Executive SummaryThe following media plan discusses an inside look of SJC custom drums and the steps they should follow with implementing further media strategies. All of these tactics will further SJC as company both through media outreach and public image. During my analysis of my client I discuss their overall mission and what they stand for as a company as a whole. I list the different publics who should be reached and a rationalization for why they should be targeted. I explain SJC’s strategies to meet their overall goals for this plan. During the analysis of the kinds of media coverage SJC needs I list and provide rational the different kinds of media outlets that should be reached during the course of this plan. The media coverage I listed is not traditional and the majority of the coverage are online and video based publications through blogs and YouTube channels. The rational I used for the majority is the two-step flow theory since most of my media coverage comes from opinion leaders within the industry. My key media contact list has contacts mostly from the Boston area, online blogs and YouTube channels, and publications in London. I chose Boston because that is where SJC is located so it has prominence there. I chose London because a lot of the artists on SJC are in London based bands who have major followings over the United Kingdom. I also added a few national media outlets because all of those channels use SJC drums for their famous house bands. During the section of information for media relation personnel I included the two major spokespersons from SJC drums. I wrote a short biography for co-owner Mike Cipari and the A&R and sales manager George Slater. Both guys represent SJC the most on camera and have the most interaction with customers. I also discussed the organization’s policy for who speaks on behalf of the organization and their social media policy. Lastly, I put the company’s FAQ and Q&A sheet. I did not find it necessary to put a background since all the information would be the same as in the analysis of the organization section. For my last section I chose to add any other information I think are appropriate for my company. I chose to add a SWOT analysis to really break down the different section of what they have and need to improve on as a company. I feel that is more important than a crisis communication plan and projection of globalization. I hope that whomever it concerns finds this media plan helpful and finds use out of it. This will help expand SJC’s communication efforts and have them enter in different types of media outlets. About SJC Custom DrumsSJC Custom Drums is a custom drum company that was started by two brothers in a small town in Massachusetts in 2000. The entire SJC family prides themselves on the blood, sweat, and tears that go into their master craftsmanship, innovation, and passion they put into their drums. Each of their drums they make is custom made to the exact specifications of the customer with virtually unlimited options. They are not in a business to make money, but in a business to make people happy. With providing top-notch customer service SJC supplies drums to over 1,700 artists and are willing to make any drummers dream drum set come to life. SJC drums mission statement video custom drums stands out in a number of different ways from their competition. They are prided on their craftsmanship, innovation, customer service, and passion for their drums. Since they have almost unlimited options, they can make hundreds of thousands of different types of drum sets within days. SJC has a skilled group of wood workers, a passionate office, and A&R team. They have in house designers to design exactly what look you are after as a drummer. The designers will set up Skype calls to get a face-to-face image of what you want in your drums. One other part about them is they will work out a budget with you so you can afford exactly what you want in your drums. Their drums are played by 1700 different artists that are in some of the biggest bands, all over the world. SJC’s publics Drummers in touring bands: SJC offers professional endorsement deals to drummers who are in a popular band are on national tours. Typically to get one of these endorsements the band has to get signed to a major record label. These artists are allowed to use SJC’s backline drum sets that are located in offices by venues all over the world. This is so drummers do not have to pay to have their drums loaded on to an airplane. Drummers in local bands: If a drummer is in a popular local band they can get a smaller endorsement deal. With this you do not sign any contracts or take professional pictures, but you get a very good discount. Drummers in local bands have the opportunity to take their drums to the next level in order to help get their band to the next level. Drummers with YouTube channels:This is one of SJC’s biggest