Literacy By Design: The Bake Sale Battle Level Q

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Red Tails Take Manhattan: Level U (pair with Under Lock & Key)

Here are this weeks Vocabulary Words

|separates | |

|fledglings | |

|coax | |

|territory | |

|prey | |

|benefit | |

|refuge | |

Other words:

___________, _____________________________________

___________, _____________________________________

___________, _____________________________________

___________, _____________________________________

___________, _____________________________________

|Monday | |Tuesday |

| |Meet With Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Begin Red Tails Take Manhattan | | |Cont. Red Tails Take Manhattan |

|/14 |Complete vocabulary (pg. 2) | |/20 |SW: Adjectives (pg. 3) |

| |Class Strategy Worksheet | |/20 |HW: Adjectives (pg. 4) |

|Wednesday | |Thursday |

| |Meet with Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Cont. Red Tails Take Manhattan | | |Cont. Red Tails Take Manhattan |

|/12 |SW: Writer’s Craft (p. 5-7) | |/10 |SW: Distinguish Genres (10-11) |

|/12 |HW: Writer’s Craft (p. 8-9) | |/10 |HW: Distinguish Genres (p 12) |

| |Class Strategy Worksheet | | |Class Strategy Worksheet |

|Friday |

|Finish Agenda, Weekly quizzes |Literal /16 Inferential /16 |

|Please Note: Early finishers: Once you have completed you may begin Independent Reading. |

Red Tails Take Manhattan

Vocabulary Words ___/ 14

disconnect young birds poor speaker victim

safe haven region persuade advantage

Read the word from each box from Red-Tails Take Manhattan. Write a word from the list that is related in meaning. Then use a dictionary to check if you were right.

|separates | |coax |

|____________________ | |____________________ |

|fledglings | |benefit |

|____________________ | |____________________ |

|territory | |refuge |

|____________________ | |____________________ |

|prey | |Elmo |

|____________________ | |____________________ |

CC.1.2.4.J Acquire and use accurately grade appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain‐specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions, or states of being and that are basic to a particular topic. E04.B‐V.4.1.1 E04.B‐V.4.1.2.

Red Tails Take Manhattan – Adjectives

SEATWORK- Tuesday ___/ 20

Adjectives: An adjective is a word that describes or tells more about a noun or pronoun. Some example are young, light-colored, the, a fascinating, rolling, and tall.

Read the sentence. Underline the adjective. On the line after the sentence, write the noun that is being described.

1. The musician played an expensive guitar. guitar____________

2. My boss invited me to a fancy dinner. _________________

3. The furry dog made the girl sneeze. _________________

4. The filthy man lived on the streets. _________________

5. He was afraid to talk to the beautiful woman. _________________

6. The perfume in the glass container is fragrant. _________________

7. The shiny car caught his attention in the parking lot. _________________

8. The homework in science was very difficult. _________________

9. I didn’t want to sit on the wet ground. _________________

10. My uncle who lives in Detroit is elderly. _________________

11. The professor taught a fascinating class. _________________

12. Explorers came to America from foreign lands. _________________

13. Her mother is an amazing cook! _________________

14. The textbook for the class was heavy. _________________

15. The elephant purchased by the zoo is enormous. _________________

16. The adorable toddler smiled at her grandmother. _________________

17. The valuable sculpture was donated to the museum. _________________

18. The brown banana was used to make bread. _________________

19. The monster ate delicious cookies! _________________

20. Elmo uses poor grammar. __________________

CC.1.4.4.F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. E04.D.1.1.1 E04.D.1.1.2 E04.D.1.1.3 E04.D.1.1.4 E04.D.1.1.5 E04.D.1.1.6 E04.D.1.1.7 E04.D.1.1.8 E04.D.1.2.1 E04.D.1.2.2 E04.D.1.2.3

Red Tails Take Manhattan – Adjectives

HOMEWORK- Tuesday ___/ 20

Adjectives: An adjective is a word that describes or tells more about a noun or pronoun. Some example are young, light-colored, the, a fascinating, rolling, and tall.

Read the sentence. Underline the adjective. On the line after the

sentence, write the noun that is being described.

