Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War



a quarterly publication


The Chief



Administrator 2


"Ask the Judge" 3

On the Cover 3

Text Alert


Court Briefs 4

geneseeLIVING 5







Riddle Me That 9

Newsletter Committee

Committee Members Barndi Bohn Cindy Grossbauer Rhonda Ihm Tony McDowell Barbara Menear Sam Olson Janet Patsy Fredricka Savage

Layout and Design David Combs

Technical Advisors David Combs Rob Gifford

Feature Article Barbara Menear

Contributing Writers Brandi Bohn Mary Langdon Stephanie Mills Janet Patsy Fredricka Savage

Chief Judge Richard B. Yuille


APRIL 2019

Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

After the end of the American Civil War, the Union Veterans of the Civil War organized into the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR).

Membership was restricted to those who served in any branch of the military during the Civil War. It existed until 1956. The GAR was a social and political organization with the mission of preserving the history of the veterans who served.

GAR then formed the Sons of Veterans (SUV) of the United States and later changed its name to the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) (1925) to carry on the traditions.

Membership was limited to those who could trace their ancestry to a veteran of the Civil War and then associate membership created for others

Courthouse Square Re-dedication Ceremony, September 14, 2003

who subscribed to the purpose and objectives of the organization.

The national headquarters is The local chapter has special

located in the National Civil

significance since Governor

War Museum in Harrisburg, Henry Crapo was the Governor

Pennsylvania. There are over of the State of Michigan at the

6,000 mem-

end of the

bers of the

Civil War and


was from

and 26 de-




which con-

sist of one or

During the

more states.


At its peak

Square Pro-

there were

ject, the SU-

over 200,000

VCW presid-


ed over a re-

dedication of

The national

one of the


war memorial

is headed by

markers that

an annually

are on the

elected Com-


Photo Credit: "The Banner" a publication of the Sons of Union Veterans

and for 2018-2019 of the Civil War

that person is local

grounds of the Courthouse Square.

attorney Don Shaw.

This was occasioned by the

relocation of that marker to a

Don was admitted to the prac- more suitable location. In ad-

tice of law in 1980 and dition, they participated in a

has maintained an of- military parade down Saginaw

fice in Flint since that Street for the dedication cere-

time. He has been a

mony of the new Courthouse.

member of the Sons

since 1994 and has held It was quite a site to see when

a number of positions in the Civil War unit, in histori-

the organization over cally accurate attire was the

the years.

first group in the parade, with

other branches of the military

The Commander-in-

"honoring their point," in the

Chief represents the

military tradition (see photos

organization at a variety of

on page 8).

events throughout the year and

officiates at the installation of Attorney Shaw and other mem-

officers for various departments bers of the organization also

around the United States.

(Continued on page 7)


The Chief Speaks

Genesee Youth Facility

The county opposed the


implementation problems. This

It is with a great deal of grati- state closure of the facility. You may not know that e- is a major undertaking and revo-

tude and satisfaction that it ap- Genesee County ended up filing is part of statewide initi- lutionary for state courts.

pears as though the Genesee

taking it back. Over the ative by the Michigan Su-

County Board of Commissioners years, a variety of improve- preme Court. The courts are Locally, we have been scanning

will undertake the construction ments were made to keep the taking direction on a

civil and criminal new filing since

of a new youth facility on the facility open, but no sweep- statewide rollout that will January 2018. This creates an

site of the Genesee Valley Re- ing overhaul or construction occur in phases.

electronic court file, while we

gional Center (GVRC). The new project was undertaken until

continue to work out of the hard

construction will not only be a now.

