SOC 213 (002) Social Deviance Bogart Test 02B 10-16-01 - UNM

SOC 213 (002) Social Deviance Bogart Test 02B 10-16-01

Part 1: Text (Thio) Items: Old

Chapter 4: Physical Violence - Old Text Items

1. Homicides in large cities can be attributed to population _____,

which _____ community integration. (p. 59) A. Heterogeneity,

increases B. Heterogeneity, reduces C. Dispersion, increases D. None

of the above E. Dispersion, reduces

2. One reason we are more likely to be killed by those we know than by strangers, is that murder most often (p. 63) A. Requires great deal of planning against persons we know B. Takes place in an arbitrary way, and therefore people we know have a greater chance of being a victim C. Occurs in large cities and the rural South D.

Requires a lot of emotional investment, which is most likely to be

generated by intimate relationships E. Involves household


3. There are two _____ theories. One sees humans as far more aggressive than animals, and the other theory looks at the presence of an extra Y chromosome as an explanation for excessive human aggression. A. Psychoanalytic B. Passive-aggressive C. Psychological D.

Biogenic E. Evolutionary

4. According to the 1996 FBI Uniform Crime Reports, which of the following major offenses is the most serious, but least common? (p. 65) A. Robbery B. Murder C. Motor vehicle theft D. Larceny-theft E.


5. The Frustration-Aggression theory is a component of the _____

theory. (p. 76) A. Psychological B. Psychoanalytic C. External

restraint D. Subculture of violence E. Ethological

6. Assault differs from homicide in which way? (p. 79) A. The time of the year B. The use of firearms C. The geographical location D.

By race E. By social interaction

7. Which of the following statements about female homicide offenders

is TRUE? (p. 59-

60) A. The growing incidence of female-perpetrated homicides can be

attributed to increasing gender equality B. Violence by women is more

often offensive rather than defensive C. Women primarily kill in

response to their husband’s infidelity D. Women, like men, are more

likely to kill members of the same sex E. Women kill primarily as a

way out of an abusive relationship Chapter 05: Forcible Rape

- Old Text Items

8. In almost half the cases of forcible rape, the offender is _____.

(p. 84) A. Someone the victim is in love with B. Someone the victim

went to school with C. An acquaintance D. A friend’s husband of

boyfriend E. A stranger

9. The _____ theory posits that rapists have feelings of sexual inadequacy, fear of homosexual tendencies or sexual addiction. (p.

101) A. Feminist B. Psychological C. Psycho-sexual D. Social-

psychological E. Subculture of violence

10. Which of the following statements regarding prison rape is FALSE?

(p. 106-107) A. Same-sex rapes in prison are much more likely to be

intraracial B. Prison rapists are generally older, taller, and heavier

than their victims C. Most prison rapists are heterosexual D. Same-

sex rape is more prevalent in prison than heterosexual rape is outside

of prison E. Approximately 1 in 5 inmates in U.S. prisons have been


11. According to Kleck (1990) and Amir (1971), a majority of rapes

involve (p. 87) A. Verbal coercion B. Drugging the victim C. A

weapon D. Multiple rapists E. None of the above

12. “Men should be aggressive rather than gentle.” This perception represents an extension of culturally idealized male behavior that leads to which type of rape, according to Kanin (1985)? (p. 89) A. Gang rape B. Stranger rape C. Spousal rape D. Campus rape E.

Same-sex rape

13. During the _____ phase of disorganization, the rape survivor is

likely to experience fear, shock, and humiliation. (p. 92) A. Extreme

B. Lingering C. Constant D. Acute E. Situational

14. Compared to murderers, rapists are _____ (p. 85) A. Less

violent B. Less likely to have arrest records for aggravated assault

C. Less explosive D. Less impulsive E. All of the above

Chapter 06: Family Violence - Old Text Items

15. Who is most likely to commit incest? (p. 118) A. Fathers B.

Stepfathers C. Brothers D. Mothers E. Stepmothers

16. Which of the following statements concerning elder abuse is FALSE?

(p. 121-122) A. Abusers are generally financially dependent on their

victims B. Older persons are more likely to abuse their spouses than

to be abused by their children C. Older people are much more likely

than younger people to abuse their spouses D. According to social

exchange theory, the cost of caregiving exceeds the benefit the

caregiver expects to receive E. The majority of stressed caregivers do

not abuse their elders

17. According to Thio, which of the following is most helpful to battered women? (p. 124) A. A civil order of protection B. A speedy trial C. Stricter marital rape laws D. Temporary welfare and food stamps E.

