Road Rally Times - LAUSD

King Continues to Track Los Angeles Teams

Beckford Sees Lions, Tigers, and Robots, Oh My!!!

We got up early to get a head start in Indianapolis. We went to the Hard Rock Café for breakfast. After eating a healthy breakfast, we headed for the capitol for a quick visit. Then, we were off to the zoo. It was good to visit early because most of the animals were eating breakfast and very active. While we were watching the elephants, Jorge leaned over the railing too far and fell in! Fortunately, we were able to pull him out before he got stomped. We left the zoo and headed for the Indianapolis Hall of Fame. There we took a few pictures and learned a lot about the famous motor speedway. When we got on the road for Columbus, we wished that we were in a racecar, just like the ones we had just seen. It would make the ride a lot faster.

In Columbus, we stopped for lunch at The Plaza Restaurant. We were very hungry so Emily had spaghetti, Eric had lamb chops and Jorge had baby back ribs. We decided to work off our heavy lunch with a few holes of golf at the Muirfield Village Golf Course. We are such poor golfers that we pretended Eric got a "hole in one", when he actually got a "hole in a tree". The weather was a little cold outside so we headed to the State Capital for a short tour. It was interesting to see the important business being done in the Capital Square Complex. By the end of the tour we were so tired that we wanted to sleep but we needed to get to Pittsburgh tonight. We stopped for some sodas and juice and got back on the road.


When we reached Pittsburgh it was time for dinner, so we headed for the Robot Club and Grille. We only ordered a few appetizers while we watched the robots fight. Some of the robots exploded, sending pieces flying into the air. Finally it was our turn to take a lesson on how to operate the robots, but Emily was distracted by all the noise and didn't hear all of the instructions. When she went into the ring she accidentally programmed her robot to go out of the ring and it started breaking tables and hitting people. What a mess! Even though we had to pay for everything that was broken, we still had a great time.


We got adjoining rooms at the Renaissance Hotel on Sixth Street. The location was very good for shopping and sightseeing by the river. Room service brought up some chocolate milk and cookies. Soon afterwards we fell fast asleep.

Respectfully Submitted by: Emily, Eric, and Jorge

Limerick in Kansas Fun

We arrived in Topeka, Kansas at about 12:30pm. Everyone agreed it was time to eat. We decided to go to a Chinese Restaurant, even though Sonia really wanted Home Town Buffet. It turns out Taylor was allergic to Chinese food so she, Sonia, Grover and Jesus went next door for Pizza.

After lunch we went to visit Lake Shawnee. The lake was beautiful and shiny. Half of us decided to go fishing while the other half stayed on the beach to try and get tan and swim in the water. Alex caught the biggest fish, it was about 23 inches long. Melina thought it was a pickerel because she knows a lot about fish. After sitting in the sun for so long, Ivan got a pretty bad sunburn.

Alex was very excited to show off his huge catfish. Everyone wanted to build a fire and eat the fish for dinner, but the Lake Shawnee had rules against cooking the fish right there.


The next place we stopped was the Gage Park. It had a lake and a bridge going over it. We also bought some lunch and had a picnic at the park. We also took a walk around the park. We saw many wild flowers and many other flowers. We all wanted to go swimming in the lake,but it was too cold and we had to leave pretty soon. Before we left we went on a mini train, but it was boring because it was for little kids. There was also sand volleyball courts, so we played for a while and then we had to leave.

Castlebay Lane Mosies Into The Midwest!

Today Group 5 began its journey as we departed Council Bluffs, Iowa and headed toward Des Moines. Along the way, we stopped at an amusement park called Arnold’s Park. Almost 300 people go there everyday. It’s a very fun amusement park, and we all loved it. First we went to the go-carts. They are known as the fastest go-carts in the area. We had fun racing around the track. Then it was on to the Ferris wheel. It was scary when the ride stopped while we were at the top, but it gave us a bird’s eye view of the entire park. After the Ferris wheel, it was hard to agree on what ride to choose next, so the boys went one way and the girls went shopping.

Soon it was time to leave Arnold’s Park and continue our journey to Waterloo, Iowa. Waterloo is located at 42 N. latitude and 92 W. longitude. The weather in Waterloo today was expected to reach a high of 28 degrees and a low of 1 degree, but none of us felt like it even got that warm! In Waterloo we saw the Effigy Mounds National Monument. Eastern Woodland Indians built mounds from about 500 B.C. until the early 1500’s. The mounds were constructed in the shapes of mammals, birds, and reptiles. While at Effigy, we also saw forests, tall grass prairies, wetlands and rivers.

