Women in Roman Law bibliography - Univerzita Karlova

Women in Roman Law bibliography

Abou-Bakr, Fadia

The Egyptian testament and Roman law.- Roma e l'Egitto nell'antichit? classica, Atti del I Congresso internazionale Italo-Egiziano, 19-25. Roma 1992.

Adachi, Hiroaki

Women's Roles in the Miracles of St.Thecle. - J. of Classical Studies 44 (1996) 130-39 (in Japanese, with English summary 214-15).

Adams J.N.

Latin words for Woman and Wife. - Glotta 50 (1972) 234-255.

Adam, Sophia

La femme enceinte dans les papyrus. -Anagennesis 3 (1983) 9-19.

Adam, Sophia

L'Avortement dans l'antiquité grecque. - MNHMH Georges A. Petropoulos, vol. I, 141-53. Athénes 1984.

Affeldt W. - Reiter S.

Die Historiae Gregors von Tours als Quelle für die Lebenssituation von Frauen im Frankenreich des sechsten Jahrhunderts. - Frauen in d. Gesch. VII, 192-208.

Affeldt, Werner

Geschichte der Frauen im Frühmittelalter, Bemerkungen zum Forschungsstand. - Frauen in d. Gesch. VII, 32-42.

Affeldt, Werner

Frühmittelalter und Historische Frauenforschung. - Frauen in d. Gesch. VII, 10-30.

Affeldt, Werner

Lebensformen für Frauen im Frühmittelalter. Probleme und Perspektive ihrer Erforschung. -Weiblichkeit in geschichtlicher Perspektive, hg. U.Becher & J.Rüsen,

51-78. Frankfurt 1988

Albrecht, Ruth

Das Leben der hl. Macrina auf dem Hintergrund der Thekla-Traditionen. Studien zu den Ursprüngen des weltlichen Mönchtums im 4. Jh. in Kleinasien. Göttingen


Alexandre, Monique

De l'annonce du royaume ? l'église. Roles, minist?res, pouvoires de femmes. - Histoire des femmes en occident, ed. M.Duby et M.Perrot, vol. I, L'Antiquité.

439-71. 1991.

Allam S.

Le mariage dans l'Égypte ancienne. - J. of Egyptian Archaeology 67 (1981) 116-35.

Allason-Jones, Lindsay

Women in Roman Britain. 1989.

Amelotti, Mario

Il testamento romano attraverso la prassi documentale. Firenze 1966.

Amundsen D. - Diers C.

The Age of Menarche in Classical Greece and Rome. - Human Biology 41 (1969) 125-32.

Anagnostou-Ca?as, Barbara

La femme devant la justice provinciale dans l'Égypte romaine. - RHDFE 62 (1984) 337-60.

Andouche I. - Simelon P.

Stace et la mortalité masculine. - Latomus 54 (1995) 319-23.

Andreotti, Roberto

L'applicazione del `Senatus Consultum Claudianum` nel Basso Impero. - Neue Beiträge zur Geschichte der Alten Welt, Bd II, Römisches Reich, ed. E.C.Welskopf,

3-12. 1965.

Ankum, Hans

La captiva adultera. - RIDA 32 (1985) 153-205.

Anné, Lucien

Les rites des fiançailles et la donation pour cause de mariage dans le Bas-Empire. (Diss. ad grad. Mag. in Fac. Can. Iuris consequ., ser.2 t.33.) Louvain 1941.

Archer, Léonie J.

The Role of Jewish Women in the Religion, Ritual and Cult of Graeco-Roman Palestine. - Images of Women, 273-287.

Archer, Léonie J.

Her Price is Beyond Rubies: the Jewish Woman in Graeco-Roman Palestine. (J. of the Study of the Old Testament, Suppl.Ser. 60.) 1988.

Arjava, Antti

Divorce in Later Roman Law. - Arctos 22 (1988) 5-21.

Arjava, Antti

Jerome and Women. - Arctos 23 (1989) 5-18.

Arjava, Antti

Zum Gebrauch der griechischen Rangprädikate des Senatorenstandes in den Papyri und Inschriften. - Tyche 6 (1991) 17-35.

Arjava, Antti

Women in the Christian Empire: Ideological Change and Social Reality. - Studia Patristica, vol. XXIV, ed. E.A.Livingstone, 6-9. Leuven 1993.

Arjava, Antti

Women and Law in Late Antiquity. Oxford 1996.

Arjava, Antti

The Guardianship of Women in Roman Egypt. - Akten des 21. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses. Berlin, im Druck.