Occupational counseling

18. Which of the following social factors contribute to child abuse?

(p. 120) A. Poverty B. Unemployment C. Family problems D. Lack of

education E. All of the above

19. Which of the following statements about child abuse is FALSE?

(p. 118) A. The majority of child abuse cases involve sexual abuse B.

Running away from home and delinquency are more likely to occur in

individuals who were abused C. There has been a 48% increase in

children killed by parents since the mid-1980s D. Three million

children a year are abused E. Up to 20% of women have experienced

sexual abuse as a minor

20. According to Thio, which of the following is true about family

abusers? (p. 123) A. Young husbands and parents under 30 are more

likely to assault wives and abuse children B. Family violence occurs

more frequently among lower-income people C. Women are more likely

than men to victimize children D. People with a more stressful home

life are likely to commit family violence E. All of the above are true

Part 2: Lecture Items and Video: Old

Lecture 5 (v): Control Theory - Old Lecture Items

21. In his work, Family Relationships and Delinquent Behavior, F. Ivan Nye would agree with the statement that _____ . A. Most criminal behavior comes mainly from the lowest income groups who cannot legitimately achieve high material goals. B. Conforming and criminal behavior are equally quick and effective means to material. C. Criminal behavior requires special skills. D. Ethnic communities which do not assimilate into mainstream society because of stronger cultural ties and ethnic values experience higher criminal activity. E. Delinquent behavior can be expected when internal and external controls are weak and alternative routes to goal achievement are restricted.

22. The idea expressed in “idle hands do the devil’s work” is most

closely associated with the strategy of limiting deviance in

Hirschi’s concept of A. attachment B. commitment C. involvement

D. belief E. containment

23. Gelles makes an argument most closely associate with which claim (somewhat oversimplified). A. Biology is destiny B. Men are perverts C. The gain is more than the expected cost D. Capitalism is sick, sick, sick. E. Women bring it upon themselves.

24. What are the two components of containment theory? A. buffer or insulators, B. mores or norms, C. sanctions or punishment, D. parents or siblings, E. religion or morality.

25. How does containment theory differ from other approaches to deviance? A. It focuses on the crime, B. It focuses on defining deviance, C. It focuses on probability, D. It focuses on prosecution of deviance, E. It focuses on individual acts of deviance.

Lecture 6 (vi): Labeling Theory - Old Lecture Items

26. Labeling theory is most critical of A. The Chicago School B.

Durkheim C. Structural-functionalism D. Social control E. All of

the above

27. Sociopathic individuation is the product of A. Poor upbringing and low achievement B. Poor upbringing and low socio-economic status C. Mental illness alone D. Differentiating and isolating processes E.

Low socio-economic status and poor nutrition

28. For Labeling Theory, the root cause of deviance is A. Rule

breaking B. Poor parenting C. Mental illness D. Poverty E. All of

the above

29. According to Becker, the type of deviance we (as a society) are most interested in, is A. Causal B. Residual C. Sustained D.

Intermittent E. Sporadic

30. Scheff: Most residual deviance is _____ . A. Playacting B.

Involuntary C. Functional D. Socially licensed E. Denied and


Video 5: “Innocent Lost: The Plea” - Old Video Items

31. The second defendant to be found guilty in the Little Rascals case

was A. Betsy Kelly B. Dawn Wilson C. Scott Privott D. Robin Byrum

E. Bob Kelly

32. Following the successful appeal of his conviction, Bob and Betsy Kelly A. Decided that her conviction should be appealed next B.

Decided to move far away and forget about their past C. Found that

their marriage could not be sustained D. Filed a counter suit against

Nancy Lamb and Bill Hart E. None of the above

33. According to Shelly Stone, what was the reason she couldn’t get a job? A. There were no jobs in Edenton B. She had charges pending C.

