume to A Separate Peace, and a number of stories. None, however, has garnered the acclaim or audience that A Separate Peace has enjoyed and continues to enjoy today. Knowles has served as a writer-in-residence at Princeton University and at the University of North Carolina, and he continues to lecture widely.

The plot and setting of A Separate Peace were largely inspired by Knowles’s experiences at Exeter. Like Gene Forrester, one of the novel’s two principal characters, Knowles was a student from the South studying in New Hampshire during World War II—although he graduated a year too late to serve overseas during the war. Like his characters, Knowles also attended two summer sessions in 1943 and 1944, and even participated in a club whose members had to jump out of a tall tree into a river as an initiation stunt—a club much like the “Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session” founded by Gene and his friend Finny in A Separate Peace. He has told interviewers that he modeled the character of Finny after another member of this club named David Hackett, who later served under Robert F. Kennedy in the Department of Justice.

Yet while Knowles bases many of the book’s circumstances on his own experiences at Exeter, he has always emphatically noted that the book’s larger themes have no factual basis—that his own high school years were not plagued by the issues of envy, violence, and alienation that pervade the novel. He has written that he thoroughly enjoyed his time at the school and adds that he sought to convey his love and appreciation for it in A Separate Peace. Indeed, his treatment of “Devon” in the novel would seem to bear these statements out: despite its dark tone and perhaps pessimistic view of the human condition, the novel offers an ultimately positive and even nostalgic perspective of boarding-school life. Unlike other, more recent accounts of exclusive boarding-school culture, which have tended to portray the educational system itself as an oppressive force (in such films as Dead Poets Society and Scent of a Woman), Knowles chooses to locate his characters’ difficulties not in the strict boarding-school system but within their own hearts.

SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on A Separate Peace.” . SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 20 Jun. 2011.


Chapters One-Two: Pages 10 - 32

RESPONSE to FOCUS QUESTION: What might Knowles be showing us about the relationship between Gene and Finny?

1. Clear topic sentence (responds to question)

2. Leads into and blends three quotes from the text (#)

3. Explains and discusses each quote

4. Concluding sentence

5. 140+ words, legible, attention to correctness

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WC ________

|PROOFREADING CHECKLIST - You will lose points if your response is sloppy or contains errors. SELF PEER |

|You have read your response aloud to a partner. As you read, you stopped and made corrections. |Your initials________ |

|Your writing is legible. You have capitalized the first word in every sentence and the pronoun I. | | |

|You have checked any usage of there, their (possessive), or they're (they are). | | |

|You have used apostrophes appropriately to show possession, not plurality. (Gene and Finny's friendship) | | |

|You have looked up or double-checked the spelling of any possibly misspelled words. | | |

|I have HIGHLIGHTED my three blended quotes. In each case, I have properly led into and smoothly blended quoted material. I | | |

|have also included a citation (Knowles #). | | |

Notes from Discussion of Chapters One and Two

Gene's "West Point" stride (18-19)

|Two Quotes about it... |What do you notice about Finny's reaction to Gene's |SYMBOLISM - a symbol is something concrete or tangible|

| |West Point stride? |(you can see it, touch it, etc.) that represents a |

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|Finny's Pink Shirt (24-25) |What can you infer about Finny from his "pink shirt"? |

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|Do you think it is natural / okay for friends to envy one another? |

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Chapters Three and Four: Pages 33 - 60

RESPONSE to FOCUS QUESTION: Identify and discuss three characteristics that Gene displays in Chapters Three and Four.

1. Clear topic sentence (responds to question)

2. Leads into three quotes from the text (#)

3. Explains and discusses each quote

4. Concluding sentence

5. 140+ words, legible, attention to correctness

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WC ________

|PROOFREADING CHECKLIST - You will lose points if your response is sloppy or contains errors. SELF PEER |

|You have read your response aloud to a partner. As you read, you stopped and made corrections. |Your initials________ |

|Your writing is legible. You have capitalized the first word in every sentence and the pronoun I. | | |

|You have checked any usage of there, their (possessive), or they're (they are). | | |

|You have used apostrophes appropriately to show possession, not plurality. (Gene and Finny's friendship) | | |

|You have looked up or double-checked the spelling of any possibly misspelled words. | | |

|I have HIGHLIGHTED my three blended quotes. In each case, I have properly led into and smoothly blended quoted material. I | | |

|have also included a citation (Knowles #). | | |

Notes from Discussion: Chapters Three and Four

|Finny's Commandments (35) |Characteristics of Blitzball |

|"Never say you're five-feet nine when you're five-feet eight and a half" (35). | |

|"Always say your prayers at night in case there really is a God" (35). | |

|"You always win at sports" (35). – everybody | |

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|What can you infer about Finny from his "commandments"? |What can you infer about Finny from his creation of |

