Website Setup - Keller Williams Realty

Website Setup

Your KW Agent Website is easy to set up.

1. To open your Keller Williams Agent Website, you first need to obtain a KW Intranet username and password from your Market Center Administrator.

2. When you are set up with your Intranet account, go to .

3. Log on to the Intranet, click on the My Information tab, and then, click My Website in the left-hand navigation bar.

2/18/05  NEW Agent Websites Coming Soon!

We are looking forward to offering these new templates to KW Associates at the end of March. Please keep your eyes open for demos at Family Reunion and return back to this page for more information in the coming month!

Take a quick glance at some of the NEW Templates COMING SOON!



2/16/05  The KW Intranet Guest Tour is now available!

          This is a great recruiting piece!  Have your Guests take the Tour at: 



1/27/05  ***Family Reunion Registration is now CLOSED***

          Keller Williams Family,

         2005 Family Reunion Registration is now CLOSED.

         There will be NO onsite Registration this year.  We have reached our Fire Marshall

         Max Capacity!


          Family Reunion is February 21-24, 2005 at the Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas.


7/28/04  Listings on your KW Agent Website


This is a message to inform you of some changes being made to your KW Agent Web Site.  As you may or may not be aware we are seeking alternative methods to acquire listing data.  In an effort to get your listings online as quickly as possible we have implemented a Featured Listings Frame-in option on your agent web site (only in areas where available).

The frame-in leverages our IDX vendor WolfNet Technologies IDX Property Search.  It does this by showing each agent's featured properties in their web site.  The enhancement will allow you to make updates in the MLS and automatically display on the web site the next day.  Multiple photos and more data fields are also displayed through the Featured Listings Frame-In. However, you will not have the ability to add more details to what is displayed on the Featured Listings Frame-In. If you would like to add more details you can still manually add/edit listings through the KW intranet.

How Agents select the Wolfnet Technologies frame-in solution:

1)  Please login to the KW intranet, and select My Website/My Listings.  This will take you to a page where you may select whether you would like to hand enter listings or use the Featured Property Frame in. You will see a radio button that will allow you to Enable/Disable featured listings frame-in solution, or hand enter your listings.  Please choose the one you would like to use.

2)  Your MCA will still need to add each associates MLS ID in the Intranet Roster for the listings to appear.    Click for Instructions:  Intranet Roster - Update MLS Info.


June 2004

Dear Keller Williams Associate -

As part of services to your Eagentc website, the Business Technology Group has maintained a relationship with to supply your MLS entered listings to your website and to the Keller Williams Property Search.   Two weeks ago, informed us that they were in violation of their contract with your MLS, and that they were not allowed to redistribute listings sent to to Keller Williams Realty International without explicit written permission from your Board of Realtors.  

The past two weeks we have worked with your leadership (Market Center and Region) to attempt to obtain permission for your listing data feed to be sent to Keller Williams Realty International.   Unfortunately, an arrangement could not be reached with your Board of Realtors in the time required, and currently no new listings entered into your MLS are coming to us in the listing feed from .

This problem has affected a number of MLS systems across the country, and at this time the Business Technology Group is continuing to work with your leadership and MLS as well as researching alternatives for acquiring your listing data.   Due to the volume of listings that we need to acquire and the number of MLSs involved, this may take some time.   Please know that we are working diligently to find alternatives in order to promote your listings on the web.

In the interim, there are some things you can and should do.

1. Manually enter your listings on the KW site

Entering properties in the KWRI system will allow the properties to show up as featured properties and in the Keller Williams property search, and will allow you to add multiple photos, virtual tours, detailed property description, and price changes.   For information about listing entry, please see the helpdesk at .


      2.  Include an IDX property search on your local agent website

IDX property searches provide access to the largest possible number of listings for your clients since they display listings from all brokers in the MLS that participate in IDX .   If you do not have an IDX property search on your website, you can contact your Team Leader or MCA to find out what is necessary.   For general information about IDX and Broker Reciprocity, see our Frequently Asked Questions list at .

We will update you directly if and when the listing feed situation changes.

If you have further questions, please contact support@.

On behalf of the Eagentc Team,

Jack Miller

Software Development Manager

Keller Williams Realty International


Site Info

Your template includes spaces for your pertinent information. All you have to do is fill in the information requested, and the template will place that information in the appropriate places on your website.

1. Click Edit Site Info in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. Site Name - Type the site name that you would like for your Agent Website. Your URL will be yoursitename . The site name is CAPS-SENSITIVE. In addition to standard alphanumeric characters, you can add a hyphen, an underscore (_), a period, and a tilde (~) to your site name. Any other character or space that you leave in the site name will automatically be converted to an underscore (_).