1. The girl smelled the fresh flowers. Flowers____________

2. Elena rode her bicycle on a hot day. __________________

3. He took a refreshing drink of water. __________________

4. The dark clouds gathered in the sky. __________________

5. The tree in the forest had a thick trunk. __________________

6. He had an important appointment that morning. __________________

7. The boat got stuck in the icy waters. __________________

8. The frost made a pretty pattern on the glass. __________________

9. Our pet, an elephant, is rather unusual. __________________

10. We roasted delicious marshmallows in the fire. __________________

11. They dove into the gigantic waves. __________________

12. Plants with green leaves perform photosynthesis. __________________

13. The archaeologist discovered a reptilian fossil. __________________

14. His petite assistant couldn’t reach the top shelf. __________________

15. Their parents are usually very strict. __________________

16. The soda she bought at the store was fizzy. __________________

17. Visitors to the museum were excited by the exhibit. __________________

18. Applesauce can be a tasty dessert. __________________

19. The elephant rode a yellow bike. __________________

20. The rhinoceros is a terrible driver. __________________

CC.1.4.4.F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. E04.D.1.1.1 E04.D.1.1.2 E04.D.1.1.3 E04.D.1.1.4 E04.D.1.1.5 E04.D.1.1.6 E04.D.1.1.7 E04.D.1.1.8 E04.D.1.2.1 E04.D.1.2.2 E04.D.1.2.3

Red Tails Take Manhattan – Writer’s Craft

Seatwork- Wednesday ___/ 8

What is Writer’s Craft? Craft is the art of writing. It is the writer’s intentional use of the following to create an effect on the reader


Some ways a writer might be unique is to employ the following....

• Surprise • Suspense • Description

• Flashback • Flash forward • Full circle

• Fore-shadowing • Humor • Sarcasm

• Cliff-hangers • Absurdity

• Time lapsing-spacing

• Exploding the moment _ _extremely detailed writing_

• Senses used in the details: sound, smell, taste, touch, see

• Writing in diary or journal style

• Quotes or famous sayings at the start of chapters

• Using dates or unique ways to identify chapters

Think about some of the read alouds we have heard this year. Richard Peck uses humor and sarcasm. Holes by Louis Sachar using fore-shadowing, full circle, and suspense. Think about Lemmony Snicket as you read two excerpts from his writing.


Red Tails Take Manhattan – Writer’s Craft

Seatwork- Wednesday

Read an excerpt from The reptile room. Then Answer the questions that follow.

■ Underline/highlight what unique writing the author uses: —evidence of good writing:



Red Tails Take Manhattan – Writer’s Craft ___/ 12

Seatwork- Wednesday

What evidence of writer’s craft did you find? Quote them.

Just copy an example here! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Which trait does the author use to make his style unique? EXPLAIN. TELL ME HOW HE USES THIS STYLE! Look back on the page 5. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain the author’s purpose. Why did the author choose to use those literary/figurative language devices? How does it help you understand or enjoy the story better?



Red Tails Take Manhattan – Writer’s Craft

Homework- Wednesday ___/ 12

as You Read

■ Underline/highlight what unique writing the author uses: —evidence of good writing:



Red Tails Take Manhattan – Writer’s Craft ___/ 12

Homework- Wednesday

What evidence of writer’s craft did you find? Quote them.

Just copy an example here! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Which trait does the author use to make his style unique? EXPLAIN. TELL ME HOW HE USES THIS STYLE! Look back on the page 5. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain the author’s purpose. Why did the author choose to use those literary/figurative language devices? How does it help you understand or enjoy the story better?



Red Tails Take Manhattan – Distinguish Genres: Expository Writing

Seatwork- Thursday ___/ 10

Don't be afraid of the expository essay. Expository is just a fancy word that has to do with explaining a subject/topic. An expository essay, then, is a written explanation of a subject. The goal is to share information with the reader. It may be abstract or concrete in nature. That is, it may be about an idea (the U.S. system of checks and balances) or about a real take-a-photo-of-it subject (making a toothpick model of the Golden Gate Bridge).


Here is an example of expository writing. Read the passages and answer the questions that follow.

The Amazon River is in South America. It is the longest river in the world. In and around the Amazon River, you can find many animals. Some animals cannot be found anywhere else in the world. One of these animals is the piranha. Piranhas are a kind of fish. Piranhas are different from many other fish because that they eat meat. Piranhas have very sharp teeth. Their sharp teeth help them to eat many kinds of food. Piranhas eat seeds. They also eat other fish, birds, and snakes. Sometimes, piranhas will eat animals that fall into the water. Many people think that piranhas are dangerous. They think that piranhas will attack people. This is not true. Piranhas are small fish. They cannot eat a lot of food. Only a school of piranhas would eat a large animal. Even then, piranhas will not attack a healthy animal. People should not be afraid of piranhas.


1) Where in the world can you find piranhas? ______________________________________

2) Piranhas are a kind of ______.

[pic]  Fish [pic] Snake [pic]  Monkey [pic]  Bird

3) Piranhas eat ______.

[pic]  Seeds [pic]  meat [pic]  snakes [pic]  All of the above

4) Piranhas are ______.

