Shakespeare - His Life and Times

Shakespeare - His Life and Times

(Adapted from a WebQuest designed by Mary K. Bauer)



In order to fully understand the works of Shakespeare it is important to gain insight into his life and the times in which he lived.   Studying Elizabethan England at the end of the sixteenth century gives you the information you need to appreciate the works of one of the most famous poets and playwrights in history.


The Task

• In preparation for reading Romeo and Juliet you will work in groups to find information about different aspects of Shakespeare's life and times.

• You will use the Web to obtain information on the following topics: 

1. Shakespeare's Life 

2. Historical and Social Context   

3. Intellectual and Religious Life of the 1500s and 1600s 

4. The Elizabethan Theater

5. Medieval and Renaissance Marriage Customs 

6. Literary Terms for Techniques Applied in Shakespearean Works

You will be assigned to a group that will plan a presentation to instruct your classmates about your particular topic of study. Your presentation may include role playing, costumes, panel discussions, Power Point, or any other effective method.

Your group will also be responsible for submitting three questions that can be used on a quiz about your topic.


Your presentation will receive a group grade based on the following: 

• Your presentation must answer all the questions your group has been assigned. 

• Your answers must be accurate and complete.

• You should also show some creativity and maintain the interest of your classmates. 

• You will be graded on a scale of 20 points.



When you have completed this assignment you should have some insight into the Elizabethan Era. It will further your appreciation of the works of William Shakespeare.

Group 1: Shakespeare's Life

Answer the following questions about William Shakespeare.

1. When and where was Shakespeare born?

2. Describe his upbringing and education.

3. What were the four types of plays he wrote?

4. Where were his plays performed and by whom?

5. Besides writing plays, what other skills made Shakespeare a "jack of all trades?"

6. When and where did Shakespeare die?

7. Why do we still read his works today?  (Hint: think of theme)

8. Use Bartlett's familiar quotations to find several famous quotes that originated in Shakespeare's works.  Mention the works from which they come.

Here are some helpful websites. You still may need to Google.

Life of Shakespeare

More Life of Shakespeare

Bartlett’s Quotations

Your group will plan a 10-minute presentation to instruct your classmates about your particular topic of study. Your presentation may include role playing, costumes, panel discussions, Power Point, or any other effective method.

Your group will also be responsible for submitting three questions that can be used on a quiz about your topic.

Group 2: Historical and Social Context

Answer the following questions about events and people in the Elizabethan Era.

1. Who was Queen of England during the time Shakespeare began to write?  Who ruled after her?

2. Give the approximate dates of the Elizabethan period.

3. Identify the social classes during Shakespeare's time.

4. Describe the status of women.  How would a young woman respond to a request from her father?

5. What is primogeniture?

6. What was the Bubonic Plague and how did it affect society during Shakespeare's time?

7. Describe these aspects of Elizabethan life.

a. food

b. socialization

c. school

d. city life, hygiene, crime

e. homes

Here are some helpful websites. You still may need to Google.

Elizabethan Period







Your group will plan a 10-minute presentation to instruct your classmates about your particular topic of study. Your presentation may include role playing, costumes, panel discussions, Power Point, or any other effective method.

Your group will also be responsible for submitting three questions that can be used on a quiz about your topic.

Group 3: Intellectual and Religious Life

Answer the following questions about life in Elizabethan England.

1. Describe the four elements thought to compose the universe.

2. Describe the four humours and their relationship to personality.

3. What was the relationship between humours and illnesses.

4. What type of medicine was administered and by whom was it dispensed during this time period?

5. Describe the religious climate during this time.

6. What was considered to be the center of the universe at this time?  Who controlled it?

7. Describe the hierarchy of beings or "chain of beings" believed in by Shakespeare and his contemporaries.

Here are some helpful websites. You still may need to Google.



More Medicine


Chain of Beings

Your group will plan a 10-minute presentation to instruct your classmates about your particular topic of study. Your presentation may include role playing, costumes, panel discussions, Power Point, or any other effective method.

Your group will also be responsible for submitting three questions that can be used on a quiz about your topic.

Group 4: The Elizabethan Theater

Answer the following questions about the theatre in Shakespeare’s time.

1. Where were most theaters built? (in or out of the city)?  Why?  Why is the Globe Theater so famous?

2. What time of day did performances take place?  How was the public notified about performances?

3. Who played the female roles and why?

4. What type of scenery and props were used?

5. What were the costumes like?

6. What other skills did actors need besides acting ability?

7. What was the cost of standing room at the Globe?

8. Who was Richard Burbage?

9. Who were the King's Men or Chamberlain's Men?

1. Identify:

• Pit

• Groundling

• Heavens

• Trap door

• Tiring house

Here are some helpful websites. You still may need to Google.

Globe Theater

Actors and Actresses

Shakespeare and his theater

Still more about the Globe

Your group will plan a 10-minute presentation to instruct your classmates about your particular topic of study. Your presentation may include role playing, costumes, panel discussions, Power Point, or any other effective method.

Your group will also be responsible for submitting three questions that can be used on a quiz about your topic.


Group 5: Medieval and Renaissance Marriage Customs

Answer the following questions about medieval and Renaissance marriages.

1. Where did marriages take place during the Middle Ages? 

2. Why were marriage contracts arranged?

3. Who performed the marriage ceremony?

4. What was the common age for marriage?

5. What is a betrothal?

6. What was the goal of a Renaissance wedding?

7. Describe the common wedding attire during this period.

8. Describe what foods might be served at a wedding feast.

Here is a helpful website. You still may need to Google.

Renaissance Weddings


Your group will plan a 10-minute presentation to instruct your classmates about your particular topic of study. Your presentation may include role playing, costumes, panel discussions, Power Point, or any other effective method.

Your group will also be responsible for submitting three questions that can be used on a quiz about your topic.

Group 6: Literary Terms Relating to Shakespeare

Define and give an example of each.

** Use a dictionary or other source in addition to the Web sites.

• sonnet (Shakespearean)

• iambic pentameter

• blank verse

• soliloquy

• foreshadowing

• apostrophe

• oxymoron

• hyperbole

• irony (dramatic)

• irony (verbal)

• allusion

• motif

• pun

• personification

• couplet

Here are some helpful websites. You still may need to Google.


More Definitions

Iambic Pentameter

Your group will plan a 10-minute presentation to instruct your classmates about your particular topic of study. Your presentation may include role playing, costumes, panel discussions, Power Point, or any other effective method.

Your group will also be responsible for submitting three questions that can be used on a quiz about your topic.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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