
THE CHRONICLEGREETINGS MEMBERS, Well the summer is coming to an end. And the entertainment committee, with all the helpers, did an out- standing job on the lodge picnic. A fun time for all. And the night before with the live band, what a great weekend. This month the committees will be back in force, many events are planned.Bus trips, craft show, flea market, motor cycle runs, golf trip. and more. Bordentown is a busy lodge, and there are people out there that would be happy to be part of this, all we have to do as Elks is ask them to become a member. Jack Becker has stepped up and taken over membership, and I feel the membership of our lodge will grow. Lets support Jack and bring him a new member. Hats off to CK for the great job he and his crew did in the parking lot stripping.Lets don't forget ENF; Heather needs your help and support tomake our goal for the year. Many thanks to the membership for sup- porting the lodgeactivities.And don't forget the September birthday list is in the bulletin, have a drink on the ER,Fraternally, Phil Tyler Exalted RulerWHOSE MOTTO is: “GREAT PEOPLE MAKING GREAT STRIDES”2014- 2015 OFFICERSEXALTED RULERPhil Tyler215 - 601– 1440LEADING KNIGHTCarmen Adonizio954 - 7439LOYAL KNIGHTPete DeLucia529 - 9795LECTURING KNIGHTHeather Cheesman298 - 7828ESQUIREEdward G. Taddei724 - 9489CHAPLAINPhil Horner234 - 0631INNER GUARDMichael Weckenbrock712-4753TILERJim Sharpe947 - 4560SECRETARYEllen Weckenbrock298 - 5939TREASURERKarl Swanson (PER)332 - 9052TRUSTEE (5 YEAR)Gerry Vaughan372-4523TRUSTEE (4 YEAR)Tom Kelley, PER581-3890TRUSTEE (3 YEAR)W. David Rooney (PER)610 - 2358TRUSTEE (2 YEAR)C.K. Lippincott658 - 6063TRUSTEE (1 YEAR)Bill Johnson712 - 5955JUSTICE OF SUBORDINATE FORUMMickey DeSantis (PER)298 - 9181VOLUME 12 ISSUE 6SEPTEMBER 2015Special Points of InterestAudio/Video Com. (Pg. 3)Chaplain Sickness & Distress (Pg. 2)Committee Chairpersons (Pg. 14)Convention Corner (Pg. 6)Credentials (Pg. 2)ELK of the Month (Pg. 7)Elks Nat. Found. (Pg. 7)That’s Entertainment - C&W Dance/Karaoke/Special Events (Pg. 3 & 7)House Com. (Pg. 4)Membership/Retention (Pgs.6 &10)Monthly Event Calendar (Pg. 15)PER Assoc (Pg. 2)Public Relations Com. (Pg. 5)Sandwich Night Menus (Pg. 7)Scholarship (Pg. 6)Secretary Notes (Pg. 2)Special Children’s Com. (Pg. 5)Trustees Corner (Pg. 2)Veteran’s Field (Pg. 5)Women’s Aux. (Pg. 4)YAC (Pg. 3)Ways & Means (Pg. 6)SPECIAL AFFAIRSUPCOMING LODGE & ENTERTAINMENT COM.(Pg. 7)MOTOCYCLE COM. (Pg. 9)FLEA MARKET (Pg. 9)AUX. CRAFT SHOW (Pg. 9)PUMPKIN PATCH (Pg. 8 )SCC BREAKFAST (Pg. 10)YAC HALLOWEEN PARTY (Pg. 8)ADULT HALLOWEEN PARTY (Pg. 11)YAC HOOP SHOOT/SOCCER SHOOT (Pg. 11)SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS (Pg. 8)BYLAW AMEND; (Pg.2)MEMORIAL SERVICES (Pg. 8)SWD PDD/PVP TESTIMONIA: (Page 8)VET. COM. DELAWARE PARK BUS TRIP (Pg. 11)SYC $10,000 DINNER (Pg. 10)SWD PURSE BINGO (Pg. 6)Page 2THE CHRONICLESECRETARY’S CORNERTRUSTEES’ CORNERNew Lost & Found Game Room Coat Rack , By the Bar.Coats, Jackets, Shirts, T’s, vests, umbrellas, etc. If not claimed in two months, items will be Donated.Parking Lot has been swept and painted by CK Lippincott & about 8 men from the Lodge.The Roof has been finished & Inspected & approved by Trustees.Dan and his Can-Do CommitteeAre doing an excellent job outsideThe Lodge, along with Pattie and her flower/ watering Committee.Don’t forget to thank Paul Matlackfor the cleanliness of the Lodge.Also thank Bill Scannon for the painting he is doing around the Lodge.Bill Johnson, Chairman TrusteesOfficers and