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Name ______________ Period _______________ Date __________

World Culture and Geography Final exam

1. Lines the run parallel with to the prime meridian on a globe.

a. Latitude

b. parallels

c. location

d. longitude

2. To draw a map of the round earth on a flat surface, map makers use

a. Absolute locations

b. Relative locations

c. Map projections

d. Hemispheres

3. A city and its surroundings make up a ______ region.

a. Functional

b. Perceptual

c. Formal

d. Virtual

4. Designing and making amps is the work of

a. History

b. Cartography

c. Anthropology

d. Economics

5. The shortest distance between two places on the earth follows a

a. Great circle

b. Straight line on a map

c. Scenic route

d. Map projection

6. ________ location is its global address

a. Relative

b. Global

c. Absolute

d. Cartogrphic

7. To study and interpret the Earth’s complexity, geographers, often divide it into

a. direct observation

b. regions

c. places

d. situation

8. In studying the Earth and its people, geographers use

a. Direct observation

b. Interviews

c. Technology

d. All of these

9. How has the Geographer’s craft changed over the last 100 years?

a. The world has literally become smaller

b. Maps are no longer as important as they once were

c. Technology has provided computers and views from the air and from space

d. Interviewing is used less often to learn about and compare people

10. Desalination

a. Is the salt from humans sweat

b. The opposite of pepper

c. Is in salt lake

d. When salt is removed from salt water in order to drink

11. The ______ is the Earth’s land or crust

a. Hydrosphere

b. Atmosphere

c. Biosphere

d. Lithosphere

12. According to the theory of______, the earth’s continents were once joined in one large landmass and then separated.

a. Evolution

b. Motion

c. Continental drift

d. Relativity

13. In the process of _____ earth’s surface is worn down by wind, glaciers, and water.

a. Folding

b. Plate tectonics

c. Erosion

d. Weathering

14. A saturated, porous underground layer of rock through which water flows slowly is

a. A spring

b. An aquifer

c. Desalination

d. Pool

15. Gravity is the physical force that

a. Creates asteroid belt

b. Is due to the sun’s small mass and the lack of matter

c. Establishes the order of the planets

d. Keeps the planets and other objects revolving around the sun

16. The force that does most of the work of wearing down earth is

a. Wind

b. Sand

c. Water

d. Heat

17. The total amount of water in the hydrosphere genrally

a. Decreases

b. In creases

c. Stays the same

d. Decreases, then increases

18. How are the hydrosphere, lithosphere, and the atmosphere related?

a. All are circular regions

b. They are all elements that make up the biosphere

c. People have no control over them

d. All three revolve around the sun

19. When the heavier sea plate dives beneath the lighter continental plate it causes

a. Subduction

b. Accretion

c. Spreading

d. Faulting

20. When there are the same amount of day and night time hours it is

a. Equinox

b. Summer solstice

c. Winter

d. Fall

21. In tropical regions what is the only exception for change to cooler temperatures

a. Direct sunlight

b. Change in altitude

c. Longitude

d. Water

22. Dead zones in between trade winds

a. Easterlies

b. Westerlies

c. Doldrums

d. Bass drums

23. What part of the earth gets direct sunlight year round

a. Area between equator and prime meridian

b. Area between tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn

c. The north and south pole

d. Hell

24. Day to day conditions of the atmosphere make up

a. Weather

b. Climate

c. Axis

d. Equinox

25. Long-term atmospheric conditions that people can expect to be generally true make up

a. Weather

b. Climate

c. Solstice

d. Tilt

26. Because of _____ winds tend to blow diagonally rather than from due north, south, east or west

a. Savannas

b. Mixed greens

c. Prairies

d. Tundras

27. Why is the green house effect necessary to life/

a. People’s activities increase the greenhouse effect

b. Without the greenhouse effect earth would be too cold for life

c. Farmers grow crops in greenhouses

d. Scientists are afraid that climate change will harm society

