

Minutes of the Board Meeting July 21, 2010

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Rocco Annesi, Jack Carey, Dick Connolly, Jim

DeVoe, Jim Harrington, Dave Noonan, Bill Prodgers,

Fred Tirrell and Commissioner Van Khachadoorian


Meeting called to order at 9:00AM

Approval of Minutes: The Minutes of the June 30, 2010 Board Meeting, were approved and accepted. Motion made by Rocco Annesi to approve the minutes, the motion was seconded by Jim DeVoe. Vote to accept minutes was

7 Ayes and 1 abstain (Dave Noonan – new to the Board)

Treasure’s Report: Jack Carey handed out and explained the Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements. Motion made by Jim DeVoe to accept the Treasure’s report. Dick Connolly seconded. Vote taken - all members approved.

League Matters:

1. Final planning: Jim DeVoe - League Picnic 7/24/2010 @ 1:00 PM

• Estimating 218 people

• Cost of food between $1200 - $1300, this includes $100 for use of facility, $100 for the bartender, and $100 gratuity

• Events are set

2. Player Poll Regarding League Name Change: Van Khachadoorian

• 235 members (out of 255) voted

• 160 voted to change the name to Cape Cod Senior Softball league

• 75 voted to keep the name as it is

• This result will be presented at the Mid-Season Meeting

• Membership vote to change name will take place at the October General meeting

3. Banquet Plans: Rocco Annesi

• Yarmouth House will be the location

• Cocktails from 5 to 6 PM

• Dinner at 6:15 PM

• Cost $33 per person

Rocco made a recommendation (motion) that the League chip in $13 per person, to bring the cost down. Bill Prodgers seconded the motion.

Vote was unanimous. Therefore the cost of each Ticket will be $20

• Date Oct. 8th (tentative)


• Reggie O’Keefe has once again offered his services as DJ

• Trophies will be the same price as last year

• Each Division President will present trophies

• Jim DeVoe will present the “Spirit Award”

4. League Policy Review – Van Khachadoorian

• Each board member received a copy of policies to review

• The Board will review and modify (if needed) the policies

• When review is complete, policies will be distributed to the membership

• This action will be place on an upcoming Board Meeting Agenda

5. Nominating Committee – Van Khachadoorian

• Dick Connolly will chair the Committee

• 1 member from each division will serve on the committee

6. Memorandum of Agreement – Jim Harrington

• The Chairman of the Rec. Department stated that they are still waiting for a revised Memorandum from Town Council.

7. Just a reminder: Game time change in August

• Division I & II Start at 5:30

• Division III & IV start at 3:00

8. Field Use Schedule for 2011 (tentative) - Van Khachadoorian

• Memorial Field: 4/1 to11/30 (includes Fall League) M – F, 8AM till dusk. Sat. 8AM – 1PM

• Potter Field: 4/15 to 11/30. Tues. /Thur. practice. Games: starting 6/30 -11/30, Mon – Fri. 2PM till dusk and Sat. 8 AM to 1PM

• Ezra Baker: Starting 6/26 – Labor Day field usage 2 PM till dusk. 4/1- 11/30 6:00 PM games are OK.

• VFW field: Starting 5/1- Labor Day; Mon – Fri 2PM till dusk, looking to add Sat. Also, VFW wants to sponsor a team

• Sandy Pond: Same as it is now, Thur. 5 PM to dusk & Sat. mornings 8- 1 PM

• Townhouse: Mon & Wed. 5 PM till dusk

• Flax Pond: discontinue use

• Kelley 1, Mon-Fri 2 to 5:30PM, Sat. IS. May 1 to Sept1

• Kelley 3, new field (measured and engineered by Tom Burke). It will have a clay infield. We can have use of this field, Mon. Wed. Fri. 2PM to dusk, & Sat. AM, provided we put some money into it. Field needs: pitcher’s rubber, home plate, foul poles, protective fencing in front of benches, and benches. Looking at about $3000 expenditure.

Rocco Annesi made a motion to go with Kelley 3 with the proviso that we check with various fence providers to get the best price. Motion seconded by Bill Prodgers. Vote taken – unanimous to proceed with Kelley.

• Dick Connolly requested that the league looks into the scheduling of Saturday games; there needs to be a better balance because right now some teams play a disproportionate number of Sat. games


9. Status Report of the Player Evaluation/Assignment Committee (PEAC)

• Div. 1: Rich Barber, Chair, Ed Jay, Mike Angelica, Brian Hastings, Dave Noonan or Bob Hallett (if Noonan stays on the Board)

• Div. 2: Tony Farrell, Glen Rose, Ray Beaupre, Joe Barry and Peter Strand, we need a chair person

• Div. 3: Vinny Scales and Chris Sweeney will Co-Chair, Dan James, Dennis Redding, and Jim Rappolt

• Div. 4: Tom Burke, John L. Sullivan, Bill Page and Jack Ferrie

• Current Managers are to complete their team evaluations by the last league game Aug. 24th

• The PEAC should have their work completed by December 1st.