Arjava, Antti

Paternal Power in Late Antiquity. - Article, forthcoming.

Arvizu, Fernando de

La femme dans Le Code d'Euric. - RHDFE 62 (1984) 391-405.

Baader, Gerhard

Der Hebammenkatechismus des Muscio - ein Zeugnis frühmittelalterlicher Geburtshilfe. - Frauen in Spätantike, 115-25.

Bagnall R.S. - Frier B.W.

The demography of Roman Egypt. (Cambridge Studies in Population, Economy and Society in Past Time 23.) Cambridge 1994.

Bagnall, Roger S.

Church, State and Divorce in Late Roman Egypt. - Florilegium Columbianum, Essays in Honor of P.O.Kristeller, ed. K.-L.Selig and R.Somerville, 41-61. New

York 1987.

Bagnall, Roger S.

Landholding in Late Roman Egypt: The Distribution of Wealth. - J. of Roman Studies 82 (1992) 128-49.

Baharal, Drora

The portraits of Julia Domna from the years 193-211 AD and the dynastic propaganda of L.Septimius Severus. - Latomus 51 (1992) 110-18.

Baltrusch-Schneider D.B.

Klosterleben als alternative Lebensform zur Ehe? - Weibliche Lebensgestaltung, 45-64.

Bardis P.D.

Marriage and family customs in ancient Egypt: an interdisciplinary study. - Social Science 41(1966) 229-45 and 42 (1967) 104-19.

Bardis P.D.

Selected aspects of family life in ancient Egypt. - Intern. Review of History and Political Science 3 (1966) 1-16.

Barone-Adesi, Giorgio 'Favor liberorum' e 'veterum legum moderamen'. - ARC VII, 433-57.

Bassanelli Sommariva G.

Brevi considerazioni su CTh. 9.7.1. - ARC VII, 309-23.

Baudrillart A.

Moeurs pa‹ennes, moeurs chrétiennes. La famille dans l'antiquité et aux premiers si?cles du christianisme. Paris 1929.

Bauman, Richard A.

Women and politics in Ancient Rome. London 1992.

Bavel T.J.

Augustine's View on Women. - Augustiniana 39 (1989) 5-53.

Beatrice, Pier Franco

Continenza e matrimonio nel cristianesimo primitivo (secc.I-II). - Etica sessuale, 3-68.

Beaucamp, Jo?lle

Le statut de la femme ? Byzance (4e-7e si?cle): II: Les pratiques sociales. (Trav. et mém. du Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, monogr. 6).

Paris 1992.

Beaucamp, Jo?lle

L'Égypte byzantine: biens des parents, biens du couple? - Eherecht und Familiengut in Antike und Mittelalter, (Schriften des Hist. Kollegs 22), hrsg. D.Simon,

61-76. München 1992.

Beaucamp, Jo?lle

Cet obscure objet du droit (review of Gardner). - Rechtshist. Journal 8 (1989) 28-34.

Beaucamp, Jo?lle

Le statut de la femme ? Byzance (4e-7e si?cle): I: Le droit impérial. (Trav. et mém. du Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, monogr. 5). Paris


Beaucamp, Jo?lle

La référence au veuvage dans les papyrus byzantins. - Pallas 32 (1985) 149-57.

Beaucamp, Jo?lle

L'allaitment: m?re ou nourrice? - Jahrb. der Österr. Byzantinistik 22 (1982) 549-58.

Beaucamp, Jo?lle

Le vocabulaire de la faiblesse feminine dans les textes juridiques romaines du IIIe au VIe si?cle. - RHDFE 54 (1976) 485-508.

Beaucamp, Jo?lle

La situation juridique de la femme ? Byzance. - Cahiers de civilisation médiévale 20 (1977) 145-176.

Bellemore J. & Rawson B.

Alumni: The Italian Evidence. - Zs. für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 83 (1990) 1-19.

Berrouard M.F.

Saint Augustin et l'indissolubilité du mariage: l'évolution de sa pensée. - Studia Patristica, vol. XI, (Texte und Untersuchungen 108), 291-306. 1972.

Besnier R.

L'Application des lois caducaires d'Auguste d'apr?s le Gnomon de l'Idiologue. - RIDA 2 (1949) (Mélanges Fernand de Visscher 1) 93-118.

Betzig, Laura

Roman Polygyny. - Ethnology and Sociobiology 13 (1992) 309f.

Betzig, Laura

Roman Monogamy. - Ethnology and Sociobiology 13 (1992) 351f.

