June 2019 Tanana istrit 4- Nes

[Pages:21]Tanana District

4-H News

June 2019

Cooperative Extension Service l Tanana District Office l P.O. Box 758155 l Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-8155 l 907-474-1530

4-H LOVES OUR 2019 GRADUATES! ??????? JUNE ??????

4-H: Your first class at UAF!

A big congrats to our 4-H grads in the Tanana District! At left, Joshua Beaucage of Eagle Community School 4-H is featured with proud 4-H leader Kristy Robbins. And Wyatt Foose of Forget-Me-Not 4-H can hardly contain his parents' excitement, Scott and Sara Foose! See page 3 for a complete listing of our graduating seniors.

??????????? What's Inside ???????????

2 Marla's Roundup 2 Call for Cloverbud Campers and Counselors! 2 Leader Trainings Due 3 Congrats, 2019 Grads! 3 Mandatory Livestock Showmanship Clinic 4 Take or Trade 5 Summer Gymkhana 6-7...Leggett's Livestock Camp Registration Forms 8 Market Livestock Update 9-10 Tanana Valley State Fair Time! Call Entries & Volunteers! 11-13 ...Fair Contest Entry Forms 14-15...Cloverbud Day Camp Registration Forms 16-20...Summer Camp Counselor Application Materials 21 Wanted: Your 4-H Club Photos!

2 Take or Trade, 1-3 p.m. 3 Teen Club meeting, 6 p.m. 4 Livestock Council meeting,

6:30 p.m. 5, 12, 19...Summer Gymkhana 7 Camp Counselor Applications

Due for Cloverbud Camp 7-9 Mandatory Livestock Show-

manship Clinic 11 Leaders Council meeting,

6:30 p.m. 16 Happy Father's Day! 17 Teen Club meeting, 6 p.m. 21 Summer Solstice! 22Horse Council meeting, 5:30 p.m.

?????? July ???????

1 Teen Club meeting, 6 p.m. 2 Livestock Council meeting,

6:30 p.m. 4-5 Independence Day Holiday,

(4-H office closed). 8 Registration deadline for

Cloverbud Camp 9 Leaders Council meeting,

6:30 p.m. 10, 17, 24...Summer Gymkhana 15 Teen Club meeting, 6 p.m. 15-17...Cloverbud Camp 26-28...Deltana Fair /Music Festival 27 Non-Perishable Entry Day,

noon-6 p.m., Tanana Valley State Fair

Published by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service in cooperation with the United States De-

partment of Agriculture. UA is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any

individual: alaska.edu/nondiscrimination.

Editor: Marla Lowder, 4-H & Youth Development Agent, mklowder@alaska.edu Layout & Design: Ronda L. Boswell, 4-H Administrative Assistant, rlboswell@alaska.edu


June 2019

Tanana District 4-H News

Marla's Roundup

Summer is here and it is time to gear up for all the fun camping and family times ahead. While you're doing that and working on your 4-H projects, don't forget to do your record books along the way so when fair comes around it is not so daunting.

I hope some of you are looking forward to camps this summer. The teens are working hard to make them the best they can be. We still need Cloverbud Camp counselors, so make sure to get your application in if you are between the ages of 12-14 (grades 6-8).

I am looking forward to a fun-filled summer with camps and the teen exchange and then fair, plus some personal time for family and reunions. I hope you all have some fun planned and be sure to look in the newsletter for some of those fun-filled things you can do in 4-H.


If you haven't registered for Cloverbud Day Camp yet, July 15-17, there's still time!

For camper registration forms, see pages 14-15. (Registration is due July 8.)

For counselor applications, see pages 16-20. (Applications are due June 7.)

We hope to see you in the garden!

Whooooooo still needs to do their trainings??? Protection of Minors Training 1 AND 2 Required!


org/ volunteers

Leaders, don't forget to take your Protection of Minors Training 1 AND 2. Go to alaska4h. org/volunteers and scroll to the bottom of the page. Under the section "Links to required training and forms," you will see Protection of Minors 1 (POM 1) and Protection of Minors 2 (POM 2).