Then we were off to Chi-town. Chicago is the largest city in the state of Illinois and today was a balmy 50 degrees during the day. It is known as the windy city, but most people think that’s because of the wind blowing off of Lake Michigan. The real story started with Chicago’s founding fathers bragging about their city. We found out the hard way that there is more to the story when a howling wind nearly knocked us off our feet as we walked along Michigan Ave. Thank goodness there are ropes all along the sidewalk for people to grab onto when the wind kicks up. One of the interests in Chicago is the Museum of Science and Industry. Some of the really cool things in the museum are a working coalmine and a 3,000-square-foot model railroad. The model is one of the largest in the world. Another of the cool things we found was a flight simulator of a Navy F18 Hornet. They actually let you ride in the cockpit and “land” it on the deck of an aircraft carrier. In the video, you get to meet the pilots and hear stories about flying. The museum also has a collection of over 130,000 sketches, drawings and sculptures from the late 1800’s. Unfortunately, we ran out of time, but we would like to go back because the museum has so many colorful pictures. We would also like to go back to this museum because it was the first museum in North America to develop the idea of hands-on, interactive exhibits, which is great for kids. When we came out of the museum, the temperature had dropped to the mid-thirties. So we jumped into the car and cranked up the heat, only to be reminded of Sapeer’s little gift! We had a fun time today, especially because we were out of the smelly car. (Thanks, Group 3!)

Superior Having Fun in Texas

We woke up at 6:00am to take a bath. When every one was finished at 8:00am we went to eat at Denny’s. Denny’s was our favorite place to eat. In Denny’s we ate the original grand slam from the menu. We ate different foods.

Then we went to the to the Museum of Texas Tech University where we saw the National History and African and Pre Columbian art. Then we saw the Exhibits emphasize the environment, History and Cultures of Taxes, the Southwest and arid and semiarid lands around the world. They only allowed us in the museum for one hour so we didn’t get to see everything from the museum. Then we hit the road to Wichita Falls.

We were on our way to Wichita Falls. The weather there was fair.

After breakfast we headed out to Wichita Falls named after a waterfall that dried up in the early 1900s (a 54 foot rebuilt fall now serves as the town symbol). It took us about 6 hours to get there. We were very tired from sitting down in the car but looking forward to see their historical sites such as the memorial auditorium were the last Indian battle was fought. Were the last Indian battle had been fought. We also learned that Wichita Falls was the booming town of the twenties and we saw

After we went to Wichita Falls we went to the Oklahoma City. The first thing we did was go to the Oklahoma City Zoo. When we got there we all went to see the monkeys and there baby’s hanging from their mommy’s back. And then we went to see the elephants that they were humongous animals. And after we went to see the giraffes because when we went to see the monkey we could of see the giraffes long necks and because Diana wanted to see them.

After that we had some fun we went to the frontier city which was a amusement park there were roller coasters in duding the diamond back which was a fast and sometimes slow roller coasters after that ride we decided to go to the nightmare roller coaster which was not very scary. After we went to all of the roller coasters. We went to see a live show and musical reviews are staged daily.

Then we went to a restaurant named the Aloha Garden Restaurant for lunch. That place was a Chinese place. Most of the class liked the restaurant. There was a lot of waiters, the waiter that was in are group was nice. Then everyone got something to eat and we ate a lot to eat till we were stuffed with food and couldn’t eat anymore so we left on our way to Tulsa, Oklahoma.

It was a long trip and we were hungry again. So we went to eat dinner at Montes the American Chop house. We all wanted to eat steak and we did and it was hard to chew. We all wanted

to eat steak and we did. It was very hard to chew but it was good. Then we wanted to have dessert but were.

Messages from King

Hello, teams how was your weekend? Our weekend was nice but it was rainy. Today temperature is about 60F. We might have outdoor recess if the rain dry up.

Dear Beckford,

We hope you had fun at the zoo. We hope you had good food at the Robot Club & Grille

Dear Castlebay,

We hope you had a good time at Des Moines and had some good food. In D.C. we always have good food.

Dear Limerick,

Limerick I here that you went fishing and to the beach. Did you catch a big fish? How bad was your tan? Did you get into the water?

Dear Superior,

How was your time at the Museum of Texas Tech University? Was you tired at the end of the day?

Hope we see you in D.C. soon.


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