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2018-2019 Hayfield Secondary SGA Membership Application


Class Officer Elections Packet


*Application and Elections Process Timeline- Dates are subject to change in case of change to the school calendar. If there is a change to the schedule, you will be notified via the email you provide in your application.

NO late submissions of applications or campaign material will be accepted.

If you have questions, please email Ms. Lamoreau (cmlamoreau@fcps.edu) or Ms. LeGendre (malegendre@fcps.edu)

|Date |Event |

| | |

|2/17/2018 |Applications available on Hayfield homepage or outside of Ms. Lamoreau (room 2416) and Ms. LeGendre’s room |

| |(2436) |

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|2/20/2018 |Interest meeting- room 2436 (Ms. LeGendre’s room 2346) Applications available |

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|2/21/2018 – 3/2/2018 |Application period is open |

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|FRIDAY 3/2/2018 |ALL applications (both PAPER and ELECTRONIC parts) DUE to Ms. LeGendre in room 2436 no later than 3 PM |

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|April 9-12, 16-19, 23-26 |Interviews (Signup through email) * Applicants will be granted interviews based on teacher recommendations |

| |and applicant responses. Results of application reviews will be sent via email by March 23rd * |

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|4/6/2018 |Election speeches due to Mr. Howick for HawkTV approval |

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|4/10/2018 |Film election speeches in HawkTV during SOAR 4 |

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|4/12/2018-4/19/2018 |Officer campainging permitted—make sure to reference guidelines on page 3 |

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|4/19/2018 |Election speeches run on HawkTV during SOAR time |

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|4/19/2018-4/25/2018 |Voting through FCPS Schoogle |

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|4/30/2018 |Winners announced via HawkTV |

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| |Notification of entry to leadership class |

|4/30/2018 | |


*Note: If a student runs for office and wins, they will automatically be added to the Leadership class. They will be required to complete an interview even if they originally did not sign up for the class.

Offices for election:

Class of 2019 Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022

President (1) President (1) President (1) President (1)

Vice President (1) Vice President (1)

Description of Offices

Any student at Hayfield Secondary School is eligible to run for a student leadership position as long as they meet the basic criteria outlined below. Candidates for class office must be members of their respective class. The class officer positions are: President and Vice President. The duties of these offices include but are not limited to the brief descriptions listed below.


The duties of the Class President:

➢ Presiding with advisors/sponsors over class/SGA meetings

➢ Being the main liaison between the sponsors, faculty, administration, officers, and classmates

➢ Addressing when necessary the class/SGA at assemblies or formal meetings

➢ Establishing committees deemed necessary to work on class/SGA activities

➢ Ensuring that all assigned duties are carried out by self and fellow officers

➢ Presiding over impeachment proceedings as necessary

➢ Attending summer SGA Leadership Conferences as required to represent the class office in important school-wide decisions

➢ Overseer of all Class Activities


The duties of the Class Vice President:

➢ Assisting the President in all aspects of SGA responsibilities and Class Responsibilities.

➢ Assuming the responsibilities of the President in her/his temporary or permanent absence.

➢ Contacting fellow officers and classmates with updates and reminders

➢ Primary fundraising contact for the class and/or SGA

**In the case of an uncontested race, officers will be appointed by SGA sponsors after the members of the 2018-2019 class have been chosen**

Election Rules

Election Rules

1. Timeline: Campaigning will be permitted from Thursday April 12th through Wednesday April 25th (when voting closes) so long as it does not distract from the normal academic day.

2. Campaign Materials:

• The Student Activities Office MUST approve ALL posters, fliers, etc., in advance of their posting/distribution around the school with the official Student Activities stamp.

i. Please allow for 24 hours for Student Activities approval/stamping of materials.

• If you are going to photocopy materials, then please have your materials approved by Student Activities BEFORE you run it off.

i. Every item hung MUST have this stamp.

• Distribution of items other than buttons or stickers is NOT allowed without permission.

• Small stickers or buttons may be worn, but they cannot be put on the walls or lockers.

• ALL materials should be removed by 3pm on Wednesday April 25th. It is your job to remove your materials regardless of the election’s outcome.

3. Guidelines and Expectations: If running for office and participating in campaigning activities, please read the guidelines and expectations below very carefully:

• Students should advocate for themselves and other students but they should not be campaigning against other students.

• Any behavior that can be categorized as bullying in class, outside school or on the internet will not be tolerated.

• Physical or verbal intimidation will NOT be tolerated and may lead to the immediate removal of the candidate from the ballot.

• Candidates may not use campaigning tactics that are seen as aggressive or forceful. For instance, offering students access to a laptop to vote for the candidate of their choice during lunches is acceptable. Bullying or peer pressuring a student into voting for a certain candidate by providing means to vote (laptop, phone, etc.) is unacceptable.