publics. Drummers on YouTube are constantly putting up “drum covers,” which are videos of them playing drums along to a famous song. Some of these drummers have thousands of subscribers on YouTube and have to keep their audience happy. Instead of getting a generic drum set that about 100 other drummers have, they will order a completely custom drum set from SJC. Some of them will have custom back drops as well and need kits to match that, and the tone of the songs that they play to. Everyday at home drummersPeople who love playing drums who are not in bands still love to have the greatest and next best thing. Drummers who practice a lot and play constantly at home want a great and unique drum set to play on. Everyone who has a passion for playing drums is going to want a drum set that they designed themselves and was hand made specifically for them. SJC Market Size Even though SJC is a popular drum company, they are not the most popular compared to the big names in drums. Custom drum companies generally are not as high in rank and profit as one of the conglomerates, but in the custom drum market, they are in the race for number 1. In social media they are 100 “likes” under Truth custom drums outside of Portland. On Twitter however, SJC has the most followers out of the top 5 custom drum companies. They are also neck in neck with Truth drums with the number of artist that endorse their companies. It is hard to say which one is in front of the other, but judging by the social media numbers, SJC is towards the top. SJC company goals SJC’s company goal is to become one of the top drum companies in the world. They are doing a great job at meeting their goal since they have only been around for a decade, compared to the corporation drum companies that have been around for fifty years or more. They want to continue to have a reputable brand name in the world of drums. This is why they pride themselves on customer service, responding quickly for customers, and taking care of every artist on their label. They are attempting to up their overall communication as well. They have recently opened up a satellite office to act as a headquarters for customer service rather than having it at the same place as the shop where they make the drums. This will have an office solely for communicating to all the artists that are all over the world. SJC feels this is one of the best ways to continue to have good artist relations and keeping their big name and small name artists playing with SJC. SJC potential for growthAs a company, SJC has a huge potential for growth. Every single day a new artist added to the SJC family. Many drummers also in the last three years have concerted to custom drum companies, rather than the big corporate drum companies because of the personalization and customer service they receive. Word is recently getting out about SJC globally but only in a few countries. As their company globalizes at the same rate as they are now, they are going to be growing rapidly in the next couple of years to come. Media coverage needed for organization Types of Media coverage neededThe main types of media coverage that SJC needs are magazines, musician blogs, social media, and opinion leaders with YouTube channels.MagazinesMagazines are important because of all the personal articles and one-on-one interviews that are inside. There are also many different drumming magazines that drummers subscribe to. If a drummer is subscribed to a drum magazine, then they are almost guaranteed to read the article or interview with either someone from SJC, or someone with an SJC kit. If you are in a drum magazine you are reaching your target audience to a tee since it is such a niche market. Music blogsThis can include blogs for people who follow music as a whole, or drummers/bands that have blogs that talk about life in a band. Many drummers in bands have their own blogs about their experiences on the road, about their equipment, and being in a band in general. As a drummer, I follow these drummers since I consider them opinion leaders in the industry that I like. Many times they blog about their drum sets, many of them are from SJC. When a good and well-known drummer likes a drum set, they are going to talk about it through various mediums. Also, music blogs will talk about up and coming equipment that every musician needs to get their hands on. Also, they post pictures from major tours and festivals. Many times the drummer is highlighted and his or her kit’s logo is right there for everyone to see. Social MediaIt is good to have drummers and other opinion leaders constantly tweeting or posting statuses with your company tagged in them. That is why having a strong social media presence will help SJC. People also take companies more seriously when they have a higher number of “likes” compared to another company in the same industry. If you treat the drummers right and give