Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci


Da Vinci was born in Florence Italy. He was a curious child that often went exploring in the nearby mountains. Many things interested Da Vinci, though he is mostly known for his painting, he did many other things.

When he was young he began to work for Lorenzo De Medici, the famous patron[1] of Florence. Da Vinci sculpted and painted for him. Leaders of the Roman Catholic Church asked Da Vinci to create religious paintings, which he did. His most famous painting “The Last Supper ” was created for the church. Da Vinci was also famous for painting the “Mona Lisa”, a portrait[2] of his good friend’s wife. Artists named Michelangelo and Rafael were also active in Florence at this time.


Da Vinci was also the leading scientist of his time. He discovered many things about the human body by building on the knowledge of the Greeks and Romans. He figured out how all of the joints and bones go together.


He was also interested in machines and inventions. Even though the technology was not available to him at the time, he came up with ideas for an army tank, a helicopter, a calculator and solar power machines.

He was also an architect. In Norway in 2001, a bridge that was thought to be impossible to build was built according to one of his journal entries and drawings and was a complete success.

[pic] [pic]

A drawing of the bridge in Da Vinci’s The completed version of the

journal. “impossible” bridge…


[1] Patron: A very very rich person that paid talented artists to create art for them. Patrons and the Roman Catholic Church were the only ones rich enough to pay for things like artists.

[2] When an artists is paid to paint another person.


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