Members, please be advised that I will be on vacation from Sept. 6 to Sept. 25, 2015. Should you need any Secretarial questionsanswered, please contact Lou Gamba, PDD, who will be covering in my absence.Ellen T. WeckenbrockBPOE 2085Lodge Secretary 609-298-5939P.E.R. ASSOCIATIONNext Meeting, September 23, 20154th Wednesday of every month.CREDENTIALS COMMITTEEHOUSE COMMITTEE DENReminder from the Leading Knight- Members must have their membership card to enter the club. If you do not have it, you must sign the book.A guest may come with a member. That guest must sign the book also. The guest may stay as long as the mem- ber is there. But once the member leaves, the guest must leave also. Thank you for your cooperation in the lodge rules.Carmen Adonizio, Leading KnightFor hall usage contact Tony Dilemme 609-280-1320CHAPLAIN’S PEWMEMBERS ON SICK LISTSALVATORE “SAL” LEGNETTI, CATHY GULOTTA, LILY LIPITSKY, EDDIE CARNASSALEHeavenly Father, we ask that you grant these special people a speedy recovery and a future full of good health. Amen.DEPARTED MEMBERS HUBERT “LUKE” PLATT,May Almighty God grant our brothers the rewards of good life and offer comfort and solace totheir bereaved families. Amen.PLEASE, if you know of anyone who is sick, hospitalized or has passed away,notify Chaplain Phil Horner (609) 234 - 0631 or Phorner0412 @. It is important to us that we show respect to our Members at all times, most importantly in death. As we no longer call their names on the Roll, let us honor them one last time!Page 3YOUTH ACTIVITIESWe continuing working on our fall events, Soccer Shoot (October 17th), Hoop Shoot (November 21st), Student of the Month (3rd Wedenesday of the month starting in October), Children’s Halloween Party (October 29th), Pumpkin Patch (October 18th), and Children’s Xmas Party. As with other committees in the Lodge, we are al- ways looking for new members to come up with new ideas for fundraising and giving back to the youth of our community and this Lodge. We meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM and all are welcome.THAT’S ENTERTAINMENTOFFICERS: – Chair Walt PappCo Chair Sue Crivelli Secretary Donna PappEntertainment meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 7:30 PMThis Month’s EventsSaturday, September 12th – Karaoke with DJ Rob Saturday, September 26th – Karaoke with Mark and KarenCountry and Western Dance Every Thursday in the Upper BallroomUpcoming EventsSaturday, October 10th – Karaoke with DJ RobSaturday October 24th - Halloween Party (see ad) – please note this event is free to our lodge and auxiliary members Saturday December 12th – Christmas SocialAudio/Video CommitteeWe have entered the new 2015-2016 Football season, come on out and watch your favorite team on one of the 6 Big screen TV’s.We have all the Baseball games playing with the MLB package with Direct TV and Fios. Plan on enjoying the Play-offs at the lodge.Nascar and Golf are also on when available, due to the added TV’s no sport is missed!!! The words during Karaoke are now playing on the 55” TV in the corner, come out and sing along!Enjoy!!!We did have our 50” Plazma TV break down, and as we went to press on this issue we were in the process of having it repaired if possible. If it is un-repairable, then a new TV will be pur- chased in time for Football season.Our next goal is to install an outside surveillance system; this will help to control any wrong doings in our parking lot when we rent the hall as well as to ensure the safety of our members and bartenders when leaving the