them a product they are going to want to show off, then that is going to up the social media activity of an organization and cause more traffic to their pages. Opinion leaders in the industry with YouTube channels This is one of the top media priorities in my opinion when it comes to what media outlet will be beneficial for SJC drums. Opinion leaders in the industry include drummers with YouTube channels in which they do drum covers and also when they have reviews of the drums as well. Many of these drummers will go to the big trade shows and festivals, but will only go to the booths that they feel a connection with. Since these trade shows are such a big deal within the industry, the videos that are done on them get thousands of views on certain opinion leader’s channels. The best way though to have their drums shown off, is when that opinion leader does a drum cover using an SJC drum set. This is one of the only ways a drummer can hear what the drums sound like being played with to a song in a live setting. When drummers put videos on YouTube, they always show off if they have a custom set or not. Even better, they tweak the sound of the drums through mixing to make them sound perfect. When drummers see these videos with perfect and aesthetically pleasing drums, they are inclined to share the video and help make it go viral. Information for media relations personnel. There are mainly only two spokespeople for SJC custom drums. That is co-owner Mike Cipari, and the A&R specialist, George Slater. I could not find official bios on these people because it is a smaller company. These two are the ones who I have ever seen on camera and go to all the trade shows and festivals to promote the SJC name and sell drums to new drummers and existing customers. Mike Cipari has been playing drums his entire life and developed a strong passion for custom drum making. Him and his brother Scott started SJC drums in the year 2000 in their grandmother’s basement. He started playing drums because of his favorite drummer from the band 311. He got his first drum set when he was a teenager and has been playing ever since. His hobbies include vegetarian food, grocery shopping, Boston, tattoos, hanging out with friends, bikes, driving, traveling, and going to shows to watch drummers from his label play. George Slater does all the artist relations and sales for SJC. Prior to working at SJC he worked at a drum dealer in the United Kingdom. He became friends with the guys through working with them at the dealership. He soon got a job working for them in 2009 and loved it ever since. He has been drumming for ten years because of listening to punk rock growing up. During his time not playing drums or working, George likes to surf, play FIFA, skateboard and run to stay in shape. His favorite quote is “cheers.” George has recently been moved to SJC’s satellite office in Huntington Beach California where he is still getting settled and making the office his own. The organization does not seem to have a policy anywhere on who speaks on their behalf. I feel that it is one of those things that is just a given for them since I only ever see the same two people on camera talking about SJC. I think what they are doing now is working fine. Mike is the main speaker and has a great way with his words. HE is very humble and seems to be able to make friends with everyone. Even though he co-owns the company, Mike is definitely the face compared to his brother who is never seen on camera. I think that if they did end up making a policy that they should have Mike talk and be on camera for almost everything, and have George on their for more personal aspects. Mike does not talk with customers as much and ask more of the face of the company so customers and other artists are not interacting with him as much as George. If they are being interviewed on something such as customer service, then I feel that George should be the one on camera since many of the people that will be watching it will either talk to him, or have talked to him before. This will add a better personal feel for certain aspects. SJC seems to have a few social media policies that they follow. One is they always try to respond to people who post on their wall on their Facebook page. This is great since many companies will not every respond to you. People ask questions on their daily and SJC responds very quickly and helps everyone out. Another thing they do is they post every customers drum set on their Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages for everyone to see. This is a way for the customer to show off their new gear through different social media channels that already have thousands of followers. SJC’s FAQ/ Q&AHow do I contact you?We have numerous media platforms that we like to engage on with everyone - Facebook , Twitter , Instagam etc. We love to hear from you all, weather it be a simple Facebook