Pacing Guide: Fall 2008 - Discovery Education

Pacing Guide: Fall 2008


|Quarter 1 |Quarter 2 |Quarter 3 |Quarter 4 |

|Benchmark 1A |Benchmark 1B |Benchmark 2A |Benchmark 2B |Benchmark 3A |Benchmark 3B |Benchmark 4A |

|Geography Skills (Including 4th |Discovery and Exploration and |Trade, Supply & Demand |Citizenship: Roles & |Causes and Consequences of |Constitution & |Elections of Washington & Jefferson |

|Grade Skill Review) |Colonial Life |Note: Assets designated as GL or ABGL|Responsibilities |the Revolution, |Operation of Government |Note: Assets designated as GL or ABGL signify grade level or above|

|Native American Life |Note: Assets designated as GL or ABGL|signify grade level or above grade |Note: Assets designated as GL or |Founding Documents |Note: Assets designated as GL or |grade level. |

|Note: Assets designated as GL or |signify grade level or above grade |level. |ABGL signify grade level or above |Note: Assets designated as GL|ABGL signify grade level or above | |

|ABGL signify grade level or above |level. | |grade level. |or ABGL signify grade level |grade level. |NOTE: Benchmark 4B is at the Bottom of the Document |

|grade level. | | | |or above grade level. | | |

| |

|(The following geography skills |5.1.4 (C) Locate and compare the |4.4.6 List the functions of money* |5.2.8 Describe group and |5.1.9 (C) Analyze the causes |5.1.14 (C) Explain why the United |5.1.16 (C) Explain the development of|

|are to be reviewed/taught in the |origins, physical structure and |and compare and contrast things that |individual actions that illustrate|of the American Revolution as|States Constitution was created in|the first American political parties |

|first 7 days of school.) |social structure of early Spanish, |have been used as money in the past |civic virtues, such as civility, |outlined in the Declaration |1787 and how it established a |and describe early presidential |

| |French and British settlements. |in Indiana, the United States and the|cooperation, respect and |of Independence. |stronger union among the original |elections. |

|4.1.16 Distinguish fact from | |world. |responsible participation. | |13 states by making it the supreme| |

|opinion and fact from fiction in |Videos: | | |Videos: |law of the land. Identify people | |

|historical documents and other |European Nations Begin to Establish |Videos: | |Liberty: The American |who were involved in its |Videos |

|information resources* and |Colonies in the New World |Money |Videos: |Revolution   |development. |Footage and Commentary: George |

|identify the central question each|The Beginning of Colonization |Means of Exchange: Money and Goods |The Election Process |Describing the American | |Washington Inaugurated as First |

|narrative addresses. |Spain's Influence in the Americas    |Money in Other Countries |Volunteering   |Revolution | |President on April 30, 1789, by the |

| |English Settlements   (GL) |Money Circulation |Let's Meet Some Contributors in |The American Revolution and |Videos |First Congress in New York City    |

|Videos: |Middle and Southern Colonies   (ABGL)|Money Transactions |the Community    |the Articles of Confederation|The Preamble    |1791-1792: First Political Parties |

|Understanding Genre |Introduction to the English Colonies |Barter vs. Money |Communities Have to Choose   |   |Introduction: A Virtual Tour of |Are Formed, Bill of Rights Approved |

|Sources of Information |1620-1700   (ABGL) |The History of Money |How Do People Contribute?   |England's Intolerable Acts: |the Origins of American Government|  (ABGL) |

|Finding Information with Thomas |Spanish Colonization   |The Importance of Money: From Barter |Contributing is Fun!    |Seeds of the American |   |George Washington Becomes President |

|Jefferson |Exploration and Colonial Settlement |to Currency |Citizens and Citizenship |Revolution   (ABGL) |Principles of the United States |of the United States    |

|Parts of a Book |by the Swedish, Dutch, and English   | |Using the Qualities of Good |Causes of the American |Constitution    |Political Parties, Delegates, and |

|Using What We Know | |Games: |Citizenship to Make a Difference |Revolution: A Review   (ABGL)|Amendments to the United States |Conventions   |

|Exploring Encyclopedias |Images: |The Whaddaya Know Quiz Show: Money I |   |Lexington and Concord: The |Constitution    |Political Parties in the United |

|Electronic Media |Philadelphia in 1768. |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 |Qualities of Good Citizenship   |Shot Heard Around the World |Drafting the United States |States    |

|Mummies in the Dictionary | |Instructional Games: |Discovery Education Resources: |  (ABGL) |Constitution   |Establishing Precedents    |

|Visual Resources |Writing Prompt: |The Whaddaya Know Quiz Show: Money II|2011 |Introduction    |The Constitution of the United |The First President |

|Gathering Information |A School Flag | |Videos: |Introduction to Colonial |States  (ABGL) |Tennessee Statehood and John Adams |

|Space Shuttle Citing |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 |4.4.8 Define profit* and describe how|Rights and Responsibilities |History |The Constitution Step-By-Step |Elected U.S. President, 1796    |

|Time Lines, Maps, and Pictures |Audio: |profit is an incentive for |Volunteering |The Continental Army and |The Almost Painless Review of the |Thomas Jefferson   |

|Implicit and Explicit |Exploring & Colonizing North America:|entrepreneurs | |Navy: 1783 and 1798   |U.S. Constitution   (ABGL) |The United States in 1800   |

|Fact vs. Opinion |Spanish Settlement in the New World |Videos: |5.2.9 (C) Examine ways by which |An Introduction to the |Ratification of the Constitution | |

| | |Maximizing Profits |citizens may effectively voice |Declaration of Independence |   |Images: |

|Discovery Education Resources: | |Using Math to Calculate a Price |opinions, monitor government, and |  (ABGL) |The Constitution & Washington, |Map shows electoral votes, 1824 |

|2011 |5.1.5 (C) Explain the religious, |Banking & Saving |bring about change in government |Segment One: Declaration of |D.C.    |election. |

|Videos: |political and economic reasons for |Prices |including voting and participation|Independence    |Values: Life, Liberty, and the |Salmon P. Chase, early leader in |

|Historical Fiction: "Zia" by Scott|movement of people from Europe to the|Using Estimation in Real World |in the election process. |Summation of Taxation Acts: |Pursuit of Happiness  Creating a |Republican Party. |

|O'Dell |Americas. |Situations | |The Road to Revolution    |Government: The Constitution    |Announcement of a public meeting. |

|Paul Revere: His Early Years | |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 |NOTE: SEE STANDARD 5.2.5 |Native Americans and |James Madison |John Adams (1735-1826). |

|[Based on Jean Fritz’s book, And | |Videos: |Discovery Education Resources: |Loyalists    |The Thirteen Colonies: From the |Thomas Jefferson, Third President of |

