History with Mr Lee at Avon High School

I-Search! I-Search! 4735195-2743194940300-342899The I-Search is the major research project of your freshman year. The goal of this project is to teach students the fundamentals of research, citation of sources, and organization of a formal, thesis driven essay. Thus, the I-Search not only emphasizes the results, but also the process. Students will complete a series of steps toward completion, and the final grade will be dependent on this steady progress. Thus, it is the individual responsibility of each student to work towards his/her goal; each step of the process has a specific deadline. TOPIC CHOICE AND APPROVAL:Students must have a unique topic that connects with the World History course. Some of the units we have not discussed yet, but if they sound of interest, speak with your teacher and complete some initial research to see if it is a subject you would like to develop. Complete the provided topic sheet with three potential selections, and you may designate preference. Write your topics in the form of a question that requires a more in-depth response than yes/no. This format will help you when developing a thesis, which must prove an argumentative point. Prior to beginning the formal research process, choices will be discussed and decided upon with the guidance and approval of your World History teacher. One topic area could involve a thesis connected to family history. To that end, suggested questions to ask a family member have been provided for guidance. THESIS: Your I-Search thesis is very important. This is a statement that you verify throughout your paper. You will not write a report, but rather prove a point. You must have some sort of opinion that is NOT A GIVEN, not already accepted as fact, and you must use your research to substantiate your thesis. During the topic phase, you may only have an initial idea of your thesis, which you may change as you continue research. It should be finalized when completing the outline step. GRADING: TOPIC CONTINUED: 10 pointsAgain, read the previous instructions carefully. This is the only task that you do NOT need to type. As previously stated in the thesis section, provide a potential initial thesis for each topic of choice. SOURCE NOTES: 50 total points (10 points each) Source notes make it easier to gather information, record citation information, and write your paper. You will record research that will help prove your thesis. In addition, your paper will require you to provide parenthetical citations in the body of your paper and a Works Cited page at the end. Source notes will help you keep track of your sources, and provide the proper credit to the authors. AVOID PLAGIARISM AT ALL COSTS. For each source, at the top of a regular-sized sheet of paper, type both the proper parenthetical citation and Works Cited formats. Source Notes using non-credible sources will need to be re-done, and cannot be used in the paper (a check for credibility will be done during a library visit & class time).Underneath the source, in bulleted fashion, type your research notes that will help prove your thesis. You need to complete a combination of notes and direct quotes, with at least ten bullet points. Follow the same formatting rules as the rough and final drafts described below. Note the breakdown of deadlines for the source notes. You must have a MINIMUM OF FIVE sources as follows:1 Book (Neither textbooks nor encyclopedias count; also see the library’s website, including eBooks)2 Databases (Ex: Via the library’s website)1 Credible Internet site (No encyclopedia sites, such as Wikipedia, etc.), with a MAXIMUM 1 PeriodicalINTERVIEW: 10 points (Extra Credit)Students may interview an expert on their topic for extra credit. The interview cannot be with a family member or a member of the faculty. Be aware that college professors will soon be leaving campuses, so it is essential that you start this process early and make your teacher aware of any difficulties that you are having. The interview must be done in person, on the phone, or by Skype. Use the provided Interview Worksheet as a guide to type the interview information and transcript. You should have a MINIMUM OF 1O QUESTIONS to ask, along with the corresponding responses. Include the proper parenthetical citation and Works Cited formats that you would use in the paper. OUTLINE WITH THESIS: 15 points An Essay Outline is a helpful way to organize your thoughts before writing. Use the provided template as a guide to type your outline responses. Your thesis should be in its final form at this point, because of the research conducted. MINIMUM REQUIRED: four supporting/content paragraphs with two or more supporting evidence/specific details per content paragraph. Include parenthetical citations. This will assist with in-paper citations, as well as completion of the Works Cited page during the writing process. ROUGH DRAFT: 25 pointsComplete a rough draft according to the same guidelines as the Final Paper below. Submit the rough draft to to self-revise and confirm originality before the Final draft. Also come to