UPCA Freshmen Class of '56 - Graduating Class of '60

UPCA Freshmen Class of '56 - Graduating Class of '60

Excerpts from the meeting last March 9, 2010

Venue: UPLB Foundation Inc., Bldg, Office of Executive Director


Cecil Arboleda Lourdes Gapud Leoncio Raymundo

Susie Carpena Emil Javier Max Villanueva

Bert Coronel Ofie Karganilla Ruben Villareal

Roger Cuyno Tom Masajo

1) Inscription for the PEGASUS monument

The CLASS revived a tradition among the alumni to help beautify the campus by putting up the PEGASUS monument in 1995 during the chancellorship of Ruben Villareal and presidency of Emil Javier. The monument designed by National Artist Napoleon Abueva, sometimes called the PEGARAW by students, because it is a tamaraw with wings poised to soar, is beautifully located on the slope in front of the new DL Umali Library (see attachment).

Since then CLASS 1955 erected the ACADEMIC FLAME monument and CLASS 1958 followed with a revival of the old GLORIETA (see attachment).

However the grandest of them all was the Rizal Centennial Carillon Tower around which the new ALUMNI PLAZA was planned (see attachment).

In preparation for our Golden Anniversary celebration, the CLASS will install a marble inscription on the Pegasus to explain its provenance, landscape the site and repaint the monument. These will require about P80,000.

2) Old Languages Building Portal Project

In 2005, continuing the campus beautification initiative, the CLASS conceived the restoration of the standing portals (6) of old buildings. The CLASS commissioned architect Susan Aquino-Ong of the Department of Horticulture to prepare studies and design the landscape plans for the portals. The idea was to encourage the alumni graduating classes to adopt the portals as their own projects. The proposal was accepted and endorsed by the UPLBAA.

The first portal project for the old Poultry Husbandry building was completed in 2009 with financial support from Mario Labadan of CLASS 1957 (see attachment).

The CLASS has decided to restore the portal of the Old Languages building as its own contribution for the 2010 celebration (see attachment).

The group walked over with Architect Ong to the Languages Portal Site and had pictures taken (see attachment).

The landscape design should blend/connect the portal site to the entrance of the adjacent Physical Sciences building. This will require some earthworks for which we will seek assistance from UPLB Physical Plant Office. We will also ask the university to locate some of the new campus benches in the portal site for consistency and unity in overall landscaping.’

For the Old Languages Building Portal the class will need P100,000. Since the portal is right across the UPLB Foundation building, we will invite the UPLB Foundation as co-sponsor (c/o Cecil Arboleda who is currently the Executive Director.)

3) Trip to Mindoro

Interested members will have a trip to Jimmy Fajardo’s resort at Bulalacao, Oriental Mindoro on April 16-18, 2010. Estimated cost is P2,500 per person for transportation, transfers, and other expenses. Jimmy promised to take care of accommodation and meals.

It is agreed that members may bring their spouses.

Cecil Arboleda will organize the field trip in coordination with Jimmy Fajardo and Rosendo Carticiano in Calapan, Oriental Mindoro.

4) UP General Alumni-Faculty Homecoming and Reunion on 26 June 2010

On June 26, 2010, Jubilarians are expected to attend the event at the Ang Bahay ng Alumni, UP Diliman campus.

A van from UPLBFI will be reserved for members residing within Los Baños area. The meeting place will be at the UPLBFI building and departure time will be 12:00 noon.

Members who want their picture to appear in the yearbook must submit their 2x2 recent pictures and a fee of P500 to Cecilio Arboleda for the UPAA Alumni yearbook. An article about Jubilarian batches will be featured in the yearbook. Higino Ables is commissioned to write a two-page article.

Attending alumni are asked to contribute P800 for the dinner. They must come in formal attire with yellow-gold color accent.

Also, CDs containing the Jubilarians’ theme song were distributed among the members. The theme song (Sa Iyo UP, Maraming Salamat!) composed by Ryan Cayabyab, will be sung at the event.

5) Pre-Loyalty Day Fellowship and UPLBAA Awards Night, 09 October 2010

The class will hold a fellowship lunch on 09 October 2010 at the Social Hall located in the UPCO housing area. Attending members may bring their spouses and special guests. Ofelia Karganilla-Bautista will be in-charge of the fellowship lunch.

In the evening of 09 October 2010, the CLASS will join the UPLBAA awards night/dinner which will be held in the New Gymnasium (not Baker Hall).

The CLASS, as featured Jubilarians will present a song and a dance number. Ruben Villareal will organize the CLASS participation.

6) Loyalty Day Parade and Luncheon, 10 October 2010

The traditional Loyalty Day Parade will be held in the morning. The CLASS will lead the alumni contingents in the parade.