building. Once the committee comes up with a plan we will meet with the trustees for final approval. As we move forward with the plans for the new sur- veillance system, any committee that would like to help by donating money is greatly appreci- ated.Meetings are held on an as needed basis, anyone interested in helping with the committee can contact me @ 609 298 9191Respectfully,Chairman Mickey DeSantis, PERPage 4THE CHRONICLEWomen’s AuxiliaryI hope all of you enjoyed your summer. It’s September and time to get back to work. I hope to see you all there at our next General Meeting on Wednesday, September 9th.Our bus trip to Harrah’s Philadelphia Racetrack & Casino on August 2nd was a great success! A special thanks to Charlotte Elmer who chaired this event and she did a fantastic job. Thank you Peg Del Pup and Janet Stevens for selling the 50/50's on our bus trip. Thank you Donald “Swanny” Swanson, Ruthann Hensley, and Rosemary Becker for donating door prizes.Don’t miss the Auxiliary Sandwich night being held on Wednesday, September 23rd.Rosemary Becker has put together an agenda for our annual craft show. The first meeting is planned for Wednesday, September 2nd after the Executive Board Meeting. For those who are not on the Board, plan to meet around 8:15pm. All are welcomed.In Friendship,Nancy Debnarik, President ReminderSandwich Night – September 23rdAuxiliary Bakeless Cake Sale – October 14th Craft Show – November 21stMeeting ReminderExecutive Board Meetings are the first Wednesday – 7:30pm in the Card Room General Meetings are the second Wednesday - 7:30pm in the Mirror RoomIf you know of an Auxiliary member who is sick, hospitalized, or has recently passed away, please see or notify Chaplain, Carol Santoro @ 609-586-5627WOMEN’S AUXILIARY OFFICERS 2015 - 2016PresidentNancy Debnarik609-298-1421Vice PresidentLinda D'Amico609-584-8803SecretaryRosemary Becker609 424-3167TreasurerPatti DeSantis609-298-9181ConductressJoanne Jackman609-586-1620ChaplainCarol Santoro609-586-5627ParliamentarianCarol Adonizio609-424-3481Trustee 3 YearDonna Papp609-324-9501Trustee 2 YearCharlotte Elmer609-610-6779Trustee 1 YearDonna Grondski609-890-8178Page 5VETERAN’S FIELDSPECIAL CHILDREN’S VENUECharity Ball being planned for Bordentown & being Chaired by Bev Tonne & Bobbi rmation to follow.Reminder: We are serving breakfast on September 20, 2015, from 8:30 - 11:00 am. Please come out and join us. See Ad for more details.On 10/9/15, we will be having a designer purse Bin- go, see the ad on page 6 for details.God Bless Our Special Children.Fraternally,Andy Bush , Chairperson Special Children’s Committee (609)585-5792Our SW District held a two day Shake-A-Can for our Homeless and Hospitalized Veter-ans. Thanks to all who volunteered to help out.We received wonderful news – Our contactin Afghanistan, Joseph Todd, and his platoon are all came home last month.September 13th is the Army of Hope picnic.*September 25th we will, once again, be taking part in the South Jersey Stand Down at the Cherry Hill Armory.