Rome Timeline Pcs

Ancient Rome Timeline Pieces

Cut out the following symbols and paste on your timeline in the correct time period.

753 BC Rome Founded Ruled by Kings

509 BC Roman Republic Begins

312 BC First Roman Highway

Appian Way Begun

300 BC Circus Maximus Begun

218 BC Hannibal Crosses Alps

2nd Punic War

73 BC Spartacus Leads


60 BC First Triumvirate

Rules Rome

47 BC Julius Caesar Dictator of Rome

46 BC Caesar Meets


46 BC Julian Calendar

44 BC Ides of March Caesar Assassinated

27 BC Augustus (Octavian) Pax Romana Begins

Approx 5 BC Birth of Christ Christianity Begins

Approx. AD 33 Crucifixtion & Resurrection of Christ

AD 64 Nero Burns Rome

AD 70 Titus Destoys


? Copyright 2004 by Cindy Downes, Clipart by

Ancient Rome Timeline Pieces

Cut out the following symbols and paste on your timeline in the correct time period.

AD 73 Seige of Masada

AD 79 Mt. Vesuvius Erupts Pompeii Destroyed

AD 80 Colosseum Built

AD 121 Hadrian Wall Built to Keep out Barbarians

AD 124 Pantheon Completed

AD 230 Persian Wars Begin Barbarian Invasions

AD 303 Great Persecution of

Christians Begins

AD 324 Constantine Rules Empire

AD 325 Nicene Creed Written

AD 330 Constantine Moves to


AD 337 Constantine Baptized

As Christian

AD 380 Theodosius I Establishes State Religion

AD 395 Rome Split into Two Empires

AD 447 Attila the Hun Attacks Rome

AD 476 End of Western Empire Middle Ages Begin AD

AD 1453 Byzantine Empire Ends

Instanbul is Islamic

? Copyright 2004 by Cindy Downes


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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