Performance Based Assessment



TOA Title: ¿Dónde está el museo? (Where is the Museum?)

Theme: Art Appreciation

Level: Pre-Advanced

TOA Overview:

You have just graduated from high school and have landed the best possible summer job. You will be working for Let’s Go travel guide in Madrid. The company has hired you to review art and culture in Madrid. It will be a lot of work but it’s worth the free trip. You will start the whole process in one of the most famous museums in Spain: El museo nacional del Prado After passing through security and buying a ticket, you pick up a brochure to find your way around this humongous museum and find out a little bit about the art. After visiting the museum you decide to go out. Since you’re alone, you end up having a nice conversation with a local. A few days later you have finally finished your job with Let’s Go. Before filling out your final survey for the company you want to ask the Prado staff some last minute questions, make suggestions and comments. You decide to prepare an e-mail in advance, in your best Spanish, and send it off to Spain.

Task Title: ¿Dónde está el museo?

Theme: Art Appreciation

Level: Pre-Advanced Focus Age Group: 16-18 years old

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures Connections Comparisons

Communicative Mode: Interpretive

Time Frame: One 43 minute class period for the assessment

Description of Task:

You have just graduated from high school and have landed the best possible summer job. You will be working for Let’s Go travel guide in Madrid. The company has hired you to review art and culture in Madrid. It will be a lot of work but it’s worth the free trip. You will start the whole process in one of the most famous museums in Spain: El museo nacional del Prado After passing through security and buying a ticket, you pick up a brochure to find your way around this humongous museum and find out a little bit about the art. You have to fill out an evaluation for the museum in order to get paid by Let’s Go upon returning to the United States.

Materials Needed: Brochure, pen, a real or scanned copy of Let’s Go Spain to show the students the book they will be writing for.

Plano del Museo Verano-Otoño 2005

Museo Nacional Del Prado

Ruiz de Alarcón, 23. 28014 Madrid, Spain

Tel: 00 34 91 330 29 00

Read, John Carlos and Lucía Tojo Rivadulla, eds. El Prado. London: Scala Pulishers Ltd. 1999. 2.

Teacher Notes: It is very important that you make clear color copies of the brochure for every student. The copies can be laminated for future use. If you have access to overhead transparencies of the Prado museum, or the CD-Rom tour, it is recommended that you show students some of the pieces of art in the museum before they start the assessment. It is assumed that the students have had some exposure to Spanish or Latino art before taking this assessment. Part V of the exam is optional; the students’ opinions should not be graded on the rubric.

Adaptations: For special needs students, the teacher can make a copy of the brochure much larger or take out some of the descriptions of the “colecciones”.

Nombre y apellido__________________________________clase_______fecha____________

¿Dónde está el museo?

Read the brochure in its entirety. Then, answer the questions below in complete sentences. Students can answer the questions in English and Spanish.

I. Main Ideas. Skim page 1. Answer the following question in Spanish.

1) What is the best title for the brochure?

a) Madrid: una ciudad tremenda

b) Plano del Museo: Localización de colecciones

c) El Prado y los grandes artistas españoles



A. Supporting Information: Now you have read the brochure in its entirety. Answer all questions in Spanish in complete sentences. You must paraphrase answers. Do not copy from the text.

2) How is the brochure broken up? What are the main parts of the brochure?

3) The Prado has more than just Spanish art. What other countries’ artists are represented in the Prado?

4) Refer to the answers in the question above. What centuries does the art in the Prado span?

B. Read the Introduction to the Prado. Circle the letter of each detail that supports the main idea. Then, find the sentence in the introduction that best describes the statement. Write it down in the space provided. Be aware that there are several false statements.

5. Spanish Royalty has in effect made the Prado collection what it is today.


6. Because of recent donations, the Prado has been able to enrich its collection of Spanish art.


7. Goya is one of the most famous painters in the Prado and has a long history in the museum.


8. The Prado has many religious works of art.


9. The Museum in Barcelona has better collections of Romanesque art than the Prado.


10. There are so many royal artists tied to Spanish royalty because they were hired to paint portraits of the royal family.