|Then What Happened, Paul Revere?] |Video: |Applying Math: Making a Sale |2011 |The Revolutionary War: 1775 |Articles of Confederation to a |the United States |

|The First Comers Disagree over Who|The Expedition of Francisco Vasquez | |Videos: |to 1778    |Centralized Government   (ABGL) | |

|Stepped on Plymouth Rock First |de Coronado (1540-1542) |5.4.6 (C) Use economic reasoning to |Voting and Patriotism |Thomas Jefferson and the |Ben Franklin: His Years in |Articles: |

|[Based on Jean Fritz’s book, Who’s|Pennsylvania: The Spirit of Tolerance|explain why certain careers are more |Voting: Encouraging More Americans|Declaration of Independence |Government    |Political Parties in the United |

|That Stepping on Plymouth Rock? |  |common in one region than in another |to Vote |   |Responsible Leaders Seek Formation|States |

|Introduction and the Story of |The Plymouth Colony   |and how specialization results in |Voting & Democracy |The Boston Tea Party    |of a Strong Federal Government |Republican Party |

|Christopher Columbus |Conclusion (Summary of the religious |more interdependence. |Audio: |The Intolerable Acts and the |  (ABGL) |Whig Party |

|Introduction [To American |pursuit of the early colonies) | |Lyndon B. Johnson: Speech before |First Continental Congress   |Thomas Jefferson and the |Federalist Party |

|Heritage: Native Americans] |Columbus Organizes an Expedition   |Video: |Congress on Voting Rights (March |Independence Day    |Declaration of Independence    |Democratic Party |

|Audio: |Early 15th Century Trade Routes: |Maryland: The Proprietary Colonies   |15, 1965) |Review: Causes of the | |Tory |

|African American History: Imagine |Land, Wealth, and Religion (ABGL) |The Colony of Maryland, Founded in |Writing Prompts: |American Revolution |Images: |Adams, John |

| |Fishing, Trapping, and Exploring: The|1632    |Right to Vote [Expository] |The Stamp Act of 1765: |The signing of the U.S. |President of the United States |

| |Europeans Arrive  (GL) |The Dutch Establish the Colony of New|Convincing Parents to Vote |Taxation Without |Constitution. |Jefferson, Thomas |

|4.3.2 Estimate distances between | |Netherland    |[Persuasive][Persuasive][ELA,SS][ |Representation   | |Thomas Jefferson Memorial |

|two places on a map, using a scale|Images: | | |Chancellor of Exchequer | | |

|of miles, and use cardinal* and |Departure of the Pilgrims from |Images: |5.2.10 (C) Use a variety of |Charles Townshend: The |Articles: |Audio: |

|intermediate directions* when |Delfthaven, 1620. |Codfishing off the coast of New |information resources* to identify|Townshend Acts |Constitution of the United States |U.S. Government: The First 200 Years:|

|referring to relative location. |Anne Marbury Hutchinson (1591-1643). |England. |and evaluate contemporary issues |The Quartering Act and the | |Asserting Authority & the Emergence |

| | | |that involve civic responsibility,|Stamp Act   |Audio: |of Political Parties  (ABGL) |

|Videos: |Audio: | |individual rights and the common |George Grenville Supports the|The Constitution of the United | |

|Using a Map Scale to Find Distance|Exploring & Colonizing North America:|5.4.7 (C) Predict the effect of |good. |Sugar Act and the Quartering |States of America: Article 1    | |

|Using Scale: Finding Distance on a|Escaping Religious Persecution   |changes in supply* and demand* on | |Act |The Constitution of the United |Writing Prompt: |

|Globe |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 |price. |Videos: |England Taxes the Colonies: |States of America: Article 2    |Being a Great Leader |

|Scale and Distance on a Map |Audio: |Videos: |Electronic Media   |War Debts and Support of |The Constitution of the United | |

|Scale: Measuring Distance Between |Exploring & Colonizing North America:|What is a Marketplace?  Producers and|Historical Research: Exploring |British Troops   |States of America: Article 3   |5.1.15 (C) Describe the origins and |

|Locations |Early American Settlements |Consumers, Goods and Services    |Multiple Perspectives and Primary |The Townshend Acts, Writs of |The Constitution of the United |drafting of the Bill of Rights, |

|Scale | |The Origin of Free Market Economies |Sources: Point of View |Assistance, and the Boston |States of America: Article 4    |ratified in 1791. |

|Lines of Latitude | |(ABGL) |Using Varied Research Methods |Massacre, 1767-1770  (ABGL) |The Constitution of the United |SEE STANDARD 5.2.5 |

| |5.1.2 (C) Examine accounts of early |Free Trade    |Modern Library & Research Skills: |The Boston Massacre: 1770 |States of America: Article 5    | |

|Articles: |European explorations of North |Effects on Agricultural Profitability|Internet & Electronic Research | |The Constitution of the United | |

|Scale (in cartography) |America including major land and |(ABGL) |Skills    |Images: |States of America: Article 7    | |

| |water routes, reasons for exploration|Specialization (ABGL) |Online Research Techniques    |The Liberty Bell of the | |5.2.5 (C) Describe and give examples |

|Discovery Education Resources: |and the impact the exploration had. |Wants   |Research Sources: Handwritten |American Revolution. |Writing Prompt: |of individual rights guaranteed by |

|2011 | |Laws of Supply |Documents, Internet, Books, |A private in Sherburne's |Freedom of Speech (ABGL) |the Bill of Rights. |

|Videos: | |Characteristics of Resources and the |Museums    |Continental Regiment. |Freedom of the Press (ABGL) | |

|Cardinal & Intermediate Directions|Videos: |Economic Problem   |Using the Internet for Research   |John Paul Jones (1747-1792). | |Videos: |

|Distance |The Great Age of Exploration   |Supply and Demand |Discovery Education Resources: |The Boston Massacre, March 5,| |The Bill of Rights    |

|Songs: |The Importance of Christopher |The Marketplace: Supply and Demand |2011 |1770. |5.2.4 (C) Identify and explain key|Footage and Commentary: In 1791 First|

|Teacher and the Rockbots: How to |Columbus   | |Writing Prompts: |Gravestone of Boston Massacre|ideas about government as noted in|Ten Amendments to the Constitution, |

|Read a Map |A New Sea Route to the Far East    | |Social Media, Global Connections, |Victims |the Declaration of Independence, |the Bill of Rights   (ABGL) |

|Trip Planning |Crossing the Pacific Ocean    |Articles: |and You [Expository][ELA,SS][ |The Revolutionary War: The |Articles of Confederation, |Real Life Stories: Constitutional |

