CURRICULUM VITA - University of Alaska Fairbanks



Professor of History and Northern Studies

Director, UAF Office of Public History

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6460

(907) 474-6995


Terrence M. Cole Date of Birth: 9/23/53

321 Hawk Road Phone: (907) 474-6995 (w)

Fairbanks, Alaska 99712 Phone: (907) 457-7078 (h)



University of Washington, Ph.D. (History), 1983.

University of Alaska, M.A. (History), 1978.

University of Alaska, B.A. (Geog/Northern Studies), 1976.

Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1971-1972.


7/04-present Director, UAF Office of Public History

7/98-present Professor of History

7/95-6/98 Department Chair and Professor of History

7/92-6/95 Department Chair and Assoc. Professor of History

7/91-6/92 Associate Professor of History, UAF

9/88-6/91 Assistant Professor of History, UAF

7/86-9/88 Historian, National Bank of Alaska

1/83-6/86 Editor, The Alaska Journal

1/81-1/83 Research Editor, Alaska Northwest Publishing

9/79-6/82 Historian I, State of Alaska

10/77-9/78 Research Historian, University of Alaska, AEIDC

1/75-6/76 Research Assistant, History Dept. Univ. of Alaska

5/75-9/75 Research Analyst II, State of Alaska



Fighting for the 49th Star: C..W. Snedden and the Crusade for Alaska Statehood. University of Alaska

Foundation, 2010, 502 pages. .

Banking on Alaska: A History of NBA. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2001, 524 pages.

The Cornerstone on College Hill: An Illustrated History of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1994, 394 pages.

Crooked Past: The History of Frontier Fairbanks. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press,

1991, 164 pages

Nome: City of the Golden Beaches. Anchorage: Alaska Geographic Society, 1984, 184 pages.


Blinded by Riches: The Permanent Funding Problem and the Prudhoe Bay Effect. Anchorage: Institute of Social and Economic Research, January 2004, 130 pages.

Alaska or Bust: Promise of the Road North. A Catalog of an Exhibit on the history of the

Alaska Highway. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Museum, 1992, 80 pages.

Ghosts of the Gold Rush: An Historical Walking Tour of Fairbanks. (Fairbanks: Tanana

Yukon Historical Society, revised edition, 1987, 44 pages).

Books Contributed to, Edited or Compiled

Old Yukon: Tales, Trails and Trials by Judge James Wickersham. Abridged and edited by Terence Cole. University of Alaska Press, 2009.

The Alaska 67 edited by Bruce Merrell and Frank Norris. Introductory essay, “Fifty Thousand Books on the Wall,” by Terrence Cole. Anchorage: Alaska Historical Society, 2006.

Two Women in the Klondike by Mary E. Hitchcock. Foreword by Terrence Cole. University of Alaska Press, 2005.

Abandoned: The Story of the Greely Arctic Expedition 1881-1884. Foreword by Terrence Cole.

Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2001.

The Encyclopedia of the Irish in America edited by Michael Glazier. Entry on “Alaska-Yukon Gold Rush”

by Terrence Cole, pp. 9-11. (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1999).

Noel Wien: Alaska Pioneer Bush Pilot by Ira Harkey. Foreword by Terrence Cole.

Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1999.

Across Arctic America by Knud Rasmussen. Preface by Terrence Cole. Fairbanks: University

of Alaska Press, 1999.

Two Years in the Klondike and Alaskan Gold Fields by William Haskell. Preface by Terrence

Cole. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1998.

The Thousand-Mile War by Brian Garfield. Preface by Terrence Cole. Fairbanks: University

of Alaska Press, 1995.

Fifty Years Below Zero by Charlie Brower. Preface by Terrence Cole. Fairbanks: University

of Alaska Press, 1994.

Exploration of Alaska by Morgan Sherwood. Preface by Terrence Cole. Fairbanks: University

of Alaska Press, 1992.

Arctic Village by Robert Marshall. Introduction by Terrence Cole. Fairbanks: University of

Alaska Press, 1991.

Ten Thousand Miles With a Dog Sled by Hudson Stuck. Introduction by Terrence Cole.

Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1988.

Wheels on Ice: Bicycling in Alaska, 1898-1908. Compiled and edited by Terrence Cole.

Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Pub. Co., 1985.

The Sourdough Expedition: Stories of the Pioneer Alaskans Who Climbed Mt. McKinley in 1910.

Compiled and edited by Terrence Cole. Introduction by Terrence Cole.

Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Pub. Co., 1984.

The Capture of Attu: Tales of World War II in Alaska. Edited by Terrence Cole. Foreword by

Terrence Cole. Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Pub. Co., 1984.

The Alaskan Gold Fields by Sam C. Dunham. Compiled and edited by Terrence Cole.

Foreword by Terrence Cole. Anchorage: Alaska Northwest Pub. Co., 1984.

Gold Hunting in Alaska by Joseph Grinnell. Foreword by Terrence Cole. Anchorage: Alaska

Northwest Pub. Co., 1983.

Nome Nuggets by L.H. French. Foreword by Terrence Cole. Anchorage: Alaska Northwest

Pub. Co., 1983.

Along Alaska's Great River by Frederick Schwatka. Foreword by Terrence Cole. Anchorage:

Alaska Northwest Pub. Co., 1983.

Articles in Refereed Journals

“Klondike Literature,” Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 22, No. 2, Summer 2008.

“George Holt: First White Man Across the Chilkoot Pass" (with Robert N. DeArmond), Alaska History,

Vol. 21, No. 1, Spring 2006.

“Polar Cartoon Characters: Cook, Peary and the Race to the Pole,” Alaska History,

Vol. 11, No. 2, Fall 1996, pp. 46-52.

“Wally Hickel's Big Garden Hose: The Alaska Water Pipeline to California,” Pacific Northwest

Quarterly, Vol. 86, No. 2, Spring 1995, pp. 59-71.

“The Other Washington: The Naming of Northern Oregon,” Columbia: The Magazine of

Northwest History, Fall 1994, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 6-8.

“The Hard Road to Klondike: Irish Pioneers in the Alaska-Yukon Gold Rush,” in The Irish of

the West, a special issue of the Journal of the West, edited by Tim Sarbaugh and

James Walsh, Sunflower University Press, Kansas, 1993, pp. 93-102.

“Look at the Camera and Smile: The Photographs of Basil Clemons,” Alaska History, Vol. 7,

No. 2, Fall 1992, pp. 50-56.

“Jim Crow in Alaska: The Passage of the Alaska Equal Rights Act of 1945,” Western Historical

Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 4, November 1992, pp. 429-449.

“Placenames in Paradise: Robert Marshall and the Naming of the Alaska Wilderness,” Names:

Journal of the American Name Society, Vol. 40, No. 2, June 1992, pp. 99-116.

“Ernest Walker Sawyer and Alaska: The Dilemma of Northern Economic Development,”

Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Vol. 82, No. 2, April 1991, pp. 42-50.

“Ocean to Ocean by Model T: Henry Ford and the Transcontinental Auto Contest of 1909,”

Journal of Sport History, Summer 1991, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 224-240.

“Promoting the Pacific Rim: The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition of 1909,” Alaska History

Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1991, pp. 18-34.

“The Years of Wonder: E.B. White's Northwest Adventure, 1922-1923,” Columbia: The

Magazine of Northwest History, Winter 1990/91, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 32-35.

“The Bridge to Tomorrow: Visions of the Bering Strait Bridge,” Alaska History, Vol. 5,

No. 2, Fall 1990, pp. 1-15.

“Klondike Contraptions: Inventions in Transportation,” Northern Review, No. 3/4,

Summer/Winter 1989, pp. 118-134.

“ 'A Purely American Game': Indoor Baseball and the Origins of Softball,” The International

Journal of the History of Sport, Vol. 7, No. 2, September 1990, pp. 287-296.

“Golden Years: The Decline of Gold Mining in Alaska,” Pacific Northwest Quarterly, April

1989, Vol. 80, No. 2, pp. 62-71.

“The History of a History: The Making of Jeannette Paddock Nichols's Alaska,” Pacific

Northwest Quarterly, October 1986, Vol. 77, No. 4, pp. 130-138. Reprinted in Mary

Mangusso and Steve Haycox, eds., Interpreting Alaska's History: An Anthology,

(Anchorage: Alaska Pacific University, 1989), pp. 451-468).