11. The Prado has every single type of Spanish art and included paintings from almost every well known Spanish artist.


12. The Prado put up Romanesque art only 58 years ago.


III. Meaning from context: Based on the brochure and the introduction, write what the following words probably mean in Spanish.

Page 2

13. Horario:

14. Entrada:

15. Acreditación:

16. Petición:

17. bultos:

Page 3

18. Salas:

19. atesora:

Page 4

20. expone:

21. obras:

Page 5

22. planta:

23. calidad:

Page 6

24. abarca:

25. encargadas:

IV. Concept inferences/author’s perspective: Read between the lines in order to answer, in Spanish, the following questions.

26. After reading the introduction, how do you think this author feels about the collection of Spanish art in the Prado? Please support your answer with evidence from the text.

27. After reading the brochure, why do you think the “Prado” puts certain artist’s names under each category? Why these artists? What is the impact on the reader?

28. Look at the museum information on page two. Why does the museum stop letting guests in 30 minutes before the museum closes?

29. Since the Prado is so famous, why does the museum only charge so little to get in? Why doesn’t the museum charge more?

30. Why does the Prado sell a yearly pass to the museum? Why would someone need to go so often to the museum?

31. If the Prado is a famous Spanish museum, why does it have so much art from other countries?

V. Comparing cultural perspectives: Answer the following questions in Spanish.

32. What are the similarities between the Prado and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (or any other art museum you have visited in the United States)?

33. How does the way the brochure is written, the quality of the publication, and the information included in the collections reflect the perspectives of the Spanish people toward the Prado?

34. What did you learn about Spanish culture from the brochure and introduction?

35. How would the brochure and introduction be different if they were written in English for an American audience? Explain.

Pre-Advanced Interpretive Rubric

¿Dónde está el museo?


|Literal Comprehension |Identifies the main idea of the text |Identifies the main idea of the text |Identifies the main idea of the text |

| |and supporting details. |and some supporting details. |and a few supporting details. |

|Interpretive Comprehension |Infers meaning of unfamiliar words in|Infers meaning of some unfamiliar |Infers meaning of cognates and word |

| |new contexts. |words in new contexts |families and a few unfamiliar words in |

| | | |new contexts |

| |Interprets the author’s intent, |Interprets some of author’s intent, | |

| |perspective and expresses his/her own|perspective and expresses some of |Does not interpret author’s intent, |

| |perspective. |his/her own perspectives. |perspective or express his/her own |

| | | |perspective. |

|Cultural Awareness |Is able to infer cultural |Is able to infer some cultural |Is able to infer few or no cultural |

| |perspectives (American and Spanish). |perspectives (American and Spanish). |perspectives (American or Spanish). |

| | | | |

| |Is able to describe in several words |Is able to briefly describe how |Is not able to describe how Spanish |

| |how Spanish people feel about their |Spanish people feel about their art |people feel about their art in relation|

| |art in relation to their culture. |in relation to their culture. |to their culture. |

Task Title: ¿Dónde está el museo?

Theme: Art Appreciation

Level: Pre-Advanced Focus Age Group: 16 - 18 years old

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures Connections Comparisons

Communication Mode: Interpersonal

Time Frame: Two 43 minute class periods to assess a class of 25 students. Three minutes per person

Description of Task:

You have spent a long day in the Prado. Now it’s time for you to relax. It’s 10:00pm and you’re really hungry. You decide to go out for some “tapas” at a local outdoor café. Since you’re alone, you’re up to talking with the locales. You’re eager to talk about Spain and about your experience at the museum this morning.

