Not only was WWII fought on a battleground, it was also found on the Home Front. For this assignment, you must find someone who lived during the war. You may either choose a WWII veteran, or someone who worked for the cause at home.

This should be an oral interview if at all possible! The person must be at least 75 years old in order to remember the war. Look around at family members first. Possible people to interview include Grandparents, Neighbors, Friends, Grandparents of Friends, nursing homes, Veterans organizations, or even people from your place of worship/community service/etc. The possibilities are endless, as long as they lived through WWII. If you can’t find anyone, search the Internet for Primary Source Accounts. Be prepared to share with the class what you learned from your interview on Monday, April 16th.

Possible questions to ask:

(For a veteran)

1. In which branch of the military did you serve?

2. What was your rank?

3. Where were you stationed during WWII?

4. What do you remember most about your military service in WWII?

5. What was the most rewarding thing that happened?

6. What was it like coming home after the war was over?

7. How have your war experience changed your life?

8. What is one lesson you think future generations need to remember about WWII?

(For someone on the Home Front and/or veteran)

1. Where did you live during WWII?

2. What were you doing when you heard the news that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor? How old were you?

3. What were you doing when you heard that the atomic bomb had been dropped on Japan and the war was over? How old were you?

4. How did food and gas rationing work? What did you do for fun?

5. In what other ways did ordinary people support the war effort?

6. How did you learn about what was happening in the war overseas?

7. How must time was spent talking about the war in schools?

8. How did the war affect your family life?

9. Any other strong memories you have of this period?

“Future generations may dismiss the Second World War as ‘Just another war’. Those who experienced it know that it was a war justified in its aims and successful in accomplishing them. Despite all the killing and destruction that accompanied it, the Second World War was a good war”- A.J. Taylor

***How to write a narrative AFTER you give the oral interview***

Paragraph 1 – The opening paragraph sets the scene for the story to follow. Explain the WWII era. Introduce your interviewee and what they were doing in this era. This is not the place to tell stories; this is background information.

Paragraphs 2, 3, 4 – These are the “meat of the interview” paragraphs. This is where you tell about what your interview subject told you about the time period. You are to “capture the sights and smells of this particular time and place.” Specific details help readers (me) to see the time period and what your subject (interviewee) went through. Details—What was going on? Organize your information so it reads like a narrative (story) not like an interview in a magazine.

Paragraph 5 –The closing reflects upon the significance of the experience. You reflect on what you learned from doing this. DO NOT tell me you already knew everything about WWII so you learned “nuthin”.

Need help finding a military veteran? - Try these resources:

• Local Chamber of Commerce or Local Veteran’s Affairs Office

• The American Legion – search posts

• Veterans History Project:

Helpful Hints:

• Don’t forget to take notes during the interview. You will be submitting them with your completed assignment!!!!

• Include a word count for the narrative.

• Do NOT just type your questions and have someone fill in their responses. That is NOT an oral interview.

• Bonus points for filming the interview, audio recording it, incorporating current and past pictures, etc.

This assignment is worth 50 points:

20 points – Oral Interview (including questions & notes)

30 points – Narrative (5 paragraph minimum)


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