In order to clearly identify us, the CLASS members will wear:

• A golden yellow t-shirt with collar and with logo embroidery

• A green vest

• A native hat

Roger Cuyno was designated Marshall and will organize and coordinate the CLASS participation in the parade.

After the Loyalty Day Parade, the CLASS will join the UPLBAA luncheon which is usually held in the tents which will be set up in the parade ground near the Carillon Tower.

7) CLASS Yearbook

The CLASS will publish a yearbook souvenir album featuring a brief history of the University and the College of Agriculture, the history of the CLASS, by-lined articles of reminiscences by individual members, and life story vignettes of individual members.

Individual members are asked to submit bio-data and life stories in text (2-3) pages plus 2-3 of their favorite pictures. The materials could be send by email or by hard copy to Azucena Carpena:

Address: Department of Agronomy

Crop Science Cluster

UP Los Baños

College, Laguna 4031

Email: alcarpena@

So far, 10 members have submitted their life stories and pictures. They will be posted in our website to serve as templates to guide members. Visit upcagolden2010. to view sample life stories and for the latest announcements.

Members need to raise P250,000 for the yearbook of UPCA Freshmen Class of '56 - Graduating Class of '60. Part of the funds will be derived from the advertisements. Below are the agreed rates:

|Back cover |P70,000 |

|Inside cover |P50,000 |

|Inside front |P50,000 |

|Divider |P10,000 |

|Inside page (full) |P7,000 |

|Inside page (half) |P4,000 |

|Inside page (one-forth) |P2,500 |

Members are encouraged to place ads for their business enterprises, for family pictures and/or to solicit ads from donors/friends.

Ruben Villareal is in charge of the Yearbook.

7) Estimated Expenses and Revenues

| | |

|Particulars |Amount |

| |(Php) |

|Expenses | |

| | |

|Inscription on Pegasus monument and landscaping |80,000 |

|Old Languages Building Portal |100,000 |

|Souvenir Yearbook Album |250,000 |

|Pre-Loyalty Fellowship Lunch | |

| 150 members/spouses @P300 |45,000 |

|Pre-Loyalty Awards Night Dinner | |

| UPLBAA dinner fee | |

| 150 members/spouses @ P250 |37,500 |

|Loyalty Day parade attire | |

| 120 members @ P400 |48,000 |

|Loyalty Day Luncheon | |

| UPLBAA lunch fee | |

| 150 members/spouses @ P250 |37,500 |

|Total |608,000 |

| | |

|Revenues | |

| | |

|Member Contributions | |

| 80 paying members @ P5,000 |400,000 |

|Yearbook | |

| Solicitations |200,000 |

| | |

| Total |PhP 600,000 |

| | |

|Total Expenses |PhP 608,000 |

| | |

|Total Revenues |-PhP 8,000 |

Above are estimated expenses and revenues.


• 120 members attending plus 30 spouses/guests

• Only 80 paying members

• Suggested single fee assessment of P5,000 from paying members to include UPLB awards night dinner and Loyalty Day luncheon to be remitted to UPLBAA

• Negative balance of P8,000 to be covered by special assessments from

1. alumni coming from abroad ($300 instead of P5,000)

2. affluent local alumni (P10,000 and more instead of P5,000)

We will suggest a single fee assessment of P5,000 from our members, fully aware that some may not be able to afford this level of contribution. However what is more important is for them to show up so we can fellowship together after 50 years.

Likewise we intend to “impose” special assessments of P10,000 and more, instead of P5,000 on our affluent local alumni. We will contribute the balance as our CLASS donation to the UPLBAA centennial trust fund.

The next meeting will be held again at UPLBFI on April 13, 2010.

UP BSA CLASS ’60 Golden Jubilee Committee


Convenor- Cecilio Arboleda

Co-convenor- Jose Cruz

Committee Chairs

Directory- Azucena Carpena

Pegasus Project- Emil Javier

Portal Project- Cecilio Arboleda

Yearbook- Ruben Villareal

Fellowship Lunch- Ofelia Karganilla-Bautista

Awards Night Participation- Ruben Villareal

Loyalty Day Parade Marshal- Roger Cuyno

Finance- Jose Cruz, Ely Baradas, Jimmy Fajardo

Accommodations- Cecilio Arboleda

Class President- Emil Javier

Class Secretary- Azucena Carpena

Class Treasurer- Ofelia Karganilla-Bautista


UPLB Class 1960 Caucus, 12 January 2010. Vivere Suites, Alabang. Welcome to Josie Bautista-Wooding, visiting from Alaska.


Pegasus (Class 1960).


Academic Flame (Class 1955)


Gazebo (Class 1958).


Poultry Husbandry Portal (Class 1957).


Rizal Centenary Carillon Tower (UPLBAA)


ANI – Sculpture. (UPLBAA)


Rehabilitation/enhancement of the old languages Portal (proposed Class 1960 contribution for 2010).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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