comment, to a price quote in an email. Your feedback is hugely appreciated and important to us. We pride ourselves on doing our best to answer ALL questions that we receive and never leave anything un-answered, however sometimes on a rare occasion, a comment or question can be missed due to the high volume we receive ( we're only human! ).Email is the BEST way to get in touch with us directly for absolutely anything for a guaranteed response. Please check out the a Contact page for the respective contact who can help with your query! We're ready to answer your questions! If you have not heard from us within 24 hours, please re-send the email or call us!Please note: If you get our answering machine, chances are we're on the other line, out of the office, or it's the weekend. Please leave a detailed message and we will get back to you within 24 hours on normal business days, we promise.How do your endorsements work?We at SJC Custom Drums choose not to utilize set pricing schemes or rigid percentage discounts when executing our endorsements. We feel that this can provide a very faceless and sterile process when communicating with our drummers. We like to deal with our endorsements on a personal level and work out what can be done for the artist on a case by case basis rather than just offer "tiered" ABC Pricing structures.To be considered for an endorsement, please e-mail george@ the following information:Website:Facebook or Purevolume:Label contact:Manager contact:Tour dates:Current endorsements:Age:Desired SJC Setup (Sizes, plies, lugs, finish, etc.):Or send this information with a CD and press packet to:SJC Custom Drumsc/o A&RP.O. Box 1314Dudley, MA01571We will get in touch from there.**Please note the above information is to give us here at SJC more details on YOU, it is not completely necessary in order to apply for an endorsement. We have an open minded approach to new artists, no matter where you are in your career. We do our absolute best to work within all budgets. Please no phone calls regarding endorsements.With so many artists under SJC's wing, how can SJC take care of me too? We pride ourselves on making drums for some of the worlds most reputable artists, spanning over numerous ages and genres, however we constantly strive to be able to take care of anyone with an SJC kit. We have the resources, knowledge and man-power to cater for anyone who flies the SJC flag and will always strive to ensure that customer support and satisfaction are never jeopardized. If you're unsure if SJC can cater for you, email us! We'll get right back to you and make sure you're a valued and important customer from the get go! Can I get a price quote?Absolutely! Head over to the Quote form and submit it. We will get back to you within 48 hours with an accurate quote.How do I place an order?To place an Order, please fill out the Quote Form and submit it. From there, George will be in touch with an accurate quote on the kit you are looking to purchase, and he will send you a link to pay the deposit. If you have any questions, please contact George directly at george@What are some general things I need to know when it comes to maintenance of my kit?Simple upkeep of your drums is very important. Make sure you are cleaning your kit after use, to eliminate any sweat or dirt that could lead to rusting in the future. Be sure to handle your drums with care, and don't pick up or carry only from the hardware (brackets, lugs, spurs, etc.) Temperature control is also a major key in keeping your kit or snare safe from any issues. Extreme temperatures can affect laminates and hybrids (especially if exposed to direct sunlight for a long period of time). We suggest that you keep your drums in a temperature controlled environment when possible. If in the heat or cold, do your best to keep them covered or out of the elements (i.e.: rain, sunlight, snow, etc.). Hybrids and acrylics are fragile, so make sure that they are not tossed around during transport, or at all for that matter. They should always be cased when not being used, and follow the same guidelines pointed out above.It's also important to use even tension when tuning the drums. Extreme unbalanced tension can result in damage to shell, lugs, heads, hoops or claws. Any damage to the drums as a result of user error or mishandling will result in an assessment and potentially a fee for repair.What is your turnaround time?Solid wrap kits & snares = 5-5.5 monthsStriped wrap kits & snares = 5.5 monthsAcrylic kits & snares = 5.5 monthsSatin stain kits & snares = 5.5 monthsSatin stain w/ inlay kits & snares = 5.5 monthsButcher hoops = 6 monthsHybrids = 6 monthsHigh gloss lacquer = 6 months*Updated 8-10-10What are your Order Terms & Conditions?See our Terms & Conditions here.Will you re-make an artist kit?Yes, we can re-make any kit you see on our website!What makes SJC Drums stand out?SJC Custom Drums is a custom drum