Romeo and Juliet: A¢ II, Prologue and Scene i

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Romeo and Juliet: A? II, Prologue and Scene i

In the Middle Ages, people believed that falling in love could be dangerous. A person who fell in love too quickly and deeply might not be able to make wise decisions. A lover who was "hit by Cupid's arrow" would not be able to think or act sensibly. Some people believe that is still true. As you read Scene i, observe how Mercutio describes the love-struck Romeo. The prologue at the beginning of Act II briefly reviews the major events of Act I. The lovers' terrible problems are contrasted with their sweet love. 1. Both Romeo and Juliet have been bewitched by...

2. List two difficulties that the lovers face. Write the page and line numbers for your answers. a.


3. According to the chorus, what will help Romeo and Juliet overcome their problems? List two ideas in your answer. a.


At the beginning of Scene i, Benvolio and Mercutio are searching for Romeo. He hears their calls, but he doesn't answer. He is looking for Juliet. 4. In order to avoid his friends, Romeo ...


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