3. Alternate Website - If you have an alternate website, enter the URL (Internet Address) for that site here. (Ex. my_alternate_)

4. Primary Website - This is the website consumers will be directed to when they complete an Agent Search on .

1. Template - Visitors will be routed to your Keller Williams template website.

2. Alternate - Visitors will be directed to your alternate website. You can test the alternate site selection using the View My Website link.

5. Your Full Name - The name that automatically shows up here is pulled from information in the Intranet. If you change the name in this field, the new name will appear on your Agent Website, but will not change in the Intranet database.

6. Tag Line - If you have a tag line (i.e. Your Hyde Park Real Estate Expert) enter it in this field. If you don-t have one, leave this field blank, and nothing will show up in its place on your website.

7. Logo Text/Broker Name - Logo Text or Broker Name in this place if required by local or state laws.  If no Logo Text or Broker name is needed, you can place any information that will fit in this space.  We suggest you keep the logo text field short (less than 20 characters).

8. Display Office Link: This option must be set to "Yes" if you are a member of TREND MLS and you are a subscriber to Broker Reciprocity/IDX.

9. Meta Tag Keywords - Type keywords here that might identify your site to a search engine (Ex: Austin Realtor, Austin Real Estate, Austin homes, etc.). This does not automatically register your site with search engines. That is a separate action that you must complete on your own. It is unlawful to include the names of competitive websites/companies in your meta tag keywords and description. DO NOT do so under any circumstances.

10. Meta Tag Description - Write a sentence that describes your site to a search engine. This does not automatically register your site with search engines. That is a separate action that you must complete on your own.

11. Legal Requirements - Place any legal requirments that are required by your local or state laws.

12. Biography - The biography that automatically shows up here is pulled from information in the Intranet. If you change the information in this field, the new biography will appear on your Agent Website, and will change in the Intranet database.

13. Display for consumers? - Select Yes if you want consumers to find you on and your Market Center Website. Otherwise, select No .

14. Click Update Info when you are finished with your changes. This updates your Agent Website with the information you have just added.

My Photos

Adding and adjusting photos on your website is simple and fast. And photos will give your website a more inviting and professional look, as well.

Adding Photos

1. Click on My Photos in the left-hand navigation bar, and scroll to the bottom of the page.

2. Photo Title - Type a title for the photo that will help you remember what it is (i.e., -My Black-and-White Head Shot-).

3. Photo File - Type the file name where your photo is stored, or click Browse to locate, and select the appropriate photo from your computer files.

4. Click Add Photo .

5. The information related to that photo will appear in the Photo Update/View/Delete section.

6. You can add up to 10 photos to your photo pool by repeating the steps above.

7. Once you have uploaded your photos, you then must select your Photo Placement.  See Below.


Photo Update/View/Delete

Once you have added some photos to your photo pool, you can Update, View , or Delete them.

1. To update a photo, click on My Photos in the left-hand navigation bar, scroll to the bottom of the page, locate the photo that you want to work with, and click Update .

2. You can change the Photo Title or Browse for a different photo. When you're done, click Update Photo.

3. To view a photo, click View , and a new window will open with that photo inside the window.

4. To delete a photo, click Delete , and you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete that photo. Choose Yes or No .


Photo Placement

In each template, there is room for up to ten photograph placements. To the right of the Photo Placement section, there are screen shots of where those photos will appear on your KW Agent Website. If you don't have a photo to correspond with every placement, a photo will not show up in these placements.

1. Click My Photos in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. Next to Photo 1 , there is a drop-down list with the titles of each photo that you have uploaded into your Photo Pool .

3. Click the drop-down list, and select which photo you would like to place on your KW Agent Website as Photo 1 .

4. Repeat this process for each remaining Photo Placement .

My Listings

Adding Listings

Adding listings to your website is a must. By placing your listings on your website, you expose those listings to more potential buyers and increase the likelihood of selling the listing quickly. Potential sellers also like to see that you are taking advantage of every opportunity to market the homes that you list.

1. Click on My Listings .

2. Enter the MLS number for the new listing in the text field, and then, click Find .

3. Select the Property Type (i.e. Condominium or Single Family) from the drop down menu.

4. Type the property Address information in the appropriate fields. If your local board of Realtors does not allow you to show the street address, enter a blank space in the Address field by clicking in the box and tapping the space bar. Otherwise, you will be prompted for an address at the end of the process.