*We will be running a bus tripto Delaware Park on October 10, see poster in bulletin.AMERICANISMSeptember 11th – 17 we will be observing Patri- ots Week*Patriot Week begins on 9/11 and ends on 9/17, the anniversary of the signing of the Con- stitution. Patriot’s Week is intended to invigor- ate our appreciation and understanding of America’s spirit. I’m sure you will agree pat- riotism, as we once knew it, is sadly lacking in today’s society. We need to renew that spirit and keep it alive all year long.Please join us at our WednesdayPUBLIC RELATIONSSandwich Nights as we recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing God Bless America during the month of September.I am looking to share all the great events we do for our community and the Elks. To best do this I need to get some information from events before and after.Before any event that is open to the public I need;-committee hosting/running-date of the event-admission price-contact person-any other relevant information After EVERY event I will need;-committee hosted/ran event-date of event-number of attendees-the highest resolution pictures of the event possible If you need help gathering this information I would be happy to meet with you or I am available at 908-227- 7344. Send all pertinent information to Bpoe-2085pr@. If a photographer is needed for an event please contact me as early as possible and I will try to attend as many events as I can.Thank you, DaniWhat does Patriotism mean to you? We’d like to hear from you. You can put your thoughts on paper and put it in our mailbox, give it to any committee member or send it to the lodge, attention: Americanism.Remember John Kennedy;s famous quote: “Ask not what your country can do for your, ask what you can do for your country”.Starting next month, hoping to keep the flow of patriotism alive, I will be including one of the Ten Principles of American Patriotism each month.Fraternally yours,Jim Sharpe, ChairmanMEMBERSHIP RETENTION COMMITTEEChairman Jack Becker, PERCommittee Members: Robert Pecht, PER, Ellen Weckenbrock, Heather CheesmanWe continue to plan for our Community Day and Cranberry Fest presentations. Please stop by and say hello and possibly you will find out some things Bordentown Lodge does for the Communi- ty as well as the Lodge. We are always looking for any members who have ideas on how to get ac- tive new members and retain our current mem- bers, so come join us on the 3rdWednesday of each month. We need ideas from long time members as well as new members. If you have not paid your dues, please do so. If you have a problem with paying, please contact the Secretary and see if she can assist you. We need the help of the membership in reaching our goals.WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEEChairman-Mickey DeSantisCo-Chair-Sue Crivelli Secretary-Terri JewellTreasurer-Karl Swanson Cook BookElks CookbookDown to the last 28, call and re- serve one today!!!Need a gift for a birthday, shower, anniversary, or need to add a little something to your gift, why not give an Elks Cookbook. Only $15.00, pick up the phone today and call Patti DeSantis 609 298 9181 to place your order. Cookbook is made up of over 140 recipes from Elk members, families and friends.Buy One Today!!! Hurry, only so many left.Bus Trip to Ground Zero NYCSeptember 20,$65.00 pp to the 9/11 Tribute Cen- ter. Memorial Grounds and the Museum. See flyer in this bulletin for details. Contact Rosemary Becker for Tickets, 609 424 3167Have a Fund Raising Idea?WAM is looking for some new ideas and some new members. Why not lead a bus trip, organize a din- ner or social or try a special event. All ideas will be considered, just come to our next meeting and discuss the idea. Its that simple!Our next meeting is September 10th at 7:30 pmAll ways and Means money goes directly to the general fund to help with the lodge’s operating ex- penses so that our lodges various committees can use their money to fund the many programs that the Bordentown Elks sponsor.Thank you, MickeyCONVENTION