Materials Needed: brochure, the role play cards

Teacher Notes: When you give the exam, both students can be graded simultaneously. Students can look at the brochure as they’re taking the exam. Call students up randomly and put cards face down on the table. Students will pick up one card and read it aloud. The card they pick is the role play they will perform.

| |


| |

|Let’s Go reviewer: You have just arrived at the Plaza Mayor (the big square in the center of Madrid) and you need to get |

|something to eat. The problem is there are no tables left! You decide to take a dare and sit down with a Spanish girl/guy who|

|is also alone. Strike up a conversation. Talk about your visit to the Prado. You might want to bring up your favorite piece |

|of art, the size of the museum, etc. |

| |

|Local Spaniard: You’re pretty impressed that this American speaks Spanish so well! You want to know what he/she is doing in |

|Madrid. You’re studying Art History at the University and are very interested in Spanish art. You’d like to know how the |

|Prado compares to museums in the USA. Are the prices different? Is the museum bigger? Are the collections different? |

| |


| |

|Let’s Go reviewer: You’re finally going back to your hotel. It’s pretty late and you can’t wait to get some rest. You’re on |

|the subway when it comes to a screeching halt because of technical difficulties. You strike up a conversation with the |

|Spaniard next to you. Talk about your visit to the Prado and ask questions about Spain, about this person, etc. You might |

|want to bring up your favorite piece of art, the size of the museum, etc. |

| |

|Local Spaniard:: You’re also stuck on the train. You have nothing else to do so you chat with the American next to you, who |

|speaks Spanish very well. You’re interested in what he/she is all about, what he/she is doing here, etc. You’d like to know |

|how the Prado compares to museums in the USA. Are the prices different? Is the museum bigger? Are the collections different?|

| |


| |

|Let’s Go reviewer: You’re finally on your way home from Spain. While you’re on the plane you have the pleasure of sitting next |

|to a very nice Spaniard. You strike up a conversation; talk about your visit to the Prado, ask about this person. You might |

|want to bring up your favorite piece of art, the size of the museum, etc. |

| |

|Local Spaniard: You’re an artist and you’re going to the United States for the first time. You want to know what the |

|differences are between art in Spain and art in the United States. You’re also interested in the reviewer’s opinion of the |

|Prado and what he did there. You’d like to know how the Prado compares to museums in the USA. Are the prices different? Is |

|the museum bigger? Are the collections different? |

Pre-Advanced Interpersonal Rubric

¿Dónde está el museo?


|Language Function |Describes in past, present and future with |Narrates and describes some of the time in |Is most accurate in the present tense. |

| |detail most of the time. |past, present and future. | |

| | | | |

| |Is very accurate in present, past and |Is most accurate in present tense and is |Accuracy decreases significantly when |

| |future. |less accurate when speaking in past and |describing in past and future. |

| | |future. | |

|Communication Strategies |Starts, continues and/or redirects |Starts and maintains conversation and |Can keep the conversation going and can ask |

| |conversation and is able to clarify in many |sometimes is able to clarify. |and answer questions. |

| |different ways. | | |

| | |Is able to circumlocute at times. |Is not able to circumlocute successfully. |

| |Is able to circumlocute. | | |

|Comprehensibility |Is easily understood by native speakers, |There may be some confusion about the |Generally understood by those used to |

| |even those unaccustomed to interacting with |message but generally understood by those |dealing with language learners. |

| |language learners. |unaccustomed to working with language | |

| | |learners. | |

|Text Type |Speaks in paragraphs and connected |Speaks in paragraphs sometimes, but mostly |Speaks in strings of sentences, some complex|

| |sentences. |connected sentences. |sentences. |

| |Consistently uses an extensive vocabulary to|Uses an adequate vocabulary to complete the |Uses vocabulary which is insufficient to |

|Vocabulary |complete the task. |task. |complete the task. |

|Comprehension |Responses demonstrate understanding. |Responses demonstrate understanding most of |Responses demonstrate occasional |

| | |the time. |understanding. |

|Cultural Awareness |Consistently provides evidence of culturally|Provides some evidence of culturally |Provides little evidence of culturally |

| |appropriate language and gestures. |appropriate language and gestures. |appropriate language and gestures. |

| | | | |

| |Demonstrates an understanding of culture |Demonstrates some understanding of culture |Demonstrates little understanding of |

| |through comments and questions. |through comments and questions. |culture. |

Task Title: ¿Dónde está el museo?

