Family Interview Assignment

Family Interview Assignment

For this assignment, your job is to interview one person in your family in order to get to know them better and preserve their life story for future generations. I would like for you to interview (if possible) your oldest living relative (that is still able to accurately recall their history). However, I realize that grandparents may have passed away or live way too far away to interview. Therefore, you may need to interview one of your parents, which is fine.


1) Ask all 50 questions and write down their responses

2) Type up your reaction to the interview

a. Summarize some of the key facts from their story in one paragraph

b. How did the interview affect you?

c. What lessons did you learn about life?

d. What surprised you? Why?

e. How did the interviewee respond to the questions (their reaction to this attention)?

f. What especially interests you that you would like to find out more about? Why?

3) Minimum of two paragraphs

4) Bibliography Page (Interview) Go to

|Topic |Excellent |Well Done |Developing |Unsatisfactory |

|Grammar |Perfect or just a few |More than a few small |Too many errors to be |Paper is totally full of |

| |small mistakes |mistakes |turned in |errors |

| |(10) | | | |

| | |(8) |(5) |(0) |

|Length |Two paragraphs with good |Two paragraphs but |One long paragraph |One small paragraph or |

| |length (about 5 sentences|paragraphs should be | |two very short paragraphs|

| |each) |longer | |(5) |

| |(20) | |(10) | |

| | |(15) | | |

|Summary Paragraph |Clearly summarizes the |Summary is present but |Makes a few comments |No summary paragraph |

| |life of the individual |needs to be longer |about their life | |

| |(20) | | | |

| | |(15) |(10) |(0) |

|Reaction Paragraph |Clearly explains their |Reaction is present but |Makes only a few comments|No reaction paragraph |

| |reaction in a separate |needs to be longer |about their reaction | |

| |paragraph | |(10) | |

| |(20) |(15) | |(0) |

|Typed |Typed | | |Hand written |

| |(10) | | |(0) |

|50 Questions Sheet |All 50 questions answered|Most questions answered |Some questions answered |None answered |

| |(20) |(15) |(10) | |

| | | | |(0) |

|Bibliography |Properly completed (+5) |Not done properly (+2) | |No bibliography (-5) |


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