[pic]  Giant snakes [pic]  Colorful birds

[pic]  Large fish [pic]  Small fish

5) Why should people not be afraid of piranhas? ______________________________________


Go right on to the next page

Red Tails Take Manhattan – Distinguish Genres: Expository Writing

Seatwork- Thursday

Here is another example of expository writing. Read the passages and answer the questions that follow.

The Empire State Building is called a man-made structure. It was made by people. A structure is something that has been put together with many different parts. Structures are sturdy when the parts are put together correctly. Think for a moment about building blocks. Pretend you have a pile of building blocks. Your job is to use the blocks to build the tallest tower you possibly can. The tower you make will need to stand up straight without falling over. The building also must hold up to high winds. Blow on the side of your building. It should not fall over.


Building the Empire State Building was not easy. Many very smart people created a plan to follow. Workers were very organized and skilled. The word "structure" also means to organize something. Workers had to know exactly where large pieces of steel were to be placed. They did not want the building to fall. They also needed to know how many pieces of steel to use and how to hold the pieces together. The building is 102 stories tall. It has 9,000 sink faucets. It has 73 elevators. A crew of over 3,000 workers built this structure in 1930-31.


Making a structure is like working a huge puzzle. It takes time, a smart brain, and organization. When you look at a structure like the Empire State Building, know that people worked together and used their minds to build this amazing skyscraper. The Empire State Building is the tallest building in New York City. It is no wonder why it has been called the Eighth Wonder of the World. People stare at the Empire State Building and are amazed by its size and beauty.


The Empire State Building is located in ___________________________________.

In the passage, the author used an analogy to compare two things. Building structures is like ...

[pic]  Working together [pic]  Being organized

[pic]  Making a plan [pic]  Working a puzzle

How many more stories does the building have than it has elevators?

[pic]  39 [pic]  19 [pic]  29 [pic]  9

The Empire State Building is made out of children's building blocks.

[pic]  False [pic]  True

Structure also means to ________.

[pic]  Organize something [pic]  Show responsibility [pic]  Be smart [pic]  All of the above

_____________________________ ______________________

_______ __________________


Red Tails Take Manhattan – Distinguish Genres: Expository Writing

Homework- Thursday

Remember that Expository is just a fancy word that has to do with explaining a subject/topic. An expository essay, then, is a written explanation of a subject. The goal is to share information with the reader. It may be about an idea (the U.S. system of checks and balances) or about a real take-a-photo-of-it subject (making a toothpick model of the Golden Gate Bridge). The following assignment is an expository example of following directions.


Directions: read all of the parts of the test before doing anything.

1. Write today's date--month-day-year in the top right hand corner of your test paper.

2. Write the answer to the following multiplication problem directly underneath the date on your test paper--6 X 5 = ?

3. Write the name of the month that begins with the letter "D" in the top left hand corner of your test paper.

4. Add 15 to the answer you got in part #2, and write this new total directly underneath your answer for part #3.

5. In the lower left hand corner of your test paper, write the names of your favorite singer and your favorite group.

6. Just above your answer to part #5, write "This test is very easy."

7. In the lower right hand corner of your test paper, draw a rectangle and inside the rectangle draw a five pointed star. The size of these drawings is not important.

8. Write the name of any country that begins with the letter "R" directly underneath you answer to part #2.

9. Take the number of dwarfs in the Snow White story and add it to the number of bears in the Goldilocks story. Divide by 2. Write this total in the approximate center of your test paper.

10. Think of a number between 1 and 50. Double that number. Add 20. Add 6. Subtract 9. Divide by 2. Write this number on your test paper directly underneath your answer to part #5.




CC.1.2.4.E Use text structure to interpret information (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution).

This includes pages 7 -9

Red Tails Take Manhattan

Comprehension Questions /16 literal /16 inferential

Each question is worth 4 points.

1. About how many acres is the size of Central Park?

___/4 lit


2. What happened to First Love after she was injured? ___/4 lit


3. How much larger are red-tail females than males? ___/4 lit


4. Is the Pond or the Lake closer to Fifth Avenue?

___/4 lit


CC.1.2.4.C Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text. E04.B‐K.1.1.3

5. What should you do if you saw a bird that was rare, or unusual, in a park in your area? Why? ___/4 inf


6. Do you think about a red-tailed hawk living should be able to live on building in a large city? Why or why not? ___/4 inf


7. How is Pale Male like a movie star? Give several details. ___/4 inf


8. Why do you think people are interested in Pale Male’s family? ___/4 inf


CC.1.3.4.B Cite relevant details from text to support what the text says explicitly and make inferences. E04.A‐K.1.1.1


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