Mr.Sully's 6th Grade English Language Arts, Science ...

Ancient Greece: THE GOLDEN AGE - TEST1 - What famous Greek is called the "father of medicine" for his physician's code of conduct?a: Aesopb: Hippocratesc: Pythagorasd: Euclid2 - The great thinkers of the Golden Age of Greece, philosophers, scientists and mathematicians, often had students who themselves became teachers. Who was a student of Plato who became a teacher to Alexander the Great?a: Aristotleb: Periclesc: Phidiasd: Menelaus3 - Since all the male citizens voted on every law, what kind of government was present in Athensa: direct democracyb: republicc: monarchyd: representative democracy4 - Where are the monasteries called the Meteoras of Greece located?a: on one of the Greek islandsb: on the top of high rocksc: in the middle of a desertd: in the middle of the present-day city of Athens5 - Socrates was a very respected scholar and teacher in ancient Greece. How did he die?a: He died in battle.b: He died of old age.c: He contracted a fatal disease.d: He was sentenced by lawmakers to drink poison.6 - Styles of Greek architecture and building design can still be seen today in its three types of ______.a: windowsb: porchesc: gardensd: columns7 - This man ruled Athens for 30 years and made it a world famous center of learning, art and culture.a: Aristotleb: Socratesc: Periclesd: Archimedes8 - The famous Greek plays held in outdoor amphitheaters were either comedies, or ______.a: mythsb: fablesc: tragediesd: fairy tales9 - The Peloponnesian War brought the end of the Golden Age of Greece when Sparta and the other citystates defeated Athens. Which of the following reasons was not a cause of the war?a: jealousyb: border disputesc: high taxesd: rivalry between city-states10 - Remembered for his pursuit of knowledge and teaching, Socrates was a famous and influential Greek _______.a: emperorb: mathematicianc: philosopherd: scientist ................

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