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|Finny Breaks A. Hopkins Parker's Record (44) |PROJECTION: in psychology, taking your own personal |INFERIORITY COMPLEX: an overdeveloped sense of being |

| |thoughts, feelings, or impulses, especially one |inferior to other people. In extreme cases it can |

| |considered undesirable, and projecting them onto |manifest itself in either withdrawn or aggressive |

| |somebody else |social behavior. |

|Gene's Reaction |Finny's Reaction |Gene's Projections in Chapter 4 |Gene's Inferiority Complex |

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|Gene impulsively commits an evil act |Gene is evil |

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Chapters Five and Six: Pages 61-85

RESPONSE to FOCUS QUESTION: Discuss three ways in which Gene seeks to assuage (relieve) his guilt. What might Knowles be trying to say about guilt and its impact?

1. Clear topic sentence (responds to question)

2. Leads into three quotes from the text (#)

3. Explains and discusses each quote

4. Concluding sentence

5. 140+ words, legible, attention to correctness

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WC ________

|PROOFREADING CHECKLIST - You will lose points if your response is sloppy or contains errors. SELF PEER |

|You have read your response aloud to a partner. As you read, you stopped and made corrections. |Your initials________ |

|Your writing is legible. You have capitalized the first word in every sentence and the pronoun I. | | |

|You have checked any usage of there, their (possessive), or they're (they are). | | |

|You have used apostrophes appropriately to show possession, not plurality. (Gene and Finny's friendship) | | |

|You have looked up or double-checked the spelling of any possibly misspelled words. | | |

|I have HIGHLIGHTED my three blended quotes. In each case, I have properly led into and smoothly blended quoted material. I | | |

|have also included a citation (Knowles #). | | |

Discussion Notes: Chapters 5 & 6

|Gene's Attempts to Assuage His Guilt |Gene's Admission of Guilt (69-70) |

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| |"I deliberately jounced the limb so you would fall off" (70). |

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|Beginning of Chapter Six |DEVON RIVER (76) |NAGAUMMSETT RIVER (76) |

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|"Peace had deserted Devon" (72). | | |

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|In what ways had "peace deserted Devon"? | | |

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Chapters 7 - 9: Pages 86-137

RESPONSE to FOCUS QUESTION: In what ways do Gene and Finny use denial in Chapters 7 – 9? Discuss how and why they enter into denial and how it serves to repair their friendship.

1. Clear topic sentence (responds to question)

2. Leads into three quotes from the text (#)

3. Explains and discusses each quote

4. Concluding sentence

5. 140+ words, legible, attention to correctness

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WC ________

|PROOFREADING CHECKLIST - You will lose points if your response is sloppy or contains errors. SELF PEER |

|You have read your response aloud to a partner. As you read, you stopped and made corrections. |Your initials________ |

|Your writing is legible. You have capitalized the first word in every sentence and the pronoun I. | | |

|You have checked any usage of there, their (possessive), or they're (they are). | | |

|You have used apostrophes appropriately to show possession, not plurality. (Gene and Finny's friendship) | | |

|You have looked up or double-checked the spelling of any possibly misspelled words. | | |

|I have HIGHLIGHTED my three blended quotes. In each case, I have properly led into and smoothly blended quoted material. I | | |

|have also included a citation (Knowles #). | | |

Discussion Notes: Chapters 7 - 9

|Quotes - Brinker Hadley (86-87) |Your Inferences / Insights about Brinker |

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|Gene's Behavior in the "Butt Room" (88-91) |Why do you think enlistment is so appealing to Gene? |

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|What does this reveal about Gene? | |

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|Finny's Optimism & Idealism (106-111) |Is Finny too idealistic and optimistic? Why do you say that? |

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|"When you love something, then it loves you back in whatever way it has | |

|to love" (111). | |

|"...found out that he still happened to be crippled..." (106) - expects | |

|his leg to heal magically = optimism | |

|"No, I can manage it" (108) - optimism that he handles things alone | |

|"The winter loves me" (111). | |

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|Describe Finny's Theory about the War |Training for the 1944 Olympics |

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| |The 1944 Olympics never took place due to the war. Gene and Finny train for an event that|

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|The Winter Carnival |Finny's Behavior / Concerns at the W.C. |Brinker's Behavior / Concerns at the W.C. |

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|They burn a copy of the Iliad. | | |

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Is it okay to use denial to protect yourself emotionally?

