Jane Eyre Projects


_________Chapter presentation to class(40 points)

[also includes a written summary of each chapter you present—in YOUR own words, not copied and pasted from the internet] (40 points)

Your chapter(s) presentation(s) should include:

Introduction of new characters, basic discussion of plot, foreshadowing, symbolism, key points

_________ Vocabulary from the chapter [five words each] defined on the board by YOU. (20 points)

_________ Choose ONE of the following projects listed below and complete it as described. Projects due April 20. You may choose to do TWO additional projects for extra credit. (20 points each)

_________Jane Eyre Final Exam which includes: vocabulary taken from board presentations, study guide questions and class discussions. (Point value to be determined)

A. What is phrenology and physiognomy? Who used these studies and what were they used to determine? When did they first come into use, how long were they used, and how accurate were they? This topic should include a short demonstration on a volunteer in the class, and a short essay (100+) explaining the process—(in YOUR own words, not copied and pasted).

B. Helen Burns is seen reading Rasselas. Find out who wrote the book, when it was written, and what is was about. What other novels (and subject matter) were popular during this time period? Give examples of at least three other novels that were prominent during this era(and their subject matter) in a short essay of 100+ words.

C. Research the role of the surgeon and doctor during Victorian England. What sort

of education did one need to become a surgeon? How long did it take and what

classes were required? Was this a profitable profession? How much did it pay

and did it include any benefits? Write this up in a short essay of 100+ words.

D. What were the differences between schools for the privileged and schools for the

underprivileged in Victorian era? What courses were taught in each school?

How much was tuition? What types of colleges, if any, were in existence and

what degrees were offered? What professions were considered acceptable for

women during this time period? Write this up in a short essay of 100+ words.

E. Before the “penny post”, how was mail delivered? What types of writing papers

and utensils were used? What, if any, other methods of communications were

there? What types of newspapers were in existence? What types of stories did

they feature? How are they different from our newspapers of today? Write this up in a short essay of 100+ words.

F. Many medical discoveries were made in the nineteenth century: 1805 Morphine

was used to treat pain; 1841 Surgeon James Braid investigates medical

applications for hypnosis; 1847 Use of choloroform as an anesthetic is tested;

1878: Thomas Forster receives a patent for rubber surgical gloves; 1895 X-ray is

discovered by Wihelm Conrad Roentgen. Find out the story behind two of these

medical advances and write it up in a short essay of 100+ words.

G. Many people still have tea every afternoon. How did this tradition begin and what are some of the advantages of it? Treat the class to a “proper” tea, complete with scones. Research the etiquette behind “tea time” and demonstrate it to the class. (There is a recipe for scones, if you are interested in actually making them.)

H. Bertha and Richard Mason were from Jamaica. What was Jamaica famous for in the Victorian Era? What happened in Jamaica after 1830 and how did this affect the country? What was the country like during this period? Bertha is also referred to as “Creole”. Explain the reference and where it came from. Write this up in a short essay of 100+ words.

I. St. John Rivers makes allusions to Calvinistic doctrines in the novel. Explain the religion of Calvinism. Who started it and when? What is the theology that it is based on and how did this theology evolve? What are “election” and “predestination”? Is this religion still alive today? Write this up in a short essay of 100+ words.

J. Research the treatment of mentally ill patients in the nineteenth century. How did

families, doctors, and society deal with the mentally ill? What types of facilities

were available to treat patients like Bertha Mason? What different treatments

were used to cure the patients? How were the patients themselves treated? Write this up in a short essay of 100+ words.

K. England is famous for its stately country houses. How did these houses evolve and how were they operated in the nineteenth century? Draw a floor plan of an English manor house, making sure to pay attention to detail. Present the floor plan to the class, describing the rooms of the house and their purposes.

L. Jane eats a lot of porridge, bread and cheese in the novel. What were popular

foods during this era? Give examples of dishes that would have been served at a Victorian meal by

preparing a typical Victorian dinner menu and tell how they would have been prepared without the

conveniences that we have today.

M. Victorian England was plagued with disease. Research two of the following diseases and explain the symptoms and treatment of each: cholera, typhoid, influenza, tuberculosis. ** Write this up in a short essay of 100+ words.

N. Bertha Mason never speaks during the novel. Present a dramatic monologue to the class as Bertha Mason. Be sure to include background on her marriage to Mr. Rochester, her life in Jamaica, her ensuing madness and her confinement to the attic in your presentation. Research what life on a Jamaican plantation would have been like for a girl like her and what type of courtship/wedding she would have had. Research how her madness would have been detected and what made it hereditary.

O. Some critics have described Jane Eyre’s experiences as similar to those of Cinderella. Write a comparison essay that shows specific similarities between the incidents in Jane Eyre and those in “Cinderella.”

P. Some critics have described Jane Eyre’s experiences to those of the girl in “Beauty and the Beast”. Write a comparison essay that shows specific similarities between the incidents in Jane Eyre and those in “Beauty and the Beast”.

Q. Explain what a Victorian Ball would have entailed. What were 19th century balls like? What would the women and men have worn? What would the “ideal” ball gown have looked like? Be sure to have a visual to show us what you mean, and write this up in an essay of 100+ words.

R. What is “consumption”? How does one catch it? What causes it? What is the cure?

What is “Typhus”? What are the symptoms? How is it spread? What is the cure? When were cures discovered for these diseases? How many people were killed by the diseases? Are these diseases still a threat today? Why or why not? Write this up in an essay of 100+ words.

S. Etiquette in Victorian England was extremely important. Explain the etiquette (manners) that would have been expected of

people attending a party, dance, or a friend’s house. Introduce us to the proper manners that we would need for each occasion by writing this up in a short essay of 100+ words.

Characters in Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre -  [pic]

Edward Rochester - 

St. John Rivers  (pronounced “Sinjin”)

Mrs. Reed  - .

Bessie Lee - .

Mr. Lloyd - 

Georgiana Reed - .

Eliza Reed - .

John Reed .

Helen Burns .

Mr. Brocklehurst - 

Maria Temple

 Miss Scatcherd 

Alice Fairfax .

Bertha Mason .

Grace Poole 

Adèle Varens 

Celine Varens 


Richard Mason 

Mr. Briggs 

Blanche Ingram 

Diana Rivers 

Mary Rivers 

Rosamond Oliver 

John Eyre 

Uncle Reed 



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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