company started in 2000 by two brothers out of Massachusetts. The SJC crew pride themselves on the craftsmanship, innovation, customer service and passion for their drums. Offering virtually unlimited options, each kit is custom made to the customers' exact specifications by the skilled craftsmen SJC and backed by our unrivaled customer service. With over a decade of experience and over 1,700 artists, the SJC crew are ready and willing to make your dream drum set come to life.We have a skilled group of wood workers, passionate office and A&R team, and in house designers to help design exactly what you're after. Check out the INSIDE SJC page to get a little more in depth info about the crew at SJC Drums and to see a video showing just what we're all about.Also check out the SPECS page to get a glimpse of what we are capable of on your dream drum set, and browse through our KITS & SNARE GALLERY to see all the drums we've created to date!What is the best way to tune die cast hoops?When tuning die cast hoops, please make sure to tune each lug evenly. Diecast hoops, while very durable, can have a tendency to warp if tuned unevenly. Simply hand tighten each tension rod around the drum, and then apply equal tension on opposite tension rods (at the same time) until the drum is in tune, to prevent warping the hoop, head, and/or shell.What is the Drums 4 Sale section?Don't want to wait the standard turnaround time? Not sure what you want for a drum? The Drums4Sale page is full of drums that are ALREADY MADE and READY TO GO with the same parts, care, and attention as our standard order drums, but are available IMMEDIATELY! We make random drums every now and then to use some overstock parts or show off some drums we think are cool and want to make. Turnaround on shipping Drums 4 Sale is approx. 3-5 business days after the order has been paid in full. Transit time once shipped will depend on your location. It can be anywhere from 3-5 business days for domestic shipments, and 10-15 days for international shipments.*Stock changes frequently / Inventory subject to change as once a drum is sold it's gone!Are all the drummers listed on your artist page endorsed by SJC?We are one big happy family. Not all the drummers listed on our artists page are endorsed, but we like to display all the drummers who have purchased an SJC kit or snare to show the world their set up and band.Can you offer a matching add on drum for my current SJC kit or if I want to add drums in the future?Yes, we can do add on drums, no problem. Because of color matching and making sure that all the hardware, screws, washers, etc. are 100% perfect, we require that you send back 1 of your drums for us to have in shop and physically match with the add on. The costs of sending back must be handled on the customers end. We will take each order on a case by case basis, but there may be additional fees for custom colors, etc. If you are ordering a new kit, please let us know if you will be ordering another add on tom or snare in the future, so we can make detailed notes on your order when it is placed. Since most of our finishes are custom made, we strongly suggest ordering all the drums you want at once so that everything matches 100%, especially on stains.Do you offer color matching?We strive to offer unlimited color options for your drums. Exact pantone color matching may not be possible due to the variances in printing, paints, and different materials. We will get as close to any color you are trying to match (i.e.: favorite shoes, shirt, etc.) as possible but cannot guarantee an exact color match due to these variances.If you have any specific questions, please contact us directly.Can you change any of the specs on the Drums For Sale Kits or Snares?We cannot change any of the specs on drums in the Drums For Sale. All of these items are complete and ready to ship.What drum heads do you use on your kits and snares?It is important to us at SJC that you're stoked on the sound of your kit or snare right from out the box. We can offer virtually any type of drum head you want, just email us and ask! We'll also be able to provide you with some advice helping you achieve your desired tone too. We do not use any low quality or cheap market heads as "standard". If heads are not specified on the order, we will use professional, genuine industry standard Remo or Evans heads. Quality is not spared at any point with your order, from the drums, right down to the drum heads! Can I add or change the specs on the Series kits?Sure! Email us at george@ and we'll work out the details with you. Every Series kit is custom made like any other kit from SJC, so changing specs is no problem! How much is shipping and handling?S&H is added into the final payment. It will vary depending on the weight and destination. Shipping in the USA is usually 3-5 day, fully insured ground shipping for around $295 for a 3 piece kit (rack tom, floor tom, bass), and $35 for snares. Shipping overseas depends on the weight and destination of the package, please email us with your address for a more accurate shipping estimate. *Our S&H prices include packing and shipping your drums which include insurance on the package *SHIPPING DOES NOT INCLUDE DUTIES, TAXES, IMPORT DELIVERY FEES, OR ANY OTHER FEES ASSOCIATED WITH SHIPPING DOMESTIC OR INTERNATIONAL*Updated Jan 2010Do you tune your drums before shipping?Yes, every drum that we make gets tuned and briefly hit to ensure it sounds as good as it can. Do you ship internationally? Yes, we ship anywhere in the world you need. Please email us with your full intended shipping details and we'll work out an accurate quote!