CORNER 2016Many thanks to a job well done to Ellen Weckenbrock and her committee with the 2015 Convention. It was sad seeing the Parade washed out knowing all thework that the committee put into the convention and the float. That was the first time in my 29 years as a con- ventioneer that the parade was cancelled due to weath- er, lets hope that it will be another 29 years before an- other one is cancelled.As we kick off the 2016 Convention I would like to announce that I will be chairing Carmen Adonizio’s convention along with my co-chair Walt Papp.We prom- ise to do our best in supplying you with another fantas- tic Convention. We had our kick-off meeting on August 4th, it was well attended and I am very confident thatthis committee will do an outstanding job. If you are interested in joining the committee our next meeting is Tuesday September 1st at 7:30 pm.One date to save for now, Friday November 6th, 2015. The commit- tee will be sponsoring a Steak Dinner, more info to come from Don Wirth.Our Sandwich night is September 16th and we will beserving Home Made Sloppy Joes and Sausage sand- wiches with Peppers and onions with a side of pasta salad.Thank you,Mickey DeSantis, PERPage 6 THE CHRONICLESWD SPECIAL CHILDRENS COMMITTEEDESIGNER PURSE BINGO FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2015Lower Ballroom Doors open at 5:00 pm Games start at 7:00 pmKitchen will be open, Cash BarNO OUTSIDE FOOD ALLOWED$25.00 pp Advanced Ticket Sales Only Contact: Ellen 298 - 5939 orLou638 - 8966THE CHRONICLEPage 7UPCOMING LODGE EVENTS 2015SEPTEMBEROCTOBERNOVEMBER18th GOLF OUTING1st $10,00 DINNER3rd-YAC SOCCER SHOOT9th SWD DESIGNER PURSE BINGO6th CONVENTION COM. STEAK DINNER20h SCC BREAKFAST10th DELAWARE PARK RACETRACK& CASINO21st WOM. AUX. CRAFT SHOW20th WAM BUS TRIP TO 9-11 GROUND ZERO NYC10th FLEA MARKET11TH RAINDATE26th SWD PDD/PVP TESTIMONIAL NEW EGYPT LODGE22nd - YAC HALLOWEEN PARTY24th HALLOWEEN PARTY18th PUMPKIN PATCH25th RAINDATE PUMPKIN PATCH29th YAC HALLOWEEN PARTYElks National FoundationOur goal for the 2015-2016 year is to raise $5000.00. We are $4000. dollars away from our goal, please help us make it happen.Please remember to donate to the ENF, we ask that each member donate $10 a year. The foundationfunds veterans, students and children with special needs through out the nation. All monies donated are tax deductible.You can also give your donation to Patti Dixon or Heather Cheesman. Fraternally,Heather & PattiSANDWICH NIGHT MENUS - 6pm - 8pmSept. 2, 2015Barbecue Chicken Sandwich & fixings, Seasoned Potatoes, Coleslaw and desserts. - Vet. Com Sept. 9, 2015Cheesesteaks or Pork Roll sandwiches FF, coleslaw, dessert - House CommitteeSept. 16, 2015 Homemade Sloppy Joes and Sausage Sandwiches with Peppers and Onions with a side of pasta salad ‐ Conv. Com.Sept. 23 2015Pasta—homemade sauce & homemade meatballs, dessert, coffee, tea. Sept. 30, 2015 Meatloaf, Potato, vegetable - PER Assn.ELK OF THE MONTHAPRILMAY JUNE JULYAUGUST2015 - DANIELLE MESSINEO2015 - JACK BECKER, JR.2015 - TERRI JEWELL2015 - RICH LEVANDUSKY2015 -OCTOBER2015 -NOVEMBER 2015 -DECEMBER 2015 -SEPTEMBER 2015 -JANUARY2016 -FEBRUARY 2016 -MARCH2016 -PUMPKIN PATCH - 10/18/15 10A-2PRAIN DATE: 10/25/1510A-2PSPECIAL CHILDREN10A - 11A REFRESHMENTSCONTACT: Valerie Hines238 - 0987Cider, Cookies, Candy Apples,Pick your own pumpkinsNEED HELP SATURDAY MORNING TO PICK UP PUMPKINSKids Halloween PartyThursday Oct 29 6-8pmLOWER BALLROOM REFRESHMENTSAND PRIZESCONTACT: Don Wirth 273-7189Page 8 THE CHRONICLELODGE MEMORIAL SERVICE“A Day to Remember” Sunday, December 6, 2015Bordentown Lodge 2085 will conduct its annual Memorial Service on Sunday, December 1, 2013, at 6:30 pm. Family members and friends of our departed members are invited to attend. Services are conducted by the Lodge Officers and the Past Exalted Rulers.Refreshments will be served following the service.