Preschool Newsletter October 2015 Fall is h ere!!!

Preschool Newsletter October 2015 Fall is here!!!

Dear Preschool Families, We are starting our second month of preschool and the children really have our routine and schedule down! They are amazing!!! This week we began our special reading time with Mrs. Voivoda, our schools Library Assistant, they loved the special story time. Our home visits are underway and by the end of the month, I will have had at least one visit with every family. Your role is so important to the success of your child and as we work together, we will see amazing growth and progress. Please check out the calendar below, there is a lot of opportunities at Cedar Lane & LCPS. Also, check out the Cedar Lane website, Preschool page for our classroom activities, themes and photos of our students. Our Harvest party will be Friday, October 30th, look out for the letter going home this week.

Thank you, Miss Diane

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.

The first one said, oh, my it's getting late!

The second one said, "There are owls in the air."

The third one said, "But we don't care."

The fourth one said, "Let's run, let's run!"

The fifth one said, "Isn't Fall fun?"

Then Woooooo went the wind

And OUT went the lights.

And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

Our Community Helper for September was Farmer Derek. He bought silky chickens and baby chicks to school for the children to greet. (A special thank you to Miss Maria-Derek is her son.)

Our Preschool Theme for October is fall and Fire Safety. We are exploring how leaves change and how the weather gets colder in the fall. We notice how as the weather changes we change the clothes we wear-we go from wearing shorts to pants. Use these opportunities at home to extend your child's learning with simple everyday experiences. We enjoyed some wonderful learning opportunities with our Farmer Unit and will move into Fire Safety with a visit from the Ashburn Fire Station this month. In our "Kids in the Kitchen" unit where our students have an opportunity to cook, we will be making pumpkin pancakes. Please let me know if you don't want your child to participate.

Farm Unit continues ? Milking a cow with Miss Debbie

Kids In the KitchenMaking Applesauce

Literacy Circle-Block Play Stack blocks with your child. Practice "my turn" and "your turn". Say, "up" as you add

each block and "down" or "boom" as they fall down. Knock the stack down with a toy car. Tell the toy "Go-gogo; Boom; All fall down; again?" by Early Language Development

Cedar Lane & LCPS News -Wednesday, October 14th & 21st-PEP Parents as Educational Partners -Saturday, October 24th 9am-12 noon Cedar Lane Fall Clean up -Friday, October 30st-Harvest Celebration in the Classroom ? 12:45pm

-Monday, November 2 & Tuesday, November 3rd-Teacher Work Days, No school

-Wednesday, November 4th-7pm Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC), Topic- Behavioral

Supports, LCPS Administration Building, 21000 Education Court Ashburn -Wednesday, November 11th 8:30am Cedar Lane Veterans Day Program -November 16-20th ? American Education Week (Details to Follow) -Wednesday, December 2nd ? 7pm - Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

-Tuesday, December 8th- Kindergarten Connection, Moving on from ECSE to Kindergarten with an IEP,

Smart's Mill Middle School, 850 North King Street, Leesburg, -Wednesday, November 25th-Friday, November 27th-Thanksgiving Holiday, No School -Tuesday, December 8th- Moving On to Kindergarten, Smarts Mill Elementary School -Saturday, December 12th 8am-12 noon Cedar Lane Winder Wonderland -Monday, December 21st ? Friday, January 1st- Winter Holiday break -Wednesday, January 6th ? 7pm - Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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