You should be already familiar with the EduRisk training (POM 1); the new one this year is through UAF (POM 2). For POM 2, click on each section to complete: Policy, Procedures and Quiz. Be sure to forward the results of each training to the office at mklowder@alaska.edu with a cc to rlboswell@alaska.edu.

We appreciate your prompt attention to this training as it is important to keep our youth safe and it keeps Alaska 4-H in compliance with National 4-H standards. Go, Alaska 4-H'ers!


June 2019

Tanana District 4-H News

Congratulations to Our Graduating Seniors!

Kara Ames -- 40 Below Mooseketeers Joshua Beaucage -- Eagle Community School 4-H

Kassidy Elings -- Frosty Paws Wyatt Foose -- Forget-Me-Not 4-H Isabel Lesseig -- North Star Precision Mali Piper Suscha -- 40 Below Mooseketeers


JUNE 7-9

This will be a great educational experience and will count as your animal showmanship clinic. Friday is rabbits and cavies; Saturday is goats, sheep, steers and pigs; and Sunday is poultry. See you there! (Moo! Oink! Cluck!)


All leaders are invited to the Lead-

ers Council meetings held the second

Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.


in Room 154 at the UAF University Park Building.

Be sure to "LIKE" Tanana District 4-H and Alaska 4-H on Facebook. You'll find some

Hope to see you there!

AWESOME information on these pages!


June 2019

Tanana District 4-H News

Calling All 4H & FFA Members ONLY! Do you have livestock equipment or horse tack you no longer need/use? Any show clothes you have outgrown? Are you looking for something specific for the new show season? Are you looking for something to help ease your livestock/horse care chores? Do you have old stuff you would like to trade? Bring it! You might just find that item you have been looking trade for! Swing by the 4H/FFA ONLY Take or Trade. Lots of items have been donated and we want to get them out there for 4H/FFA kids who will greatly benefit from these items. For questions or more information contact:

Monica Bonis: (912) 6555454 Marla Lowder: (907) 4742427

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal

discrimination against any individual. Learn more about UA's n4otice of nondiscrimination.

June 2019

Tanana District 4-H News


June 2019

Tanana District 4-H News



Presenters: Chastin Leggett and YGB Camp Team


You Gotta Believe Livestock Camps To build agricultural leaders of tomorrow through

showmanship improvement and character strengthening.

Event Schedule (start times are approximate, schedule will be confirmed after registration)

? Thursday, August 1, 8:00 am? Sheep and Goat Clinic

? Thursday, August 1, 1:00 pm - Beef Clinic

? Friday, August 2, 8:00 am - Swine Clinic

EARLYBIRD REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JUNE 15TH, 2019 Registered 4-H Members $25/session or $50 for all three Non-4H Members $40/session LATE REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JULY 12TH, 2019 Registered 4-H Members $50/session or $100 for all three Non-4H Members $65/session

Mat-Su/Copper River 4-H District

Mail Registration & Money 1509 S. Georgeson Rd Palmer, AK 99645

POC: Erin Sturdivant Phone:(907) 315-8122 E-mail: ee_sturdivant@

(See application on next page!)


June 2019

Tanana District 4-H News

Leggett's YOU GOTTA BELIEVE Livestock Camp Alaska State Fairgrounds--Palmer August 1 - 2, 2019

? Entry Fee Per Youth: Sessions count towards Required Mandatory Livestock Contract Clinics. *Entry fee will help off-set the direct expenses of camp (includes youth and 2 parents)

? Space is limited. Youth are strongly encouraged to bring their animal project(s) for hands-on participation. To reserve a space, send in registration and fees by June 15th, 2019.

? If you bring your animal(s) you must bring the required daily care products as they will not be provided. Halters, Combs, Daily Care Products, Feed, Water Buckets, etc. All livestock must have the required vaccinations according to State Fairground requirements.

Earlybird Registsration Deadline: June 15th -

Registered 4-H Members Non-4H Members

$25/session, $50/2or more $40/Session

Late Registration Deadline:

July 12th -

Registered 4-H Members Non-4H Members

$50/session,$100/2or more $65/session

EXTRA FAMILY MEMBERS $10/per person. Registration includes camp youth and 2 parents.