“Boom Town: Anchorage and the Second World War,” in The Pacific Northwest in World

War II, a special issue of Journal of the West, (Manhattan, Kansas: Sunflower

University Press, 1986), pp. 75-85.

“The Strange Story of the President's Desk,” American Heritage, October/November 1981, Vol.

32, No. 6, pp. 62-64.

“Raymond Robins in Alaska: The Conversion of a Progressive,” Pacific Northwest Quarterly,

April 1981, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. 50-60.

Other Articles

“Klondike Visions: Dreams of a Promised Land,” 1986 Alaska Journal, Volume 16, pp. 82-93.

“Home of the Arctic Club: The Alaska and Arctic Buildings in Seattle,” Alaska Journal, Winter 1985, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 8-12.

“History of Agriculture in Alaska,” Alaska Geographic, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1984, pp. 8-28.

“It Never Got Off the Ground,” Alaska Magazine, March 1984, pp. 18a-20a.

“Early Explorers and Prospectors on the Koyukuk,” Alaska Geographic, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1983,

pp. 26-34.

“Road Building in Alaska,” Alaska Geographic, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1983, pp. 76-83.

“Baseball Above and Below Zero,” Alaska Journal, Summer 1983, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 129-135.

“The Lost Treasure of the S.S. Islander,” Portage: The Magazine of the Historical Society of

Seattle, Summer 1982, pp. 18-21.

“As the Landing of a Zeppelin is No Easy Matter . . .,’” Alaska Journal, 1981, Vol. 11, pp.


“The Silent City,” North/Nord Magazine: Journal of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Winter 1980,

Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 32-33.

“Birdman Swoops at Fairbanks,” Alaskafest Magazine, July 1980, pp. 13-15.

“Wyatt Earp in Alaska: The Story of an Old Gunfighter,” Alaskafest Magazine,

January 1980, pp. 31 ff.

“The Ice Trade,” Alaskafest Magazine, November 1979, pp. 34-35.

“One Man's Purgatory,” Alaska Journal, Summer 1979, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 85-90.

“The Masterpiece No One Wanted,” Alaska Today, May 1979, Vol. 7, pp. 26-28.

“Dashiell Hammett: Author in Alaska,” Anchorage Magazine, May 1979, pp. 33-35.

“The Dead Man on Deadman Slough,” Alaska Magazine, September 1978, pp. 9a-10a.

“Living History,” Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, June 1977-January 1979, weekly historical column.

“The Bridge that Charlie Joynt Built: The Great Fairbanks Flood of 1905,” Alaska Magazine,

August 1977, pp. 78-82.

“Go Up O Elam': The Story of Jack London's Burning Daylight,” Alaska Journal, Autumn 1976,

Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 235-241.

Government Reports and Contract Research

“Hearing History: A Teachers Guide to the Tapes of the Alaska Constitutional Convention,” in press.

“Creating Alaska: The Origins of the 49th State,” traveling museum exhibit, 2005-2009.

“Blinded by Riches: The Prudhoe Bay Effect,” (with Pam Cravez), Understanding Alaska Research Summary, No. 3, Institute of Social and Economic Research, February 2004.

“Cities and Boroughs: The Dual System of Local Government in Alaska,” a report to the

City of Fairbanks, City Attorney’s Office, Fairbanks, Alaska, August 2000.

“History of the Harrison Creek--Portage Creek Trail, Circle Mining District, Alaska,” a report on the RS

2477 Status to the State of Alaska, Office of the Attorney General, 1998.

“Alaskan Oil and Economic Development: An Historical Analysis,” Report to the Legal

Department of British Petroleum, Anchorage, Alaska, 1994, 66 pages.

“A Land Grant College Without the Land: A History of the University of Alaska's Federal Land

Grant,” Report to the University of Alaska Statewide Office of Land Management, 1993, 26 pages.

“History of Copper Center Region, Alaska,” Report to the law firm of Covington and Burling, Washington, D.C., counsel for Alyeska Pipeline Corporation, 1990-1991, 127 pages.

“The Illinois Street Corridor: An Historical Assessment,” Report to the Dept. of Transportation

and Public Facilities, State of Alaska, June 1990, 20 pages.