| | |Supply and Demand |5.2.6 (C) Describe primary and |War and a New Nation    |Northwest Ordinance, United States|Rights in America    |

| | |Cost of Living |general election process for | |Constitution and the Bill of |Protect Your Heritage as an American |

|4.3.12 Read and interpret thematic|Images: | |local, state and national offices,|Articles: |Rights. |Citizen; Register and Vote |

|maps — such as transportation, |Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512). |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 |including those used to select |American Revolution | |Voting: Encouraging More Americans to|

|population and products — to |Columbus landing in the Americas, |Videos: |congressional and presidential |Enlightenment, Age of (ABGL)|Videos: |Vote |

|acquire information about Indiana |1492. |Video Quiz: The Marketplace: Supply |office holders. |Boston Massacre |Footage and Commentary: The |The Bill of Rights    |

|in the present and the past. | |and Demand | |Discovery Education |Federalist Opposition to the |Fundamental American Liberties    |

| | |Consumers' Influence on Supply and |Videos: |Resources: 2011 |Constitution, the Inclusion of a |Government and Civil Liberties |

|Videos: |Audio: |Demand |State & Local Government |Skill Builder: |Bill of Rights, and the |What the Declaration Means Today |

|Different Types of Maps |Florida: Early European Settlements  |Songs: |The Almost Painless Review: The |American Revolution |Ratification of the Constitution |(ABGL) |

|Latitude, Longitude, & Other Map | |Teacher and the Rockbots: Supply and |Election Process | |  (ABGL) |Taken for Granted |

|Markings | |Demand (Economics) |The Election Process   | |Background Information About the |Individual Rights, the Social Good, &|

|Thematic Maps |5.3.12 (C) Describe and analyze how | |An Introduction to the Election | |Opposition to the Ratification of |Inequality Today |

|Symbols, Keys, & Special Purpose |specific physical features influenced|5.4.8 (C) Analyze how the causes and |Process   | |the Constitution, The Federalist | |

|Maps |historical events and movements, |effects of changes in price of |The Electoral College   | |Papers   (ABGL) |Images: |

| |cities and capitals, major rivers and|certain goods* and services* had |Reviewing the Electoral Process   |5.1.12 (C) Identify |James Madison and a Meeting to |Save Freedom of Speech, Buy War |

|SkillBuilder: |mountain ranges in the United States.|significant influence on events in |Voting: Encouraging More Americans|contributions of women and |Revise the Articles of |Bonds" poster by Norman Rockwell |

|PushPin Maps: The World | |United States history. |to Vote |minorities during the |Confederation    |Mary Ellen Pleasant, who fought for |

| | | |Discovery Education Resources: |American Revolution. |To The Mississippi: Westward |black rights. |

|Discovery Education Resources: |Videos: |NOTE:SEE STANDARD 5.4.7 |2011 | |Expansion and the Northwest | |

|2011 |The Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem: |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 |Videos: |Videos: |Ordinance of 1787 |Articles: |

|Videos: |Pollution and Protection; Settlement |Videos: |Caucuses and Primaries |Native Americans in the |The Bill of Rights |Speech, Freedom of |

|General Reference Maps |of Colonial Maryland    |Consumers: The Role of Opportunity |The Electoral College |American Revolution (ABGL) |Bill of Rights: U.S. Supreme Court|Liberty or Freedom |

|Navigational Maps |Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay   |Cost in Choice |Political Parties in the United |The Role of Women in the |    |Due Process of Law |

|Service Maps |Lewis & Clark Expedition   |Categories of Consuming Choice |States |American Revolution   (ABGL))|Americans' Rights: Our Freedoms: |Consumer Protection |

|Relief Maps |West Region, The: Environment   |How Consumers Make Choices | |The Role of African-Americans|The Bill of Rights | |

|Political Maps |Audio: | |5.2.1 (C) Summarize the principles|in the American Revolution | |Audio: |

|Road & Weather Maps |U.S. Geography, The Rocky Mountain |5.4.2 (C) Summarize a market economy |and purposes of government as |  (ABGL) |Images: |U.S. Government: The First 200 Years:|

|Other Types of Maps |States: The Land & People |and give examples of how the colonial|stated in the Preamble to the |Dunmore's Proclamation and |Jefferson's division of northwest |The Citizens & Their Government |

|More Maps & Combining Maps | |and early American economy exhibited |United States Constitution. |the Rebel Response    |territory. |U.S. Government: The First 200 Years:|

|Skill Builder: |Articles: |these characteristics. |Videos: |The Georgia Campaign and |A map of Indiana, shows influence |The Political & Social Status of the |

|Clue Maps: Landforms - Gulf Region|Wabash | |The Preamble   |African American Response to |of ordinance. |Eighteenth-Century American   |

|World Climate Regions |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 | |The Preamble   (ABGL) |Dunmore    |The beginnings of Ohio, 1784-1800.|U.S. Government: The First 200 Years:|

|Interactive Atlas/Map: |Videos: |Video: |The Constitution Step-By-Step |Washington and African | |The Need for a Bill of Rights |

|Geographic Dictionary |Early History of the Pacific Region |Formation of the Connecticut Colony; |Establishing Justice  (ABGL) |American Soldiers    | |  (ABGL) |

|Discovery Atlas Interactive Map |History of Mining in the Mountain |Connecticut's Historic Cities, Ports,| |The Iroquois in the |Audio: |Franklin D. Roosevelt: State of the |

| |States |and Landmarks    |Articles: |Revolutionary War    |Expanding Our Nation: Crossing the|Union (Four Freedoms Speech) (January|

| |Defining America's Boundaries, |Rhode Island: America's Smallest |Declaration of the Rights of Man |Common Problems   (ABGL) |Appalachian Mountains |6, 1941)   |

| |1817-1819 |State    |and of the Citizen |At the Back With Molly   | | |

|5.3.1 (C) Demonstrate that lines |Appalachian Mountains |Founding of Providence; Rhode | |The Battle of Monmouth | | |

|of latitude and longitude are |Cumberland Gap |Island's Major Cities, Ports, and | |  (ABGL) |5.1.20 (C) Read and interpret |Writing Prompt: |

|measured in degrees of a circle, | |Historic Landmarks   Combining |5.2.7 (C) Describe the three |Mystery Guest: Female Paul |primary and secondary source |Being an American |

|that places can be precisely | |Cultures |branches of the United States |Revere |accounts that pertain to a problem|The Importance of the Vote |

|located where these lines |5.3.8 (C) Explain how the Spanish, |The Southern Colonies   |government, their functions, and |A New Flag for the United |confronting people during the |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 |

|intersect, and that location can |British and French colonists altered | |their relationships. |States    |Founding Era of the United States.|Videos: |

