Fulton Schools

ELA Choice Board – Pick One ELA Activity Per DayRead a story with your child for 15 minutes.Take a picture walk before reading and make predictions about the storyRead the storyAs you read, ask your child to point to the top of the page and the bottom of the page. At the end of each page, ask where you should read next. Have your child discuss the main character of the story and the setting of the story.Detective GameExplain to your child that you are going to play a detective game. He/she will ask questions to try to find out about a hidden object. First, encourage your child to hide an item behind the screen without you seeing it. Model several simple questions that you would ask about the item to try to guess what it is. For example: "Can you eat it? Does it make a sound if you shake it? Keep the questions very concrete and simple. After several questions reveal what the object is and discuss how the questions helped you learn more about the hidden item. Now it’s your turn to hide an object and have your child ask the questions.I Spy with Letter NnSay the poem “I Spy with my little eyes a word that has the /n/ sound in it.” Encourage your child to guess what you may be looking atHave your child take a turn spying an object.Take turns Rhyme TimeProvide picture cards and encourage your child to name words that rhyme with the pictured item.Pictures can be used from magazines, newspaper, or printed online.Attached to the bottom of this document is a rhyming resource. Find 5 letter Nn words around the house or outside on a walk.Practice making the letter Nn using sand, flour, shaving cream, markers or crayons. Line up spoons or forks to make letter NnLine up your shoes to make the letter NnHow many ways did you make your letter Nn? Math/Science Choice Board – Pick One Math/Science Activity Per DaySortingWhen unloading the dishwasher or after hand-washing dishes, have your child carefully sort the dishes by type, size, color, or by which cabinet or drawer they belong in.Simon SaysPlay Simon Says using motion words and movements. i.e. clap your hands slowly, clap faster, turn around slowly, jump slowly, jump fasterRoll the Dice Gather 2 dice and objects that can be used for counting. You can also create a die by using a small box and writing numbers and dots on each side.Have your child roll the dice. Place the amount rolled on the first die in a pile. Place the amount rolled on the second die in a pile. Say, “On this side you rolled a 4. Let’s count them out. 1, 2, 3, 4. On this side, you rolled a 3. Let’s count them out. 1, 2, 3. Let’s put all the objects together and see what we have. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 4 plus 3 equals 7.” You can challenge your child by having him/her write the addition problem. 4 + 3 = 7 GravityCollect a group of small objects of various weights for a gravity drop activity (i.e. balloon, crayon, crumpled piece of paper, cotton ball, mini ball). Have the child explore their texture and weight. Choose an item and drop it to the floor. Ask your child what happened when you let go of it. Try it with another item and ask again. Did the same thing happen? Continue with each item, asking your child to help you drop the items. Do the activity again, this time watching how quickly they fall. What does your child notice about how each item falls? If it is fast or slow, ask what he/she thinks might make it so. Explain gravity in its most simple form. Gravity is a force that pulls things to the center of the earth (to the ground).What is the Weather Like?Use a piece of paper to create a weather log (if you have access to FlipGrid, we have one created on there).Look at the sky each morning and predict what the weather will be like each day.Ask questions such as “What did you see?” “How do you know it’s cloudy/sunny?” Mark it on your weather log At the end of the day, discuss your predictions. Were you correct? left573849500-88900233489500left-95440500 ................

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