Pictures and

Pictures and Text Wrapping Assignment InstructionsWhen adding images, videos, or music to your own projects, it's important to make sure you have the legal rights to use them. Most things you buy or download online are?protected by copyright, which means you may not be allowed to use them. For more information, visit our?Copyright and Fair Use lesson.?Guided Challenge! (75 points)Open our?practice document?and scroll to?page 3.Change the?text wrapping?of the dog picture to?Square.Drag the picture to the right side of the bottom paragraph.Place your insertion point next to the?Community Reminders?heading.Use the?Online Pictures?command and type the word?Recycle?into the search.Insert a?recycling symbol.If needed, use the?corner sizing handle?to resize the recycling symbol so everything fits on page 3.Change the text wrapping to?Square?and drag the symbol to the right side of the first bullet.When you're finished, page 3 should look something like this:Independent Practice Challenge! (25 points)Open a new Word document.Now, you will illustrate each of the techniques you’ve been learning with a picture or pictures of your own… or perhaps a picture copied from an online source:Insert a picture from a file (use any of your cartoons)To resize an image (copy, paste and then resize the first picture)Changing text wrapping settings (Shift>Select both pictures and change the setting to…In Front of Text…on both pictures) and drag them to the top just under your heading (which should be in the Header, of course)Now let’s add some random text to your document. Double click to set your insertion point below the two pictures. You may use either of these random text generators…but do not combine them, please.=rand()=lorem()Next, place your insertion point to the left of your first word of your random text.Now, add another of your images to your document and resize it to a specific size…2” wide. The text wrapping on this one will be “In Line with Text”. It is applied automatically when you insert a picture. The picture will abide.Next, click an Insertion Point somewhere in the center of your text. Insert another picture and wrap text around the picture ( apply “Tight” text wrapping to the picture and then drag your picture to the center of the text).Finally, add another three paragraphs of random generated text below the first three paragraphs.Now, let’s add a final picture to this document…click to place an insertion point at the beginning of the second three paragraphs.Insert an online picture (find the illustration and Save it… and then Insert the picture into the document)Use a predefined text wrapping setting on this picture(Position in Middle Right with Square Text Wrap setting). ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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