4. ***A candidate may be dropped from the ballot for violation of any election rule stated above.***

5. If you plan to run for office, please be sure to fill out and submit page 8 of this application.

6. Candidate Speech:

Speech Guidelines

• You will need to send your speech TYPED in word format to Mr. Howick (ddhowick@fcps.edu) so it can be used in the teleprompter.

• The final speech must be sent to Mr. Howick by Friday 4/06

• The speech should be no longer than 2-3 minutes

• You will be notified via the email you provide when you are scheduled to film your speech

• The speech should address the office you are running for and why you are the best candidate for that office.

Questions? Contact Ms. Lamoreau (cmlamoreau@fcps.edu) or Ms. LeGendre (malegendre@fcps.edu)

Application Steps and Process Overview:

Your SGA application consists of three parts:

1. Electronic Submission of Information

2. Paper Application (typed)

3. Teacher Recommendations

**Please detach pages 5 & 6 (these are the only pages of the application that will be accepted handwritten.) You should attach pages 5 & 6 to your typed step 4 (this step is detailed on page 7)

**Also, detach the two recommendation forms and provide them to two teachers that you have requested a recommendation from. Please provide your teachers with envelopes.



Answer ALL parts of the application completely and clearly. If we cannot read something, we may not read it!

Step 1: Basic Information

Name: _________________________________________________ Current Grade Level: ________________

Cell phone: _____________________________________

E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________

(this will be the primary form of communication- please PRINT NEATLY and indicate YOUR email that YOU check.)

** BEFORE YOU MOVE ON, please navigate to the link below while logged you’re your Schoogle account. You MUST fill out this Google form before Friday March 2nd for your application to be considered complete.

Step 2: Desired Position

Please determine the office you wish to run for. If you do not plan to run for office, indicate below: Circle ONE:

Class of _____________ President

Class of _____________ Vice President

Only seeking appointment to SGA /no office

Step 3: Certification Statement

I understand that if I am accepted into the Leadership Training class or elected to office, which includes me in the Leadership Training class, I am expected to:

1. Carry out the responsibilities of my office.

2. Attend all regularly scheduled meetings.

3. Follow all rules and regulations of Hayfield Secondary.

4. Be involved in all class activities throughout the year.

5. Maintain passing grades in all of my classes.

6. Adhere to the SGA Constitution/Citizenship pledge.

7. Take the Leadership Training course if running for class office.


Candidate’s Signature


In the event that you are selected for the leadership class, you are expected to do your best to be an exemplary model of a Hayfield student and to provide an excellent example of citizenship. For accountability, you will receive a citizenship grade. To be considered for the class, please consider the following grade requirement:

As a representative of Hayfield and the Hayfield Student Government, I understand that positive behavior is a key expectation. Positive behavior reflects trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. SGA members are expected to fully participate in all events, follow all program guidelines and behave appropriately to ensure a high-quality learning experience.

When using social media, I agree to the following:

• No profanity

• No negativity about Hayfield or other schools

• No negativity about Hayfield staff or other adults

• No bullying

• Nothing that defames, threatens, or abuses others

• No inappropriate pictures


I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines set in the SGA citizenship requirement.

__________________________________________________ __________________

Participant’s (signature) Date

I expect my child to abide by this code of conduct.

__________________________________________________ __________________

Parent/Guardian (signature) Date

Step 4: Application Narrative Guidelines

Regardless if you run for an office or not, please complete this narrative. If your election campaign is not successful, you will still be considered for the class and evaluated on this criteria, along with your teacher recommendations.

You must type your responses.

Part 1- Why do you want to join the Student Government Association (SGA) and what does it mean to you? Some other topics to consider:

• Do you think of yourself as a leader or a follower?

• As a member of the SGA, your reputation is a direct reflection of the SGA class. Describe your reputation.

• What is your biggest concern with Hayfield?

• How are some ways you could confront and change your concerns with Hayfield?

• What leadership positions (if any) have you held previously? What have you learned from these leadership positions?

• In what ways is SGA more than just a spirit event planning class? What do you expect to be responsible for as a member of SGA?

Part 2- I Wear Orange Because…

You will think about the source of your school spirit. Consider the source and demonstration of YOUR school spirit and answer the question “Why do you wear orange?” Consider the following topics…

• WHY are you proud to be a Hayfield Hawk?

• HOW do you demonstrate your pride?

• How does pride in your school AFFECT you on a daily basis?

• What else do you want us to know about where your school spirit/pride comes from and how it is demonstrated?

CREATE After you have reflected on your personal spirit, create a flier using the theme “I wear orange because….”

