NEWSLETTER - Mashpee Women's Club



Fall, 2019

P.O. Box 1613 Mashpee, MA 02649


Mashpee Women's Club Mission Statement: "The mission of this Club is to bring all women of Mashpee and surrounding towns into a social environment, provide educational and recreational programs to the benefit of our members, and charitable programs to support our towns. The Club's first meeting was December 9, 1997."

President's Message

There are so many good things happening right now. We had a very successful Casino Night and, as a result, we will be donating about $7500 each to Compassionate Care ALS and Tommy's Place in Falmouth. Bravo! Those who came to our fundraiser had a great time. The weather was perfect, the new porch and outdoor games were inviting, the appetizers were more than yummy and the raffle and silent auction items were big hits. Thank you to Suzi Rego and her very hardworking team: Jeanne Dennis, Linda Gervich, Laura Kuzia, Eileen Hanford, Jo Ann Burk, Sue White and Sue Riley. It takes a village and this village rocked it!

Our groups and activities continue to thrive, and our membership is at an all-time high. Thank you for being so welcoming to the guests that come to our meetings and end up

joining our club. But lest we forget that our mission is to gather women, "...into a social environment, provide educational and recreational programs...and charitable programs to support our towns." We do just that, and you, our members, continue to generously give, so that we can pay forward our own good fortune. MWC walks the walk and that happens because you all are so supportive and giving. Every little bit from every one of you is appreciated and used to promote good causes.

We look forward to another great year of fun and philanthropy. We will welcome the curator from the Norman Rockwell Museum, and then we have so many interesting and informative programs for our winter meetings. Get involved, there is room for everyone. Thank you for being part of this wonderful organization. Jane Murphy, President

Who's Who

These are a large contingent of active members who make sure the social and charitable missions of the Club are developed, maintained and grow. Please check the latest directory for their contact information.

The Officers and Board of Directors for the MWC 2-year term beginning September 1, 2018 are:



Jane Murphy

Vice President

Diane Mahoney


Suzi Rego

Recording Secretary

Sue Riley

Corresponding Secretary Carolyn Holmes

Board of Directors

Charities Fundraising Historian Membership Hospitality Newsletter Editor Programs Public Relations Solo Dining Past President

Sue White Suzi Rego Jo AnnBurk Mary Liz McCahill Sigrid Howell Nancy Kurtz Jo Ann Burk Jo Ann Burk Susan Creed Jeanne Dennis

The Mashpee Women's Club offers a wide variety of activities for all its members. Contact the activity chairs listed below if you are interested in participating in any of these activities:

Annual Golf Outing/Luncheon Suzi Rego/ Sue Riley

Book Groups

Sigrid Howell/ Carolyn Holmes

All Bridge Activities

Adrienne Guptill


Laura Kuzia/ Carolyn Holmes

Couples Dining

Carolyn Holmes

GTKY Speaker

To Be Determined

Knitting Groups

Sigrid Howell/ Mary Liz McCahill


Linda Gervich


Meg Brady

Memoirs & More Writing Fran Giambarba

New Members Coffee

Sigrid Howell

Solo Dining

Susan Creed

Sunny Merritt Joan Brown Ceil Sneider Grace Talmage Vye Larkin Diane Scovil Terry Herman Jean Boundy Jeanne Dennis

12/1997 ? 08/2002 09/2002 ? 08/2004 09/2004 ? 08/2008 09/2008 ? 01/2009 04/2009 ? 03/2012 02/2012 ? 08/2013 08/2013 ? 08/2014 08/2014 ? 08/201 09/2016 ? 08/2018

A special Thank You to Lis Dineen for her many years as Newsletter Editor. Lis has kept us all well-informed about the wonderful happenings enjoyed by Mashpee Women's Club since 2014. Thank you, Lis, for a job well done.

Upcoming Luncheon Programs and Getting to Know Your Speakers.

