Masked Man: He’s the general of the Pig Mask Army, yet he ...

Pig Mask Army

Masked Man: He’s the general of the Pig Mask Army, yet he has a very familiar figure…

Porky: The world’s fattest dictator is back, now with an army and that old person smell.

Fearsome Pig Mask: Strong and mighty, he is a HUGE fan of DCMC

Pig Mask: The main part of the Pig Mask Army, they’re frantic and easily scared at times.

Clayman: The main workforce of the Pig King Empire, doing manual labor such as digging, lifting and sometimes fighting. It’s sad they don’t have feelings, ‘cause if they did, the game would already be over.


Aeolia: The leader of the magypsies. He/She lives in the outskirts of Tazmily.

Doria: A magypsy that took care of Kumatora when she was young.

Lydia: A magypsy that lives on Snowcap Mountain. He/She took care of several rabbits one time.

Phyrgia: A magypsy that lives near the volcano and is very sleepy. Seriously, how can he/she sleep with all the noise?!?

Ionia: A magypsy that teaches Lucas PK Love…in a hot spring. Ah Lucas, finding people at the wrong time.

Mixolydia: A magypsy that lives on Tanetane Island with her assistant Ocho the octopus. Yeah that’s right, an octopus.

Locria: The missing magypsy, Locria betrayed the magypsies to work for the Pig Mask Army.


OJ: We’re not talking about OJ Simpson here. He plays the saxophone in DCMC.

Magic: He’s not really magical, but his music sure is good. He plays the electric guitar.

Batch: No batch of cookies here I’m afraid. He plays the drums.

Shimmy Zmizz: They sure have ran out of names for people. He plays the keyboard.

Duster (DCMC form): He looks very familiar…

Other Characters

Dr. Andonuts: Taken hostage by Porky, he’s forced to make weapons for the Pig Mask Army

Bronson: This lumberjack sure knows how to knock out a person.

Mike: A worker at Thomas Bazaar. He has a nice hat!

Tessie: This isn’t the monster you all know and love. She took care of Lucas and Claus when they were found in the forest.

Nippolyte: the gravedigger of Tazmily. Later on he gives Lucas a Badge of Courage (which turns into a Franklin Badge later on) that Flint left for him.

Leder: He’s the bellringer of Tazmily and is recognized for being tall. He’s very mute but has a secret he cannot tell.

Keeper Man: He’s the Tracy and Escargo Express of Mother 3, carrying your items free of charge. He looks like one of those people you see on the streets.

Nichol: This guy is terribly afraid of fires and gets so frantic when he talks sometimes.

Biff: A man of not so many words.

Jill: A resident of Tazmily that smiles way too often.

Paul: He’s extra-sensitive to things and teaches you the Dash ability early in the game.

Pusher: He’s a pusher as his name says, wanting everything done quickly and worrying about his fortune.

Abbey: A helpful and kind woman who gives you tips out of the kindness of her heart early in the game.

Abbot: Abbey’s husband, working as a farmer in Tazmily.

Bud: He just hates it when you press “the button”, because it causes him to feel sick.

Jonel: The keeper of the sanctuary. He sounds like a priest in some sort of way.

Skinhead: a bodyguard of Club Titiboo. Not much is known about him.

Bearbeard: He works as a bodyguard at Club Titiboo, guarding alongside Skinhead.

Violet: Kumatora’s alter ego, working as a waitress at Club Titiboo.

Pick: A lonely guitar pick at Club Titiboo. Who knew picks could talk?

Ropeway Ticket Guy: As the name applies the ticket guy of the Ropeway.

Brenda: She’s not very resourceful or helpful. She’s just…there.

Ollie: He wants to help as much as possible in anything, but people think he’s just a plain old rubbernecker.

Ed: It saddens me to say it but he thinks Ollie is a useless rubbernecker. What’s the deal with him? Having a neck made out of rubber is cool!

Matt: Nothing special about this guy.

Lou: He works for Lighter.

Isaac: Early in the game, he asks you to go to your house to see if you’re family is there. Nowhere to be seen, the search begins for your family!

Linda: She’s been waiting for Hinawa’s return to learn how to make her very delicious spam, but boy will she be spam-less for a long time.

Punk Guy: He looks like one, but he definitely doesn’t act like one.

Hippo Researcher: As the name applies, he researches hippos.

Policeman: These guys are in the New Pork City Police Force. (N.P.C.P.F.). How will they ever ticket speeding flying limos?

Sebastian: He thinks he’s the least resourceful person in the game, much like the person in Fourside in EB.

Fligia: She tells you where the needles are later in the game.

Judge: He/She is the judge when you fight the mole cricket again.

Donna: She likes to gossip, just like Lisa.

Reggie: He likes to forecast the weather.

Creatures & Oddities

Mole Cricket: Earlier in the game he wanted revenge from Lucas and Claus, but later on he had a rematch with Lucas and…loses and becomes a very successful salesman.

Mr. Saturn: The guys are back with some tea & crumpets!

Rope Snake: Duster bought this red friend at Osohe Castle, being helpful by crossing pits. Later in the game he gets depressed and changes his name to Snake Rope.

Ultimate Chimera: This ferocious beast was created at the Chimera Labs and cannot be defeated…unless you turn the switch off. He’s also known for clogging toilets…

Wan Sum Dung: A dung beetle in the desert that gives you experience points in exchange for dung. He’s such a dung connoisseur.

Sparrow: Probably the most helpful thing in the game. It gives you hints about things occasionally early in the game.

Osohe Ghost: A generic ghost that lives in Osohe Castle. One likes to cook while the other likes to drink. They like to party forever…and ever…and ever…

Pig: I wonder when they’ll just talk to each other?

Cow: It says it only says and thinks MOO, but how do you get this information from his mind without it saying other words. He obviously has a dirty secret.

Rooster: These roosters are just scrambled eggs on a toaster. What? That doesn’t make any sense! These southern metaphors and similes are so confusing.

Ocho: Can you guess how many legs this octopus has? Yeah, I can’t either. It works as Mixolydia’s assistant.

Mouse: These mice don’t fight you, but they sure like to sneak around everywhere while bug you at the same time.

Crickets: Just regular crickets thinking that the mole cricket is their idol.

Pump Chimera: It’s the so-called “boring chimera”. All he does is move the water of a pond to another.

Dry Guy: It’s what the scientists call the latest dryer chimera technology.

Stray Dog: Just a regular dog in the open, nothing special about him.

Mole: Friendly care-free moles.

Hermit Crab: He’ll give you lots of money if you can find his shell.


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