She had no experience D. She was pregnant E. She was unable to find

child care for her own children

34. The narrator asserts that the trial of Bob Kelly came down to A.

The anger of Jane Mabry in her testimony B. The testimony of Audrey

Strever about her son C. Dolls used by Brenda Toppin in her testimony

D. The words of the children in their tgestimony E. Public pressure

for a conviction

35. When Scott Privott was asked why he was offered a plea, he

responded A. He shouldn’t be back on the streets if I did this stuff,

their case is outrageous B. With Megan’s Law (the listing of

pedophiles) the children will be safe C. The prosecution had what they

wanted when Betsy took her plea D. He had already spent over 3 years

in jail with a very high bail E. The prosecution did not have funds to

continue the prosecution

Video 6: “Confessions of Rosa Lee” - Old Video Items

36. When Rosa Lee would sneak into Miss Whitehead’s, she A. Liked

being able to answer questions B. Sassed the teacher and wouldn’t stay

in her seat C. Hated the class because she didn’t know anyone

D. Was returned to Miss Jeter’s class immediately E. Liked being with

her friends from the neighborhool

37. What federal program was the U.S. House of Representatives preparing to vote on when this video was first aired? A. A comprehensive bill designed to dismantle welfare programs B. A comprehensive package designed to improve literacy among Americans C.

An increase in funding to anti-drug programs designed to identify and

arrest small-time users and addicts D. An increase in funding to

the Department of Education to target “at-risk” youth, in an

effort to keep them in school E. A comprehensive gun-control law

designed to improve the weaknesses of the Brady Bill

38. Why does Rosa Lee say that Leon Dash, the reporter, is important

to her? A. His newspaper, The Washington Post, paid her well for her

story B. Seeing her story in the newspaper made her feel good C. She

could talk to Mr. Dash and he heard her D. Mr. Dash could “work the

system” to help with the problems of her children E. Her friends were

impressed that she introduced them to Mr. Dash

39. According to Leon Dash, the series addressed an odyssey of our society, which involved all of the following EXCEPT _____ . A.

Addiction B. Homosexuality C. Crime D. Welfare E. Illiteracy

40. The story of Rosa Lee Cunningham which won the _____, was

controversial among the Washington _____ . A. Peabody Award, political

elite B. Nobel Prize, Black middle class C. Courageous Civilian

Award, White middle class D. Freedom Foundation Prize, government

elite E. Pulitzer Prize, African American middle class

Part 3: Text (Thio) Items: New

Chapter 4: Physical Violence - New Text Items

41. Regarding the racial backgrounds of offender and victim; murder

(p.61) A. Is mostly intraracial. B. Is mostly interracial C. Is

equally intraracial and interracial. D. Does not have any observable

pattern. E. Has not been researched enough to have reliable statistics

42. The region in the United States that has the highest murder rate is the (p.62) A. West B. Northeast C. South D. Southwest E.

Pacific Northwest

43. Poor people are more likely to use firearms when they kill (rather

than other weapons) because guns (p. 67) A. Are inexpensive to

purchase B. Provide barriers between individuals in poor neighborhoods

C. Give a sense of power to the powerless poor D. Are less risky to

use than knives or other weapons E. Are easily concealed

44. One reason why more poor people commit murders over very trivial

acts is (p.70) A. The poor are more often involved in trivial

behavior B. The impact of economic and social oppression makes one’s

“sense of honor” more important C. The poor have more verbal (rather

than written or analytic) skills and talk themselves into situations

than end in murder D. There is more tension in poor families, which

leads to reacting to trivial acts E. In poorer neighborhoods, people

tend to congregate indoors, which leads to crowding and increased


45. Evidence shows that the murder rates in states with capital

punishment are (p.74) A. About the same as the rates in states

without capital punishment B. Almost undetectable when compared with

states without capital punishment C. Lower than in states without

capital punishment D. Higher than in states without capital punishment

E. Comparable to the rates of rape in the same state

46. According to the textbook, one reason why people advocate the death penalty, even though it does not act as a deterrent, is because (p.77) A. It prevents the murderer from doing harm to others again B.

It helps distract people from other kind of deviance C. It helps in

seeing our society as fair and just D. American society has developed

civilized ways of killing people E. Many religions call for the

killing of murderers

47. The author of the text points to recent studies that suggest the cause of higher violence rates among poor African Americans is (p.84)

A. The culture of violence B. Violent media programs and video games

C. Rapid social change D. Poverty and social inequality E. All of

the above

Chapter 5: Forcible Rape - New Items

48. With acquaintance rape, the rapist mostly uses (p. 94) A.

Physical threats B. Actual physical violence C. Verbal coercion D. A

bribe E. A weapon

49. Since the early 1970’s, the Feminist movement has encouraged rape

survivors to (p.99) A. Express their feelings through art and

writing therapy B. Combat rape through forming anti-rape organizations

and changing the law C. Undergo martial arts training D. Partake in

sexual therapy E. Exact revenge against the rapist

50. Feminist theory states that rape is caused by sexual inequality because rape is (p.110) A. An expression of men’s dominance over women B. The Equal Rights Amendment failed to become legislation C.