Theme: Art Appreciation

Level: Pre-Advanced Focus Age Group: 16 - 18 years old

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures Connections Comparisons Communities

Communicative Mode: Presentational

Time Frame: One 43 minute period for the students to write/type the e-mail. Two 43 minute periods for the students to view the Prado website and to send their questions/comments to the museum.

Description of Task:

You have finally finished your job with Let’s Go. You’ve seen all of the museums in Madrid, but you are the most impressed with the Prado. Before filling out your final survey for the company you want to ask the Prado staff some last minute questions, make suggestions and comments. You decide to prepare an e-mail in advance, in your best Spanish, and send it off to Spain. Hopefully, the Prado will write you back.

Materials Needed: Pen , paper, 3 ½ floppy, task

Teacher Notes: Students can use dictionaries to write letters but not the Internet (for fear of plagiarism). The teacher should collect all written letters, assess them and then make one letter up from the class (with collaboration from all students). The teacher can then send the one letter out to the Prado ()

e-mail address:

Adaptations: The students can complete the presentational task in class while you are administering the interpersonal assessment to save time.

El museo está en Madrid

Finally, you have finished your job with Let’s Go. Before sending in your evaluation to the travel company, you have a few more questions to ask the Prado staff. Please focus on the following categories.

Remember, do not make up a question or comment that is already explicitly stated in the brochure.

I. museum hours

II. prices for groups

III. holiday schedule

IV. prices at the cafeteria

V. food selection

VI. availability of tour guides

VII. How to arrive there by subway, bus, walking etc. from the central train station “Atocha”

VIII. The security at the museum

You should make comments about the following:

I. The permanent collections

II. The temporary collections

III. The History of the Prado

IV. The Spanish artists there

You should introduce yourself, explain why you are writing, where you are from and why you are interested in the Prado.

Remember that this letter will eventually be sent by email to the Prado museum, so please keep your comments thoughtful, interesting and organized. You should be as detailed as possible.

Pre-Advanced Presentational Rubric

¿Dónde está el museo?


| |Describes in past, present and future with|Narrates and describes some of the |Is most accurate in the present tense. |

| |detail most of the time. |time in past, present and future. | |

|Language Function | | | |

| |Is very accurate in present, past and |Is most accurate in present tense and |Accuracy decreases significantly when |

| |future. |is less accurate when speaking in past|speaking in past and future. |

| | |and future. | |

| |Organizes letter in a logical manner with |Organizes letter in a logical manner |Focuses mostly on completion of letter;|

|Communication Strategies |some cohesive devices. Speaks/writes with|with few cohesive devices. Pauses a |paying little attention to organization|

| |fluency. Includes anecdotes and detailed |few times, disrupting the flow. |and flow of presentation. |

| |examples. | | |

| |Is easily understood by native speakers, |There may be some confusion about the |Generally understood by those used to |

|Comprehensibility |even those unaccustomed to interacting |message but generally understood by |interacting with language learners. |

| |with language learners. |those unaccustomed to working with | |

| | |language learners. | |

|Text Type |Writes in paragraphs and connected |Writes in paragraphs sometimes, but |Writes in strings of sentences, some |

| |sentences. |mostly connected sentences. |complex sentences. |

| |Consistently uses an extensive vocabulary |Uses an adequate vocabulary to |Uses vocabulary insufficient to |

|Vocabulary |to complete the letter. |complete the letter. |complete the letter. |

| |Consistently provides evidence of |Provides some evidence of culturally |Provides little evidence of culturally |

| |culturally appropriate language and |appropriate language and gestures. |appropriate language and gestures. |

|Cultural Awareness |gestures. | | |

| | |Demonstrates some understanding of |Does not demonstrate understanding of |

| |Demonstrates great understanding of |Spanish culture through comments and |Spanish culture |

| |Spanish culture through comments made and |questions made. | |

| |questions made. | | |


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