|be stated in terms of degrees |the character and use of land in |5.4.3 Define types of trade | |Deborah Sampson: From Servant|(review and elaborate upon the |Americans' Rights: Our Freedoms: The |

|north or south of the equator and |early America. |barriers*. |Videos: |to Teacher to Soldier |following previously taught |Bill of Rights |

|east or west of the prime | |Videos: |Recap of How the Constitution Was |Deborah Sampson: A Soldier in|indicators) |So Many Americans! |

|meridian. | |The Navigation Acts: Trade in the |Developed, How It Has Adapted, and|the Continental Army   | |Songs: |

|Videos: |Videos: |Colonies    |How the Branches of Federal |Liberty's Kids: James |Videos: |Teacher and the Rockbots: Bill of |

|Latitude and Longitude (GL) |Living At New Plymouth   |No Taxation Without Representation |Government Work   (ABGL) |Armistead   |Learning from the Past: How |Rights |

|Explaining Globes, Latitude, and |New Plymouth's Houses   |Opinions Change |Separation of Powers in the United| |American Democracy Incorporated | |

|Longitude (GL) |Changes Brought About by European |New England Commerce (ABGL)  |States Constitution    | |Ideas from Other Sources    | |

|Latitude, Longitude, and Time |Colonization   | |Shared Powers in the United States|Images: |The National Archives   | |

|Zones (GL) |French Outposts in Illinois    | |Constitution    |Deborah Sampson enlisted |The Founding Fathers Imagine a |5.3.9 (C) Identify the major |

|Lines of Latitude  (GL) |Getting Enough to Eat   |Images: |Checks and Balances in the United |under a man's name. |President   |manufacturing and agricultural |

|Location Using Latitude and |New England Colonies   |Fur traders meet Native Americans |States Constitution    |The Boston Massacre, March 5,|The Founding Father |regions in colonial America and cite |

|Longitude |The Early Colonies   |outside a fort. |Emergence of the Presidency, the |1770. |Who to Look For |ways that agriculture and |

|Longitude   ( | |Colonial trade routes. |Executive Branch, and the Federal |Phillis Wheatley |A Great Biography of Benjamin |manufacturing changed between 1600 |

|Lines of Longtitude |Images: |Slaves cultivating sugar cane in the |Government |Martha Washington |Franklin |and 1800. |

| |A wooden plow. |West Indies. |Powers of the President and Checks|(1731-1802). |Benjamin Franklin: Pennsylvania |Videos: |

|Images: |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 |Articles: |and Balances    |Portrait of Abigail Adams |Gazette and Poor Richard's Almanac|The Early Colonists: Home Sweet Home |

|Articles: |Videos: |Audio: |Article Two: The Powers of the |after a painting by Benjamin |   |  |

|Prime Meridian |The First Settlement at St. Augustine|Exploring & Colonizing North America:|President    |Blythe |The Paradox  (ABGL) |Location, Natural Resources, and |

|Latitude and Longitude |The First Free African American |Colonial Life   |The Rules of America's Government | |Elementary Video Adventures: Early|Founding by Quaker, William Penn   |

|Coordinate System |Settlement | |   |Articles: |America |The Economy of the New England |

| |Audio: |4.4.10 Explain how people save, and |The Structure of American |Pitcher, Molly |Visions of America |Colonies |

|Audio: |Exploring & Colonizing North America:|develop a savings plan in order to |Government   |Attucks, Crispus | (ABGL--journals) |The Southern Colonies   |

|U.S. Geography, An Overview: The |French Settlement in the New World |make a future purchase |Introduction to the Branches of |Wheatley, Phillis |European Explorers and Settlers |The Colonial Shipping Trade: The |

|Geography of America    | |Videos: |Government   (ABGL) |Ross, Betsy Griscom |(journals)   |Triangular Trade Routes   |

| |5.1.7 (C) Identify and locate the 13 |Images: |Shared Power Between the State and|Martha Washington |Lives of the Freed   (slave |Getting Enough Food to Eat and Other |

|Discovery Education Resources: |British colonies that became the |Articles: |Federal Government    |(1731-1802). |narratives) |Tasks   |

|2011 |United States and describe daily life|Audio: |Three Branches of Government |Adams, Abigail Smith |The Way to Freedom  (slave | |

|Songs: |(political, social, and economic |Writing Prompts: |  (ABGL) | |narratives) |Images: |

|Lodge McCammon Songs: People Move |organization and structure). |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 |Judicial Review: The Power to |5.1.11 (C) Describe foreign |Early African American Writers |Slaves working in a cotton field. |

| | |Videos: |Declare Laws Unconstitutional |aid to the colonies during |(biographies and slave | |

|5.3.2 (C) Identify regions of the |Videos: |Saving Money | Three Branches     |the American Revolution. |narratives)   |Audio: |

|United States and explain the |Early Colonists    |Managing Money |The Strength of the Judicial | |Research Sources: Primary and |Exploring & Colonizing North America:|

|advantages and disadvantages of |Many Countries Came |Banking & Saving |Branch    |Videos: |Secondary |Colonial Life |

|using maps, globes and photographs|Pilgrims | |Checks and Balances: The Power of |Liberty's Kids: The Great |Primary Sources: Using Diaries, | |

|to locate and describe these |Finding a Home   | |Each Branch    |Galvez |Journals, and Photographs | |

|regions. |Plymouth Plantation    |5.4.5 (C) Explain how education and |Three Branches of the Federal |Spanish Aid   | |5.4.4 (C) Trace the development of |

|Videos: |Founding the Jamestown Colony, 1607 |training, specialization, and |Government    |European Involvement in the | |technology and the impact of major |

|The Great Basin and Plateau Land |(GL) |investment in capital resources* | |Revolutionary War   |Images: |inventions on business productivity |

|Areas   (GL) |Founding the Plymouth Colony, 1620 |increase productivity*. | |Benjamin Franklin in France  |Engraved Portrait of Benjamin |during the early development of the |

|Regions of the United States   | (GL) | |Images: |French Involvement in the |Franklin |United States. |

|The Seven Regions of the United |Problems at Jamestown: Work, Disease,|Videos: |Capitol, United States |Revolution   |Poor Richard's Almanack. | |

|States  (ABGL) |and Starvation  (GL) |Careers for the 21st Century: | | |Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly |Videos: |

|An Overview of the Middle Atlantic|Colonial Ambitions    (ABGL) |Building Trades | | |Advertiser | |

|Region of the United States | |Success through Education: A Salute |Articles: |Images: |Journal, Proceedings of the |EARLY INDUSTRIAL AMERICA   |

|Welcome to the Coastal Area of the|Images: |to Hispanic Excellence |United States of America: |Marie Joseph Paul, Marquis de|Congress Sept. 1774. |Inventions before the Civil War   |