5. Type your List Price , number of Bedrooms , number of Bathrooms , and Square Feet . It is best to enter these as whole numbers (no fractions). You don-t need to enter dollar signs or commas - the listing entry program will add these for you.

6. Description - Enter a concise description of the listing. There is a 4,000-character limit on this field, which translates roughly to two double-spaced typed pages.

7. Upload New Main Photo - Click Browse , and locate your photos. Click on the name of the photo you want, and hit the Open button.

8. If the photo you want is on your local MLS website, you can save it to your hard drive by clicking your right mouse button on the photo. One of the options in the menu is Save As . Select Save As , and save the photo to the appropriate folder on your hard drive. Remember to note the file name and where you stored it for future reference.

9. Enter Photo URL - Locate on the web the photo you want to load (probably on your local MLS website), and right click on the photo. One of your right click options is Properties. Select it, and then, highlight the URL (ex. ) Copy it to your clipboard by right clicking on the highlighted text and select Copy. Close the Properties popup menu, and click in the text field called Enter Photo URL. Then, paste the copied text in by either hitting right-clicking in Enter Photo URL and selecting Paste.

10. Expire Date - This field defaults to 120 days from the current date. Once the listing expires, you will have to re-enter all the information again, so note the date. You can always extend it by editing your existing Agent Load listing and changing the date.

11. Click Submit to save your new listing. If you missed a field, the program will prompt you to complete the form. Remember to enter a blank space if you want that field to be blank on the web.

12. Go to , and verify that your new listing shows up completely and accurately. You can also check your featured listings on your KW Agent Website.


Editing Listings

1. Click on My Listings .

2. Enter the MLS Number of the listing you wish to edit, and click Find . Or click Show all my listings , and select the listing you want to edit.

3. To add an open house, click Add Open House Date/Time .

4. To delete an open house you-ve previously added, click Delete Open House Date/Time , select the appropriate open house, and click Delete .

5. To add a link or virtual tour, select either Add Links or Add Virtual Tours , enter your new URL (Web address), and click Add .

6. To delete a link or virtual tour, select either Delete Links or Delete Virtual Tour , select the link you want to remove, and click Delete .

7. Additional Photographs - To add more photos, click Browse , and then, locate your photos. Click on the name of the photo you want, and click the Open button. Click the Attach File button to upload the photo to your listing. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add additional photos. When you-re finished, click Done .

8. If the photo you want is on your local MLS website, you can save it to your hard drive by clicking your right mouse button on the photo. One of the options in the menu is Save As . Select Save As , and save the photo to the appropriate folder on your hard drive. Remember to note the file name and where you stored it for future reference.

9. To edit addresses or descriptions, change the text in the appropriate fields, and click Submit .

Deleting Listings

1. Check the box next to Deleting an entry sets it to expire at the end of the day , and the listing will expire at midnight that day. You have until then to manually set the expiration date to a future time if you accidentally delete a listing.

2. Always remember to click Submit when you're done, so your edits will be uploaded to our KW sites.

Edit Testimonials

Any testimonials that you have entered for your Agent Website appear at the top of this section. If your website is new, this section will be blank.

Adding Testimonials

When you get a testimonial, add it to your website to increase the professional appearance of both you and your website.

1. To add a testimonial, click on Edit Testimonials , and scroll to the section at the bottom of the page labeled Add A Testimonial .

2. Position - You can designate the order in which you would like your testimonials to appear by selecting a Position number from the drop-down list.

3. Author - Type the author's name or initials.

4. Testimonial - Type the testimonial.

5. Click Add Testimonial . The page will refresh with the new testimonial in the appropriate position at the top of this section.

6. Repeat this process for as many testimonials as you want.

7. When you finish adding testimonials, you can edit them.


Changing Testimonials

You can take an old testimonial out and replace it with a new one as often as you like.

1. Click Edit Testimonials in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. Move - Beside the testimonial you wish to change, select a different position number from the drop-down list, and click Change Position . Your page will refresh with the testimonial in the appropriate position.

3. Edit - You will enter a new page where you can change the name of the author and the testimonial itself.

4. When you have completed the edits, click Update Testimonial. You will be returned to the Edit Testimonials page, and the appropriate changes will appear.

5. Remove - Your page will refresh with the appropriate testimonial removed from your list.

6. When you have completed your changes to testimonials, click Update Site in the left-hand navigation bar.

Edit Vendors

You can add links to local vendors, which homebuyers and sellers can access through the Info Center section of your KW Agent Website.