class with a rough draft copy for peer review, which can assist with further improvements before finalization. FINAL PAPER: 100 points 1” Margins: Top, Bottom, Left, RightDouble Spaced12 point font & Times New Roman or Arial fontNumber of pages, REQUIRED: FOUR MINIMUM---seven total pages MAXIMUM (Will not read past 7 pages!). These amounts do NOT include Title & Works Cited pages or images.Separate Title Page with name at beginningMust prove thesis, rather than describe a topicParenthetical Citations Separate Works Cited page at endStapled, no bindersPROOFREAD!Students will be required to submit their papers to . This database is both a formative and summative tool for teachers and students, which allows students to verify their documentation and citation of content, as well as the originality of their e to class with a Final copy as well. PRESENTATION: 50 pointsYou will present your findings to the class in a 5-7 minute oral presentation. The presentation can take on a variety of formats, and creativity will be part of the grade. You may wish to consider: live talk shows, dressing up as a character from history, self-made videos (up to 2 minutes of total presentation), and/or a PowerPoint presentation. Parenthetical and Works Cited information is not required.PRELIMINARY DUE DATES (If we do not meet on one of these deadlines, be prepared for the next class meeting)March 5 – Topic Sheet DueMarch 19– 1st & 2nd Source NotesMarch 26– 3rd Source NotesTBD– Interview (Extra Credit)April 16th 4th and 5th Source Notes April 30th– Outline with Final ThesisMay 14– Rough Draft for & Peer EditMay 21– Final Paper for & ClassMay 29– Begin PresentationsI-SEARCH PAPER RUBRIC (TO BE REVISED)Name: __________________________________ Topic: ___________________ Date Turned In: ________ElementRequirementsValueYour ScoreContentTakes a clear, thoughtful, and persuasive position, richly supported with information (quotes and references) from the research sources. Evidence to support the thesis is well developed. Information is accurate and relevant. 30StructurePaper has a clear thesis statement. Direction steps introduce the evidence that proves the thesis. Body paragraphs follow the order of direction steps identified in the introduction. Conclusion summarizes key evidence and restates thesis.25MechanicsIdeas are clearly and effectively developed; writing is fluent and polished with transitions. Spelling and punctuation errors are minimal. There are few to no run-on sentences or sentence fragments.25Parenthetical Citations & Works Cited PageParenthetical citations are numerous and properly formatted. Works cited page has at least five sources, including two books, two databases and one credible internet site. Works cited page is formatted in accordance with MLA standards.20Total100I-SEARCH PRESENTATION RUBRICElementRequirementsValueYour ScoreContentPresentation clearly introduces the thesis and explains the evidence that proves the thesis.15PreparationPresentation is well organized and practiced. Note cards are used when necessary. Presenter has anticipated and prepared for necessary transitions.15DeliveryPresenter speaks clearly and with enough volume for the entire audience to hear. Presenter grabs the attention of the audience. Presenter makes eye contact with audience. Presenter uses notes as reminders rather than reading to the audience.10CreativityPresentation uses creative elements effectively to enhance the presentation.10Total50Topic/10Source Notes/50Outline/15Rough Draft/25Final Paper/100Presentation/50TOTAL = (+ Interview E.C.10 /) =250I-SEARCH TOPIC WORKSHEETINSTRUCTIONS: Please write down three potential topics and an initial thesis for each that you would like to explore for I-Search. These should be stated in the form of a question that requires more of an in-depth response than yes/no. Feel free to put your selections in preference order, or designate them in any other way that provides distinction. You will be able to discuss these options, and decide on one topic with the guidance and approval of your World History I teacher. Name: __________________________________________ Date Turned In: ________________Topic #1:Potential Initial Thesis #1: ***************************************************************************************Topic #2:Potential Initial Thesis #2: ***************************************************************************************Topic #3: (connection to family history)Potential Initial Thesis #3: Suggestions: Interview your oldest surviving relative. What changes has he or she seen in your family during his/her lifetime? In the world around them? What does he/she know about your cultural heritage? What is his/her advice for kids of this generation?Most families have storage places where old mementos are gathered. If accessible, talk about or explore them, such as an old trunk or grandparents’ memory box, or perhaps files in the basement. See what stories unfold when you discover and ask about certain objects. APPROVAL: World History I Teacher: Printed Name: _______________________Initials: _______ Date Approved: ________NOTE: YOUR WORLD HISTORY TEACHER WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR HELP AND TO ASSIST WITH ANY PROBLEMS THAT ARISE, BUT IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO WORK TOWARDS YOUR GOAL! LATE DEDUCTIONS ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED!!I-SEARCH INTERVIEW WORKSHEETINSTRUCTIONS: Use this provided Interview Worksheet as a guide to type the interview information and transcript. You should have a MINIMUM OF 1O QUESTIONS to ask, along with the corresponding responses. The interview must be done in person, on the phone, or by Skye; not by email. Include the proper parenthetical citation and Works Cited formats that you would use in the paper. Name of Student: __________________________________________________________Date Turned In: ________________Name of Person Interviewed: _________________________________________________Title of Person Interviewed: __________________________________________________Phone Number (with area code): ______________________________________________E-Mail Address (if applicable): _______________________________________________Parenthetical Citation (Last Name of Person Interviewed): ________________________________________Works Cited (Last Name, First Name. Kind of Interview, such as Personal or Telephone. Day Month Year.): _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________Transcript (Typed minimum of 10 questions, with the corresponding responses):I-SEARCH OUTLINE WORKSHEETINSTRUCTIONS: Use this template as a guide to type your outline responses. MINIMUM REQUIRED: 3 supporting/content paragraphs with 2 or more supporting evidence/specific details per content paragraph. Remember to include a Separate title page at the very beginning and a Works Cited page at the very end. Also remember to use your Source Notes, and you must include a MINIMUM of those 5 required sources. Keep in mind when you get to the writing process that although this is a “5-paragraph” essay format, you may/should separate lengthy paragraphs. You may also have more than 3 supporting/content paragraphs. In other words, it can be more than “5-paragraphs.” Name: __________________________________________ Date Turned In: ________________INTRODUCTION:Introductory Sentences (General statements that introduce your topic without stating thesis. Historical background for Social Studies. Etc.) (Include citations when appropriate):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thesis/End of Introduction:Position/Stance/What you are going to prove ANDMin. 3 Direction Steps/Reasons/How you are going to prove/support your thesis:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________BODY:1st Body Paragraph:Topic Sentence (Introduces 1st direction step generally without explaining):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1st Supporting Evidence/Specific Detail (Include citations when appropriate):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2nd Supporting Evidence/Specific Detail (Include citations when appropriate):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3rd Supporting Evidence/Specific Detail (Include citations when appropriate):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Connect back to thesis:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2nd Body Paragraph:Topic Sentence (Introduces 2nd direction step generally without explaining):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1st Supporting Evidence/Specific Detail (Include citations when appropriate):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2nd Supporting Evidence/Specific Detail (Include citations when appropriate):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3rd Supporting Evidence/Specific Detail (Include citations when appropriate):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Connect back to thesis:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3rd Body Paragraph:Topic Sentence (Introduces 3rd direction step generally without explaining):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1st Supporting Evidence/Specific Detail (Include citations when appropriate):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2nd Supporting Evidence/Specific Detail (Include citations when appropriate):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3rd Supporting Evidence/Specific Detail (Include citations when appropriate):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Connect back to thesis:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CONCLUSION:Final brief summary (No new information) ANDRestate thesis similarly (Vary word choice of thesis components in paper so not repetitive)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________OTHER NOTES:Paragraph min.3 quality sentences (Min. amount more typically for Intro & Conclusion)Incorporate your own words in body. Explain evidence; do not just list (3rd person; do not use “I”)Paraphrase and quote when appropriate in body (Tend to paraphrase more in S.S.)Provide a Works Cited page at the end ................

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