Biezunska-Malowist I.

Die Expositio von Kindern als Quelle der Sklavenbeschaffung im griechisch-römischen Ägypten. - Jahrb. für Wirtschaftsgeschichte 2 (1971) 129-33.

Biondi, Biondo

Il diritto romano cristiano I-III. Milano 1952-54.

Biondi, Biondo

Vicende postclassiche del SC. Claudiano. - Iura 3 (1952) 142-54.

Biscardi A.

Spose, madri, nubili, vedove: echi patristici nella legislazione tardo-imperiale. - Atti Acc. Roman. Cost. VIII, 309-24. 1990.

Bishop, Jane

Bishops as Marital Advisors in the Ninth Century. - Women in the Medieval World, ed. J.Kirshner and S.F.Wemple, 54-84. 1985.

Bitel, Lisa M.

Women's monastic Enclosures in early Ireland. - J. of Medieval History 12 (1986) 15-36.

Blundell S.

Woman in Ancient Greece. 1995.

Boatwright, Mary T.

Plancia Magna of Perge: Women's Roles and Status in Roman Asia Minor. - Women's History and Ancient History, ed. S.Pomeroy, 249-72. Chapel Hill 1991.

Boatwright, Mary T.

The Imperial Women of the Early Second Century A.C. - American J. of Philology 112 (1991) 513-40.

Boer, W. den

Private morality in Greece and Rome. Leiden 1979.

Bonini R.

Il divorzio consensuale dalla Nov.Iust. 117,10 alla Nov.Iust. 140. - Bull. dell`Istit. di dir. romano 75 (1972) 41-70.

Bonner, Gerald

Augustine's attitude to women and 'amicitia'. - Homo spiritualis: Festgabe für Luc Verheijen, 259-75.

Boswell, John

Expositio and Oblatio: The Abandonment of Children and the Ancient and Medieval Family. -American Historical Review 89 (1984) 10-33.

Boswell, John

The Kindness of Strangers: the abandonment of children in western Europe from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance. 1988.

Boyaval B.

Sur mortalité et fecondité feminines dans l'Égypte greco-romaine. - Zs. für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 28 (1978) 193-200.

Bradley, Keith R.

The Age at Time of Sale of Female Slaves. - Arethusa 11 (1978) 243-52.

Bradley, Keith R.

Remarriage and the Structure of the Upper-Class Roman Family. - Marriage in Anc. Rome, 79-98.

Bradley, Keith R.

Discovering the Roman Family. Studies in Roman Social History. 1991.

Bradley, Keith R.

Sexual Regulations in Wet-Nursing Contracts from Roman Egypt. - Klio 62 (1980) 321-25.

Bremmer, Jan

Why did early Christianity attract upper-class women? - Fructus Centesimus, Mélanges G.J.M.Bartelink, (Instrumenta Patristica 19), ed. A.A.R.Bastiaensen et al., 37-47. 1989.

Bremmer, Jan

Pauper or Patroness: The Widow in the Early Christian Church. - Between Poverty and the Pyre: Moments in the History of Widowhood, ed. J. Bremmer and L.

van den Bosch, 31-57. 1995.

Bridge A.

Theodora. Portrait in a Byzantine Landscape. 1978 (repr. 1993).

Bringmann, Lea

Die Frau im ptolemäisch-kaiserlichen Žgypten. Diss. Bonn 1939.

Brock S. - Harvey S.A.

Holy Women of the Syrian Orient. Berkeley 1987.

Brooten, Bernadette J.

Women Leaders in the Ancient Synagogues: inscriptional evidence and background issues. (Brown Judaic Studies.) 1982 (repr. 1990).

Broudéhoux J.P.

Mariage et famille chez Clément d'Alexandrie. Paris 1970.

Brown, Peter

The Body & Society: men, women & sexual renunciation in early christianity. (Lectures on the history of religion, n.s.13.) 1988.

Brown, Peter

Late Antiquity. - A History of Private Life, vol. I, From Pagan Rome to Byzantium, ed. P.Veyne, transl. A.Goldhammer, 235-311. Cambridge, Mass. 1987.

Bruder R.

Die altgermanische Frau im Lichte derRuneninschriften und der antiken Historiographie. (Quellen und Forsch. zur Sprach- und Kulturgesch. der germ. Völker, N.E.

57.) Berlin 1974.

Brundage, James A.

Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe. Chicago 1987.

Bucci, Onorato

Il matrimonio cristiano tra tradizione giudico-orientale e tradizione greco-romano: in tema di indissolubilit? e di forma pattizia. - ARC VII, 515-41.

