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Mezzogiorno- A peripheral Region in ItalyPopulation of the MezzIntroduction: Population distribution refers to the spread of people in an area. (__________ of people per _____) I have studied the population distribution of the Mezzogiorno, a ____________ region found in Southern Italy (2m).It has a total population of____ million people with an overall population density of ____ people per km2 (2m). Economic development in the Mezzogiorno has improved slowly since the 1950s due to the government’s regional policy called the ________ ______ __ ______________(2m). Economic expansion in agriculture, industry and tourism decreased out migration which allowed a small population growth due to better _______ opportunities. However, during the recession of 2008 the economy decreased by ______% forcing over half a million people to ____________ in the search of a job (2m). The population in the region is ____________ distributed. Coastal regions such as ____________ __ have a much higher population density of 1000 people per km2 (2m). In contrast, inland areas such as Abruzzo situated along the ____________ Mountain range have a population density as low as 50 people per km2 (2m). The population distribution of the Mezzogiorno region is affected by:HistoricalPhysical Socioeconomic factors (2m). Historical factors affecting population distribution: In the late 1800s high population densities often occurred within the interior upland regions. The majority of the population still relied on agricultural. However, farmers avoided the lowland coastal areas as they contained ____________land that where infested with mosquitos that could spread ____________ (2m). Prior to 1950s, rich absentee landlords called____________rented out small plots of land between 10 – 15 acres in the interior Apennine Region. With so many small farms around these small hilltop towns, population densities were quite high (2m). After the 1950s, coastal swamp land was ____________ and these regions became much more suitable and sustainable agricultural farmland (2m). Also funding from ________ ______ __ ______________(allowed large amounts of land to be bought from the latifundia which was then broken up into __________ farms and _____________among the farmers. As farm size grew____________fewer farmers were required in the upland interior areas so populations began to move towards these ______________regions increasing its population densities and changing population ______________ in the Mezzogiorno (2m). Physical factors affecting population distribution: The Apennine Mountains have steep upland slopes that create difficult _________ to live in. Agriculture in the region is extremely difficult as soil quality is very poor (2m).____________ farming is only suitable in this type of relief which can only sustain very low population densities (2m). Coastal areas such as ____________ contain the best agricultural land. Frequent eruptions by Mount ___________ have resulted in fertile volcanic soils. The _______________lowlands along the southern coast also contains rich fertile ___________ soils ideal for intensive farming. These fertile soils have large yields which can sustain high population densities in the region (2m). Irrigation projects funded by the________ ______ __ ______________(agricultural coastal lowlands allow for smaller but more___________ farming techniques which increases produce for food processing, commerce and the trade industry in Naples (2m). Socio-economic factors affecting population distribution: _______________ such as roads and railway lines are of very poor quality in the interior areas which does little to attract industries into the region (2m). Lack of vibrant ___________ centres in the interior prevents large manufacturing industries developing in the region. This leads to young people leaving the interior areas and moving to the coast creating ______________migration (2m). Industrial growth centres were funded by the Cassa in coastal cities such as ___________ or Bari to attract these young energetic workers causing a shift in population distribution. S______ making and oil refining industries were encouraged to develop in these cities (2m). A negative cycle begins were more and more young _________ workers leave the interior areas which further reduces the chances of inward investment and job opportunities (2m). This is known as ____________ ____________. The development of the tertiary sector is much more evident in coastal regions compared to the ______________. Lack of h_______ and suitable infrastructure puts the interior at a major disadvantage for attracting tourists (2m). Cassa focused on tourism in the 1980s and helped coastal resorts such a _______________ or ____________ maximise their tourism potential creating many job opportunities. Higher wages encouraged inward migration to the coast from interior areas and even as far as the ____________ countries increasing the population densities in the region (2m). Due to war torn countries such as ____________ and ____________, Italy has experienced large numbers of foreign migrants (____________ per year). Many of these migrants enter through Southern Italy and some settle in the coastal regions increasing population densities even further (2m). This is unusual for a peripheral region where _______ migration is usually more common.Primary Ec Activities in the MezzogiornoIntroduction: A region that I have studied in the development of primary activities is the Mezzogiorno (2m), a peripheral area in Southern Italy. Primary economic activities in this region include _________________ and _____________ (2m + 2m). The Mezzogiorno is one of the poorest regions in the EU, with an unemployment rate of over ____%. The Mezzogiorno accounts for ___% of the total landmass of Italy’s landmass but only contributes to ___% of Italy’s GNP (2m). Paragraph 1 – Factors hindering development of agriculture: Agriculture as a primary activity makes up a key part of the Mezzogiorno economy employing up to ____% of the population. However, its development has been hindered by physical and human factors such as:ReliefSoilsClimateDistance from marketsLand ownership (2m). Physical Factors: Relief Unfortunately____% of the Mezzogiorno is mountainous or upland. The ______________ Mountain range runs through the centre of the peninsula for 1500km. These were formed by the collision and subduction of the African and Eurasian plates (2m). This has a huge effect on Agriculture. The difficult terrain prevents the use of large