Charting Products: Demographics

Charting Products: Demographics

Fill in the following chart for each of the products in the first column. Refer to your notes to guide you through this.

|Product or Service |Age Group |

|SRI Consulting Business Intelligence |Pioneered the Values and Lifestyles model (VALS), which defines |

| |eight segments of adults consumers who have different attitudes |

| |and exhibit distinctive behaviour and decision-making patterns: |

| |Actualizers, Fulfilleds, achievers, Experiencers, Believers, |

| |Strivers, Markers, and Strugglers. |

|Polk Company |Developed 26 Niches, which correspond to letters of the alphabet,|

| |starting with “A” for the richest (Already Affluent),then “B” for|

| |the next richest (Big Spender Parents), then “C” (cash-to-Carry),|

| |all the way to “Z” (Zero Mobility). |

|Odyssey Market |Divides technology consumers into six segments: New Enthusiasts, |

| |Faithfuls, Old-Timers, independents, and Surfers. |

|Faith Popcorn’s Brain Reserve |Developed segments based on life stages; e.g. YUPPIES (Young |

| |Urban Professionals), MOBYS (Mommy Older, Baby Younger), WOOFS |

| |(Well-Off Older Folks), SKIPPIES (School Kids with Income and |

| |Purchasing Power), and Global Kids (kids with strong feelings |

| |about the environment plus strong influence over family |

| |purchasing choices). |

|Looking Glass, Inc. |Profiles its consumer groups by catering fictional characters |

| |that are composites of various lifestyle traits, such as ‘Jules |

| |&Roz’ (affluent and physically active urbanites with children) |

| |‘Denise’ (single mothers on a tight budget), and ‘Elmer” |

| |(sedentary old men). |

1. Which of these psychographic theories do you think would be most useful to marketers? Explain why?

2. For which group would the collection of data be most difficult?

Writing a Memo: Geographics

As the vice president of marketing, you and your company plan to market the same product or service (your choice) to urban, suburban, and rural customers. Write a short memo to the president of your company outlining how you are going to overcome the geographic obstacles. Use the space below to plan your memo.

Charting Product Users: Product Use Statistics

Imagine that you are a marketer for video games. For each of the age groups in the chart below, indicate whether you would consider this group to be light to medium, heavy, or non-users of your product. Use Y for yes, N for no and P for possible. Explain your answer in the last column. If you choose ‘No Plans to Use’ for any of the groups, try to think of a way that you could position your product to make it of more interest.

|Age |Light to Medium |Heavy |First Time Users |No Plans to Use |Rationale |

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