We often get the question

copy file as our official court file.

detention center but also the site

"why doesn't the court imple-

for day treatment for youth un- Many operational efficiencies

Once the file is closed, the elec-

der court supervision.

can be introduced and a new

tronic court file becomes the

design will foster such a re-

closed court file. Eliminating

The existing buildings have been view.

further hard copy storage was a

the site of a variety of services

goal of the project. This reduces

over their history starting in the The Judges of the Genesee

adding to the cost of storage and

1920's as the county orphanage, County Circuit and Probate

makes the file available to multi-

when only the original house was Courts unanimously signed a

ple users. Many times, file con-

on the premises, then additional resolution in support of the

tents can be reviewed electroni-

wings were added for other

construction and it was pre- ment e-filing?" Members of cally by law clerks, for example,

youth services. The Genesee

sented to the Genesee County the court staff are very in- without obtaining the hard copy

County Probate Court was cen- Board of Commissioners on volved in working with other file.

tral to the operation of the facili- March 13, 2019.

courts around the state on

ty in most of the early years.

workflow issues, particularly Domestic cases have been elec-

I want to thank the Board the pilot courts who imple- tronically managed since 2009.

The county owned and ran the for their action. Retaining mented e-filing several years

operations until around 1978, youth in the community, ago with permission from the 2019 promises to be another year

when the State of Michigan took while providing educational, Michigan Supreme Court.

of progress for the Genesee Coun-

it over. Then, in 2002 the state vocational training and posi-

ty Courts. I welcome the new

gave notice that the detention tive lifestyle direction is im- There is a concerted effort to members of the bench and court

center would be closed unless the portant to the future of Gen- make sure that the statewide staff. - cjrby

county wanted to take it back. esee County.

launch is done in such a way

Major upgrades were needed at

as to minimize post-

that time.

Administrator Corner

As many of the readers of Hearsay are aware, Genesee County is in the process of implementing the first 4 standards for indigent criminal defense. These standards were passed by the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Office (LARA) of the State of Michigan, pursuant to statutory authority.

The Genesee County Board of Commissioners created a compliance plan workgroup, comprised of members from the courts, attorneys and other stakeholders from within the criminal justice system. A compliance plan was submitted and approved.

For the first time, there is state sent indigent defendants at

funding available to support the time of arraignment.

indigent criminal defense.

The same contract includes a

The Genesee County Sheriff was team of attorneys to represent

able to hire 2 deputies to assist indigent misdemeanor clients

with video connectivity and in the 67th District Court-5th

inmate movement within the division. Other legal services

jail. The courts were able to include representation for

hire a part time IT technician probation violations, extradi-

who is located in the McCree tion cases and line ups.

the court will have access to

Building to assist defense

counsel for arraignment and

counsel, jail/city lock up and A separate contract will pro- other court events.

the court with video conferenc- vide legal representation at

ing, troubleshooting and gen- arraignments on weekends and Felony cases will continue to be

eral support.

other days that the courts are assigned to counsel through the


Defender Program, through the

A contract has been finalized

defender program. ?bam

to put a team of attorneys at Likewise, indigent defendants

the McCree Building to repre- charged with misdemeanors in

the other election divisions of


Alcohol use monitoring

67th District Court Judge Mark C. McCabe writes "Ask the Judge" for the Tri-County Times.

Alcohol Use Monitoring appeared in the March 15th 2019 edition.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that some people consume alcohol and then drive their motor vehicles when intoxicated.

If they are caught and a drunk driving conviction results, the judge has a variety of available options that can be used to prevent this type of behavior in the future including various forms of alcohol monitoring.

The dangers of drinking and driving are well known.

What might not be as well use have been developed. Here ? In Home Alcohol Monitoring

known is the connection be- are brief descriptions of four of This is a fairly recent option and

tween alcohol and other

the most common.

requires a defendant to blow into

crimes. For example, studies

an in-home Breathalyzer device.

have shown that 86 percent ? Interlock Devices

The device also includes a video

of homicides and 37 percent Interlock devices were first de- camera.

of rapes and sexual assaults veloped in 1969 and various im-

involve offenders under the provements have been made

? EtG Test


since then.