* Please note shipping internationally may incur import taxes and charges which are out of our hands.* Be sure to check if there is an SJC dealer near you too!Do you offer a warranty with your drums?We cover the original purchaser with everything on the drums a top to bottom warranty except due to negligence and normal wear & tear. We stand behind our product 110% and strive to exceed expectations in quality and customer service, so if you need anything, we're just a phone call away. We're a small family run company, and we take care of our family of artists. We know what it's like to be on the road. We're there to take care of you and make your experience and relationship with SJC unforgettable and easy. We are always going "outside the box" and the extra mile to make sure your expectations are surpassed. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or needs with your drums!Simple upkeep of your drums is very important. Make sure you are cleaning your kit after use, to eliminate any sweat or dirt that could lead to rusting in the future. Be sure to handle your drums with care, and don't pick up or carry only from the hardware (brackets, lugs, spurs, etc.) Temperature control is also a major key in keeping your kit or snare safe from any issues. Extreme temperatures can affect laminates and hybrids (especially if exposed to direct sunlight for a long period of time). We suggest that you keep your drums in a temperature controlled environment when possible. If in the heat or cold, do your best to keep them covered or out of the elements (i.e.: rain, sunlight, snow, etc.).It's also important to use even tension when tuning the drums. Extreme unbalanced tension can result in damage to shell, lugs, heads, hoops or claws. Any damage to the drums as a result of user error or mishandling will result in an assessment and potentially a fee for repair.Do you have a return policy?We do not have a return policy. Since our drums are custom made, we make what the customer orders. There will be no returns accepted.What if I can't afford a Kit or Snare from SJC?TELL US! We're all about working around budgets as best we can to make it work for you. We'll do our best to make it happen!Do you have backline for your artists?Yes, we have an extensive amount of drums stored around the world for our artists' backline needs. Taking care of our artists is one of our main priorities and making sure you have an SJC kit wherever you may have a fly in show is important to us. Please visit our BACKLINE PAGE or contact george@ with any backline requests and needs.How come I haven't received a response from you?Your questions are important to us and we want to hear from you!We answer every single message within 24 hours. We pride ourselves on our quick and unrivaled customer service. If you have not received a response within 24 hours, please send the email again or give us a call as the message may have been sent to spam.(If message sent on a weekend, please allow a response until the following weekday, though we do frequently check emails throughout the weekend.)Do you have any dealers?Yes we do! You can see all our current dealers by visiting the Dealers page.*Dealers interested in selling SJC Drums, please e-mail info@Can I change my mind on my drums after I order?Once your custom kit is ordered, we order all the parts and materials necessary to make your kit, therefore we cannot allow you to change your mind after you place your order.Can I switch my hoops with a different type of hoop in the future?We offer many different types of hoops here at SJC Drums. Since each drum is laid out to a specific hoop, we are unable to offer replacement hoops of a different style in the future for a majority of these hoops. While this is true, the following options are available:2.3mm hoops ->>> Diecast hoops / Single Flange hoops / Yamaha style wood hoopsDiecast hoops ->>> 2.3mm hoops / Single Flange hoops / Yamaha style wood hoopsSingle Flange hoops ->>> 2.3mm hoops / Diecast hoops / Yamaha style wood hoopsYamaha style wood hoops ->>> 2.3mm hoops / Diecast hoops / Single Flange hoopsClaw style wood hoops ->>> Revolutionary style wood hoops Revolutionary style wood hoops ->>> Claw style wood hoops Butcher hoops are not able to be changed for another type of hoop. All Butcher hoop kits are made specifically for each drum they are on.