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Chapters 10-13: Pages 138-204

RESPONSE to FOCUS QUESTION: What might Knowles be trying to say about the true nature of evil?

1. Clear topic sentence (responds to question)

2. Leads into three quotes from the text (#)

3. Explains and discusses each quote

4. Concluding sentence

5. 140+ words, legible, attention to correctness

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WC ________

|PROOFREADING CHECKLIST - You will lose points if your response is sloppy or contains errors. SELF PEER |

|You have read your response aloud to a partner. As you read, you stopped and made corrections. |Your initials________ |

|Your writing is legible. You have capitalized the first word in every sentence and the pronoun I. | | |

|You have checked any usage of there, their (possessive), or they're (they are). | | |

|You have used apostrophes appropriately to show possession, not plurality. (Gene and Finny's friendship) | | |

|You have looked up or double-checked the spelling of any possibly misspelled words. | | |

|I have HIGHLIGHTED my three blended quotes. In each case, I have properly led into and smoothly blended quoted material. I | | |

|have also included a citation (Knowles #). | | |

Notes from Discussion: Chapter 10

|Important Information from Chapter 10: |Impact of Basic Training on Leper |

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|Does Gene ever enter the military? | |

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|Does he ever fight in combat? | |

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|What historical event saves Gene? | |

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|What do you notice about Gene’s reaction to Leper’s mental breakdown? |

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DEBATE: Leper tells Gene, "You always were a savage underneath" (145).

Is Leper right?

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Discussion Notes: Chapter Eleven

|Is Brinker a villain for holding the trial? |

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|Was Finny just too idealistic or too innocent / naive? In other words, was he destined for a "tragic fall," or was his destruction caused by the evil nature of |

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CHAPTERS 12 & 13

|Gene's Mental State (183-184) |Finny Forgives Gene (189-191) |

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|Gene's Recognition of Evil (191) |Gene's Reaction to Finny's Death (194) |

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|"It was just some ignorance inside me, some crazy thing inside me, something |"I did not cry then or ever about Finny...I could not escape a feeling this was |

|blind..." (191). |my own funeral, and you do not cry in that case" (194). |

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|Brinker Changes - Disillusionment - complete loss of faith |Finny = Spiritual Allegory |

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|FINNY'S DELUSION = fat old men invented a fake war - comic |"My fury was gone...Phineas had absorbed it and taken it with him" (203). |

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|BRINKER'S DELUSION = blames the older generation for the war |Finny represents |

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|GENE'S REALIZATION = "...wars were made instead by something ignorant in the | |

|human heart" (201). | |


|Other people's "frame of mind" = to fight off enemy they use humility |FINNY is different because... |

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|Mr. Ludsbury = arrogance, better than any threat | |

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|Quackenbush = lash out in anger | |

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|Brinker = careless general resentment | |

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|Leper = protective cloud of vagueness / fantasy | |

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Do you agree with the final line of the book? In other words, do most people spend way too much time and energy building up walls to protect themselves? Would we be better off opening ourselves up to others and making ourselves vulnerable?

|I agree. We would be better off ridding ourselves of our defense mechanisms |I disagree. We need to utilize defense mechanisms because... |

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redemption defense mechanism

denial self-punishment

self-negation (erasing oneself)

sin penance

FOCUS QUESTION for Chapters One - Two

What might Knowles be showing us about the relationship between Gene and Finny?

Questions / Confusions

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|tacit (9) |implied - understood deeply |

|nondescript (10) |dull, plain, ordinary |

|forbidding (10) |threatening, sinister |

|foyer (11) |hall or entranceway |

|convalescence (11) |period of recovery |

|specter (12) |a ghostly presence |

|contentious (12) |controversial, debatable |

|ramshackle (12) |rundown, falling apart |

|salient (12) |something that sticks out |

|forlorn (13) |sad, despondent |

|grandeur (13) |splendor, magnificence |

|enfeebled (14) |weakened |

|irate (14) |very angry |

|droll (14) |comical, humorous |

|prodigious (15) |extraordinary, remarkable |

|inveigle (15) |to trick, to trap |

|consternation (15) |dismay, alarm, fear |

|reverberant (17) |repeated, echoing |

|seigneurs (18) |a wealthy French landowner |

|matriarchal (18) |motherly |

|formidable (18) |awe-inspiring, awesome |

|intolerable (19) |unbearable |

|genially (19) |in a friendly way |

|intelligible (20) |understandable, comprehensible |

|eloquence (22) |effective speaking ability |

|conforming (23) |going along w/ everyone else |

|truant (23) |troublemaker |

|indulgent (24) |permissive or kind |

|tolerantly (24) |acceptingly |

|inane (26) |meaningless |

|guillotine (27) |machine - chops off heads |

|compelling (28) |holding attention |

|compliance (29) |conforming with, going along |

|meditated (30) |thought deeply about |

In the boxes below, discuss how action in the novel relates to these concepts.