Go to the My Information tab, and then click My Website:

1. Click on Edit Vendors in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. If this section of your site has not been set up yet, you will need to Add Vendor Category .

3. Type in a name of a new Vendor Category (such as -Inspectors-), and click Add Vendor Category .

4. Repeat this process for as many Vendor Categories as you want to enter.

5. When you are ready to start adding links to each category, click Edit next to the category name.

6. You can change Category Name here.

7. Under Add a Vendor , specify the position you'd like the vendor to take in the list of vendors within that category. Type the vendor's Contact Name, Company, Address, Office Phone, Mobile Phone, Pager, Email, and Website.

8. Click Add Vendor.

9. Repeat this process for each additional link you want to add.

Edit Local Links

You can add links to local restaurants, areas of interest, happenings, and events in your area. Homebuyers and sellers will then be able to access these links through the Info Center section of your KW Agent Website.

1. Click on Edit Local Links in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. If this section of your site has not been set up yet, you will need to click Add Local Link Category .

3. Type in a name of a new Local Link Category (such as "Schools"), and click Add Local Link Category.

4. Repeat this process for as many categories as you want to enter.

5. When you are ready to start adding links to each category, click Edit next to the category name.

6. You can change Category Name here.

7. Under Add a Local Link , specify the position you'd like the link to take in the list of links within that category. Give the link a Title (which site visitors will see on your site), and enter the URL for the site (i.e., site_).

8. Click Add Local Link .

9. Repeat this process for each additional link you want to add.

Edit Buyer Reports

Five Buyer Reports have already been written for all KW Agent Websites. Go through this section only if you want to add your own Buyer Reports to your Agent Website.

1. Click on Edit Buyer Reports in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. The top of this section lists any Buyer Reports that you have entered for your Agent Website. If this is your first time setting up your website, this section will be blank.

3. To add a Buyer Report, scroll to the Add a Buyer Report section at the bottom of the page.

4. Position - You can designate the order of your Buyer Reports by selecting a number from the drop-down list.

5. Title - Enter the title of the Buyer Report as you would like it to appear on your Agent Website, and then, click Browse to locate and select your file. All reports must be in a .pdf format.

6. Click Add Report .

7. Repeat this process for as many reports as you want to enter.

8. To change the position of your report, select a different Position number from the drop-down list, and click Change Position.

9. To change report title or change the report itself, click Edit . You will enter a new page where you can change the title of the report or change the file itself. When you have completed the edits, click Update Report .

10. To delete a report, click Delete . A new page will appear. Click Delete Buyer Report

Edit Seller Reports

The top of this section lists any Seller Reports that you have entered for your Agent Website. If this is your first time setting up your website, this section will be blank.

1. Click on Edit Seller Reports in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. To add a Seller Report, scroll to the Add a Seller Report section at the bottom of the page.

3. Position - You can designate in what order you would like your Seller Reports to appear by selecting a number from the drop-down list.

4. Title - Enter the title of the Seller Report, as you would like it to appear on your Agent Website, and then, click Browse to locate and select your file. All reports must be in a .pdf format.

5. Click Add Report .

6. Repeat this process for as many reports as you want to enter.

7. To change the position of Seller Reports, select a different Position number from the drop-down list, and click Change Position.

8. To change the report title or the report itself, click Edit . Enter a new title for the report, or browse for the new file. When you have completed the edits, click Update Report.

9. To delete a report click Delete . Then, click the Delete Seller Report button.

Edit Auto Responders

An Auto Responder on your KW Agent Website is an automatic email notification to anyone who has filled out a form on your Agent Website requesting help or more information. It notifies the visitors that you have received their message. You can use this section to set your visitors- expectations about your response time to their request, your expertise in a particular area, etc.

You can also customize your auto response based on which form the visitor has completed. For a visitor who fills out your relocation form, the auto response might say:

"Thank you for your interest in Shady Grove! We-re pleased you-ll become our new neighbor. I will send you a relocation packet in the next 24 hours, so you can find out all that our town has to offer! In the meantime, if you need anything please contact me at 606-555-1234. Enjoy your day! Arthur O-Connell."

Or you might include an auto response for a home seller that says:

"Thanks for the opportunity to earn your business! I will contact you to schedule a time that is convenient for you to discuss your interest in listing your home for sale. If you need to reach me sooner, please call 606-555-1234. Talk to you soon, Arthur O-Connell."

1. Click Edit Auto Responders in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. If you click on the title of each form, in the left-hand column, a window opens with the exact form on your KW Agent Website for which you are typing an auto response.