|Southeastern Region of the United |Last page, New England Primer |When I Grow Up I Want To Be a Pilot |Government |Lafayette. |"This is this place to affix the |The Invention of the Cotton Gin, 1793|

|States! (ABGL) |Improved. |When I Grow Up I Want To Be a |Supreme Court of the United States|Baron Freidrich Wilhelm von |STAMP." |   |

|Welcome to the Inland Area of the |A 1677 map of New England. |Librarian |Separation of Powers |Steuben (1730-1794). |Title Page of Frederick Douglass' |The Invention of Interchangeable |

|Southeastern Region of the United |John Smith's map of New England. |When I Grow Up I Want to Be a |Courts in the United States | |Slave Narrative |Parts, 1798 |

|States!   (ABGL) | |Teacher  | |5.1.10 (C) Identify major | |New Machines: The Birth of an |

|Regions    |Audio: |When I Grow Up I Want To Be a | |British and American leaders | |Industrial Revolution    |

|The Pacific Region: Cities (ABGL) |Exploring & Colonizing North America:|Veterinarian   |Audio: |and describe their roles in | |The Cotton Gin and Southern Expansion|

|Mountains of the Southeastern |Early American Settlements |Emergency Medical Technicians and |U.S. Government: The First 200 |key events of the war for | | (ABGL) |

|Region  (ABGL) |Exploring & Colonizing North America:|Paramedics    |Years: A Proposal Debated & |independence. | | |

|Western Valleys and the Columbia |Colonial Life |Firefighters Help People Stay Safe |Finalized  (ABGL) | | | |

|Plateau (ABGL) | | |Discovery Education Resources: |Videos: | |Images: |

|An Overview of the Six New England|5.3.10 Using historical maps locate | |2011 |George Washington   | |Hauling cotton to market. |

|States  (ABGL) |and explain the conflict over the use| |Skill Builder: | Benedict Arnold and Fort | |Eli Whitney's cotton gin. |

|The Northern New England States: |of land by Native American Indians | |The Executive Branch |Ticonderoga    | |Mill buildings, Pratt's cotton gin |

|Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont |and the European colonists. | |Separation of Powers |George Washington and the | |factory. |

|(GL) | | | |Continental Army   | |Preparing cotton for gin at Smith's |

|Mental Maps    |Videos: | | |The British and Continental | |Plantation. |

|Scale |The Black Hawk War   | |5.1.8 (C) Identify the early |Armies    | |Eli Whitney (1765-1825). |

|Using Grid References (ABGL) |Native American People on the | |founders of colonial settlements |Samuel Adams   (ABGL) | | |

|Map Projections    |Colorado Plateau | |and describe early colonial |Benedict Arnold Is Accused of| | |

|Types of Maps (ABGL) |The Rocky Mountains and the Rio | |resistance to British rule. |Profiteering   (ABGL) | |Articles: |

|Definition & Uses of Maps & Globes|Grande: Colonies and Native Homes  | | |The Revolutionary War: John | |Cotton Gin |

|(ABGL) |Florida and the Seminole Indians | |Videos: |Paul Jones   (ABGL) | |Whitney, Eli |

|Different Types of Maps   |The Expedition of Juan Rodriguez | |New Cities Established    |Benjamin Franklin in France | | |

|Projection Maps   |Cabrillo (1542-1543)  | |William Bradford's Beginnings   |  (ABGL) | | |

|Maps Review   |America in 1750: A Land Reconfigured | |Transition in Plymouth |Samuel Adams and the Birth of| | |

| | | |Government   |the Other Four    | | |

| | | |A New Flag for the United States  |Cornwallis, Greene, and the | | |

|Images: |Images: | |The Thirteen United States    |Preparation for a Decisive | | |

|Map, native populations, end of |Map, major Southern CA Indian tribal | | |Battle in South Carolina   | | |

|the 15th century. |areas. | |Images: |The Midnight Ride of Paul | | |

|Native American petroglyphs |Map, major Northern CA Indian tribal | |John Winthrop (1588-1649). |Revere    | | |

|Native American Artifacts from |areas. | |Roger Williams opposing the Pequot|Paul Revere and the Minutemen| | |

|Effigy Mounds. |A part of a 1639 map of Manhattan. | |Indians. |  | | |

|Map, United States and California.|John White's map of Raleigh's | |Portrait of Colonel William |Thomas Jefferson and the | | |

| |Virginia. | |Bradford |Declaration of Independence | | |

| |A mid-16th-century map of the | |Location, Natural Resources, and |   | | |

|Articles: |Americas. | |Founding by Quaker, William Penn | | | |

|Globe |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 | | |Images: | | |

| |Videos: | |Writing Prompts: |American Patriot Paul Revere | | |

|Audio: |Treaty between English Settlers and | |A School Flag |Thomas Sumter in the American| | |

|U.S. Geography, An Overview: A |the Wampanoag | | |Revolution. | | |

|Survey of the Regions & Cities    |Audio: | |Articles: |John Jay (1745-1829). | | |

|U.S. Geography, An Overview: A |Agricultural Indians of Texas: Past &| |Winslow, Josiah |Battlements at Fort McHenry. | | |

|Tour of the Land    |Present: The Decline of Native | | |Soldiers' cabins at Valley | | |

| |American Populations | | |Forge. | | |

|Discovery Education Resources: | | | |George Washington before the | | |

|2011 | | | |Continental Congress. | | |

|Skill Builder: | | | |Journal, Proceedings of the | | |

|United States: Fast Facts |5.1.6 (C) Identify and discuss | | |Congress Sept. 1774. | | |

|Clue Maps: Landforms - Bay Region |instances of both cooperation and | | |John Adams (1735-1826). | | |

|Label Maps: The U.S. - Mountain |conflict between Native American | | |Thomas Gage (1721-1787). | | |

|and Pacific States |Indians and European settlers, such | | |A poster recruiting men into | | |

|Clue Maps: Landforms - Gulf Region|as agriculture, trade, cultural | | |the continental army. | | |

|Clue Maps: Landforms - Canyon |exchanges and military alliances, as | | |John Hancock (1737-1793) . | | |

|Region |well as later broken treaties, | | |Samuel Adams (1722-1803). | | |

|Clue Maps: Landforms - Plains |massacres and conflicts over control | | |Washington's headquarters at | | |

|Region |of the land. | | |Newburgh, New York. | | |

|Label Maps: Landforms - Canyon | | | |Washington's HQ at Valley | | |

|Region | | | |Forge. | | |

|Label Maps: Landforms - Bay Region|Video: | | |Count Rochambeau (1725-1807).| | |

|Label Maps: Landforms - Gulf |Trade Between the Dutch and Native | | |Daniel Morgan, involved with | | |

