Texas State University


I. Academic/Professional Background

|A. |Name: Dr. Andrea B. Dennison |Title: Assistant Professor |

B. Educational Background

|Degree |Year |University |Major |Thesis/Dissertation |

|PHD |2015 |Texas A&M University |School Psychology |Bilingual education, |

| | | | |acculturation and the |

| | | | |psychological health of |

| | | | |Mexican-heritage preadolescents |

|SSP |2009 |Texas State University |School Psychology | |

|BA |1998 |University of Texas at Austin |Psychology, General | |

C. University Experience

|Position |University |Dates |

|Assistant Professor, Tenure-Line |Texas State University. San Marcos, TX |September 2016 - Present |

|Lecturer |Texas State University. San Marcos, TX |September 2015 - May 2016 |

|Graduate Teaching Academy |Texas A&M University. College Station, TX |2012 - 2013 |

|Graduate Instructional Assistant |Texas State University. San Marcos, TX |August 2006 - May 2008 |

E. Other Professional Credentials (licensure, certification, etc.)

Licensed Psychologist, TSBEP. License Number: 37373.

Licensed Specialist in School Psychology, Texas LSSP. License Number: 34482.


B. Courses Taught:

Texas State University:






G. Teaching Professional Development Activities Attended

Seminar, "Program for Excellence in Teaching and Learning," Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, United States. (2016 - 2017).


A. Works in Print (including works accepted, forthcoming, in press):

1. Books:

d. Chapters in Books (Refereed):

Carvalho, C., Dennison, A., & Estrella, I. (2014). Best practices in the assessment of English Language Learners. In P. Harrison & A. Thomas (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology-VI (pp. 75–88). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.

Riccio, C. A., Dennison, A., & Bowman-Perrott, L. (2014). Individual assessment of specific academic areas. In S. G. Little & A. Akin-Little (Eds.), Academic assessment and intervention (pp. 79–96). New York: Routledge.

Dennison, A. (2014). Physical restraint use with children in schools. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed) (pp. 1997–1998). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Lasser, J., & & Dennison, A. (2010). Talking to your teen about sexually transmitted infections. In A. Canter, L. Paige, & S. Shaw (Eds.), Helping children at home and school III: Handouts for families and educators. Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.

2. Articles:

a. Refereed Journal Articles:

Lund, E., Dennison, A., Ewing, H., & Carvalho, C. (2011). Review of the Children’s Measure of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29(6), 587–591. .

B. Works Not in Print:

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:

Carvalho, C., Dennison, A., Adame-Hernandez, C., Estrella, I., Gámez, B., & Goodwyn, F., Texas Association of School Psychologists (TASP) Annual Conference, "Special needs south of the border: A Mexican field-based practicum for school psychologists in training." (2012).

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:

Dennison, A., "Spanish-language parent training on the Autism Supplement," Autism Society of Texas, Austin I.S.D., Austin, TX. (October 11, 2017).

Dennison, A., Pre-Doctoral Internship seminar, "Acculturation and youth involved in the juvenile justice system," Travis County Juvenile Probation Dept., Austin, TX. (May 4, 2017).

Dennison, A. (Presenter), CLD Evaluators Meeting, "Bilingual case study discussion," Region XIII Educational Service Center, Region XIII Educational Service Center, Austin, TX, United States. (2016).

Dennison, A., "Principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for staff in the Juvenile Justice setting." (2014).

3. Consultancies:

Government, Travis County Juvenile Probation Dept., Austin, TX, United States. (2016 - 2017).

4. Workshops:

Dennison, A. (Presenter), KIPP Austin Inservice, "Research-based interventions for students with attentional challenges," KIPP Austin, Austin, TX, United States. (2016).

c. Other Works Not in Print:


Dennison, A., American Psychological Association Annual Convention, "Comparing the well-being of culturally diverse non-referred youth in Texas schools using the SDQ," APA, Washington D.C. (August 4, 2017).

