Announcements April 28- May 4



We will have one service at 10am

CLEAN UP / MAINTENANCE DAY Brothers and sisters of Hope! On Saturday, May 20th we are planning a Clean Up / Maintenance Day from 8am to 2pm. Come when you can, even if you can only stay a couple of hours. If you are physically limited, that’s ok. We’d simply just love to have your fellowship. Lunch will be provided. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Jim Colmer

SUNDAY SCHOOL The last Sunday School class of the year will be held on Sunday, May 21. Classes will resume in the fall.

ADULT BIBLE STUDY will continue through the summer months.

GRADUATE QUILT PRESENTATION will take place on Sunday, June 4, at the 8:15 service.

QUILTER’S GROUP will not be meeting again until September. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please contact Deb Sole at 810-735-9780.

LWML MULTI-LAKES ZONE SPRING RALLY to be held Saturday, May 27, 2017 at Trinity Lutheran in Fenton from 8:30am - 2:00pm.  RSVP to Carol Swenson by Sunday, May 21 at 810.714.0405 if you plan to attend.  It is the 75th Anniversary Celebration and they want you to DRESS UP and WEAR PURPLE!  Hope you can make it.

BLOOD DRIVE on Thursday, May 18 from noon to 5:45pm at the Linden Presbyterian Church.

SAVE THE DATES: VBS will be held on June 19-23. Outdoor service and picnic will be held on July 9, the second Sunday in July instead of the third Sunday.

THE NEXT J.O.Y. MOVIE will be held on May 17 at 1pm. The movie’s title is “Hidden Figures”.

TUESDAY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY will meet again on Tuesday, May 23, at 10am. We will continue the study of Fruit of the Spirit. All women are welcome to attend. If you have questions, please call Sheila Henzi at 735-8261.

WOMEN’S INSPIRATIONAL RETREAT at Whispering Hope Ranch in Rose City on June 10 to 12th. $135 per person includes lodging, food and horseback riding. See the flyer on the bulletin board for more information.

General Announcements

BABY BOTTLE BOOMERANG Hope will once again participate in the fund raiser for the Flint Crisis Pregnancy Agency. Baby bottles will be available on Sunday, May 14. Please take a bottle and fill it with your extra change and return it by the end of June. Thank you for your vital help in this ministry and campaign.

FLAG FYI The flag we have flying on the pole was personally autographed by the designer of our Nation’s current flag, the late Robert G. Heft, at Ground Zero (World Trade Center) on September 11, 2004.

Dear people of Hope, We would like to thank you for all of your kind words, prayers, cards and visits upon my dad's passing.  Your support of us and our family is appreciated.

Tom and Karen Williams

PRAYER REQUESTS Please write your requests in the book in the back of the church. Thank you

MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORM In order to follow our “Never on Sunday” rule, if you notice a repair or needed change in our facilities, please fill out the bright yellow form in the narthex and put it on Barb’s desk. Thank you.

ALARM SYSTEM INFORMATION If you come into the building and the alarm goes off, don’t try and shut it off. GO IMMEDIATELY to Barb or Amy’s office or the kitchen (whichever one is closest) and the phone will ring. You MUST

answer the phone or the alarm company will call the police. The alarm company will ask for your 7 digit number which is on

the back of the EPS card that you were given when you were issued your key.

BE PART OF A UNIQUE MINISTRY - The Michigan District Church Extension Fund (CEF) uses your investments to help God's Kingdom grow while your investments grow.  Invest today and help your fellow believers expand God's Kingdom.  Your investments, while earning interest at competitive rates,  help provide facilities in which people can be nurtured in the faith of Jesus Christ.  Call CEF at 1-800-242-3944 or visit mi- to learn more about CEF and its ministry.

OUR OFFICE MANAGER, BARB will be retiring on June 30. A reception is being planned for Sunday, June 25.

Listen to Worldwide , your radio station for news, talk, and sacred music with a cross-focused, Christ-centered Lutheran worldview. All programs are archived at for 24/7 on-demand listening. You can also find our programming wherever you get your podcasts! Have a question or comment? Find us at @KFUOradio on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This week on , we wish all mothers a Blessed Mother's Day, hear guest pastors including Rev. Gavin Mize and Rev. Greg Truwe study the Daily Lectionary with Rev. Jonathan Fisk on His Time, near the end of our study of 1 Samuel on Thy Strong Word, and welcome Rev. Mark Preus as our guest pastor on Let's Talk! The Bible Study from St. Paul Lutheran Church in Des Peres, MO, is now available on our website for your on-demand listening. Call 800-730-2727 or email letstalk@ to join the conversation on "Let's Talk!"

MAY CALENDAR is in the narthex.

THRIVENT We are pleased to let you know that we have made a deposit OF $11 in your account on behalf of Thrivent Financial's Thrivent Choice(R) program. We hope this gift

helps to further support your important work.


The altar flowers today are provided by the Colmer family.


BIRTHDAYS: May 15 – Karl Opperthauser, Phyllis Pross, Joanie Rowland; May 19 – Alyssa Crain, Aidan Crain; May 20 – Tim McQueen;

ANNIVERSARIES: May 19 – O’Neills, Wrights; May 20 – Gagnons;


Givings 3381.00

Master Plan Fund 100.00


8:15 42

10:45 79

Total 121

Education this Week:

Sunday School (Pre-K to 6th) 6

Sunday School (9th to 12th) with Jr. Conf 9

Adult Bible Study 14

Women’s Sunday Bible Study 5/9 7

Total 36

Up Coming Events

Council Meeting May 16

Franklin Ave Mission May 16 & 18

VBS Ice Cream Social May 19

Clean Up / Maintenance Day May 20

Back Pack Collection May 21

Jr. Confirmation Sunday May 21

Women’s Bible Study May 23

Women’s Gathering May 25

One Service at 10am May 28

Office Closed May 29

Graduation Quilt Presentation June 4

This Week at Hope

Sunday, May 14


8:15 Worship Service

9:30 SS & Adult Education

10:45 Worship Service

Monday, May 15

Pastor in office

Barb in office 9-2

7pm Sealed

Tuesday, May 16

Pastor in office

Barb in office 9-2

3-7 Franklin Ave. Mission

7pm Council

Wednesday, May 17

Barb off

1pm J.O.Y. movie

Thursday, May 18

Barb in office 9-2

9am Adult Bible Study

2:30 Oasis

3-7 Franklin Ave. Mission

6:30 Women’s Bible Study

Friday, May 19

Barb off

7pm VBS Ice Cream Social and Robot contest

Saturday, May 20

8am to 2pm Hope Clean Up and Maintenance Day


Elder: Family:

Doug Barber A - B

Mike Bickford L – O

Kevin Golden C – K, P – Sc

Ken Konsza Se – Z

Worship Service Schedule for May 21

8:15: E/SC – Doug Barber; Ushers –Shari Arroyo, Ron Siegwald; Greeters – Bill Schauwecker, Brian Norwood; Prayer – Amy Watts; Reader – Bill Schauwecker; Sound/Computer – Karl Opperthauser;

10:45: E/SC – Dave O’Toole; Ushers – Christine Schmidt, Mike Bickford; Greeters – Christine Schmidt, Ferda Stinehart; Prayer – Judy Awrylo; Reader – Dave O’Toole; Sound/Computer – Ellie Sevick; Coffee Hour – Konszas; Snack – The Johnstons, Sharon Vlassis;

Altar Care for May: Stephanie Plummer;

Readings for May 21- Acts 17:16-31; 1 Peter 3:13-22; John 14:15-21;


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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