|Region |Americans    | | |Benedict Arnold. | | |

| |The Age of Exploration: Europeans and| | |Joseph Galloway (1731- 1803).| | |

|5.3.6 (C) Map and describe the |Native Populations | | |John Murray, Lord Dunmore | | |

|characteristics of climate regions|The Results of Spanish Exploration of| | |(1732-1809). | | |

|of the United States. |America   | | |John M | | |

| |Pilgrims Found Plymouth Colony in | | |Joseph Warren, Boston | | |

| |1620; Initial Friendly Relations with| | |physician. | | |

|Videos: |Native Americans Suffer as Colonial | | |Boston Massacre, March 5th, | | |

|The Varied Terrain of the |Settlements Expand | | |1770 Illustration | | |

|Continental United States   |Colonies Grow   | | |An illustratiArticles: | | |

|Weather and Climate of the United |Life at the Plymouth Colony, 1627    | | |Attucks, Crispus | | |

|States   |Jamestown   | | | | | |

|Welcome to the Inland Area of the |Life in the Colonies   | | |5.1.17 (C) Create and | | |

|Southeastern Region of the United |Differences in Native American | | |interpret timelines showing | | |

|States! |Cultures (ABGL) | | |major people, events, and | | |

|Regions of the United States   |Native American History Since the | | |developments in the early | | |

|Climate    |Arrival of Europeans (GL) | | |history of the United States | | |

|Climate & Weather |Native American History Since the | | |from 1776-1801. | | |

|The Climate and Geology of the New|Arrival of Europeans (GL) | | |NOTE: SEE STANDARD 5.1.12; | | |

|World   | | | |5.1.13; 5.1.14 | | |

|Introduction to the Pacific Region|Images: | | | | | |

|   |A model of Jamestown village. | | | | | |

|The Region's Topography and |Drake meeting the California Indians.| | |5.1.13 (C) Explain | | |

|Climate |Illustration Of Pocahontas | | |consequences of the American | | |

|Glaciers and Global Warming   |Landing at Jamestown, Virginia, 1607.| | |Revolution including the | | |

|Climate in the U.S.    |Ruins of Jamestown Village. | | |Articles of Confederation, | | |

|The Climate of the Southeastern | | | |changes in trade | | |

|Region |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 | | |relationships and the | | |

| |Videos: | | |achievement of independence | | |

| |Squanto's Story | | |by the United States. | | |

|Audio: | | | |Videos: | | |

|Details of Weather & Climate: |Instructional Images: | | |The Thirteen Colonies: From | | |

|Climate Distribution |Audio: | | |the Articles of Confederation| | |

| |Songs: | | |to a Centralized Government | | |

| |Articles: | | |  (ABGL) | | |

|5.3.4 (C) Locate Native American |Skill Builder: | | |Footage and Commentary: The | | |

|Indian and colonial settlements on|Interactive Video: | | |Great Compromise and | | |

|maps and suggest reasons for the |Interactive Atlas/Map: | | |Delegates Sign the | | |

|locations of these places. |Instructional Games: | | |Constitution on September 17,| | |

| |Writing Prompts: | | |1787   (ABGL) | | |

| |To Turkey or NOT to Turkey: Food, | | |Footage and Commentary: The | | |

|Videos: |Symbols, and Thanksgiving Dinner | | |Aftermath of the | | |

|Encountering Hostile Tribes   (GL)|(Expository)[ELA,MA,SS][ | | |Revolutionary War, the | | |

|Encountering Other Tribes  (GL) | | | |Struggle to Unite the Country| | |

|Native Americans  (ABGL) |5.2.3 (C) Give examples of how the | | |Under One Constitution, The | | |

|Trading with Other Tribes  (GL) |British colonies in America developed| | |Constitutional Convention May| | |

|A Visit to Baton Rouge: Home of |forms of representative government, | | |25, 1787   (ABGL) | | |

|the First Native American |self-government and democratic | | |1787: Constitutional | | |

|Settlements in LA (GL) |practices. | | |Convention: Constitution and | | |

|The Effects of European Settlement| | | |Bill of Rights are Ratified: | | |

|on Native-Americans    (GL) |Video: | | |George Washington is | | |

|Native American Settlement (ABGL) |The Pilgrims Come to America | | |America's First President | | |

|The First Settlement at St. |The Jamestown Colony   | | |  (ABGL) | | |

|Augustine  (ABGL) |Boston: Founded by Puritans    | | |Liberty News: Constitutional | | |

|Early Settlements  (GL) |The Mayflower Compact: The Birth of | | |Convention    | | |

| |Self-Government in America, 1620    | | |Great Men of the | | |

| |Comparing and Contrasting Colonists | | |Constitutional Convention | | |

|Images: |with British Citizens | | |  (ABGL) | | |

|1691 map of the Cadodacho Indian |Government in the Colonies in the | | | | | |

|settlement. |Early 1760's | | |Images: | | |

|Map, major Southern CA Indian |The Progress of the Colonists (GL) | | |Patrick Henry (1736-1799). | | |

|tribal areas. | | | |The Articles of | | |

|Map, major Northern CA Indian | | | |Confederation, 1777. | | |

|tribal areas. |Images: | | |The Great Seal of the United | | |

|A meeting between Indians and |Signing the Mayflower Compact | | |States. | | |

|whites in 1764. | | | |Western land claims by the | | |

|A map of Indian reservations |Discovery Education Resources: 2011 | | |original 13 states. | | |

|proposed in 1852. |Videos: | | | | | |

| |The Early Colonies | | |Articles: | | |

| |America's Roots | | |Articles of Confederation | | |

|Articles: |Songs: | | |Bill of Rights | | |

|American Indians (ABGL) |Teacher and the Rockbots: Branches of| | | | | |

|American Indian Languages (ABGL) |Government | | |Audio: | | |

| |Skill Builder: | | |U.S. Government: The First | | |

|Audio: |Distribution of Power in the Federal | | |200 Years: Government | | |

|Exploring & Colonizing North |Government | | |Structure Is Proposed  (ABGL)| | |

|America: Forced Removal   (GL) | | | | | | |

|Florida: Early European | | | |Writing Prompt: | | |

|Settlements   (GL) | | | |Freedom | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Discovery Education Resources: | | | |Discovery Education | | |