Mashpee Women's Club hosts a monthly luncheon on the third Tuesday of each month. The cost is $25 for members and $30 for guests. Checks payable to the Mashpee Women's Club should be mailed to: Mashpee Women's Club, P.O. Box 1613, Mashpee, MA 02649 - to arrive at least 10 days before the luncheon.

November 19: "Remember Abigail" will be presented by Cathy Torrey, a director of the Abigail Adams Historical Society. A celebration of the life of Abigail Adams, who was the wife of America's first Vice President, John Adams,

and mother of our sixth President John Quincy Adams. Ms. Torrey will reveal how Abigail became one of the most influential women of her time including her support in her husband's career and her relationships with some of the most influential figures of her time.

December 17: Join us for a return event that promises to be a lot of fun with a lively holiday concert brought to us by Big Smile Entertainment presenting the "Jack Frost Winter Wonderland Show", featuring Jack Frost, Suzy Snowflake, Snow

Queen and more. Don't forget to wear RED!

Please note: Traditionally the December luncheon sells out, so you are urged to make your reservations quickly!

June 16, 2020 - Fashion Show ? Our models will be wearing fashions from Port Cargo in Mashpee Commons and Falmouth.

December 11: Annual Book Group Discussion and Luncheon at The Cape Club. See Book Group below for additional details.

Program Chair Jo Ann Burk continues to amaze us with great programs! MWC will continue to bring the community to us with outstanding "Getting to Know You" speakers.

* A segment at each monthly luncheon includes a fiveminute "Getting to Know You" presentation prior to the luncheon program introducing a community speaker from a local organization or business.

September: Award winning, best-selling author of `Still Alice', `Left Neglected', `Love Anthony', and `Inside the O'Briens' ? Lisa Genova discussed her latest book `Every Note Played'. She was accompanied by Ron Hoffman, founder and executive director of Compassionate Care, ALS, and author of `Sacred Bullet".

October: Thomas Daly, Curator of Education for the Norman Rockwell Museum discussed America's favorite illustrator's depiction of the American Woman.

Please Note

Contact information for any MWC members may be found in the club directory. Since this newsletter is distributed to others outside of MWC, we typically do not publish contact information for members in the newsletter.


We have been asked by New Seabury/Popponesset Inn to ensure that we submit the luncheon count by a specific date. We will no longer have the opportunity to add additional names once we have committed to the count. What this means is that you must mail your check in time so that it will be RECEIVED BY THE MASHPEE POST OFFICE no later than the Tuesday BEFORE the luncheon. We cannot guarantee the date your check is received at our post office box. Thank you. Linda Gervich, Luncheon Committee Chair

A big Thank You to our greeters who welcome our members and guests to the luncheons each month and to our centerpiece creators who adorn our tables so beautifully each month. We appreciate the time you give to make our luncheons so successful.


To renew your membership for the 2019-2020 year, please complete the form in this newsletter or on our website () and mail it along with your check for $30.00 to



If you would like to continue to be in any of the social groups, play Bridge, Book Club, Memoirs, Couples Dining, you must be a paid member, so PLEASE send in your payment. Thanks! Laura Kuzia, MWC Membership

Mashpee Food Pantry is very appreciative of all the support that the MWC has provided in the past. As a reminder, the food pantry has let us know that cash donations are preferable to donated products because the pantry is able to purchase in bulk at a lesser cost than we can individually. But they will gratefully accept all product donations if you would still prefer to do so. Please contact Sue Riley if you have any questions (contact information is in the directory.