28. During el Nino years, whether in western South America become

a. Hotter and drier

b. Warmer and rainier

c. Colder and rainier

d. Colder and drier

29. Each climate region has it own kid of

a. Rock structure

b. Tectonic plate

c. Natural vegetation

d. Coriolis effect

30. How do human activities impact climates?

a. The sun may give off varying amounts of solar evergy

b. Volcanic eruptions may increase cloud cover

c. People add gases to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels

d. Scientists do research to learn what causes climate change

31. In the northern hemisphere winds blow

a. Clockwise

b. Counter Clockwise

c. Up and down

d. Left to right

32. Which climate region has all 4 seaons

a. Altitudes

b. High latitudes

c. Mid latitudes

d. Low latitudes

33. A government by one person is called

a. a democracy

b. an oligarchy

c. cultural diffusion

d. an autocracy

34. Ideas spread from on culture to another by the process of

a. Culture

b. culture hearth

c. culture diffusion

d. a federation

35. The _________ model uses birthrates and death reates to show changes in the population of a country or region.

a. natural increase

b. population explosion

c. migration

d. demographic

36. Why is negative population growth a concern?

a. Many more schools must be built

b. There may not be enough workers to fill available jobs.

c. There are too few old people to take care of the many children.

d. People may not enjoy good health.

37. The idea behind demaocracy is that

a. a monarch is the best kind of ruler.

b. a dictator rules on behalf of the peole

c. the people hold sovereign power.

d. A monarch has a purely ceremonial role.

38. The immediate goal of conservation is to

a. Stop using natural resources

b. Manage vital resources carefully so that peoples needs are met

c. Control the price of natural resources

d. Sell natural resources for a higher price

39. Which of the following is an example of how culture affects the daily lives of people?

a. Language is the means by which people communicate ideas.

b. Religion helps keep peace around the world

c. Government is not usually affected by cultural influences

d. Cultural influences are the same throughout a country

40. At the _______ are rapids and waterfalls that blocked ships from traveling farther uspstream.

a. treeline

b. coastal plain

c. Appalachian Mountains

d. Fall line

41. Thunderstorms that can cause tornadoes are

a. Hurricanes

b. Supercells

c. Prairies

d. Cold fronts

42. Trees cannot grow above the

a. The timberline

b. Fall line

c. Latitude lines

d. Boundaries

43. Why is it especially important to conserve fossil fuels?

a. They are nonrenewable

b. People do not understand how to find them

c. People do not know how to use them

d. The government own all the sources

44. As commercial fishing has declined what activity has taken its place?

a. Agriculture

b. Lumbering

c. Aquaculture

d. Conservation

45. Aside from latitude, what other factor greatly influences climate in North America?

a. Trees

b. grasslands

c. Large landforms

d. Rivers

46. What type of climate dominates the extreme southeastern United States?

a. Tropical dry

b. Humid subtropical

c. Humid continental

d. Subarctic

47. The string of cities along the coast in the northeastern United States is called

a. Urban sprawl

b. Suburbs

c. A megalopolis

d. Immigration

48. A partially self-governing country with close ties to Great Britain is a

a. Territory

b. Loyalist

c. Parliament

d. Dominion

49. Why is the United States one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world?

a. The land over which European settlers spread contained powerful kingdoms of many nationalities

b. Immigrants came to the United States from many countries

c. Ancestors of Native Americans probably arrived about 20,000 years ago.

d. Most people in the United States speak English

50. Compared with 1970, what has happened to the number of single- and two-person household in the United States?

a. It has increased

b. It has decreased

c. It has stayed about the same.

d. It increased and then decreased

51. high plateau encircled by mountains is called.

a. a cordillera

b. an excarpment

c. an altiplano

d. pampas

52. _______ is A electricity generated from falling water.