Introduced in 2001, this is a type

of urine test, which can detect a

Alcohol is also involved in a The device is installed in the

byproduct of alcohol (Ethyl Glu-

number of other crimes, and defendant's car with a video

curonide) for up to three days

overall about 40 percent of camera to confirm the defend- after it has been consumed.

all violent crimes are alcohol ant's identity. Before the car can


be started, he or she must blow Another statistic -- there are

into the machine to show that approximately 88,000 alcohol

If a defendant is not incar- they haven't been drinking alco- related deaths annually in the

cerated for an alcohol related hol. If they have, the car won't United States.

conviction, the sentencing start.

judge typically wants to

This is serious business and tech-

have a way to monitor the ? SCRAM Technology

nology has unquestionably

defendant's possible alcohol Available since 2003, SCRAM is helped to make things better and

use during the period of any short for "Secure Continuous safer for all concerned.

probation. This includes re- Remote Alcohol Monitoring."

mote monitoring.

This is an ankle bracelet or teth-

er device, which measures sweat

Over the years, various ways for the presence of alcohol every

to remotely monitor alcohol 30 minutes.

On the Cover

On the cover: You will notice that the masthead for Hearsay has changed.

After 5 years of publication, the committee decided to replace the cannon on the courthouse lawn as our signature photo.

The current depiction is from one of the 3 original murals that were installed during the 1926 construction of the Historic Genesee County Courthouse.

It is an allegorical mural depicting the evolution of law through various periods in history. The muralist was Edgar Spier Cameron.

The next 2 editions will feature other masthead photos. You will be asked to vote on which one of the 3 should become the final section.


Genesee County Circuit Court Launches

Text Alert Programming

Effective April 1, 2019, if you owe money to the Genesee County Circuit Court arising out of a criminal conviction, you will be asked to enroll in a program that sends text message alerts to your mobile phone that a payment is due or that a payment was missed.

The goal is to prompt a defendant to stay in compliance with a payment plan and increase revenue for Genesee County.

This initiative is an enhancement of col-

lection software, devel- implement the text

court's website.

oped by a private vendor messaging feature.


in collaboration with the

Michigan Supreme

All parties must agree Below is a chart of the

Court. Genesee County is to receive text or phone breakdown of revenue

already using the collec- notification and sign an collected for fiscal year

tion software and will authorization form.

17/18. Note that the

become the second cir- Phone numbers within greatest amount of

cuit court in the state to the software are kept monies collected is resti-

private and are not

tution (monies owed to

available for public con- victims).


The initiative will be

Available methods for evaluated to determine

making payments are in if text message alerts

person at the Circuit may be used for other

Court or Probation Of- purposes, such as re-

fice location with cash, minding unrepresented

check, money order or litigants about future

credit card. Credit card court dates. ?ml

payments may also be

made online at the

A sincere expression of ap- In late February, the Tech

topic will be Excel Basics and

preciation and gratitude is Team met with the civil/criminal Beyond. An email and sign-up

extended to the Building & secretaries and reviewed the case sheet will be circulated by the

Grounds staff. They provided management reports available in tech team. Tech Talk is a 30 mi-

the labor and logistics related the software system. An expla- nute session designed to upgrade

to the renovation of the 2nd nation and a demonstration was or refresh skills on selected top-

floor court administration provided of the reports that help ics.

area. This was accomplished cases move efficiently though

over the course of three con- the system.

The previous sessions have been

secutive weekends with mini-

sell-outs. Don't delay in signing

mal staff disruption.

The next Tech Talk is scheduled up, when you receive the email.

for April 18th @ 11:30am. The

Jury Trial Activity--Quarterly Comparison

10.1.18 - 12.31.18 1.1.19 - 03.31.19

Criminal Jury Trials



Civil Jury Trials



Days of Trial



Days jurors were told to report for jury selection



Pleas/settlements prior to jury selection



FC (felony capital cases) scheduled for jury selection



Jurors told to report for jury service



Jurors actually reported for jury service





geneseeLIVING is new to Hearsay. It will feature events and opportunities in Genesee County. Thanks to Fredricka Savage for agreeing to author the column.