Our membership has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few months, and our present members have been most welcoming to our latest guests. If you haven't had a chance to say `Hi' to these talented and capable women, do so as soon as possible. We will all be enriched. Welcome to the following new members:

Mary Beth Goodwin Patricia Zibelli Katherine Bell Denise Duffee Annette Crowley Anne Powers Claire Allen Julie Silva Jennefer Andreadis Kathy Moreau

Louise Stoddard Lise Beane Kristen Boyd Karen Joseph Joan Little Elisabeth Tracy Tricia O'Donnell Coreen Thompson Rozaly Weiss Doreen Dawson-Wade

In late August, Book Club #2 held its annual Garden Party at Mary Liz McCahill's home. We dined on scrumptious gourmet "potluck" luncheon entrees, desserts, and libations. As always, Mary Liz threw an elegant event on her deck, as we overlooked her pool, landscape, and gorgeous view of the tidal flats off Monomoscoy. We, once again, thank Mary Liz for graciously opening her home to our group.

We did tend to business as we discussed our monthly selection, "The Great Alone" by Kristin Hannah. Much was learned and discussed about the life on the Alaskan frontier as Mary Ellen MacDonald facilitated our discussion.

This fall we will be reading Elizabeth Berg's `Home Safe', and Anne Hoffman's `The Marriage of Opposites'. We will then prepare for our December Book Luncheon to hear a presentation by author Deborah Swiss on her book, `The Tin Ticket'.

We have over ninety women in our book groups, but there is always room for more. If anyone is interested please contact Sigrid Howell or Carolyn Holmes, Book Group Coordinators

Calling all book group members!

Cooler weather has arrived, and that means that the holidays are not too far away, and

one fun sign of the holidays is the Mashpee Women's Club Book Groups' Annual Luncheon. It will take place this year on Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at The Cape Club in East Falmouth at 12:00 noon. Deborah Swiss will be our featured speaker discussing her book, `The Tin Ticket'.

Deborah is an author, speaker and consultant with a speciality in women's history, gender equality and work/life balance. We look forward to an interesting discussion.

The Cape Club will be all a glitter to get us in a festive mood. We will have a choice of entr?e: Pistachio Crusted Cod or Coffee Rubbed Pork Tenderlolin. The price for the luncheon is $30. All checks made out to `Mashpee Women's Club' and menu choices should be given to each book club chairperson who will forward them to Carolyn Holmes. All reservations MUST be received by NOVEMBER 30, 2019. Please note that the luncheon is open to MWC Book Group Readers only. Carolyn Holmes, Book Groups Coordinator

What's your story? Is it a memory? Is it a dream? Is it fiction, mystery or poetry? Whatever your story ? real or imagined ? whatever your style ? poetry or prose ? you are welcome to join the `Your Write/Memoirs & More' writing group. We meet every second Friday in a supportive, encouraging group. Putting together your stories is like putting together your photos. Now is your chance to jot down all those ideas that have been rattling around and that will get written "someday".

The group starts with a short piece of your writing, then on to some spontaneous topics and finally some ideas for the next time. This is a friendly, non-critical group that encourages you to release your inner stories for yourself, for your family, for your friends. For 13 years this group has been encouraging people to record their stories isn't it time you joined us? For more information, contact Helenka DeLuca (contact information is in the club directory).

CASINO NIGHT, 2019 It takes a village to build a great community, but it takes a few wonderful and dedicated women to raise funds in order to provide the monies that enable dreams in that community to come true. I would like to take a moment to thank those hardworking women who made our Casino Night a success. In particular, I want to thank Carolyn Holmes who was responsible for all the silent auction items, which, as usual, were fabulous. Linda Gervich who spent an endless amount of time coordinating the lovely dinner stations for all to enjoy. Jeanne Dennis and Laura Kuzia for their computer expertise in all that it takes to set up and cash out a silent auction. Sue Riley and Eileen Hansford for providing fun games for our nongamblers. Thanks to Jo Ann Burk for stepping up to the plate with our publicity and all else that was asked of her. I want to also thank all who attended and supported our charity fundraising efforts and, of course, the entire committee for the many hours spent in organizing a fun evening. A special thanks to our sponsors; Sandra Dethlefsen, Chapman, Cole and Gleason and our table sponsors Jo Ann Burk, Debbie Landsiedel and Dennis Murphy and to all those that contributed to our success.

