Hink Pinks - WKU

Hink Pinks

1. What do you call a chubby kitty?

2. What do you call an angry father?

3. What do you call a huge hog?

4. What do you call a rabbit that tells jokes?

5. What is a cute young cat?

6. What do you call a crying father?

Answers: Easy Hink Pink Answers:

1. Fat cat

2. Mad dad

3. Big pig

4. Funny Bunny

5. Pretty kitty

6. Sad Dad


1. Following are some sample Hink Pinks:

o a party at a convent = nun fun

o a married rodent = mouse spouse

o an earthquake on a Sunday morning = church lurch

o a "hip" monster = cool ghoul

o what lawyers feel when they lose = brief grief

How about some Hinky Pinkies?

o a bull who sings ballads has a = mellow bellow

o theft of prime cut beef = sirloin purloin

o sibling of a skin blemish = sister blister

o the highest plastic container = upper tupper

o a magical grasshopper = hocus locust

o a magical woman who milks cows = dairy fairy

o an airplane at greater elevation than the others = higher flier

o a rabbit with a sense of humor = funny bunny

o a young cat in love = smitten kitten

o why the child was scared of the storm = frightening lightning

o a fruit that needs a shave = hairy berry

o an anxious snake = hyper viper

o a tired flower = lazy daisy

o a big hill that spits out water = fountain mountain

o a more intelligent boxer = brighter fighter

Ready for some Hinkety Pinketies?

o a place where the national leader lives = president's residence

o a disturbance during a church service = devotion commotion

o history of spectacles = monocle chronicle

o two drums conversing with each other at a jazz concert = percussion discussion

o a pizza delivery man who needs a shave = hairier carrier

o stripping paint with snakes = serpentine turpentine

o attacking someone with false praise = flattery battery

o a fuzzy UPS man = furrier courier

o race of sea-faring craft = armada regatta

o ships crewed by apes = gorilla flotilla


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