The result of relative sexual frustration D. The result of a culture

of violence E. The result of a man who is afraid to admit to his

homosexual tendencies

51. Who is most likely to be a victim of same-sex rape in prison?

(p.112) A. A strong black man B. A strong white man C. A slightly

built, young, white man D. A slightly built, older, white man E. A

slightly build, young, Hispanic man

52. Child molesters are likely to (p. 115) A. Be strangers to their

victims B. Be a relative or neighbor to their victims C. Be

dangerously violent to their victims D. Be married with children of

their own E. Resort to acts of sexual intercourse

53. Which of the following traits is most likely associated with a child molester, rather than a rapist? (p. 115) A. Toughness and large body build B. Verbal aggressiveness C. Gentleness and passivity D.

Old age E. Usually involved with an older women

54. Women who sexually assault men use _____ to force sexuality.

(p.111) A. Physical strength B. Verbal pressure C. Seductive

promises D. Accomplices, usually a man E. Accomplices, usually a


Chapter 6: Family Violence - New Text Items

55. Which of the following is an important reason why sociologists have a difficult time when studying family violence? (p.120) A. The family is our most cherished and intimate social institution in our lives. B. Too few people today belong to “formal” families. C. The great diversity of family life makes studying family violence too difficult. D. The family is too private, and information on violence too limited, to study sociologically. E. There are not enough sociologists who are interested in family violence issues.

56. Which of the following statements about marital rape is true? (p. 124) A. It is not a form of family violence. B. It is considered a crime in most states. C. It rarely causes harm to victims. D. Many victims blame themselves for the rape. E. The rapes usually stem from the use of pornography.

57. Men who have lost control of their lives due to poverty,

unemployment, drug abuse, or alcoholism are (p. 126) A. More likely to

become abusive B. Less likely to become abusive C. Just as abusive as

men who have control over their lives D. Usually too depressed about

their life to act in a violent manner E. More likely to seek mental

health counseling

58. Which of the following type of child would be at a higher risk

for child abuse? (p.128) A. A teenager B. A child under the age of 5

C. A child in a middle to upper-income family D. A child who attends

a private school E. A child from ages 6 - 10

59. Victims of elder abuse usually (p.130) A. Live alone in small rooms or apartments B. Are lower class (rather than middle class) C.

Live in a socially isolated setting with their caregivers D. Are

married E. Were also abused

60. The two types of services that seem most useful to abused elders are medical services and _____ (p. 135) A. Extra funds for food and shelter B. Social services C. Legal services D. Transportation E.

Marital counseling

Part 4: New Lectures and Videos Control Theory Lecture - New Items

61. “Ambition” and/or “aspiration” play an important role (according to Hirschi) in producing A. Criminals B. Attachment C. Stress D.

Deviance E. Conformity

62. Reckless states that Containment theory provides a practical approach to improving society by doing all of the following EXECPT A. Developing cohesive groups B. Giving persons role models with whom they can identify C. Developing alternative ways of meeting needs D.

Assessing problems through use of various techniques E. Using youth

camps to keep violent teens isolated from society

63. F. Ivan Nye believes that the _____ approach might well be combined with that of _____ theory to show how high delinquency in certain marginal groups is related to the loss of social control. A.

Delinquency subculture, cultural conflict B. Differential learning,

social control C. Cultural conflict, social control D. Means-ends,

delinquency subculture E. Culture conflict, social disorganization

Nye’s concept of social control included four behavior patterns, which

include all of the following EXCEPT A. Direct control B. Need

satisfaction C. Indirect control D. Symbolic control E. Internal


65. In Nye’s description of containment theory what is the label for the rational component in conformity? A. attachment, B. commitment, C. involvement, D. belief, E. identification.

Labeling Theory Lecture - New Items

66. According to Tannenbaum, the process of making a criminal is one of: A. Catching and convicting B. Disorienting and confusing C.