|2011 | | | |Resources: 2011 | | |

|Videos: | | | |Writing Prompts: | | |

|The Plains Indians: First | | | |Freedom: The United States | | |

|Inhabitants of the Midwest | | | |Constitution | | |

|First European Settlements in the | | | |[Expository][ELA,SS][ | | |

|Midwest | | | |Being a Free Citizen: | | |

|Instructional Images: | | | |Declaration of Independence | | |

|Northern settlements become royal | | | |[Descriptive][ELA,SS][ | | |

|colonies. | | | |5.2.2 (C) Identify and | | |

| | | | |explain ideas about limited | | |

|5.3.11 (C) Describe adaptation and| | | |government*, the rule of law | | |

|how Native American Indians and | | | |and individual rights in key | | |

|colonists adapted to variations in| | | |colonial era documents. | | |

|the physical environment. | | | |Videos: | | |

|Videos: | | | |Roles of Officials in | | |

|Catching Fish  (GL) | | | |Congress   | | |

|Effects of European Fur Trapping | | | |Decisions Involving | | |

|on Natural Resources  (ABGL) | | | |Personhood & Individual | | |

|Fun and Games   (GL) | | | |Rights | | |

|Housing  (GL) | | | |The Signing and Publication | | |

|Hunting   (GL) | | | |of the Declaration  | | |

|Hunting and Gathering  (GL) | | | |The Second Continental | | |

|Hunting Buffalo (GL) | | | |Congress | | |

|Making a Wigwam  (GL) | | | |Inspirations for the | | |

|Making Baskets   (GL) | | | |Declaration   | | |

|Making Clothing and Crafts   (GL) | | | |The Magna Carta: Checks and | | |

|Making Tools and Weapons   (GL) | | | |Balances on Power, Medieval | | |

|Preparing Meals (GL) | | | |England, 1215    | | |

|Preparing Meals  (GL) | | | |Government in the Colonies in| | |

|Sewing (GL) | | | |the Early 1760's | | |

|The Tribes of the Forest (GL) | | | | | | |

|Wampanoags and Pilgrims' First | | | | | | |

|Harvest Celebration   (GL) | | | |Images: | | |

|Indian Drawings of the Southwest: | | | |Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814). | | |

|What They Tell Us about the | | | |John Locke, philosopher and | | |

|Environment  (ABGL) | | | |political theorist. | | |

|Surviving Winter  (ABGL) | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Images | | | | | | |

|The early days of codfishing. | | | | | | |

|Colonist working on tobacco | | | | | | |

|Audio: | | | | | | |

|Exploring & Colonizing North | | | | | | |

|America: Native Americans & the | | | | | | |

|Early Settlers  (GL) | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Discovery Education Resources: | | | | | | |

|2011 | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Writing Prompts: | | | | | | |

|New Places: Native Americans and | | | | | | |

|Settlers [Expository][ELA,SS][ | | | | | | |

|5.1.1 (C) Identify and describe | | | | | | |

|early cultures and settlements | | | | | | |

|that existed in North America | | | | | | |

|prior to contact with Europeans. | | | | | | |

|Videos: | | | | | | |

|Center of Anasazi Life: Chaco | | | | | | |

|Canyon, Pueblo Bonito and Casa | | | | | | |

|Riconada  (GL) | | | | | | |

|Ancient Americans: Part One | | | | | | |

| (ABGL) | | | | | | |

|Ancient Americans: Part Two   | | | | | | |

|(ABGL) | | | | | | |

|Circular Kivas Point to Anasazi | | | | | | |

|Art, Architecture, Science, and | | | | | | |

|Religion  (GL) | | | | | | |

|Life in the Anasazi Tribe (GL) | | | | | | |

|Mayan Religion and Society  (ABGL)| | | | | | |

|Native American History Since the | | | | | | |

|Arrival of Europeans (GL) | | | | | | |

|The Anasazi Pueblo Bonito (GL) | | | | | | |

|The Aztecs (ABGL) | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Images: | | | | | | |

|An ancient Native American | | | | | | |

|grinding stone. | | | | | | |

|Ancient Indian cliff dwelling | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Articles: | | | | | | |

|Anasazi (GL) | | | | | | |

|Oneida (GL) | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Audio: | | | | | | |

|Agricultural Indians of Texas: | | | | | | |

|Past & Present: The Archaic Period| | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|(GL) | | | | | | |

|Agricultural Indians of Texas: | | | | | | |

|Past & Present: The Pueblo Culture| | | | | | |

|(GL) | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Discovery Education Resources: | | | | | | |

|2011 | | | | | | |

|Instructional Images: | | | | | | |

|An Anasazi pictograph from | | | | | | |

|Betatakin Ruin. | | | | | | |

|Montezuma's Castle, the Anasazi | | | | | | |

|site in Arizona. | | | | | | |

|Instructional Games: | | | | | | |

|Culture and Math: Math and the | | | | | | |

|Maya | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|5.1.3 (C) Identify and compare | | | | | | |

|historic Indian groups of the | | | | | | |

|West, Southwest, Northwest, Arctic| | | | | | |

|and sub-Arctic, Great Plains, and | | | | | | |

|Eastern Woodlands regions at the | | | | | | |

|beginning of European exploration | | | | | | |

|in the late fifteenth and | | | | | | |

|sixteenth centuries. | | | | | | |

|Videos: | | | | | | |

|Clans   (GL) | | | | | | |

|Life of the Gitksan Tribe  (GL) | | | | | | |

|Life in the Ojibwa Tribe  (GL) | | | | | | |

|Life of the Sioux Tribe  (GL) | | | | | | |

|Migration and Geography of the | | | | | | |

|Desert Tribes (GL) | | | | | | |

|Migration and Geography of the | | | | | | |

|Northwest Coast Tribes (GL) | | | | | | |

|Migration and Geography of the | | | | | | |

|Plains Tribes   (GL) | | | | | | |

|Peeling Bark (GL) | | | | | | |

|People of the California | | | | | | |

|Inter-Mountain Region  (GL) | | | | | | |

|People of the Northwest (GL) | | | | | | |

|People of the Southwest   (GL) | | | | | | |

|Salmon Fishing  (GL) | | | | | | |

|Similarities in Native American | | | | | | |

|Cultures  (ABGL) | | | | | | |

|The Importance of Bravery  (GL) | | | | | | |

|The Tribes of the Northwest Coast | | | | | | |

|(GL) | | | | | | |

|The Tribes of the Plains (GL) | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Images: | | | | | | |