a. Nuclear power

b. Hydroelectric power

c. Thermal power

d. Super Power

53. In the tropical rain forest, trees grow close together and form dense layer of leaves called the

a. tierra caliente

b. puna

c. canopy

d. biodiversity

54. Most of the Andes were formed by the collision of which two tectonic plates/

a. Nazca and Cocos

b. South American and Pacific

c. Caribbean and South American

d. South American and Nazca

55. Which Latin American country has the larges oil reserves?

a. Venezuela

b. Mexico

c. brazil

d. Ecuador

56. In the mountains of latin Ameica, the most important determinant of cimate vegetation is

a. crops

b. latitude

c. altitude

d. cities

57. Where is the world’s largest tropical rain forest?

a. llanos

b. pampa

c. Amazon Basin

d. Rio de la Plata

58. What physical features have kept some Latin American’s people isolated

a. interior plains and grasslands

b. great river systems

c. high mountains and cordilleras

d. coastal plains

59. What type of vegetation surrounds the Amazon river

a. tropical rain forest

b. tropical grassland(savanna)

c. desert scrub and desert

d. deciduous forest

60. Frozen Land is called

a. tierra grande

b. tierra fria

c. tierra helada

d. tirra gordo

61. Several Mountain ranges that run parallel to each other are called

a. pampas

b. llanos

c. cordilleras

d. motorcycles

62. People who are descendants of a region’s first inhabitants are _________ people.

a. ruling

b. religion

c. indigenous

d. conquering

63. To increase their farmland, Aztec farmers built “floating” fields called_______.

a. syncretism

b. chinampas

c. caudillo

d. pyramids’

64. A form of a language that is unique to a particular place is a _______.

a. vocabulary

b. grammar

c. dialect

d. lingua franca

65. The loss of the most educated people of a country through emigration is called

a. immigration

b. illegal migration

c. refugees

d. a brain drain

66. People of mixed Native American and Spanish ancestry are called

a. Aztec

b. Maya

c. Mulato

d. Mestizos

67. With small areas and rapidly growing populations, ________ contain some of the most densely populated countries of Latin America

a. Central America

b. Yucatan

c. The Andes

d. The Caribbean islands

68. Where does most of the population of South America live?

a. in the Andes

b. in the Amazon Basin

c. near the coast

d. in southern Argentina

69. Why has urbanization been a major challenge for Latin American countries?

a. Large number of people have moved to cites looking for better jobs

b. Countries have suffered a brain drain

c. Caudillos ruled Mexico for many years after independence

d. The Aztec, Maya, and Inca had highly developed civilizations.

70. Which language is dominant is South America.

a. Spanish

b. English

c. French

d. Portuguese

71. Dialects that blend indigenous, European, afican, and asian languages are called

a. swahilli

b. Mohican

c. Patois

d. Spanish

72. royally appointed officials

a. kings

b. jacks

c. knights

d. viceroys

73. dictator is also called

a. Fidel Castro

b. Caudillo

c. Joseph Stallin

d. Communism

74. family or groups of people that are run by the head women

a. patriarch

b. matriarch

c. king

d. queen

75. one negative cause of bad health care in Latin America is

a. candy

b. malnutrition

c. anorexia

d. obesity

76. floating islands are called

a. Hawaiian

b. Islanders

c. punas

d. chinampas

77. a condition caused by a lack of proper food

a. malnutrition

b. running

c. laziness

d. to many video games

78. The Dutch have expanded their farmland by enclosing _______ with dikes.

A. rivers

B. plains

C. polders

D. fjords

79. Glaciation carved long, narrow, steep sided inlets called _______ in the coast of Norway.

A. polders

B. dikes

C. fjords

D. rivers

80. A destructive mass of ice, snow, and rock sliding down a mountain is called a(n) _______.

A. avalanche

B. permafrost

C. foehn

D. sirocco

81. Which seas does the Main-Dunabe River link?

A. the North Sea and the Baltic Sea

B. the Mediterranean Sea and the North Sea

C. the north Sea and the Black Sea

D. the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea

82. Which country depends heavily on nuclear power for its energy needs?

A. Britain

B. Spain

C. Norway

D. France

83. What is responsible for making western Europe’s climate milder than that of eastern Europe?

A. lower latitude

B. the North Atlantic Current

C. lower elevation

D. fewer mountains

84. What kind of climate is found in the central part f the Iberian Peninsula?

A. highland

B. marine west coast

C. Mediterranean

D. Steppe

85. Which river flows through the most countries.

A. Rhine

B. Dunabe

C. Tagus

D. Dnieper

86. _______ is an economic system in which business leaders use profit to expand their companies

A. Communism

B. Democracy

C. Industrial capitalism

D. Agrarianism

87. People who work temporarily in a country are called ________

A. refugees

B. guest workers

C. emigrants

D. unemployed

88. Ancient Greece was divided into separate communities called _______

A. boundaries

B. metropolitan areas

C. suburbs

D. city-states

89. ________ is a policy of killing or expelling rival groups in an area.