Dennison, A., Litchke, L. G., & Liu, T., "Health-related quality of life interventions for vulnerable populations," Texas State University, Health Scholar Showcase. (February 2017).

Dennison, A., Carvalho, C., Adame-Hernandez, C., & Riccio, C., American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, "Preventing high school dropout amongst English Language Learners.," APA. (2013).

Dennison, A., National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), "Measuring treatment integrity in behavioral consultation.," NASP. (2012).

Riccio, C. A., Dennison, A., & Morris, C. J., National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN), "Predicting academic achievement: Does working memory mediate global ability?," NAN. (2012).

C. Scholarly / Creative Grants and Contracts:

1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:

Davio, R.L.(Principal), Dennison, A., & DiMauro-Jackson, M. Michael & Susan Dell Community Collaborative for Child Health Caring Communities Create Capable Children: Mini-Grant Opportunity, Michael & Susan Dell Community Collaborative for Child Health, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $200.00. (Submitted: December 2017, Funded: January 2018 - May 2018). Grant.

Dennison, A. Doctoral Training with a focus on English Language Learners (DTELL), Federal. (Funded: 2010 - 2014). Grant.

Dennison, A. American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award. (Funded: 2012). Gift.

3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:

Dennison, A. Texas A&M College of Education and Human Development Graduate Research Grant. (Funded: 2012). Grant.

Dennison, A. Texas A&M College of Education and Human Development Graduate Travel Grant. (Funded: 2012). Grant.

D. Scholarly / Creative Fellowships, Awards, Honors:

Award / Honor Nominee: NABE Outstanding Dissertation finalist, National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE). November 2016 - January 2017

Fellowship Recipient: Heep-Walker Fellowship. 2010 - 2013

Award / Honor Recipient: Educational Psychology Student Organization Travel Scholarship. November 2013

Award / Honor Recipient: Texas Association of School Psychologists Graduate Student Scholarship. 2012

E. Scholarly / Creative Professional Development Activities Attended:

Conference Attendance, "Trainers of School Psychology conference," Chicago, IL. (February, 2018).

Conference Attendance, "National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) conference," Chicago, IL. (February, 2018).

Conference Attendance, "Trainers of School Psychology conference," San Antonio, TX. (February, 2017).

Conference Attendance, "National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) conference," NASP, San Antonio, TX, United States. (February, 2017).

Conference Attendance, "American Psychological Association (APA) Conference," APA, Washington D.C. (August, 2017).

Conference Attendance, "National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) conference," NCES, Washington D.C. (August, 2017).


A. Institutional

1. University:

Organizer, Writing Interdisciplinary Group. (2017-2018).

2. College:

Organizer, El Buen Samaritano family health fair- clinic client recruiting. (2017).

3. Department/School:

Organizer, Special Olympics Strong Minds Events. (2016 - 2017).

B. Professional:

Co-Chair, RFP Committee, Dell Community Collaborative for Child Health, Austin, TX, United States. (2017 - Present).

Member, CoSearch collaborative team, Happy + Healthy Toolkit. (2017 - Present).

Bilingual Evaluation Leadership Team, Region XIII Educational Service Center. (2008 - 2010).

Webmaster, Texas Association of School Psychologists, TX, United States. (2008 - 2009).

Graduate Student Representative, NASP. (2007 - 2009).

Graduate Student Representative, TASP Board of Directors. (2007 - 2008).

Panel presenter, NASP Convention. (February 2008).

C. Community:

Member, Dell Community Collaborative for Child Health, Austin, TX. (2016 - 2017).

Clinical Director, Strong Minds health promotion area, Special Olympics Inc., Austin, TX. (2015 - 2017).

Mother’s Kitchen, Austin, TX. (2013 - 2016).

Dell Children’s Hospital, Austin, TX. (2013).

ProEd Inc., An International Publisher, Austin, TX. (2012).

D. Organization Memberships:

American Psychological Association (APA).

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).

International School Psychology Association (ISPA).


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