3. In the field to the right of the form name, type an auto response that you would like a site visitor to receive as soon as he or she requests additional help or information from you. You can copy the auto response for each form, or you can customize each auto response.

4. After you have finished entering your auto responses, click Submit .

View Activity Report

In this section, you can view your Website Traffic Report , which will tell you how many people have been to your website and what they looked at while they were there.

1. Click View Activity Report in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. Number of Page Views to Date - This tells you how many people have been to your home page and seen your listings since you started your website.

3. Number of Page Views This Month - This tells you how many people have been to your home page and seen your listings since the beginning of the month.

4. Featured Properties Viewed - This tells you how many people have seen each of your listings on your website or other KW websites since they were posted and since the beginning of the month.

5. Other Pages That Link to Your Site - This will tell you the address of web pages that people have clicked to your site from and how many people have clicked from that site to yours this month.

6. View all the referring pages - Click this to see the web pages that are referring visitors to your web page.

View My Template

1. Clicking on View My Template in the navigation bar will bring up a popup window of your KW web template with all the changes you have made.

View My Website

Clicking on View My Website will bring up a popup window of the website that visitors will see when they enter yoursitename . If you have entered an alternate website in the Alternate Website box under Edit Site Info, the alternate website will appear in the popup box. Otherwise, it will show your KW web template with the changes you have made.

Registering and Redirecting Domain Names

Important: Please remember domain names and meta tags may NOT include Keller Williams trademarks without procuring a license from Keller Williams. Only Market Centers that have received a domain name license may use KW trademarks online. Market Center domain names and meta tags may not include Keller Williams trademarks without procuring a license from Keller Williams. These trademarks include "Keller Williams," "KW," and any phrase that contains any combination of our name or initials (e.g. "" or ""). If you plan to register a domain name that contains Keller Williams' trademarks, you must FIRST contact the Legal Department legal@ . Be advised that unlicensed use of trademarks constitutes a violation of federal law, and we will force you to change or surrender your domain name.

Signing Up

You can register a domain name quickly, easily, and inexpensively (US$15 per domain, per year) through .

1. Go to , and click the Sign-up tab at the top of the page.

2. Fill out the form (providing, at the minimum, complete information for all the required fields). Be sure to use an email address that you have immediate access to, so that you can retrieve your activation code.

3. Once the activation code has been emailed to you, enter it into the form that appeared after you signed up.

4. Log in using your username and password, which you selected when filling out the sign-up form. The whole process takes about 10 minutes.



Domain Registration

If you have stored an email but cannot remember where you put it, you can search any and all folders to find it.

1. Log into your account at .

2. Click Domain Registrations under the Basic Options section.

3. Search for your desired domain name(s), selecting either the basic or advanced search feature.

4. When an available domain is found, click on that domain to add it to your Shopping Cart .

5. When you finish finding available domains, click Check Out .

6. Examine the list of domains in your Shopping Cart. Set the number of years you wish to register the domains (.info domains are required to be registered for a minimum of two years), and remove any domains you do not wish to register.

7. Then, click Continue Purchase.

8. Choose the appropriate contacts and for nameservers choose 'directNIC defaults', and click Continue Purchase.

9. Check over the confirmation information for your purchase, enter your credit card information (or use your directNIC Dollars), and then, click Purchase . Only click Purchase once. The process can take several minutes.

10. You will receive an invoice via email.


URL Redirection

1. You can point your domain to an already existing website. You can choose to redirect with or without frames. With frames, your domain name will remain in the address bar, while without frames, the web address you are redirecting to will show up in the user's address bar.

2. To redirect a domain name to an existing website, log into your account, and click the Domain Manager link.

3. Click the Change Hosting Information icon next to the domain you wish to modify, and then, click the Change Hosting Type button.

4. Click on the button next to the Redirect option. You can choose either Redirect or Redirect with no frame.

5. Click the Change Hosting Type button.

6. The following page will allow you to enter the URL to which you wish to redirect your domain.

7. Click the Redirect button to submit the change. It may take up to 48 hours for the changes to propagate, if your domain has not been using nameservers.


Email Forwarding

1. Log into your account at

2. Click the Domain Manager button on the second navigation bar.

3. You will see your domains with several icons under Options at the right end of the row.

4. Click the Envelope icon.

5. On the next page, click Add Forwarding Rule , and then, follow the instructions.

6. Click Add Rule to create the rule.

7. If you want to change an existing email forwarding rule, first delete the existing rule, and wait a few hours for the deletion to take effect. Then, add a new rule in its place.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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