Saint Louis Catholic Church

Prayer Schedule Eucharistic Adoration Wed. and Fri. .....................7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. First Friday of the month .....9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Charismatic Prayer Group Wednesday ........................................4:30 p.m. Rosary Before Morning Mass Pro-Life Rosary Saturday ..........................................10:00 a.m. Reconciliation

Saturday ...............................3:30 - 4:45 p.m. By appointment: 850-262-8155

Parish Office Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Phone: 850-262-8156

Pastor Fr. Alberic Lazerna

Parochial Deacons Deacon Joe Jacobs jacobsjosephw@ Deacon Nelson Madera nelmadera@

Parochial Secretary Neida Castillo Phone: 850-262-8156 Admin@stlouis.

Music Ministers PJ Wilford pjwilford@ 850-445-8929 Cheryl Peiskee paradisepiano@

Director of Religious Education (DRE) Elizabeth Angulo Phone: 850-262-8157 dre@stl.


Saint Louis Catholic Church

3640 Fred George Rd., Tallahassee, FL 32303 Office number 850-262-8156


We the family of St. Louis Catholic Church are committed to live the Words of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As brothers and sisters of Christ we reflect His light and share His Love. We welcome all

to join us on our journey back to our Heavenly Father.

Schedule of Masses Tuesday and Thursday.........6:00 p.m. Wednesday and Friday........8:30 a.m. Saturday Vigil.....................5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass......8:30 a.m. and 10:30* a.m. *(Solemn Novus Ordo 1st Sunday of the Month)

Korean Mass............ 5:30 p.m. 2nd and 4th Sunday (Fr. Jin Mo Felix Kim) Filipino/Tagalog Mass.................12:30 p.m.

2nd Sunday every other Month

Third Sunday of Advent

December 12, 2021

Third Sunday of Advent

December 12, 2021

Mass Intentions

Saturday, December 11 St. Damasus I, Pope 5:00 p.m. St. Louis Parish

Message from the Pastor

Sunday, December 12 Third Sunday of Advent 8:30 a.m. Gloria Lay (I) 10:30 a.m. Danielle Marie Hernandez


Tuesday, December 14 St. John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church 6:00 p.m. Buddy McChesney ()

Wednesday, December 15 8:30 a.m. David and Wanda Brazelle and Son ()

Thursday, December 16 6:00 p.m. Catherine Gochnauer ()

Dear St. Louis Family,

The Third Sunday of Advent is traditionally called the "Gaudete Sunday." As Christmas Day gets closer and closer, we are also getting excited and joyful. However, the readings today do not only emphasize the spirit of joy, but they also propose some attitudes on how we should prepare for the Lord's coming.

In the Gospel, we heard of John who seemingly doubts whether Jesus is the person whom he and his disciples should expect. John has reason to think or feel that way because he was expecting more of a fiery Messiah. But John patiently attempts to reflect and discern if Jesus is truly the Messiah. In the end, he acknowledges that indeed Jesus is. In today's world the number of doubters is rising. In fact more and more people want to dissociate Christ from the Christmas celebration. They want it to appear that what we do during the Christmas season is being done just for a mere holiday devoid of Christ. But we Christians are well aware that we cannot separate Christ from Christmas. It is His birth which we remember in this joyous season.

The readings tell us of the proper attitude while waiting for the Lord's coming. We are expecting a very important person who offers us the most precious gift--that is, Salvation! And thus we cannot afford to simply forget and doubt him. He deserves to be waited on with joy...and patience.

With my every prayer. Fr. Alberic.

Friday, December 17 8:30 a.m. Mary Russo ()

Saturday, December 18 5:00 p.m. St. Louis Parish

Sunday, December 19 Fourth Sunday of Advent 8:30 a.m. Bob Rousseau () 10:30 a.m. Danielle Marie Hernandez


Deceased - () Sick - (S) Special Intention - (I) Birthday - (B) Anniversary - (A) Thanksgiving - (T)

ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE Thursday, December 16 at 6:30 p.m.

(No Saturday Confession)


Friday, December 24 6:30 p.m.

Christmas Pageant with children 7:00 p.m. Vigil Mass

(No Friday morning Mass) Christmas Day

Saturday, December 25 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

New Years Eve Friday, December 31

8:30 a.m. New Year's Day Saturday, January 1

5:00 p.m.

The e-mail address for the church office and parochial secretary has been changed to: Admin@stlouis.


Beginning December 19th the parish will have regular monthly Altar Server Training between the 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Mass on the third Sunday of every month. This will be for those wishing to learn to serve at the altar as well as for the current altar servers. Training will be between 30-45 minutes.