Buchet, Luc

La nécropole gallo-romaine et mérovingienne de Frénouville (Calvados), étude anthropologique. - Archéologie médiévale 8 (1978) 5-53.

Burn A.E.

Hic breve vivitur: a study of the expectation of life in the Roman Empire. - Past & Present 4 (1953) 1-31.

Burns, Vincent Th.

Romanization and Acculturation: The Rhineland Matronae. Diss. Wisconsin-Madison 1993/94.

Bírresen, Kari Elisabeth

Subordination et equivalence: Nature et role de la femme d'apr?s Augustin et Thomas d'Aquin. Oslo 1968.

Cacitti, Remo

L'etica sessuale nella canonistica del cristianesimo primitivo. Aspetti dell'istituzionalizzazione ecclesiastica nel III secolo. - Etica sessuale, 69-157.

Cameron, Averil

Virginity as Metaphor: Women and the Rhetoric of Early Christianity. - History as Text, The Writingof Ancient History, ed. A.Cameron, 184-205. 1989.

Cameron, Averil

Early Christianity and the Discourse of Desire. - Women in Ancient Societies, 'An Illusion of the Night', ed. L.J.Archer, S.Fischler & M.Wyke. Forthc. 1993.

Campbell B.

The Marriage of Soldiers Under the Empire. - J. of Roman Studies 68 (1978) 153f.

Cantalamessa, Raniero

Etica sessuale e matrimonio nel cristianesimo delle origini. Bilancio di una ricerca. - Etica sessuale, 423-60.

Cantarella, Eva

L'ambiguo malanno. Condizione e immagine della donna nell'antichit? greca e romana. Roma 1981.

Cantarella, Eva

Adulterio, omicidio legittimo e causa d'onore in diritto romano. - Studi Scherillo, vol. I, 243f. Milano 1972.

Cantarella, Eva

Homicides of Honor: The Development of Italian Adultery Law over Two Millennia. - Family in Italy, 229-44.

Cardascia, Guillaume

La distinction entre Honestiores et Humiliores et le droit matrimonial. - Studi in memoria di E.Albertario, vol. II, 655-67. Milano 1953.

Carletti, Carlo

Aspetti biometrici del matrimonio delle iscrizioni cristiane di Roma. - Augustinianum 17 (1977) 39-51.

Caron, Pier Giovanni

Consensu licite matrimonia posse contrahi, contracta non nisi misso repudio solvi (C. 5.17.8). - ARC VII, 287-98.

Caron, Pier Giovanni

Lo 'status' delle diaconesse nella legislazione giustinianea. - Atti Acc. Roman. Cost. VIII, 509-15.

Casarico, Loisa

Donne ginnasiarco (a proposito di P.Med. inv. 69.01). - Zs. für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 48 (1982) 117-23.

Casavola F.

Sessualit? e matrimonio nelle novelle Giustinianee. - Mondo classico e cristianesimo, 183-90. Roma 1982.

Castelli, Elizabeth

Virginity and Its Meaning for Women's Sexuality in Early Christianity. - J. of Feminist St. in Religion 2 (1986) 61-88.

Castello, Carlo

Norme conciliari e autonomia legislativa degli imperatori cristiani in tema di divorzio. - Accademia Roman. Costant. Atti V conv.intern., 263-273. Perugia 1983.

Castello, Carlo

Assenza d'ispirazione cristiana in CTh 3,16,1. - Religion, société et politique. Mél. en hommage ? J.Éllul, 203-12. Paris 1983.

Castello, Carlo

La novella 140 di Giustino II e il malvagio demone divorzista. - MNHMH G.A.Petropoulos, vol. I, 295-315. Athenai 1984.

Castello, Carlo

Legislazione costantiniana e conciliare in tema di scoglimento degli sponsali e di ratto. -ARC VII, 383-91.

Castello, Carlo

Lo strumento dotale come prova del matrimonio. - Studia et documenta historiae et iuris 4 (1938) 208-24.

Cereti G.

Divorzio, nuove nozze e penitenza nella Chiesa primitiva. Bologna 1977.

Champlin, Edward

Final Judgements. Duty and Emotion in Roman Wills, 200 B.C. - A.D. 250. Berkeley 1991.

Chastagnol, André

Les femmes dans l'ordre sénatorial: titulature et rang social ? Rome. - Rev.Hist. 262 (1979) 3-28.