|Map, major Northern CA Indian | | | | | | |

|tribal areas. | | | | | | |

|Seneca chief Red Jacket, or | | | | | | |

|Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha. | | | | | | |

|A Blackfoot Indian buffalo hunt. | | | | | | |

|An Indian village, a 1675 drawing | | | | | | |

|by John Seller. | | | | | | |

|Indian men hunting rabbits and | | | | | | |

|foxes, 1500s | | | | | | |

|Indian woman Dressing Deer Skin, | | | | | | |

|Eastman. | | | | | | |

|The Indian Chief Powhatan. | | | | | | |

|Apache Indian women, on horseback,| | | | | | |

|no date. | | | | | | |

|Indian arrowhead, Effigy Mounds | | | | | | |

|National Monument. | | | | | | |

|Florida Native Americans hunt | | | | | | |

|deer. | | | | | | |

|A Hupa Indian fish weir. | | | | | | |

|Spearing Fish, by Seth Eastman, | | | | | | |

|1869. | | | | | | |

|A Yurok dugout canoe. | | | | | | |

|The entrance to a Yurok sweat | | | | | | |

|house. | | | | | | |

|Thayendanegea, a Mohawk chief. | | | | | | |

|Young Hopi Women Grinding Corn | | | | | | |

|Chief Joseph of the Nez Percé | | | | | | |

|tribe. | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Articles: | | | | | | |

|Kiowa (ABGL) | | | | | | |

|Osage Indians (GL) | | | | | | |

|Fox Indians (GL) | | | | | | |

|Klamath Indians (GL) | | | | | | |

|Narragansett Indians (ABGL) | | | | | | |

|Pueblo Indians (GL) | | | | | | |

|Ottawa Indians (GL) | | | | | | |

|Kickapoo (GL) | | | | | | |

|Winnebago Indians (GL) | | | | | | |

|Navajo Indians (ABGL) | | | | | | |

|Natchez Indians (ABGL) | | | | | | |

|Pawnee | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Audio: (All are GL) | | | | | | |

|American Indian Fairy Tales: The | | | | | | |

|Child of the Evening Star    | | | | | | |

|American Indian Fairy Tales: | | | | | | |

|Mish-o-sha, the Magician   | | | | | | |

|American Indian Fairy Tales: How | | | | | | |

|the Summer Came    | | | | | | |

|American Indian Fairy Tales: | | | | | | |

|Grasshopper | | | | | | |

|American Indian Fairy Tales: The | | | | | | |

|Little Boy & Girl in the Clouds | | | | | | |

|American Indian Fairy Tales: The | | | | | | |

|Fairy Bride    | | | | | | |

|American Indian Fairy Tales: | | | | | | |

|Iagoo, The Story-Teller | | | | | | |

|American Indian Fairy Tales: The | | | | | | |

|Boy Who Snared the Sun | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|5.3.7 (C) Identify major sources | | | | | | |

|of accessible fresh water and | | | | | | |

|describe the impact of access on | | | | | | |

|the local and regional | | | | | | |

|communities. | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Videos: | | | | | | |

|The Colonies  (Natural Resources) | | | | | | |

|Major U.S. Bodies of Water and | | | | | | |

|Rivers | | | | | | |

|Rivers of the Rocky Mountains | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|5.4.1 (C) Describe the economic | | | | | | |

|activities within and among | | | | | | |

|American Indian cultures prior to | | | | | | |

|contact with Europeans. Examine | | | | | | |

|the economic factors that helped | | | | | | |

|motivate European exploration and | | | | | | |

|colonization. | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Videos: | | | | | | |

|The Age of Exploration: Europeans | | | | | | |

|and Native Populations   (GL) | | | | | | |

|Native American Trade (ABGL) | | | | | | |

|Early Colonists | | | | | | |

|Early Spanish Explorers: Columbus | | | | | | |

|and the Conquistadors | | | | | | |

|Explorers of the 1400s | | | | | | |

|Colonization  (ABGL) | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Images: | | | | | | |

|Articles: | | | | | | |

|Audio: | | | | | | |

|Exploring & Colonizing North | | | | | | |

|America: Europe's Quest for | | | | | | |

|Discovery: A History   (GL) | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Discovery Education Resources: | | | | | | |

|2011 | | | | | | |

|Videos: | | | | | | |

|Life in the Ojibwa Tribe | | | | | | |

|Life of the Gitksan Tribe | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

Foundational or Related Indicators:

When applicable, “foundational” or “related” Social Studies standards are identified for use in differentiated instruction, to assist in building background knowledge, and to aid in teaching a concept more fully.

***The symbol (C) next to an indicator number denotes a CORE indicator.

Benchmark 4B

Review & Major Projects

5.1.19 Using primary* and secondary sources* to examine an historical account about an issue of the time, reconstruct the literal meaning of the passages by identifying who was involved, what happened, where it happened, what events led to these developments and what consequences or outcomes followed.


A Great Biography of Benjamin Franklin

Brainstorming Ancient Egypt

Have Information, Will Research

Sources of Information

Interpreting History

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Biography

Suggested Biography Review

Paul Revere and the Minutemen

David "Davey" Crockett

George Washington and the Continental Army

Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence

5.1.21 (C) Formulate historical questions from encounters with primary sources and identify and describe the contributions of important early American artists and writers and traditional arts and crafts to the new nation’s cultural landscape.


Native American Lore and Early American Literature Puritans and Religious Literature  

Early Women Writers

Early African American Writers  

Individualism Leads to Independence

Women and African Americans: Post American Independence 


Noah Webster (1758-1843).


American Literature

Taylor, Edward

Bradstreet, Anne

Bradford, William (1663-1752)

Bradford, William (1590-1657)

Wheatley, Phillis


The History of American Literature: "New World" Accounts   

The History of American Literature: Puritanism  

The History of American Literature: The Revolutionary Spirit

The History of American Literature: Early Colonial Works

The History of American Literature: A Waning Puritan Influence

The History of American Literature: Benjamin Franklin & the American Constitution

5.3.3 (C) Name and locate states, regions, major States.


The Northern New England States: Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont   

Exploration and Colonization of Texas   

Texas: From a Province of Mexico to a State of America  

Major U.S Land Areas   

An Overview of The Middle Atlantic Region of the United States

States and Landforms   

5.3.5 Locate the continental divide and the major drainage basins in the United States.


Rivers Flowing East from the Continental Divide  

Rivers Flowing West from the Continental Divide

The Great Plains and The Rocky Mountains System: Gradual Increase in Elevation Towards the Continental Divide  

Rivers of the Rocky Mountains

North America: Coast to Coast: Across Mountains, Plains, Rivers, and Plateaus  


Continental Divide


U.S. Geography, The Rocky Mountain States: The Land & People

Discovery Education Resources: 2011

Interactive Atlas/Map:

Geographic Dictionary

Discovery Atlas Interactive Map

5.1.18 Read fiction and nonfiction stories about conflicts among and between groups of people at different stages in the formation of the United States; give examples of how these conflicts were resolved and analyze the accuracy of the stories’ historical details and sequence of events.


The First Comers Disagree over Who Stepped on Plymouth Rock First  

A True Statesmen: Samuel Adams Rides a Horse  

The Logans: A Quaker Family    (Frm. Dear America: Standing in the Light

Caty Accepts the Lagniappe  


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