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Questions / Confusions

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FOCUS QUESTION for Chapters 5-6

What is Knowles trying to say about guilt and its impact? What are some of the actions that Gene takes to try to assuage (relieve) his guilt?

Three Passages from the Text Showing How Gene and / or Finny use Denial in Chapters 7 – 9 (Don't forget page numbers)


| |USE of DENIAL: |

|Ex. Gene describes Devon’s beauty and| |

|its ability to “harmon[ize] with what had|Basically, Knowles is saying ____. |

|gone before” (Knowles 12). |In other words, ___________. |

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|According to X, “_______” (Knowles #). |implies hints suggests illustrates |

|X states, “_________” (Knowles #). | |

|In X’s view, “______” (Knowles #). | |

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redemption defense mechanism

sin penance forgiveness

original sin enmity hatred

evil wickedness internal conflict

In the boxes below, discuss how action in the novel relates to these concepts.

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inferiority complex projection

ego (egotistical) catharsis

id (id-like) self-centered

jealous , envious, bitter love/hate relationship

In the boxes below, discuss how action in the novel relates to these concepts.

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Questions / Confusions

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Three Passages from the Text Characterizing Gene (Don't forget page numbers)



|Ex. Gene describes Devon’s beauty and| |

|its ability to “harmon[ize] with what had|Basically, Knowles is saying ____. |

|gone before” (Knowles 12). |In other words, ___________. |

| |Knowles suggests emphasizes |

|According to X, “_______” (Knowles #). |implies hints suggests illustrates |

|X states, “_________” (Knowles #). | |

|In X’s view, “______” (Knowles #). | |

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Questions / Confusions / Insights from Chapters 10-13

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Three Passages from the Text Showing Knowles’ View of Evil in Chapters 10-13 (Don't forget page numbers)



|Ex. Gene describes Devon’s beauty | |

|and its ability to “harmon[ize] with |Basically, Knowles is saying ____. |

|what had gone before” (Knowles 12). |In other words, ___________. |

| |Knowles suggests emphasizes |

|According to X, “_______” (Knowles #). |implies hints suggests illustrates |

|X states, “_________” (Knowles #). | |

|In X’s view, “______” (Knowles #). | |

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inferiority complex projection Knowles reveals

ego (egotistical) conformity, conforming emphasizes

id (id-like) self-centered suggests

jealous , envious, bitter love/hate relationship portrays

|venerable (33) |well-respected, old |

|catacombed (33) |kept in underground chambers |

|anarchy (34) |chaos, disorder |

|haphazard (34) |disorderly |

|inevitably (35) |certain to happen |

|anguish (35) |deep sadness |

|cordial (35) |friendly |

|insidious (36) |sinister, deeply evil |

|blitzkrieg (37) |German style of warfare - |

| |lightning war |

|immoral (41) |wrong, morally wrong |

|inaccessible (41) |unable to reach or access |

|prevailing (41) |widespread |

|resonance (43) |having tone or character |

|subdued (44) |calm, quiet, peaceful |

|agitated (44) |angry, frustrated |

|evaded (44) |escaped, got away from |

|inebriating (45) |causing a feeling of drunkenness|

|encroaching (46) |approaching, exceeding limits |

|intoxicated (47) |drunk |

|mordantly (49) |ironically, sarcastically |

|Lazarus (50) |raised to life by Christ |

|grudgingly (51) |unwillingly, reluctantly |

|detonation (53) |an explosion |

|obliterated (53) |destroyed completely |

|solace (53) |peaceful comfort |

|enmity (53) |hatred |

|indiscriminately (54) |at random, without reason |

|treachery (55) |betrayal, disloyalty |

|elaborate (57) |complex, complicated, detailed |

|resignation (57) |acceptance, reluctant agreement |

|parallel (58) |a similarity, a connection |

|menaced (59) |threatened |

|loitering (59) |hanging around, not doing |

| |anything productive |

|exuberantly (59) |excitedly, wildly |

|undulation (59) |a wave, a rolling of hills |

Three Passages from the Text Revealing Finny & Gene's Relationship (Don't forget page numbers)



|Ex. Gene describes Devon’s beauty and| |

|its ability to “harmon[ize] with what had|Basically, Knowles is saying ____. |

|gone before” (Knowles 12). |In other words, ___________. |

| |Knowles suggests emphasizes |

|According to X, “_______” (Knowles #). |implies hints suggests illustrates |

|X states, “_________” (Knowles #). | |

|In X’s view, “______” (Knowles #). | |

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FOCUS QUESTION for Chapters Three and Four

Evaluate Gene's behavior in these chapters, especially at the end of Chapter Four. Discuss three characteristics that he displays.