10. League Membership Profile for the 2011 Season (provided the numbers remain constant) – Van Khachadoorian

• Ages 55 – 62 total of 43 players. 5 teams X 13 = 65. Need 22 players in 2011

• Ages 63 – 69 total of 75 players. 6 teams X 13 = 78. Need 3 players in 2011

• Ages 70+ total of 137 players. 6 teams X 13 =78 (Group A); 5 teams X 13 = 65 players (Group B). Need 6 players for B group for 2011

11. Baker Field Report – Van Khachadoorian

• Safety fence needed in front of the benches

• We will get the best price possible for both the Baker and Kelley 3 safety fence

12. Final Preparation for the Mid-Season Meeting, July 24, 2010

i. Mission Statement: Report - Dick Connolly, following is the draft which will be presented to the membership Saturday: “The Cape Cod Senior Softball League is a competitive slow-pitch softball league for individuals aged fifty-five years and older. It is organized into multiple divisions based on players’ ages and skill levels, and its overall purpose is to promote healthy competition and camaraderie in a safe and friendly environment.”

Jim DeVoe made a motion to accept the Mission statement as written. Rocco Annesi seconded, a vote was taken and all approved

ii. By-Law Changes Required: Report – Jim Harrington, following are the By-Law changes which will require a vote by the membership at the October Annual Meeting:

• Article I Name: “Change to Cape Cod Senior Softball League”. Rocco Annesi moved to accept the name change, seconded by Fred Tirrell. Vote for - unanimous

• Article II Purpose: Change to our new Mission Statement. Rocco moved to accept the change to Art. II, seconded Bill Prodgers. Vote taken – unanimous

• Article III Membership Sub. Div. A.: Change 57 to 55. So moved by Jim DeVoe, seconded by Fred Tirrell. Vote for – unanimous

• Article III Membership Sub. Div. C: Delete Section “C” and include it in Sec. A to read “The Board of Directors may change the league structure


as deemed necessary” Motion made by Rocco to accept. Seconded by Jim Devoe. Vote for – unanimous.

• Article IX Managers Sub. B. Shall read “The Team managers, in their respective divisions, will assess each player’s ability at the completion of the regular season and submit evaluation to their respective PEAC.” Rocco so moved that the change be accepted as written. Jack Carey seconded. Vote for – unanimous

• Add new Article XVI Player Evaluation and Assignment Committee: Sub Sec A shall read: “Each division shall have a Player Evaluation and Assignment Committee (hereinafter PEAC) which shall consist of league members appointed by the Board of Directors, exclusive of Board members and team managers, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board” Rocco made motion to accept sec. A as written, Jim DeVoe seconded. Vote for - unanimous

Sec. B. Shall read: “League members will be assigned to teams by each Division PEAC based upon member’s ability, team requirements, and division parity” Jim DeVot made motion to accept language as written for sec. B. Bill Prodgers seconded. Vote for – unanimous

Jim Harrington stated that all the proposed by-law changes will be posted on the Website.

iii. Van Khachadoorian- will summarize all the work that was done at the retreat

13. The Playoffs will start Thursday Aug. 26th: with finals for Div. 1 & 3 Saturday 9 & 11 AM (if needed). Div. 2 & 4 Sunday, 9 & 11 AM (if needed)

14. Open Forum:

• Rocco asked about the proposed “Pavilion” at Memorial field. Van said it is on hold right now until we find out more about the MOA. Rocco also questioned why the League teams play less to play in the Classic. Answer from Van & Dick Connolly: to encourage participation and to give our own guys a break.

• The Commissioner stated that Don Nolan needs a new tractor and weed whacker (our pre-owned ones have died). Rocco made the motion to expend the money for a new tractor and weed whacker. Dick Connolly seconded. Vote for – unanimous

• Jack Carey – Uniforms. A team in Division I have new shirts which are not league issued. Jim DeVoe will talk with the manager

• Van will call Rich Sullivan to see if he is running for re-election and Dave Noonan will let us know if he will run.

• Jim DeVoe: our games with Falmouth have generated some good publicity.

We will be looking at new uniforms for next year, esp. if the name change goes through. He has also talked the someone regarding the hats and shirts for the Classic

• Dick Connolly – the invitations have been sent out via email and the returns are starting to come in. We should have at least as many teams as last year.


• Van said that a plaque is being made for Alan Beagan, who is very ill. He has truly shown great spirit, love of the game and our league. Van will bring it to the picnic to show the members

Meeting adjourned at11:55 AM

Minutes submitted by: Judy Kennedy, Recording Secretary



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