“IT IS THE GOLDEN HOUR OF RECOLLECTION” “ELKS ARE NEVER FORGOTTEN”Page 9BORDENTOWN ELKS WOMAN’S AUXILIARY11 Amboy RoadBordentown, NJ 08505609 298 - 2085CRAFT SHOWOver 80 CraftersDate: Saturday, November21, 2015Time: 9 am to 3 pm For more information: elkscraftshow@, or Rosemary @609 424 - 3167FOOD(Available for purchase)FREE ADMISSION SUPER 50/50Place: Bordentown ElksLodge # 2085 11 Amboy Rd Bordentown, NJ08505609-298-2085 Date: Saturday, October 10, 2015(Rain date: Saturday, October 11, 2015Time:9am to 2 pm (Vendors may set up at 7:30)MOTORCYCLE COMMITTEEThe MC meets the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm. Feel free to join.THURSDAYS SANDWICH & A SIDE $5.006PM - 8PMCome on out for a quick bite to eat.Fraternally Jack BeckerCost:$15/parking space (outside in parking lot)Contact person:Rosemary Becker 609-424-3167Email: elksfleamarket@Food: Available for purchaseFootball Sundays at the LodgeSix TV's with DirecTv NFL Ticket Package Happy Hour Prices during the games Kitchen will be open during day gamesBar Hours - 12 noon until the end of the 4pm gamePage 10SPECIAL YOUTH ANDCHARITIES COMMITTEESponsors$10,000.00 DINNER Oct 1, 2015“$150.00 per ticket” only 150 tickets sold IncludesOne Dinner and Cocktails 6:00 PM to 10:00 PMFor Tickets, call:Five (5) $250.00 cash prizesLast Ticket Wins $10,000.00 cashSouthwest District PDD – PVP TestimonialNew Egypt Lodge #2457 105 Lakewood Road New Egypt, NJ 08533Saturday, September 26th Cocktail hour 5:30Dinner 6:30$45 per person includes Family Style Dinner and Bar to 11Music by ContraBandFor Tickets: Gina at gina_mellon@ or Ron at hcc848@ or Charlotte at 609 610 6779Checks made payable to New Egypt Elks Lodge 2457Bill Johnson298-5955Mike Kobylinski758-3710C.K. Lippincott658-6063John Tyrell298-6064S.C.C BREAKFAST SEPTEMBER 20, 20158:30 AM - 11:00 AM OPEN TO THE PUBLICSPECIAL MENU ITEM EACH MONTHWE WILL BE SERVING BREAKFAST EVERY MONTH ON THE THIRD SUN- DAY. DUE TO THE INCREASE IN FOOD PRICES, MENU PRICES HAVE INCREASED. ALL MONIES RAISED SUPPORT THE SPECIAL CHILDREN’SCOMMITTEE .FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: TOM PITCHERELLO(609) 462 - 3758HOPE TO SEE EVERYONE AT THE BREAKFASTYouth Activities Committee Upcoming Events – open to the publicSoccer Shoot – Saturday Oct 3 – 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Open to boys and girls ages 4-13 Friendship Field, Bordentown NJHoop Shoot – Saturday Nov 21 – 9:00 registration, 9:30 startOpen to boys and girls ages 8-13 Carslakes Community Center, Bordentown NJFor more information contact Valerie @609-238-0987 (call or text) or sjcatmail@Page 11SAVE THE DATESATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2015BORDENTOWN LODGE VETERAN’S COMMITTEE BUS TRIPDELAWARE PARK RACETRACK & CASINOLive flats horseracing: Post Time 1:15 p.m.Large selection of slots machines (2,500) plus poker room & table game Multiple RestaurantsOpen on Race Days: Terrace Dining Room overlooking the racing action. Every seat has a perfect view of the track and a personal tabletop.Bus departs 9:30 am sharp. Arrive Delaware Park approx 11a.m. Depart from Delaware Park 6 p.m. Bus returns approximately 7:30 p.m. Cost: $35.00. CASINO