*Please note that the information above is not set in stone, and there will be circumstances that the above is not true. Please email us with specific questions and inquires.I am interested in seeing your shop, can I come check it out?At this time, we are only allowing customers interested in placing an order or picking up an order to visit our offices and showroom.Do you offer returns on merchandise?No, we do not offer returns on our merchandise. Sorry!Will you send me samples?If you'd like to see some of the finishes we offer, head over to the Finishes page. If you'd like to see these samples in person before ordering your drum, just send us your mailing address and the colors and type of finish you're interested in and we'll send them right out!Key Media Contacts List Adventure drums YouTube channelBrad Brient adventuredrums@Dylan wood music YouTube channelDylan woodDylanwoodmusic@A Day to Remember’s blog Alex adaytoremember Drum MagazineRick Slater1898 E. Wilker Ave. Newark NJSlaterrick@Modern Drummer magazine 12 Old Bridge Road, Cedar Grove, New Jersey (973) 239.4140The Boston GlobeCatherine SmartCatherinesmart@Boston HeraldMark Perlgard Boston Herald, 70 Fargo St. Boston, MA Boston Magazine Rick Snyder300 Massachusetts Ave, Boston, MA Panorama Magazine Hudson Stills 332 Congress St. Boston, MA617.423.3400Boston Common Magazine 745 Boylston St. Boston, MA617.266.3390Scene Magazine256 Hanover St. Boston , MAAlex Homer HomerA@ Where Magazine45 Newbury St. Boston, MAGreg Alverez AlverezG@Drum Solo Artist Magazine Terry Smith794 Toledo Ave. Santa Monica, CAClark Danger DrumsClark Danger on YouTubeClarkdangerdrums@gmail.clarkdangerdrumsLuke Holland on YouTubeLukehollanddrums@gmail.lukehollanddrums Panic at the Disco BlogPATDB@ Spencer SmithSpencersmith@ Zach’s BlogZachsblog@893.659.3569TKO BlogThomas Omnis OmnisThomas@FOB BlogFobblog@Drummers onlyTony@ Jason Selnias JasonS@contact@ Brian Stars brianstarsinterviewsBrianstarsinterviews@Telegraph NewspaperGeorge Simmons111 Buckingham Palace Rd. London, UKEvening StandardNorthcliffe House2 Derry St. London, Greater LondonPaul JohnsonSouthwark News100 Clement’s Rd, London, UK Don Shrader The MirrorCanary Wharf, London, Greater London Dan Silver I-D Magazine124 Tabernacle St. London, Greater LondonInfo@Time Out Pi GreeterGreetertimeout@Yves drummer blogyvesdrummer@David Aldridge’s drum blogDavid AldridgeDavidA@ Pro drum blogPeter norrishPN@ Drummer blog AlaskaJeff contact DrumOn!drumonJohn KimmelSparks The Rescue band blogSparkstherescue@Dylan TaylorDylanTaylor@There for Tomorrow band blogtherefortomorrow@chris KamradaCK@ WBUR 890 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MADJ Tear dropKiss 108 DJ 801DJ801@WRBB Matt CosiaMattcosia@CBS News524 W. 57 St., New York, NY 10019Phone: 212-975-4321Fax: 212-975-1893CBS Evening News with Dan Rather: evening@The Early Show: earlyshow@60 Minutes II: 60II@48 Hours: 48hours@Face The Nation: ftn@ HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112Phone: 212-664-4444Fax: 212-664-4426NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw: nightly@NBC News' Today: today@Dateline NBC: dateline@ HYPERLINK "" \l "nbcMSNB" \t "_blank" MSNBC PlazaSecaucus, NJ 07094Phone: (201) 583-5000Fax: (201) 583-5453 HYPERLINK "mailto:world@" \t "_blank" world@Hardball with Chris Matthews: hardball@MSNBC Reports with Joe Scarborough: msnbcreports@ HYPERLINK "" \l "nbc" \t "_blank" Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA 22314Phone: 703-739-5000Fax: 703-739-8458The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer: newshour@NPRNational Public Radio635 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20001-3753Phone: 202-513-2000Fax: 202-513-3329E-mail: Jeffrey Dvorkin, Ombudsman ombudsman@All Things Considered: atc@Morning Edition: morning@Talk Of The Nation: totn@ HYPERLINK "" \l "email" \t "_blank" SWOT Analysis StrengthsCompletely custom drumsAll drums are one of a kindUnlimited optionsGreat customer service Great quality productFamily Feel Take care of everyone on their label WeaknessesExpensive priceLong turn around timeNot all drummers have access to backline kits Extremely niche marketOnly two locationsOnly sell to a few wholesalers Opportunities Appeal to larger crowdDrums to more countriesDrums to different types of music genres Break out of niche market More product mix Different types of media coverageSell to more companies Threats Weak Economy Truth Custom Drums People leaving because of turn around timeDrummers in smaller bands feel they aren’t appreciated as drummers in big bandsOther custom drum companies selling to companies they already sell to ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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