Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church

Holy Eucharist at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

Welcoming all. Serving our community. Connecting with others.

Parish Family Remembrances and Thanksgivings for October 14, 2018

We pray for our clergy: Justin, the Archbishop of Canterbury; Michael, the Presiding Bishop; Ian & Laura, the Bishops of Connecticut; for all bishops, priests and deacons; for our priest Fr. Ron;

In St Peter’s Cycle of Prayer, we pray for all our parish family and especially for those who celebrate their birthdays this week: Joan Perkins (10/16), George Dagon (10/15), Meg Dagon (10/15), Adam Paggioli (10/15), Gehrig Bartiss (10/18);

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer we pray for Christ Church, Waterbury; St. John’s, Waterbury; Christ Church, Watertown; Young adults, young adult ministries, the Young Adult Ministry Network. The Episcopal Service Corps and the Young Adult Service Corps of The Episcopal Church. St. Hilda’s House, New Haven.

Monthly Parish Prayer List

Prayers added the week of October 14: Bob LaMay; Kelsi; Joan Hamilton; Lydia & family; Rebecca Trudelle; Irene Jones; Leah, Patricia, Barb; Sienna Roper; Jessica Starkey; Wendy; Linda, Margie;

Prayers added the week of October 7: Dorothy Atwood; The Lewis family; Ronald Gallant, Meseret & Family; Bobby Marston; Frank Bernard; June & Bill; Barbie & Knute; Ben; Katie and her donor; Joan, Melissa; Tim Kolanowski and family;

Prayers added the week of September 30: Lydia, Scott Mumley; Chris, Ron, Charlie, Paul and family and friends; Hal; Indu; Alexis Cone; Anita; Rob Goodrich, T.J. Goldberg; Carla and the Schechner family; Cathie McAlistar; Chin Osmond; Farren family and Cookie, Vidal family, Hicks family;

We pray for the deceased.

Continuing Prayer List

Dianne Sayers & Linda Sayers Reynolds; Andrew Nolette; Rina Bettancourt, Richie; Joyce L.; Kim F.; John & Family; Jean Henderson; Joan Toomey; Natalie Perry; Sam & Grace Downey; The Conrad families, Deanne & John Bowen; Danielle, Chantelle and Kayleigh; Jim Vicevich, Bob & Bev Winter, Florence Coulombe, Mike Duval, Sue Ellen Sylvain; Lianie; Kyle; Janet Boyd; Laura Beaudoin; Alex Bohnet-Reyes; Stephen Fisk & family, Sarah B.; Linda Spector; Mary Jo, Lauren, Mason, Jeni.

If you would like to have your particular prayer recipient moved to the Continuing Prayer List please contact the office. Otherwise, the names will be refreshed after three weeks. Please let the office know if your recipient can be removed from the weekly lists.

Scheduled Events

• The Weekly Weeders meet every Monday 6:30-7:20 p.m.

• Buildings and Grounds: First Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

• Vestry: Third Thursdays 7:00 p.m.

• Prayer Group: Fourth Thursdays 1:00 p.m.

• Balancing class: Fridays 9:00 a.m.


Women’s Club – The next meeting of the St. Peter’s Women’s Club will be held at 7:00 PM on Monday, October 15 at Joan Churney’s home, 110 Cone Rd., Andover.  We’re having the meeting on the second Monday as there will be a Halloween party the following week.  We’ll talk about that event, the November gala, the St. Nicholas Fair and our famous Christmas party.  You can call Joan for more info or directions - home: 860-228-0027 or cell: 860-202-2440.  We hope you can join us!

Prayer Ministry

Please consider joining this group on the 4th Thursday of each month at 1 pm. There are a variety of ways in which to participate in reaching out to our parishioners, the community: in our worship, weekly or occasionally. If you feel called, you may wish to help out with any one or more of the aspects we cover. We’d love to hear your ideas! For more information, reach out to Cathie Litwin, Eileen Lumsden or Fr. Ron OR just come to a meeting to “try it on.” We look forward to sharing this time with you!

"A celebration for Community Giving":  Only 25 seats left (Deadline for reservations: October 19!)

There are only 25 seats left for sale for the November 10 gala dinner & auction.  So, if you have not made your reservation you are encouraged to do so by the Oct. 19th deadline.  If you have made a reservation please contact Ray Litwin to pay for your tickets at this time.  You can call him at 860-373-1633 or email, raymond.litwin@.  There are some wonderful items that will be part of the silent auction including a magnificent sideboard for a special room in your home.  The event will feature dinner and dancing to the sounds of the RHAM jazz band.  See you there.


Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church

30 Church Street

P.O. Box 513

Hebron, Connecticut

The Rev. Ronald Kolanowski, Rector

Joshua Ziemski, Organist & Choir Director

860-228-3244 ~ office@ ; Facebook

Sunday, October 21:  One Service at 9:00a.m. and Planning our Future.

Next Sunday there will be one service at 9:00a.m. to be led by Rev. Anne Fraley.  Anne is the consultant during the priest-in-charge process for our parish.  An important part of this process is to have the entire parish meet to set goals and plan for the future of the parish during this time and beyond.  She will facilitate a session called dwelling in the word that will replace the readings for Sunday and sermon time.  Following the service she will facilitate a process of small group discussion and goal setting in the parish hall.  It is important to have as many people as possible to attend this session to plan future directions for the parish.  The session in the parish hall will take a couple of hours.  Please join us for this important gathering. Fr. Ron will be at Anne's parish leading worship at St. Peter's South Windsor.

Hallowe'en Party at St. Peter's

When:    Friday October 26, 6:30 to ~9pm; Where:   St. Peter’s Church and our Preserve

Who’s Invited?   Everyone!  All ages welcomed! Costumes?  Absolutely- if you wish!


❖ Lantern Lit Service in the “Church in the Woods”

❖ Lantern Walk  (or short drive to Preserve entrance)

❖ Bonfire and s’mores, cider, etc.; Scavenger hunt in the woods

❖ Games; Music   (does anyone play a guitar, ukulele?..)

Sign Up:  Sheet in back of church or contact: Candace O’Shea, Mary Latour or JoAnn Osmond


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