Chastagnol, André

La législation du clarissimat féminin de Sév?re Alexandre ? la fin du IVe Si?cle. - Accademia Roman. Costant. Atti V conv.intern., 255-262. Perugia 1983.

Cherewatuk, Karen

Female Personae in Radegund's Letters to Hamalafred and Artachis. - Dear Sister: The Correspondence of Medieval Women, ed. U.Wiethaus and K.Cherewatuk.


Clark E.A. - Hatch D.F.

The Golden Bough. The Oaken Cross. The Virgilian Cento of Faltonia Betitia Proba. Chico, CA 1981.

Clark, Elizabeth A

Patrons, Not Priests: Gender and Power in Late Ancient Christianity. - Gender & History 2 (1990) 253-73.

Clark, Elizabeth A.

Ascetic Renunciation and Feminine Advancement: A Paradox of Late Ancient Christianity. - Anglican Theol. Rev. 63 (1981) 240-257. (= Id: Ascetic Piety and

Women's Faith, 175-208.)

Clark, Elizabeth A.

Jerome, Chrysostom and Friends. Essays and Translations. New York 1979.

Clark, Elizabeth A.

'Adam's only companion': Augustine and the early Christian debate on marriage. - Recherches augustiniennes 21 (1986) 139-69.

Clark, Elizabeth A.

Ascetic Piety and Women's Faith: Essays on Late Ancient Christianity. (Studies in Women and Religion XX.) 1986.

Clark, Elizabeth A.

Piety, Propaganda, and Politics in the Life of Melania the Younger. - Studia Patristica, vol. XVIII/2, 167-83. 1989. (= Id: Ascetic Piety and Women's Faith,


Clark, Elizabeth A.

Authority and Humility: A Conflict of Values in Fourth-Century Female Monasticism. - Byzantinische Forschungen 9 (1985) 17-33. (= Id: Ascetic Piety and

Women's Faith, 209-28.)

Clark, Elizabeth A.

The Virgilian Cento of Faltonia Betitia Proba. - Studia Patristica, vol. XVII/1, ed. E.A.Livingstone, 412-16. Oxford 1982. (= Id: Ascetic Piety and Women's Faith,


Clark, Elizabeth A.

Women in the Early Church. Wilmington 1983.

Clark, Elizabeth A.

John Chrysostom and the Subintroductae. - Church History 46 (1977) 171-85. (= Id: Ascetic Piety and Women's Faith, 265-90.)

Clark, Elizabeth A.

Devil's Gateway and Bride of Christ: Women in the Early Christian World. - Idem: Ascetic Piety and Women's Faith, 23-60. 1986.

Clark, Elizabeth A.

Sexual Politics in the Writings of John Chrysostom. - Anglican Theol. Rev. 59 (1977) 3-20.

Clark, Elizabeth A.

Theory and Practice in Late Ancient Asceticism: Jerome, Chrysostom, and Augustine. - J. of Feminist Studies in Religion 5 (1989) 25-46.

Clark, Elizabeth A.

Sex, Shame, and Rhetoric: En-gendering Early Christian Ethics. - J. of the American Academy of Religion 59 (1991) 221-45.

Clark, Elizabeth A.

Foucault, The Fathers, and Sex. - J. of the American Academy of Religion 56 (1988) 619-41.

Clark, Gillian

Roman Women. - Greece and Rome 28 (1981) 193-212.

Clark, Gillian

Women in Late Antiquity. Pagan and Christian Life-styles. Oxford 1993.

Clauss M.

Probleme der Lebensalterstatistiken aufgrund römischer Grabinschriften. - Chiron 3 (1973) 395-417.

Cleve, Robert L.

Some Male Relatives of the Severan Women. - Historia 37 (1988) 196-206.

Cloke, Gillian

'This Female Man of God': Women and Spiritual Power in the Patristic Age, 350-450 AD. 1995.

Cohen, David

Law, Sexuality and Society. Cambridge 1991.

Coleman, Emily

Infanticide in the Early Middle Ages. - Women in Med. Soc., 47-70. 1976. (= AESC 29 (1974) 315-335.)

Coli E.

Etica matrimoniale e familiale in Cesario di Arles. - Atti Acc. Roman. Cost. VIII, 103-10. 1990.

Comucci Biscardi, Bianca

Donne di rango e donne di popolo nell'et? dei Severi. (Acc. Toscana di Sc. & Lettere La Colombaria Studi 88.) Firenze 1987.

Consolino, Franca Ela

Modelli di comportamento e modi di santificazione per l'aristocrazia femminile d'Occidente. - Societ? romana e impero tardoantico, ed. A. Giardina, vol. I,

273-306. Bari 1986.