Historic Resources of the Minnie Street Corridor, Fairbanks, Alaska, Report to the Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities, State of Alaska, August 1989, 46 pages.

“Historic Report on Galena Bay,” in An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Silver Lake Hydroelectric Project, Prince William Sound, Alaska, pp. 12-22. Report to D.O.W.L. Engineers, prepared for Alaska Heritage Research Group, 1982.

“Historical Survey of the Talkeetna/Susitna River Drainages,” in Cultural Resource Assessment:

Talkeetna-Lower Susitna River Basin, Southcentral Alaska, pp. 66-93. Report to the U.S.

Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1982.

“Historical Survey of the Beluga Study Region,” in Cultural Resource Assessment: Beluga Study

Area, Southcentral Alaska, pp. 72-109. Report to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1982.

“The Regional History of Southcentral Alaska,” prepared for the Alaska Historical Commission,

Alaska History Textbook Project, 1980, 271 pages.

The History of the Use of the Upper Susitna River: Indian River to the Headwaters, Alaska

Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Forest, Land and Water Management/Division

of Research and Development, 1979, 27 pages.

Historic Use of the Chisana and Nabesna Rivers, Alaska, Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources,

Division of Forest, Land and Water Management/Division of Research and

Development, 1979, 56 pages.

Heritage Resources Along the Upper Susitna River, Misc. Publications, History and

Archaeology Series, No. 14, Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Parks, 1975.

Archaeological and Historical Investigations Along the Taylor Highway, Misc. Publications,

History and Archaeology Series, No. 13, Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Parks, 1975.

Report of Archaeological and Historical Investigations Along the Copper River: Tasnuna

River to Chitina, Misc. Publications, History and Archaeology Series, No. 10, Dept. of

Natural Resources, Division of Parks, 1975.

Sample of Film, Radio and Television Work

Alaska: Dangerous Territory, Historical Advisor, Moore-Huntley Productions.

The History Channel, first broadcast July 2006.

The Alaskan Pipeline, Historical Consultant and Script Reviewer, WGBH and “American Experience.”

PBS, first broadcast April 2006.

The 49th Star: Creating Alaska, Historian, Historical Advisor and co-writer (with Larry Golden and Mike Letzring) KUAC-TV and Alaska One, first broadcast January 2006.


A Cemetery Special, Historical Advisor, WQED and “American Experience.

PBS, first broadcast October 2005.

Alaska: Big America, Historical Advisor, Moore-Huntley Productions.

The History Channel, first broadcast 2004.

The Alcan Highway, Historical Advisor, Modern Marvels for The History Channel,

first broadcast 2001.

Mountain Men, :Historical Advisor, BBC-Television, first broadcast 2001.

Good Morning America, Historical Commentary about Alaska, ABC-TV, Broadcast May 1995.

Public Service

ISER, Research Associate

UAF Advancement Council, 2005-present

University of Alaska Fairbanks Master Planning Committee, 1999-2007

University of Alaska Museum Affiliate for History, 1991-Present

Fairbanks North Star Borough Library Commission, 1991-present (Chair from 1992-1994)

Governor's Advisory Council on Libraries, 1988-1991

UAF Library and Information Technology Users' Committee, 1989-1995 (Chair, 1989-1992)

Awards and Honors

Fairbanks Citizen of the Year, 2011, (with my brother Dermot) Boy Scouts of America

Alaska Historian of the Year, 2011

University of Alaska Alumni Association, Achievement Award for Community Support, 2009

ASUAF Award for Outstanding Faculty Member, 2007

Governor’s Award for the Humanities, September 2006.

Who’s Who in America (2004, 2005, and 2006)

Who’s Who Among American Teachers (2005, 2006)

Outstanding Historic Person Award, from Fairbanks Historical Preservation Foundation, 2000

Edith R. Bullock Award for Excellence, Outstanding Service to the Univ. of Alaska, 1998

ASUAF Award for Outstanding Faculty Member, 1996

Golden Key National Honor Society, for Outstanding Teaching, 1995

Emil Usibelli Distinguished Teaching Award, 1994

Alaska Historian of the Year, 1986

Phi Alpha Theta, 1980

Phi Kappa Phi, 1976

Harold McCracken Non-Fiction Writing Award, 1975


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