A. Intermarriage

B. Acculturation

C. Integration

D. Ethnic Cleansing

90. The ______ transformed manufacturing by replacing human labor with machines

A. Enlightenment

B. Reformation

C. Industrial Revolution

D. Middle Ages

91. Which Kingdom unified Germany for the first time?

A. Prussia

B. France

C. Russia

D. Great Britain

92. The _____ are a traditionally migratory minority people found in many eastern European countries.

A. the government

B. Basques

C. Roma

D. Frisians

93. Who runs the majority of businesses in Greece?

A. the government

B. international corporations

C. foreigners

D. families

94. Beginning in 1600s, Europe underwent a series of dramatic and lasting changes brought about by a variety of factors, including the

A. Holocaust

B. Fall of communism

C. Enlightenment

D. Impressionists

95. The manufacture of machinery and industrial equipment is ______.

A. heavy industry

B. light industry

C. services

D. economics

96. Organizations that share the cost of growing and selling crops are called _____

A. communes

B. villages

C. plantations

D. farm cooperatives

97. When pollutants in the atmosphere combine with moisture, the result is _______.

A. dumping

B. acid rain

C. soil erosion

D. meltwater

98. When the Earth’s average temperature rises, it is called ______.

A. global cooling

B. the greenhouse effect

C. the acid rain effect

D. global warming

99. Today most Europeans work in______.

A. farming

B. mining

C. services

D. manufacturing

100. The first step toward a more unified Europe involved the ______ industry

A. textile

B. agriculture

C. coal and steel

D. automobile

101. today the healthiest commercial forests are found in the _______ Europe

A. northern

B. southern

C. eastern

D. western

102. Waste disposal has caused severe pollution problems in the

A. North Sea

B. Baltic Sea

C. Black Sea

D. Mediterranean Sea

103. The rich brown soil of the southern part of the Northern European plain is called.

a. sedimentary

b. chernozem

c. deciduous

d. permafrost

104. ______ gives the interior of a landmass more extreme temperatures than are found closer to water bodies

a. tundra

b. taiga

c. permafrost

d. continentality

105. ______ is a permanently frozen layer of soil below the surface

a. marshland

b. permafrost

c. tundra

d. chernozem

106. The ____ is the world’s largest boreal coniferous forest.

a. tundra

b. prairie

c. steppe

d. taiga

107. What natural feature’s southeastern boundaries marked by the mountains between Russia and China?

a. Central Siberian Plateau

b. Caucasus Mountains

c. Kamchatka Peninsula

d. Central Siberian Plateau

108. What problem limits Russia’s uses of its waterways?

a. it has no coasts along oceans

b. its rivers are too shallow to be useful

c. Much of the country is so dry that it has no waterways

d. Russia’s far northern location means that its waterways are frozen part of the year

109. Where do Russia’s coldest winter temperatures occur?

a. The Caucasus

b. Eastern Siberia

c. European Russia

d. Western Siberia

110. In what kind of climate do most Russians live?

a. Tropical climates

b. Midlatitude climate

c. Dry climate

d. High-latitude climate

111. What kind of adaptations would be necessary for people to live in high-latitude climates?

a. People would build houses with decks and patios.

b. People would have long summer vacations.

c. People would use boats to get around.

d. People would need a great deal of fuel.