OFFER: $30 IN SLOT PLAY.PAYMENT REQUIRED FOR RESERVATIONS. All passengers need to provide complete name, ad- dress, and date of birth as per Government Issued ID by 9/27. Must bring ID to receive slot play.See or contact Charlotte Elmer @ 609-610-6779THANK YOU SWANNY FOR THE MEMORIES!!!!ADVERTISEHERECommunity Bulletin BoardPage 12ADVERTISE HEREPage 13ADVERTISE HEREPage 14AMERICANISM AUDIO VIDEOAUDITING/BUS. PRACTIC-ES BARBINGOBLOOD DRIVE BULLETIN CAMERA CLUBCAN DO CHARITIESCOMMUNITY WELFARECONVENTION FLOAT PARADESCREDENTIALS DRUG AWARENESSELKS NAT’L FND ENTERTAINMENT FLAG RETIREMENTGOVERNMENTRELATIONS GOLFGOURMET – LADIES GOURMET – MENSPECIAL CHILDRENBowL- 1NGHOUSE GOVERNING BODYINSTANT RAFFLE LODGE ACTIVITIES2015 – 2016 CommitteesSharon Sharpe947-4560MEMBERSHIPMickey Desantis, PER298-9181INVESTIGATIONINDOCTRINATIONMEMORIAL SERVICEJoe Fox298-5550Herb Fues298-6583MOTORCYCLEDave Rooney610-2385PER ASSOCIATIONTony Gulotta PER888-3561PUBLIC RELATIONSJake Knipper558-8603QUOITS LEAGUEGeorge Haluska610-6923RITUAL COACHESEllen Weckenbrock775-7574Dave Rooney PER610-2385RENTAL AGENTMickey DeSantis, PER298-9181SAFETYJohn Jarzyk893-7955Bob McVicker PDD586-6454SCHOLARSIPSAnthony Escolano498-5461SICKNESS ANDDISTRESSTony Gulotta PER888-3561SHUFFLEBOARDHeather Cheesman298-7828SPECIAL CHILDRENWalt Papp324-9501SPECIAL YOUTH & CHARITIESJim Sharpe947-4560VETERANS’ SERVICEDonna Pelehaty298-0180WAYS & MEANSTony Dilemme280-1320WHEELCHAIRS &Jane Rooney649-2014EQUIPMENTMike Weckenbrock712-4753WOMEN’S AUxSue Giancola324-9010YOUTH ACTIVITIES HOOP SHOOTCarmen Adonizio954-7439SOCCER SHOOTSTUDENT OF MTHDonald Swanson PER298-0595Robert Lenhardt PVP379-6268Jack Becker, PER Mickery DeSantis PER Danny Sholes PDDHerb Fues PER Jack BeckerGeorge Grondski PERDanielle Messineo Jack Becker Jr.Danny Sholes PDDMickey DeSantis PER. Tony DilemmeGerry VaughnTony Dilemme Steve MetterlePhil HornerMickey Desantis Andy BushBill JohnsonJim SharpeMickey DeSantis PER Bill JohnsonNancy DebnarikValerie Hines Valerie Hines Valerie Hines Dave Wriggins915-6815298-9181870-7216298-6583915-6815802-8812908-227-7344947-4615424-3654298-9181280-1320291-0792280-1320424-6927234-0631298-9181585-5792712-5955947-4560298-9181712-5955298-1421238-0987238-0987238-0987694-2763September 2015SunMonTueWedThuFriSat12345BINGO 7:15PMSANDWICHC & WNIGHT 6PM7:30 PM6789101112BINGO 7:15PMSANDWICHC & WKARAOKE 8:30NIGHT 6PM7:30 PMDJ ROB13141516171819BINGOSANDWICHC & W7:15 PMNIGHT 6PM7:30 PMMEN’SGOURMET 6pm20212223242526SCCLODGE Mtg.BINGOSANDWICHC & WKARAOKE 8:30BREAKFAST8 pm7:15 PMNIGHT 6PM7:30 PMDJ MARK &8:30 amWOMEN’SKARENGOURMET 6pm27282930BINGO 7:15PMSANDWICHNIGHT 6PMLODGE /COMMITTEE MEETINGSLODGE MEETINGS - 1ST & 3RD MONDAYS 8PMSHUFFLEBOARD—1ST & 3RD MONDAYS POST MTG. HOUSE COM - 4TH MONDAY 7:30PMENTERTAINMENT COM. - 2ND MONDAY 7:30PM TRUSTEES 2ND MONDAY 7:30PMSCC - 4TH MONDAY 7:00 PMMEN’S GOURMET - 3RD TUESDAY 6PMWOM. GOURMET - 4TH TUESDAY 6PM WOM. AUX. E-BOARD - 1ST WEDNESDAY 7:30PMY.A.C. - 1ST WEDNESDAY 7:30 PM WOM. AUX. GEN. MTG. - 2ND WEDNESAY 7:30PMPER ASSN - 4TH WEDNESDAY 7:30 PM VETERAN COM. - 3RD WEDNESDAY 7:15 PMWAM - 2ND THURSDAY 7:30 PMMEMBERSHIP RET. COM. - 2ND THURSDAY 7:30 PMCONVENTION COM. 1ST THURSDAY 7:30 PM AUDIO/Video COM. - 2ND TUESDAY 7:30 PMStandard MailU.S. POSTAGEPAIDPermit No. 622 Trenton, NJBORDENTOWN ELKS LODGE 11 AMBOY ROADBORDENTOWN, NJ 08505NEXT BULLETIN INFO: NO LATER THAN15TH OF EVERY MONTHEditors: Tony and Cathy Gulotta PHONE: 609-888-3561E-mail: ggresq@ ................

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