Kasson Grove Property Owners Association Minutes

Kasson Grove Property Owners Association Minutes

Bethlehem Public Library

August 18, 2018

Present: Dean Everard, Sharon Apgar (President), Paul Madore, Tom Hlas, Ruth Hogan, David Angerman, Ed Drab, Bobbi Juhas, Donald Benedetto

Missing: Jared Benedict, Mike Hastey, Jim Juhas

Guests: Betsy Drab Meeting called to order at 9:01 a.m. by President Sharon Apgar.

Approval of minutes from July 21 meeting. Motion by Dean Everard to approve as amended, seconded by David Angerman. Unanimous vote approving motion.

Treasurer's Report

Bobbi Juhas presented the Treasurer's report in Jim Juhas' absence. Bobbi will check with Jim if has sent annual contributions to the church and library for use of their spaces for KGPOA meetings.

Tax Auction - no progress

Town Liaison - nothing to report.

Social - September 22 (Fall equinox) is date of this year's Fall social event. Preparations for the "OktoberFest" are in progress. A pretzel warmer has not yet been found but tent, chairs, and tables have been rented. David Angerman asked Tom Hlas to post notice of the event 2 weeks before if possible.

Old Business

Pavilion - Mike Hastey received a new quote for restoration of the pavilion from K&B Home Improvement - Watertown. Total $8,700 does not include electric work so comparable to previous quote Tom Woodin obtained. Tom has also received a 2nd quote.

Eagle Electric submit a quote for electrical work. Mike will use this as template for requesting additional quotes.

The board hopes to receive all quotes by Labor Day so decisions can be made to begin work. Letters to Neighbors - Letters were sent to Peter Van Galen regarding removal of the chickens on his property on Highland Rd. Josh Smith was also sent a letter asking him not to bring his dog to the beach since it violates Grove Ordinances.

Roadside Cleanup - Ruth Hogan raised the issue of overgrown brush on the Ridge Road stating it presents a hazard due to narrow roads and the fact it hides drainage ditches in several places. David Angerman will find the contractor that cleared brush several years ago and Bobbi Juhas said Jim Juhas could forward financial details. The board agreed to address this as two issues:

? Roadside brush clearing once we get details from David and Jim

? Drainage ditch mucking - Tom Hlas asked if Donald Bendetto could tour the street ditch conditions since he would know best what needs to be done with respect to cleaning and improving water drainage

New Business -

Tom Hlas spoke with a guest of the Bernardi's on Kasson Ave when the guest had his ATV parked on the beach. The board agreed to not do anything unless this becomes a recurring event.

Comments -

Ruth Hogan said that she really enjoyed the July Happy Hour and Tom Hlas indicated it was almost as well attended as last year's Harvest Dinner.

Motion by David Angerman to adjourn meeting at 10:00 a.m., seconded by Paul Madore. Unanimous vote approving motion.

Paul Madore, Secretary


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