In the boxes below, discuss how action in the novel relates to these concepts.

|conformity |inferiority complex |

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What is the true nature of evil?


redemption defense mechanism

denial self-punishment

self-negation (erasing oneself)

sin penance forgiveness

FOCUS QUESTION for Chapters 10 - 13

What might Knowles be trying to say about the true nature of evil?

Three Passages from the Text Showing How Gene Attempts to Relieve His Guilt (Don't forget page numbers)

|BLENDED QUOTE: |EXPLANATION – Why does Gene do this? What is the |

| |impact? |

|Ex. Gene describes Devon’s beauty and| |

|its ability to “harmon[ize] with what had|Gene’s efforts lead to ____. |

|gone before” (Knowles 12). |Basically, Knowles is showing us that Gene___. |

| |In other words, ___________. |

|According to X, “_______” (Knowles #). |Knowles suggests emphasizes |

|X states, “_________” (Knowles #). |implies hints suggests illustrates |

|In X’s view, “______” (Knowles #). | |

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|aristocrat (62) |a noble person, highly cultured |

|optimistic (62) |hopeful, positive |

|haltingly (63) |frequently stopping |

|transfixed (64) |mesmerized or hypnotized by |

|decalogue (66) |the Ten Commandments |

|irresolutely (67) |without force, weakly |

|invalid (68) |sick, ill |

|rigid (69) |strict, unchanging |

|sultriness (72) |steamy, hot |

|apse (73) |a rounded projection on a building |

|exhorted (73) |encouraged, pushed on |

|vindicated (74) |justified, not to blame |

|idiosyncratic (74) |peculiar, individual |

|eccentric (74) |strange, unusual |

|exaltation (75) |joy, adoration |

|infinitesimal (75) |very tiny |

|saline (76) |salty, saltwater |

|turbid (76) |murky, muddled |

|sinecure (77) |paid job requiring little work |

|indignant (78) |resentful, angry |

|goaded (78) |irritated, pushed on |

|stealthily (80) |in secret |

|stupefaction (84) |confusion, bewilderment |

|incoherent (84) |illogical, rambling |

Questions / Confusions

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|impinge (87) |to impose on, intrude |

|extrovert (88) |outgoing person |

|fratricide (89) |killing a brother |

|galvanized (89) |fired up, stimulated |

|contretemps (90) |quarrel, argument |

|insinuated (91) |implied, suggested |

|emphatically (93) |forcefully, vigorously |

|converging (97) |coming together |

|dexterity (100) |agility, deftness |

|virtuoso (100) |expert, genius, prodigy |

|ambiguously (104) |vaguely, unclearly |

|sanctity (105) |holiness, blessedness |

|discernible (108) |visible, perceptible |

|reticent (110) |quiet, reserved, restrained |

|gangling (111) |lanky, tall |

|embalmed (113) |preserved, mummified |

|predominate (113) |dominates, is the most |

|preeminently (113) |the most prominently |

|grotesque (116) |horrifying, ugly |

|noncommittal (117) |unable to commit |

|self-deprivation (118) |depriving yourself |

|explicitly (121) |clearly, plainly |

|sententiousness (121) |seriousness, arrogance |

|vagaries (123) |things that are unclear or |

| |unimportant |

|gangling (111) |lanky, tall |

|embalmed (113) |preserved, mummified |

|predominate (113) |dominates, is the most |

|preeminently (113) |the most prominently |

|grotesque (116) |horrifying, ugly |

|noncommittal (117) |unable to commit |

|self-deprivation (118) |depriving yourself |

|explicitly (121) |clearly, plainly |

|sententiousness (121) |seriousness, arrogance |

|vagaries (123) |things that are unclear or unimportant |

FOCUS QUESTION for Chapters 7 - 9

In what ways do Finny and Gene uses denial in Chapters Seven through Nine? Discuss how and why they enter into denial and how it serves to repair their friendship.


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