• Your caption should be short and creative…think of it like an advertising logo! The picture should relate to your explanation.

• Your flier MUST include the slogan and a photo of YOU rocking the orange. A group photo is fine, but you need to be in the image.

← Example:

Your responses should be detailed, organized and accurately depict why you would be an asset to the Hayfield SGA. Not all applicants will be interviewed- interviews will be granted based on the content of your response and your teacher recommendations.

You should consider having another peer or adult proofread your responses. A large portion of the Leadership Training class requires students to utilize their abilities to successfully articulate ideas and thoughts both verbally and on paper. Start practicing and refining your skills now! *We will be grading your submission on grammar, mechanics, and if it is edited or not.


If you are running for office, please read this statement carefully and print and sign your name that acknowledges that you agree to the following terms regarding safe and acceptable campaigning protocols.

If you are running for office, please detach below and submit with the rest of your application.


Campaign promise:

I, ______________________________________, promise to campaign with high standards and integrity. I promise not

print full name

to intimidate or pressure my peers into voting for me and my campaign. I will not use profanity, vulgar language, or any

materials that could be deemed inappropriate for school within my campaign materials inside or outside of school. I

understand that any social media campaigning I may choose to participate in is also subject to the same restrictions and

guidelines as listed above. I understand that if I do not abide by the guidelines outlined above, I could be dropped or

removed from the 2018-2019 election process.

_______________________________________________________ ______________________

Signature Date



Applicant: Give one copy of this form to two teachers of your choice. Your teachers will be returning this to Ms. LeGendre- you will not have access to this form.

Teachers: This form should not be seen by the students.

Please complete and return this form directly to Maggie LeGendre’s mailbox in Hamilton Hall no later than Friday 3/2.

Applicant Name:_____________________________ Grade:___________

Teacher’s Name: __________________________________________________

1. Please rate the applicant from 1(poor) to 5 (excellent) on the topics.

1. Takes initiative in class 1 2 3 4 5

2. Exhibits leadership qualities 1 2 3 4 5

3. Is school spirited 1 2 3 4 5

4. Handles stress 1 2 3 4 5

5. Juggles tasks 1 2 3 4 5

6. Is considerate of others 1 2 3 4 5

7. Works well with others 1 2 3 4 5

8. Is respectful 1 2 3 4 5

9. Shows maturity 1 2 3 4 5

10. Has a positive attitude 1 2 3 4 5

1. How does the student display his/her work ethic?





2. Is this student a strong candidate for SGA? Please explain.





Thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully and accurately complete this recommendation.

Please return directly to Maggie LeGendre’s mailbox in Hamilton Hall. Thanks!

Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ________________



Applicant: Give one copy of this form to two teachers of your choice. Your teachers will be returning this to Ms. LeGendre- you will not have access to this form.

Teachers: This form should not be seen by the students.

Please complete and return this form directly to Maggie LeGendre’s mailbox in Hamilton Hall no later than Friday 3/2.

Applicant Name:_____________________________ Grade:___________

Teacher’s Name: __________________________________________________

1. Please rate the applicant from 1(poor) to 5 (excellent) on the topics.

1. Takes initiative in class 1 2 3 4 5

2. Exhibits leadership qualities 1 2 3 4 5

3. Is school spirited 1 2 3 4 5

4. Handles stress 1 2 3 4 5

5. Juggles tasks 1 2 3 4 5

6. Is considerate of others 1 2 3 4 5

7. Works well with others 1 2 3 4 5

8. Is respectful 1 2 3 4 5

9. Shows maturity 1 2 3 4 5

10. Has a positive attitude 1 2 3 4 5

1. How does the student display his/her work ethic?





2. Is this student a strong candidate for SGA? Please explain.





Thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully and accurately complete this recommendation.

Please return directly to Maggie LeGendre’s mailbox in Hamilton Hall. Thanks!

Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ________________


Paper Application Checklist:

Don’t forget anything! Make sure you have done the following by Thursday March 1st. Check off the list as you complete the tasks!

______ Signature papers turned in- Certification AND Citizenship (pgs. 5-6)

______ Application narrative typed, printed and attached to signature papers

(page 5-6) to Ms. LeGendre

______ Teacher Recommendation forms given to 2 teachers- remind the

teachers that the recommendations are due March 1st in Ms.

LeGendre’s mailbox in Hamilton Hall.

Electronic Application Checklist:

Don’t forget anything! Make sure you have done the following by Thursday March 1st. Check off the list as you complete the tasks!

______ Electronic Application submitted via Google Form (must be logged

into your Schoogle account)

______ If you are running for office, speech emailed to Mr. Howick by 4/06


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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