GROUP PRESENATION (a rough script)

GROUP PRESENATION (a rough script)

(optional little joke to break the ice) Ok, So did __(name)__ tell you all we’re dong makeovers today?

I’m just kidding this will only take a few minutes- I’m just here to introduce a new voluntary benefit option that’s being made available to you.


How many of you guys have known someone that has broken a bone, suffered a heart attack or stroke, battled cancer or ended up in the emergency room for some reason or another? That’s what I’m here for

My name is ___________.

I’m with a company called Family Heritage

What we do is specialize in supplemental income plans, So what that means is that when you get in an accident or have a major medical issue, your health ins. pays dr. / hosp. bills, what we do is a program that pays $ directly to you.

This is what it does in a nutshell:

(go through direct / indirect page)

We talk to people about some unpleasant topics like critical illnesses and bad accidents- the types of situations that can have a significant impact on a person’s finances. Pretty much everyone here has known someone that’s been through stuff like cancer, heart attack, stroke or a bad accident. You all raised your hand

What your health insurance is for is to pay the Doctors to keep them in business, what our plans do is pay you directly to keep you and your family in business

I said I’d be brief so I’m not going to go through all of the benefits, but as an example

If you were to end up in the ICU for any reason the plan pays $____ a day up to 30 days with no lifetime limits

And if it is a vehicular accident that puts you in the ICU the benefits actually double so $_____ a day

If you have to take a ride in the ambulance $____

All Deposited directly in your bank account because you know what bills need to be paid and what can wait better than any insurance company

Why so many people are signing up…

The cost of the plans vary depending on age, type of policy, and level of coverage, but they’re a fraction of what you pay for health insurance.

The last thing I’ll mention before I let you get on with your day is the return of premium…

(go through ROP page)


So basically, a lot of our clients look at our plans as being “win / win”. If you need it, its there, and it provides a back up plan that most people don’t have. If you don’t need it…you get you money back just like a savings account

We’re all supposed to have 6-12 months worth of bills in savings. I don’t talk to too many folks in that situation. (smile)

For most of us, our income depends on our ability to go to work. Our plans help to relieve the financial burden of dealing with serious medical issues.

The purpose of me being here this morning was just to introduce myself and show ya whats available. I’m going to ask everyone to fill out this little half-sheet of paper…

(pass sheets and pens around)

I typically just catch up with people individually around their schedules to answer questions and explain things in more detail.. Our plans don’t make sense for everyone, but I tell people that unless they can go a year or more without an income and pay medical bills at the same time, it usually makes sense to at least get the specifics and go from there…

So you can fill those out and I’ll collect them here in a minute


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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