Consolino, Franca Ela

Sante o patrone? Le aristocratiche tardoantiche e il potere della carit . - Studi Storici 30 (1989) 969-91.

Consolino, Franca Ela

Due agiografi per una regina: Radegonda di Turingia fra Fortunato e Baudonivia. - Studi Storici 29 (1988) 143-59.

Consolino, Franca Ela

Dagli exempla ad un exemplum di comportamento cristiano: il De exhortatione virginitatis di Ambrosio. - Rivista Storica Italiana 94 (1982) 455-77.

Consolino, Franca Ela Il monachesimo femminile nella tarda Antichit?. - Codex Aquilarensis 2 (1988) 33-45.

Cooper, Kate

Insinuations of Womanly Influence: An Aspect of the Christianization of the Roman Aristocracy. - J. of Roman Studies 82 (1992) 150-64.

Cooper, Kate

The Virgin and the Bride: Idealized Womanhood in Late Antiquity. Cambridge, MA 1996.

Corbett, Percy Ellwood

The Roman Law of Marriage. Oxford 1930 (repr. 1979).

Corbier, Mireille

Divorce and Adoption as Roman Familial Strategies. - Marriage in Anc. Rome, 47-78.

Corbier, Mireille

Construire sa parenté ? Rome. - Revue historique 575 (1990) 3-36.

Corbier, Mireille

Constructing Kinship in Rome. Marriage and Divorce. Filiation and Adoption. - The Family in Italy from Antiquity to the Present, ed. D.I.Kertzer & R.P.Saller,

127-44. Yale 1991.

Corbier, Mireille

Family Behavior of the Roman Aristocracy. - Women's History and Ancient History, ed. S.Pomeroy, 173-96. Chapel Hill 1991.

Corbier, Mireille

Idéologie et pratique de l'héritage (Ier s. av. J.-C.-IIe s. ap. J.-C.). - Index 13 (1985) 501-28.

Cotton H. - Greenfield J.

Babatha's Property and the Law of Succession in the Babatha Archive. - Zs. für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 104 (1994) 211-24.

Cotton, Hannah

The Guardianship of Jesus Son of Babatha: Roman and Local Law in the Province of Arabia. - J. of Roman Studies 83 (1993) 94-108.

Cotton, Hannah

A Cancelled Marriage Contract from the Judean Desert. - J. of Roman Studies 84 (1994) 64-86.

Cotton, Hannah

The Archive of Salome Komaise Daughter of Levi: Another Archive from the 'Cave of Letters'. - Zs. für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 105 (1995) 171-208.

Cracco Ruggini, Lellia

Juridical status and historical role of women in Roman patriarchal society. - Klio 71 (1989) 604-19.

Cracco Ruggini, Lellia

La donna e il sacro, tra paganesimo e cristianesimo. - Atti del II conv. naz. di studi su La donna nel mondo antico, a cura di R.Uglione, 243-75. Torino 1989.

Crifó G.

Sul problema della donna tutrice. - Bull. dell'Istituto del Diritto Romano 67 (1964) 87-166.

Crifó G.

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Crifó G.

La donna e la tutela. - Labeo 28 (1982) 52-61.

Crook, John

Gaius, Institutes I,84-86. - Classical Review 17 (1967) 7-8.

Crook, John

Patria potestas. - Class. Quarterly 17 (1967) 113-22.

Crook, John

The Law and Life of Rome. London 1967.

Crook, John

Women in Roman Succession. - Family in Anc. Rome, 58-82.

Crook, John

Feminine Inadequacy and the Senatusconsultum Velleianum. - Family in Anc. Rome, 83-92.

Crook, John

'His and Hers': what degree of financial responsibility did husband and wife have... - Parenté et stratégies familiales dans l'Antiquité romaine (Coll. ÉFR 129),

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Crouzel F.

Virginité et mariage chez Orig?ne. Paris 1963.

Crouzel, Henri

L'église primitive face au divorce du premier au cinqui?me si?cle. (Théologie historique 13.) Paris 1971.

Crouzel, Henri

Mariage et divorce, célibat et caract?re sacerdotaux dans l'église ancienne. Torino 1982.

Dübner-Manthey, Birgit

Zum Amulettbrauchtum in frühmittelalterlichen Frauen- und Kindergräbern. - Frauen in Spätantike, 65-87.

Dalby A.

On Female Slaves in Roman Egypt. - Arethusa 12 (1979) 255-59.