As a result, we were able to raise $14,500.00 for Compassion Care ALS and Tommy's Place. Thank you all. Susan Rego, Fundraising Chair

Lovely addition to a wonderful evening This is what MWC is all about.

Take a Chance!

A friendly reminder to please continue to collect your coupons for diapers. We send the coupons monthly to A Baby Center in Hyannis (hhtps://). With so many little Cape Codders in need, it is nice to help out as often as we can. By clipping coupons that come in the Sunday paper, and also the monthly BJ's mailer, we can easily give aid. Just drop the coupons in the pink basket at the monthly luncheon. Thank you.

Mary Liz McCahill

MWC pays for the supplies up to $15.00 for each table. MWC is a "Tax Exempt" club and will supply the form for you to use for purchasing items. This is a great way to get a little more involved in the MWC and have some fun. The commitment is only once a year.

Laura Kuzia and Carolyn Holmes, Centerpiece Coordinators

Couples Dining is a great way to get to know other Mashpee Women's Club members and their spouses. At informal gatherings at each other's homes, menus are planned by the group so that everyone's palate can be satisfied. It's a wonderful way to make new friendships on the Cape. If anyone is interested, please contact Carolyn Holmes, Couples Dining Coordinator.

One of the mission of the Mashpee Women's Club is to provide charitable programs to support our towns, and we are proud to continue its charitable mission. The United Way of Cape Cod is hosting a community baby shower and has asked The Black Purls Yarn Store in Sandwich to collect baby hats. Members of our knitting group previously made 23 hats and 6 sweaters to contribute to the more than 100 baby items that were collected. Our knitting groups continue to meet to work on various projects. If you are interested in joining, please let us know. We look forward to meeting you. Please contact: Mary Liz McCahill pmccahill@.

We are always looking for new speakers for the GTKY segment of the monthly luncheons. If know someone who would be interesting, a small business from anywhere on Cape Cod, or has an idea about something they would like to hear more about, please let us know.

The speaker has 5-7 minutes to speak and cannot be someone that spoke as a GTKY speaker with the last two years.

Coordinators to be Determined

There are opening available for the second Thursday of the month Bridge Club. Please contact Adrienne Guptill.

We are looking for ladies who enjoy creating centerpiece arrangements for our monthly luncheons. Two or three members per month share the responsibility to create the centerpiece for that month's luncheon. The centerpiece could be floral, balloons, sand and seashells, or something else to fit in with the program theme each month. The number required would vary from month to month depending upon the number of tables, but would range from 10-12 centerpieces. This is a great way to get involved. And, your efforts would have a direct positive impact on our funding of charities and scholarships, as they are included in our 50/50 each month. Please contact Laura Kuzia or Carolyn Holmes for more information (contact information is in the directory).

Solo Dining is a fun way to get together with a great group of ladies for lunch, while experiencing a variety of restaurants in the area. To join our Solo Dining group, please contact Susan Creed (contact information is in the directory),

Pink has taken on a whole new meaning over the years, and in the month of October each year, it is the color of choice for so many people either in honor of the survivors, in memory of those loved ones who lost their battle to breast cancer, or simply to support a great cause. We honor all those people and thank them for making the advances in breast cancer research possible.

If you are receiving this newsletter via regular U.S. mail, it is because we do not have an email address on file for you or because have requested it to be sent to you through regular mail.

If you did receive a mailed copy and have an email address and would like to receive the newsletter and other Mashpee Women's Club correspondence via email instead of hard copy, please contact Nancy Kurtz. You may email her at: nancypasbc@

One advantage of receiving the emailed copy is that there are lots of color photographs and pictures that do not reproduce as well in the black and white hard copy. Email also reduces our reproduction and mailing costs for the newsletter.

Note: To continue receiving the newsletter via regular mail, you do not need to do anything. We are very happy to continue to mail the newsletter to you as we have done in the past.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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