Famous Trials Assignment - Mr. McCauley's Website


Criminal Justice

Famous Trials Assignment


• Go to this website:

• Select a trial that took place after 1735. (Excluded: Sheppard, McMartin Preschool, & Clinton)

• Each student must select a different trial. They will be selected on a first come basis.

• Read the Trial Account on the website.

• Find and read a news article about the trial.

• Present your PowerPoint to the class.

• Part A: PowerPoint (20 points)

o Include any historical background that will help the class understand the case better.

o Describe the suspect and the alleged crime(s).

o Identify the prosecution lawyers, defense lawyers and judge. Include any significant details.

o Describe at least one eyewitness account (or other witness testimony, if no eyewitness).

o Include the verdict or the decision of the case. (guilt or innocence)

• Part B: Free Response (20 points)

o Find and read a newspaper account about the trial. If there is no newspaper account, use another source (e.g., political cartoon, website, or book summary).

o Section 1: Summarize the newspaper account in at least three (3) well-developed paragraphs.

▪ Compare the newspaper account with the information provided about the trial on the website.

▪ How are they the same? How are they different?

▪ Does the newspaper article seem biased in any way? Explain.

o Section 2: Write an opinionated response on the trial, the crime, or the verdict. For instance, do you think the defendants got a fair trial and why or why not?

▪ Your response must consist of at least two (2) well-developed paragraphs.

• Part C: Presentation (10 points)

o Be prepared to present your PowerPoint to the class.


| |Poor Average Excellent |

|PowerPoint | |

|Historical Background | 0 1 2 3 4 |

| |5 |

|Suspect/Crime | 0 1 2 3 4 |

| |5 |

|Lawyers and Judge | 0 1 2 3 4 |

| |5 |

|Eyewitness Testimony | 0 1 2 3 4 |

| |5 |

|Free Response | |

|Summary | 0 2 4 6 8 |

| |10 |

|Opinionated Response | 0 2 4 6 8 |

| |10 |

|Presentation | |

|Good Communication Skills; Comprehensive | 0 2 4 6 8 |

| |10 |

| | Total ___________ of 50 |


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