Dalla, Danilo

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Dalla, Danilo

Aspetti della patria potest? e dei rapporti tra genitori e figli nell'epoca postclassica. - ARC VII, 89-109.

Dassmann, Ernst

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Daube D.

Dividing a child in Antiquity. - California Law Review 54 (1966) 1630-37.

Dauphin, Claudine

Brothels, Baths and Babes: Prostitution in the Byzantine Holy Land. - Classics Ireland 3 (1996) ?.

Davies, Wendy

Celtic Women in the Early Middle Ages. - Images of Women, 145-166.

De Martino F.

Chiesa e stato di fronte al divorzio nell'et? romana. - Fs. für W.Flume, 137-51. 1978.

De Robertis F.M.

Oscillazioni nella ermeneutica neotestamentaria sul divorzio e ripensamenti di Giustiniano. -ARC VII, 299-307.

De Robertis F.M.

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Degrassi A.

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Bibilografie pozdní antiky

I. The Roman World: Government, Politics, and Power

P. Brown, World of Late Antiquity

Averil Cameron, The Later Roman Empire

Averil Cameron, The Mediterranean world in late antiquity, AD 395-600

Patrick J. Geary, Before France and Germany

Peter Brown, Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity (by 31 March)

Procopius, Secret History

P. Heather and J. Matthews, Goths in the Fourth Century

Pacatus, Panegyric to the Emperor Theodosius

R. Krautheimer, Rome, profile of a city, 312-1308

Victor of Vita, History of the Vandal Persecution

Peter Brown, The Making of Late Antiquity

Robert Browning, Justinian and Theodora

Averil Cameron, Procopius and the Sixth Century

A.H.M. Jones, The Decline of the Ancient World

Sabine MacCormack, Art and Ceremony in Late Antiquity

Kenneth G. Holum, Theodosian Empresses: Women and Imperial Dominion in Late Antiquity

C. Pharr, The Theodosian Code

H. Wolfram, History of the Goths

T.D. Barnes, Athanasius and Constantius

II. Education and Culture

Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy

R.T. Wallis, Neoplatonism

H.I. Marrou, History of Education in Antiquity

P. Riché, Education and Culture in the Barbarian West

H. Chadwick, Boethius: The Consolations of Music, Theology, and Philosophy

M.T. Gibson, ed., Boethius

R. Sorabji, ed., Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science

J.J. O'Donnell, Cassiodorus

J.N.D. Kelly, Jerome

L.D. Reynolds and N.G. Wilson, Scribes and Scholars

III. 'Paganism'

Lane Fox, Robin, Pagans and Christians

The Emperor Julian : panegyric and polemic, ed. S.N.C. Lieu.

Julian, Works (Loeb Classical Library)

Libanius, Orations (Loeb Classical Library)

Iamblichus, On the Pythagorean way of life

G.W. Bowersock, Julian the Apostate

P. Athanassiadi Fowden, Julian and Hellenism

Ramsay Macmullen, Paganism in the Roman Empire

Garth Fowden, The Egyptian Hermes

P. Chuvin, A Chronicle of the Last Pagans

Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana

Proclus, Elements of Theology

IV. Christianity

Henry Chadwick, The Early Church

R. Macmullen, Christianizing the Roman Empire

Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

Encyclopedia of the Early Church

J. Pelikan, The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition

W.H.C. Frend, The Rise of Christianity

Raymond Van Dam, Leadership and Community in Late Antique Gaul

R. Mathisen, Ecclesiastical Factionalism and Religious Controversy in Fifth-Century Gaul

R. Wilken, The Christians as the Romans Saw Them

W. Klingshirn, Caesarius of Arles

T.D. Barnes, Tertullian

T.D. Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius

T.D. Barnes, Athanasius and Constantius

V. Augustine

Augustine, Confessions

Augustine, City of God

Peter Brown, Augustine of Hippo

F. Van Der Meer, Augustine the Bishop

VI. Holy Men and Monks

Peter Brown, `The rise and function of the holy man in late antiquity', in his Society and the holy in late antiquity (also published in Journal of Roman

Studies 61(1971), 80-101, with revisions suggested by Brown in Representations for 1983, under the title 'The Saint as Exemplar'; to be compared with G.

Fowden, `The pagan holy man in late antique society,' Journal of Hellenic Studies 102 (1982) 33-59.

Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks; Gregory of Tours, Life of the Fathers; Gregory of Tours, Glory of the Confessors;

Chitty, Derwas J., The desert a city

Egeria's Travels (trans. J. Wilkinson)

Peter Brown, The Cult of the Saints

J. Leclercq, The Love of Learning and the Desire for God

The Rule of Benedict

Elizabeth Clark, Ascetic Piety and Women's Faith

Elizabeth Clark, The Origenist Controversy

P. Rousseau, Pachomius: The Making of a Community in Fourth-Century Egypt

Holy Women of the Syrian Orient, trans. S. Brock and S. Harvey

VII. The Papacy

Book of the Pontiffs

Oxford Dictionary of the Popes

J. Richards, Popes and the Papacy in the Early Middle Ages

W. Ullmann, The Growth of Papal Government

VIII. Private Life

P. Veyne, et al., History of Private Life, Volume 1

John Boswell, Christianity, Homosexuality and Society Tolerance

John Boswell, The kindness of strangers : the abandonment of children in Western Europe from late antiquity to the Renaissance

John Boswell, Same-sex unions in premodern Europe

Brown, Peter, The Body and Society

Aline Rousselle, Porneia

Gillian Clark, Women in Late Antiquity: Pagan and Christian Lifestyles

Patricia Cox Miller, Dreaming in Late Antiquity (or very similar title: not yet published from Princeton Press)

IX. Italy after Theoderic

T.S. Brown, Gentlemen and Officers

C. Wickham, Early Medieval Italy

B. Ward-Perkins, From classical antiquity to the Middle Ages : urban public building in northern and central Italy, AD 300-850

X. Byzantium, Justinian and after

Chronicon Paschale 284-628 AD

G. Ostrogorsky, History of the Byzantine State

A.A. Vasiliev, History of the Byzantine Empire

R. Browning, The Byzantine Empire

G. Downey, Constantinople in the Age of Justinian

A. Toynbee, Constantine Porphyrogenitus and His World

XI. Aftermaths

Ireland pre-Patrick:

P. MacCana, Celtic Mythology

F.J. Byrne, Irish Kings and High Kings

Ireland: conversion and after:

Bieler, Ludwig, Ireland, harbinger of the Middle Ages

R.P.C. Hanson, St. Patrick

L. and M. DePaor, Early Christian Ireland


G. Bowersock, Hellenism in Late Antiquity

P. Crone, Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam

R. Bagnall, Egypt in Late Antiquity

E. Said, Orientalism

B. Lewis, Arabs in History and other titles

Marshall Hodgson, The Venture of Islam

P. Hunter Blair, The World of Bede

J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Frankish Church

Drinkwater and Elton, edd., Gaul in the Fifth Century

XII. Modern Readers, Reactions, Syntheses, etc.

Hodges and Whitehouse, Mohammed, Charlemagne and the Origins of Europe

R.A. Markus, The End of Ancient Christianity

Herrin, Judith, The formation of Christendom

G. Fowden, Empire to Commonwealth: Consequences of Monotheism in Late Antiquity

E. Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

H. Pirenne, Mohammed and Charlemagne

C.N. Cochrane, Christianity and Classical Culture

XII. Art and architecture

Thomas Mathews, The Clash of Gods: A Reinterpretation of Early Christian Art

J. Beckwith, Early Christian and Byzantine Art

R. Krautheimer, Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture

R. Krautheimer, Rome

XII. Additional reference works and further reading:

Oxford Classical Dictionary

A.H.M. Jones, The Later Roman Empire

Cambridge History of the Bible, volumes 1-2


O. Maenchen-Helfen, The World of the Huns

C. Thomas, Christianity in Roman Britain

Peter Salway, Roman Britain

Peter Hunter Blair, Roman Britain and Early England 55 BC to AD 871

E. Luttwak, The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire

D.L. Kennedy, Rome's Desert Frontier from the Air

Michael H. Dodgeon and Samuel N.C. Lieu, edd., The Roman eastern frontier and the Persian Wars (A.D. 226-363): a documentary history

Arther Ferrill, The fall of the Roman Empire: the military explanation

Robert Wilken, John Chrysostom and the Jews : rhetoric and reality in the late fourth century

J. Lieu, J. North, and T. Rajak, edd., The Jews among pagans and Christians in the Roman world

Grant, Michael, The Jews in the Roman World

Edward James, The Franks

Averil Cameron, Procopius and the sixth century

B. Metzger, The Canon of the New Testament

W.H.C. Frend, Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church

John F. Matthews, Atlas of the Roman World

Henry Chadwick, Atlas of the Christian Church

Haim Beinart, Atlas of Medieval Jewish History

F. Van Der Meer, Atlas of the Early Christian World


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