Payment Options: Cash or Check (Payable to MatSu Volunteer Leaders Association)

? Feel free to contact Erin Sturdivant with any questions you may have at (907)315-8122 or at ee_sturdivant@. We look forward to having you at camp this year!


Registration Form

Mail to Mat-Su/Copper River District 4-H Office, 1509 S. Georgeson Rd, Palmer, AK 99645 Make Checks Payable to: MatSu Volunteer Leaders Association

Name:______________________________________4H Level/Grade:_____________


Phone Number: _________________________________________________

Cell Phone (in case of emergency):__________________________________


Shirt Size (Adult sizes only): ______________________________________

How many adults/other members will be coming: Number ________________________

Session Selection(s) Sheep/Goat Beef Swine

OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIVED:______________ PAID:___________________

What Species do you plan to bring? ____________________________


The fees for camp will be used to off-set direct expenses and to support the 4-H Program. No refunds for cancellation or No-shows

June 2019

Tanana District 4-H News


Guidelines according to the state veterinarian, Dr. Robert Gerlach


For each vaccine listed, be sure to note whether it is SUGGESTED or REQUIRED for your animal. If the vaccine

is required, proof that it was administered must be submitted on entry day.

Proof consists of the following:

l Name of vaccine

l Expiration date: Vaccine shall not be expired when administered.

l Manufacturer

l Date vaccine administered

l Lot number

l Who administered vaccine

Vaccinations -- Suggested or Required?

Cattle, Feeder Beef and Bison IBR-Bovine rhinotracheitis -- required BVD-Bovine virus diarrhea -- required PI-3-Parainfluenza 3 -- required Wart vaccine -- suggested Reindeer Clostridial, 7-way -- required Respiratory, 3-way -- required IBR, BVD, PI3-- required Sheep and Goats CDT-clostridium perfringens type D & tetanus --

suggested Swine Erysipelas -- required (consistent with manufacturer's


Things the veterinarian will look for on delivery day: warts, enlarged external lymph nodes (especially on sheep and goats), infectious or contagious diseases (including external parasites), clinical signs of dermatitis (ringworm) and evidence of castration, when applicable. You should have the animal in the best physical shape prior to going to the fair. This includes providing good nutrition, vaccinations and parasite control. These precautions will en-

able the animal to have a strong immune system and avoid getting ill when they are exposed to the other animals and the stress of being away from home and at the fair.

Important Dates to Remember!

June 7-9: Mandatory Livestock Showmanship Clinic. p.m., and large animals, 4-8 p.m. Remember, there will be

The Livestock Committee is bringing in a certified judge a vet check before animals can be brought into the barns.

to do a clinic and a show at Tanana Valley State Fair- Aug. 2: Mandatory barn meeting, 11 a.m.

grounds. Rabbits and cavies are Friday, large livestock is Aug. 2: Official fair weigh-in, noon-2 p.m.

Saturday and poultry is Sunday.

Aug. 9: Mandatory barn meeting, 11 a.m.

July 1: Check on any medicated feeds and all medica- Aug. 11: Animal pickup day and barn cleanup, 7 a.m.

tions for withdrawal dates for all market animals.

Aug. 25: Small animals delivered to buyer unless other

July 7-15: Weigh-in Week. Beginning weights of all small arrangements with buyer are made.

animal market projects (turkeys, geese, ducks, chickens Sept. 10: Record books turned in to 4-H leader/FFA advi-

and rabbits) must be turned in to 4-H office along with sor in order to be eligible for a market project next year.

full-body, close-up picture of animal, date picture taken

and 4-H band number (tattoo number for rabbits).

July 12: Organized weigh-in for turkeys, geese and

ducks, 6-7 p.m., at Tanana Valley Fairgrounds, for those who wish to weigh their animals. Banding and


photos also to be available.

July 27: Entry Day, 1-6 p.m. at Largen Barn. Buyer

contacts and record books due.

July 29: Barn setup; potluck when work is finished, 5 p.m.

Aug. 1: Delivery of animals to fair. Small animals, 2-8

Questions? Contact Marla Lowder at 474-24827 or mklowder@alaska.edu.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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