Modeling and suggesting D. Tagging and defining E. Tempting and


67. Becker used Reiss’s (1961) study of _____ to show that some

individuals manage to escape the stigma ordinarily associated with

deviant behavior. A. Drug addicts B. Street hustlers C. Student

plagiarists D. Skateboarders E. Panhandlers

68. Labeling theory became most popular in the A. Period immediately after World War II B. 1920’s C. Beginning of the Depression Era D.

Period immediately after World War I E. 1960’s

69. For Scheff, mental illness was A. A learned and chosen social

role B. Role conflict (structurally induced) C. Culturally prescribed

intolerance for the diversity of social roles D. The willful violation

of social role norms, for self-serving purposes E. A lack of skills in

demonstrating conventional social roles

70. According to Lemert; deviant behavior becomes a problem only if it

results in subjective reorganization, transformation of active roles

and _____ . A. Loss of self-esteem B. Criminal conviction C. Social

ostracization D. Cognitive dissonance E. Reassignment of social


Video 5: “Innocence Lost:The Plea” - New Video Items

71. The television program “Frontline” conducted interviews with the

jurors in the Bob Kelly case, after the verdict was in. These

“Frontline” reports strongly suggest that _____ . A. Most jurors were

hesitant to speak with reporters, even once the trial was over B. At

least 3 of the jurors voted against their better judgement, and voted

with the majority C. All jurors were in agreement that Bob Kelly was

guilty D. The judge’s instructions were not clear for some of the

jurors E. Only one juror had serious doubt about the guilt of Bob


72. Life in Edenton had returned to normal after the trials of Bob Kelly and Dawn Wilson. Then there was a rumor that another trial would begin, with the defendant being Scott Privott. Scott Privott was A.

Mentally ill and claiming an insanity defense B. Had never been in

jail C. Was in jail for less than a year D. Was out on bail when he

was arrested and charged with another sex abuse crime E. Had been in

jail for more than 3.5 years

73. Warren Twiddy, who was Betsy Kelly’s father A. Had died when

Betsy was only 10 years old B. Was serving his own life sentence when

the trials started C. Loaned Betsy and Bob Kelly money to start their

day care center D. Worked at the day care center E. Had warned Betsy

not to marry Bob Kelly

74. Who was the person who destroyed or lost or erased all the tapes and notes pertaining to the case? A. Joe Cheshire B. Brenda Toppin C.

H.P. Williams D. Jane Maybry E. Glenn Lancaster

75. Who, on the video, seems to be most upset as Betsy Kelly is

entering her plea? A. Warren Twiddy, her father B. Alice Twiddy, her

mother C. Nancy Smith, her sister D. Bob Kelly, her husband E. Laura

Kelly, her daughter

Video 6: “The Confessions of Rosa Lee” - New Video Items

76. According to the video, Rosa Lee knew she could count on Aid to Dependent Children(welfare) agency to issue regular payments, so she continued to have children. By the time Rosa Lee was 20 years old she had _____ children, and she received $ _____ a month for each child. A.

3, $105 B. 4, $75 C. 5, $48 D. 6, $27 E. 7, $15

77. One of Rosa Lee’s sons Alvin Cunningham, was embarrassed by his

mother’s image. According to the video, what circumstances did he find

to be the most humiliating? A. The public assistance (welfare) trucks

bringing surplus food to the house B. Having no socks to wear with his

shoes C. Seeing his mother work as a prostitute D. Standing in the

welfare line with his mother E. Having the other children at school

know about his living conditions

78. Leon Dash main area of interest, when he began his research that would eventually lead to the Rosa Lee story, was A. What was leading to the increase in drug sales? B. What were the effects of recidivism on the families? C. Why was there an increase in gang-related shootings? D. Why were suicide rates increasing? E. How could the welfare system be improved?

79. According to the video, who complained that many African-American children had to learn in public schools like those that Rosa Lee’s children attended? A. Rev. Jesse Jackson B. President Reagan C.

Jonathan Kozal D. Malcolm X E. Eleanor Norton Holmes

80. Rosa Lee finally “hit bottom.” According to the video, what was

the event that led to this low point in her life? A. Watching her

eldest son die from AIDS B. Being raped by someone she considered a

friend C. Being the victim of a drive-by shooting D. Having to go

through heroin withdrawal after being arrested E. Seeing her daughter

run over and killed in an automobile accident


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