Self-care is currently a huge buzzword. Its popularity is bringing forth awareness to the importance of taking care of yourself and your mental health.

According to , self-care is defined as "any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health."

So what does that mean for us? Get up, get out and get active!

Be sure to take time to do some- Time: 6:00 ? 9:00 p.m.

thing you enjoy and allow your- Description: "Partake in deli-

self time to have some fun.

cious food, tasty beverages, live

music and the works of various

Here are some Genesee County events and activities that may help you practice some self-care.

artists on display throughout a variety of downtown Flint galleries and businesses. For more information visit genesee-

20th Annual Winetasting


Date: April 6, 2019 Time 7:00 ? 9:00 p.m. Description: "The Flint Institute of Arts and the Junior League of Flint present this annual wine tasting event that will introduce guests to a selection of exclusive, international wines with a focus on Spain. The evening will showcase Spanish tapas, gourmet fare and delicious desserts from local Flint restaurants, along with themed entertainment, all in a world-class museum setting."

Annual Superhero 5K Fun Run/ Walk Date: April 27, 2016 Time: 5k Race @ 9:05 a.m.

Untimed 1K Family Run@ 10:35 a.m. Location: Flint Farmers' Market Description: "Enjoy one of Flint areas favorite family events featuring a fun course and great venue. Every finisher will receive a custom finishers medal... Dressing as your favorite superhero is encouraged. For more information visit flintsuperhe-

Flint's Second Friday ART-

WALK Date: April 12, 2019

Wellness At The Wheel Location: 615 South Saginaw St.

Flint, MI 48502 (6th floor) Description: "... we offer a wide variety of fitness and meditation practices that'll help you attain peace, flexibility and mindfulness." They offer a variety of yoga classes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Visit en/page/wellness-at-the-wheel for details.

Coloring Party at Tenacity Brewing with Vehicle City Tacos Date: April 9, 2019 Time: 3:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Location: 119 N Grand Traverse St, Flint, Michigan 48503 Description: "This is a FREE family-friendly events and all coloring supplies are provided. Enjoy Vehicle City Tacos from 4 -9 p.m. and Ice Box Brand Ice Cream Bars!" For more information, visit https:// events/245702259392199/ -fs

Jury Performance Measures and Best Practices Defined

Our justice system is anchored in trial by jury. Our forefathers thought this was so important that they put trial by jury into our Constitution, not just once but four times.

What can courts do to minimize one of the major complaints of jury service: the perceived waste of jurors' time? Jurors wait to be selected, wait during legal arguments and wait during breaks.

To be fair, trials present difficult logistical challenges including scheduling conflicts of

witnesses or lawyers. Unexpected legal issues can also arise.

In 2016, the Michigan Supreme Court adopted a Jury Statistics Performance Measure. Each year courts must report on juror yield and juror utilization.

actually report and the number of jurors that are questioned during jury selection.

In March 2019, the Michigan Supreme Court also identified best practices related to jury management.

Jury yield measures the number These include:

of citizens who are sent qualifi- Adopting a One Day, One Tri-

cation questionnaires, qualify for al system

jury service and are available to


Standardizing jury panel sizes

by case type

Juror utilization measures the

number of jurors who are told to Commencing trial immediatereport, the number of jurors who ly after jury selection

Pursuing enforcement action for jurors who failed to appear

Alleviating financial barriers of jury service

Jury service is an important obligation but it can be intimidating and inconvenient. Courts are working to improve jury service by making the experience more user-friendly for jurors. ?jep


Left to Right: Brandi Bohn, Todd McKee, Connor McLaughlin, Randy Petrowski

Left to Right: Donna Jacobson, Christin Greig

Employee Spotlight

School of Law, graduating in May 2018. Connor passed the July 2018 bar exam and began working here in January.

Kettering University, Lansing Community College and the University of MichiganFlint.