Third Sunday of Advent

December 12, 2021

OFFERTORY REPORT (for Sunday, December 5)

Offertory This Week Target Collected vs Target for Month Collected vs Target for Fiscal Year Projected Offertory for Fiscal Year Annual Budget

$6,464.63 $6,244.99

$219.64 -$502.08 $278,785.57 $280,000.00

Building Fund This Week Collected This Month Monthly Mortgage Payment Collected vs Target for Fiscal Year Improvements Collection Total Collected for Fiscal Year

$898.00 $898.00 $2,713.00 -$2,913.82 $123.00 $1,700.55

CHRISTMAS LUMINARIES The Sisterhood is selling the Christmas Luminaries after all Masses this weekend and will continue to sell them through Sunday, December 19. During our Christmas Eve services, candles (battery powered) will be placed in the bags, and the bags will line the aisle. You can purchase a luminary for $5 in honor or remembrance of a loved one, family member, or friend. Items will be available for you to write a special message, or decorate your luminary. For more information, please contact Sheila Pereira at smp1025@



Saturday, January 8th at 8:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m. All Scouts,

Dear St. Louis Parishioners, If Families, Kids, All Faiths. Sponsored by Tallahassee

you'd like to sponsor Poinsettias to Area Catholic Committee on Scouting. The 10 Com-

decorate our beautiful church for mandments Hike is now taking registrations for this

Christmas, please call or drop-by year's hike taking place on Saturday, January 8, 2022.

the parish office (850-262-8156). You may offer it The link to the Hike's landing page, registration, release

to honor your spouse, mother or father or daugh- form and map of the hike route is: .

ter, son or a deceased member of the family. Let's The fee for the hike is $3.00 per person and includes a

celebrate Christmas with our loved ones, living and continental breakfast and hike patch. Registration begins

deceased. Thank you for your generosity.

at 7:45 a.m. at St. John's Episcopal Church, our first host

House of Faith providing their presentation at 8:15


a.m. Parking is available across the street at the

We are currently seeking candidates for the position of Knights of Columbus Field Agent in your area. If you are self-motivated, people oriented person looking for a great career; this full-time insurance sales position could be for you. The position currently offers full benefits, including

bank. This years' hike will take place in the downtown Tallahassee area with the following host, Houses of Faith participating: St. John's Episcopal Church, Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Hillel@FSU, University Lutheran and Bethel Missionary Baptist Church.

health and dental insurance, 401K and a noncontributory retirement plan. If you are interested or know of someone that is a member or qualifies


for membership and would like a exciting career, please call Joe Spinelli at 850-765-7039 or e-mail Joseph.Spinelli@

We are all a part of creation and entrusted by God with its care. This Christmas, conserve money and resources by saving wrapping pa-

per for later use; reuse old wrapping paper for this year's

CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP gifts or use a fun alternative such as colored newspaper

During this Advent and Christmas time the comics. Instead of a material gift, consider donating on

Wednesday Charismatic Prayer Group will not someone's behalf to a food bank, homeless shelter or

meet again until the first Wednesday in the New other charity. Shop at the Alternative Christmas Mart,

Year, Jan. 5th. We continue to pray for the needs which allows you to donate to a large variety of causes in

of all our St. Louis parish and more.

honor of your gift recipients.


Holy King St. Louis, worthy son of our Holy Father St. Francis and patron of the Third Order, intercede for me with our Heavenly Father. Obtain for me the grace to follow in thy footsteps, to be always a dutiful child of St. Francis, and to observe exactly, all the days of my life, that holy rule which thou loved so ardently and kept so faithfully. Be my guide and protector, so that I may never stray from the path of virtue but increase daily in holiness and perfection, and finally merit to be numbered among the chosen ones of our Seraphic Father in Heaven. Amen. O God, Who didst exalt blessed Louis Thy Confessor from an earthly realm to the glory of Thy Heavenly kingdom: grant, we pray Thee, that by his merits and intercession we may be made heirs of the King of Kings, Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ, Who liveth and reigneth for ever and ever. Amen

Lord Jesus Christ, our Divine Physician, We ask you to guard and protect us from Coronavirus COVID-19 and all serious illness. For all that have died from it, have mercy; for those that are ill now, bring healing. For those searching for a remedy, enlighten them; for medical caregivers

helping the sick, strengthen and shield them. For those working to contain the

spread, grant success; for those afraid, grant peace. May your precious

blood be our defense and salvation. By your grace, may you turn the evil of disease into moments of consolation and hope. May we always fear the contagion

of sin more than any illness. We abandon ourselves to your infinite mercy.



Eternal God... Bless your Church with holy and faithful priests, deacons, brothers and sisters. Give those you have called to the married state and those you have chosen to live as single persons in the world, the special graces that their lives require. Form us all in the likeness of your Son so that in him, with him and through him we may love you more deeply and serve you more faithfully, always and everywhere. With Mary we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

WELCOME to all new parishioners! If you have not registered, please fill out the following information. Once it's completed, you can simple detach and drop it in the collection basket, drop it off at the office during regular hours, or mail it in to us. You can also use this form to update you information or let us know that you are moving.

Name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date -----------------------------------

Phone ----------------------------------------------- E-mail -----------------------------------------------------------------

Address ------------------------------------------------- City --------------------------- State ---------- Zip -------------

New parishioner or Update information Moving, please remove Interested in becoming Catholic Information on marriage annulment(s)


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