112. What is the capital of Russia?

a. St Petersburg

b. Saratov

c. Samara

d. Moscow

113. ____ is a cast treeless plain that dominates the landscape

a. Plateau

b. Tundra

c. Taiga

d. Valley

114. Which way do rivers flow in Siberia?

a. sideways

b. across

c. into the mountains

d. towards the arctic ocean

115. Why has the caviar industry declined in Russia?

a. pollution has killed much of the fish in the rivers

b. over fishing has not allowed the fish to mature

c. dams built on the Volga river have interrupted the migration of sturgeon

d. the bears ate all the fish

116. A people who share a common ancestry, language, religion, customs, or some combination is ______.

a. a soviet

b. a race

c. a nation

d. an ethnic group

117. The supreme rulers of Russia were known as ______.

a. emperors

b. kings

c. Muscovites

d. Czars

118. _____ is a belief that there is no God or other supreme being.

a. Turkic

b. Ethnicity

c. Atheism

d. Soviet

119. Gorbachev’s economic restructuring plan was known as _______.

a. perestroika

b. communism

c. glasnost

d. perestroika

120. Where do most Russians live?

a. the Ural Mountains

b. eastern Russia

c. western Russia

d. the Caucasus Mountains

121. After the fall of the Soviet Union, what happen to religious life in Russia?

a. Most people who claim a religious affiliation have returned to the Russian orthodox Church.

b. Most people became protestant

c. The government continued to insist that everyone follow atheism

d. The Roman Catholic Church became the predominant religion

122. What opened Russia’s interior to settlement?

a. the Trans-Siberian Railroad

b. global warming

c. the conquest of a warm-water port

d. the defeat of the Mongols

123. Which group eventually gained power in Russia after the Russian after Russian Revolution?

a. republicans

b. white Russians

c. Communists

d. Socialists

124. Years of frustration le up to the Russian Revolution, but the event that finally brought it about was

a. a major famine

b. the suffering during WWII

c. loss of freedom of the Russian Orthodox Church to practice religion

d. the killing of the czar and his family

125. Where do most families live in Russia?

a. houses

b. apartments

c. duplex

d. mansions

126. What are the 4 major religions in Russia?

a. Islam, Hindu, Christian, and atheism

b. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism

c. Buddhism, Christianity, Hindu, and Nativism

d. Coolism, Meism, Hatism, Softism

127. ______ was a revolutionary group led by Vladamir Ilyich Lenin, to seize control.

a. Vladicostok

b. Bolsheviks

c. Russificaitons

d. Glasnost

128. ______ is a policy of greater political openness

a. perestroika

b. glasnost

c. socialism

d. communism

129. A _____ sells goods illegally, usually at higher prices than regulations allow.

a. kolhoz

b. flea market

c. hypermarket

d. black market

130. In a _______ economy, the government makes key economic decisions.

a. command

b. free

c. declining

d. demand

131. _______ are chemicals used to kill crop-damaging insects and other organisms.

a. nuclear wastes

b. acids

c. fertilizers

d. pesticides

132. The Soviet era left a legacy of environmental pollution because

a. foreign countries were uninterested in protecting the environment

b. the soviets believed theirs was the world’s best country

c. Soviet scientists were ignorant of environmental protection principles

d. Industrialization was the main goal, and environmental protection was unimportant to the government

133. What factors have contributed to the reduction in Russian forests?

a. urban sprawl and industrialization

b. overuse of fertilizers and pesticides

c. increased large-scale farming and pipelines in the northernmost parts of Russia

d. acid rain and chemical pollution

134. After the accident at Chernobyl in 1986, what happened to energy production in the Soviet Union?

a. All nuclear power plants were shut down

b. Nuclear power plants were inspected and renovated to a higher safety standard

c. Much of the country’s electricity continues to come from the 29 remaining plants

d. The ruins of Chernobyl were encased in a totally secure structure to prevent radioactive leaks

135. Farms worked by farmers who shared, to a degree, in the farms production and profits.

a. Kolkhozes

b. Sovkhozes

c. Kamchatka

d. Noril’sk

136. What is Russia’s main export?

a. energy

b. food

c. metal

d. rubber

137. What percent of Russia’s population use cell phones?

a. 50%

b. 25%

c. 15%

d. 70%


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