Randy Petrowski is the

new judicial advisory

assistant for Judge

John Gadola. Randy

Brandi Bohn is the new ad- graduated from the

ministrative secretary to the University of Michigan

circuit court administrator. -Flint with a degree in

Brandi most recently worked political science. He

at the Oakland County Pro- recently graduated

bate Court where she was a from Western Michi-

judicial court clerk for 6

gan University Cooley

Left to Right: Brianna Jones,

years. She also has experience Law School. Prior to working working as a secretary for a at the court, he worked as a Brianna Jones started with small law firm. Brandi has an legal advocate with Legal the Friend of the Court associate's degree in paralegal Services of Eastern Michigan. (FOC) in March as program

studies from Oakland Com-

clerk. Brianna is currently

munity College and a bache- Christine Greig is the new jury assigned to the customer

lor's degree in business ad- board supervisor. Christine service area. Brianna was

ministration from Central

has a bachelor's degree in

employed by an auditing

Michigan University. Todd McKee began his part-

legal assistant studies. Previ- company before coming to ously, she was a records coor- FOC. dinator with a commercial

time position with Genesee real estate company. In addi- Mollie Meyer joined the

County in early February as tion, she has worked as a case Friend of the Court in

the MIDC IT Technician,

manager for a social services March. Mollie will be the

Todd previously worked for agency and also has experi- caseworker assigned to

GreenStone Farm Credit Ser- ence working as a legal assis- Judge Gadola's team.

vices, Hewlett Packard and tant at a personal injury law Mollie was a literacy inter-

currently owns his own busi- firm.

ventionist before coming to

ness. Todd has a bachelor of


science degree in mathematics Donna Jacobson is the new

from Harding University in jury board secretary. Donna Terrance Marble started in


has a bachelor's degree in March with the Friend of

management information

the Court as a caseworker

Connor McLaughlin is the

systems from Oakland Uni- assigned to Judge Kelly's

judicial advisory assistant to versity . Prior to working

team. Before joining the

Judge Brian Pickell, In 2015, with the court, Donna worked FOC, he was a corrections

Connor graduated from Grove in the human resource field

City College. He then attended the University of Georgia

with several employers including Henry Ford College,

deputy for Genesee County Sheriff's Department.


Sons of Union Veterans (cont'd)

It may be that Governor of the Sons of Union Vet-

Crapo and the high number erans of the Civil War and

of Michigan soldiers who the Auxiliary to the SU-

fought in the Civil War

VCW. ?bam

were part of the reason for

their destination.

Laying of a wreath, re-dedication of the Civil War marker

During the Courthouse Square Project, the cannonballs had to be remanufactured, many having been lost over the years. Private funds were raised through donations, primarily from Genesee County Bar Association members, to manufacture new cannonballs that are stacked in the tradition pyramid and welded together to deter theft.

The celebratory view of the Courthouse (the ice cream vendor made the shot complete!)

maintain the Civil War cannons and cannonballs that are on the Courthouse Square. Every decommissioned cannon that is relocated has records to verify its original location. Those on the grounds were in Washington DC and guarded the national capital.

The SUVCW handled the

details associated with this

project through their connec-

tions to the artisans of the

period. A framed acknowl-

edgment of donors is located

on the first floor of the


Vintage automobiles were parked on the Courthouse lawn

during the re-dedication weekend, courtesy Sloan Museum

Don has also been in (September 12-14, 2003)

some of the Civil War

movies such as Anderson-

ville, the Visitors' Center

movie at Antietam and

the School of the Soldier,

used by the reenactment

community to demon-

strate how the presenta-

tion of arms should be


The SUVCW was created by a Congressional Act. There are four other Orders which include the The Woman's Relief Corp, Ladies of the GAR, Daugters

Re-dedication events are conducted according to long standing traditions

The troops in formation, Don Shaw on the left

PAGE 8 Civil War Troops

Navy Reserve


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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