modern______________ which makes farming much more ______________ intensive and so, the productivity of farmland is hugely impacted(2m). The very steep slopes in this region are only able to support goats and sheep and not cattle as they can adapt to the local topography. These animals are reared for_________ and ________. Little development is made due to small profits and the lack of intensive farming (2m). Soils are mainly thin due to the limestone present in the upland areas which are not easily ______________ in the dry conditions (2m). Heavy downpours due to convectional rain means that this thin layer of soil can often be ______________ _________which makes it impossible for farming.Climate: The Mezzogiorno experiences a ______________ climate. Long periods of high pressure in summer brings with it______________ which limits intensive and profitable crop and pastoral farming. Poor grass growth prevents cattle farming (2m). Vines and olives are grown in this climate as they are capable of growing long deep roots (2m)… ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The high mean summer temperature is ______o C which is suitable for citrus fruit crops such as ______________. Sicily’s development in agriculture has a lot of focus on citrus crops which produce over ___% of the Italian production (2m). Rainfall ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Human Factors: Land ownership: Up until the 1950’s rich absentee landlords called ______________greatly hindered the development of agriculture in this region. These landlords lived in______________Italy and rented out small farms to tenants were they expected ____% of the produce which dramatically reduced the farmer’s profit. This resulted in the tenant farmers having little or no money to re-______________ in the development of the farm (2m). Government intervention: The Italian Government set up the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno scheme to stimulate growth and development in the region. Under the scheme, 10% of the land was taken from the landlords and given to the tenant farmers. Large landlord estates were distributed among ______________peasant families (2m). These farmers received______________on how to make their land more profitable through mechanisation and growing cash crops like olives, citrus fruits and grapes (2m). Large amounts of public money has been spent on ______________schemes to allow for more intensive and profitable salad crops. ______________gardening is concentrated around large urban centres such as Naples as they provide buyers for this produce. (2m). The Cassa per il Mezzogiorno funded The ______________ _____ _______which was opened in 1964. At 754km it is the longest motorway in Italy, connecting the Mezzogiorno with larger _____________ in the north of Italy and in the EU. This allowed fresh produce from farms to be quickly delivered for the Northern Italian markets (2m). Lowland villages with all the necessary______________were developed throughout the Mezzogiorno so young people would be encouraged to remain and work the land and reduce ______________ migration (2m). Campania is the most productive agricultural area in the Mezzogiorno as it contains fertile ______________soils. This region has seen much development as it grows a wide variety of______________ (wheat, maize), fruit crops (plums, grapes) and salad crops (tomatoes). These crops are farmed intensively and greater profits are seen.YOU may choose to include Fishing in your answer..this can only be done if the question is on primary ec activities and NOT if it is on Agriculture. READ QUESTION CAREFULLY!!FISHING The Mezzogiorno region has a large______________ population which has increased the demand for sea food allowing for the development of the fishing industry. Sheltered harbours have helped with the growth and development of fishing ports like Palermo and Bari (2m). Since the tourism industry has increased in recent decades the demand for fish in the region has grown. As a result developments and activities in ______________ and ______________ farming now play a major role in this industry (2m). Factors hindering development of fishing: The Mediterranean Sea is heavily ______________ with increased levels of nitrates which cause algae growth (eutrophication). This algae reduces oxygen levels and reduces fish populations. This has had a detrimental effect on the development of fishing in this region (2m). The Mediterranean Sea is more_________than many other seas which reduce the amount of ______________ growing. Plankton is the essential food for fish (2m). Overfishing due to modern technology such as ______________, large and stronger nets have removed most fish in this region causing many fishing fleets to disappear. The EU have introduced ______________ and limited the length of fishing ______________ which again has reduced the size of the Mezzogiorno fishing fleet (2m)ParisPrimary Ec ActivitiesExamine the development of primary activities in one non Irish European region of your choice. Introduction: A region that I have studied in the development of primary activities is a core region called the Paris Basin(2m). Primary economic activities in this region include agriculture and fishing (2m + 2m). Farms in the Paris Basin are supported by the ______________ ______________ ______________through E.U subsidies. The larger farms of the Paris Basin region benefit greatly from these ______________ (2m). Paragraph 1 – Factors affecting development of agriculture in region: Agriculture as a primary activity makes up a key part of the Paris Basin economy employing up to 4% of the population. This region is one of the most ______________and ______________ farmed regions were ___% of the world’s wheat is produced (2m). Its development has been affected by both physical and human factors such as relief, climate, distance from markets and soil quality (2m). Physical Factor: Relief: The Paris Basin consists of rocks that are slightly ______________. A syncline is found in the centre of the Paris Basin (Ile de France) allowing for topography that consists of undulating lowlands. This relief is ideal for dairy farming in N______________ or arable farming in B______________ (2m). This type of relief allows for______________farming techniques were large machinery (e.g ______________ harvesters or large tractors) can be used to harvest extensive areas of farmland which is essential for further development (2m). The south eastern region of the Paris Basin consists of scarps such as Cotes de Meuse. Rocks in this region rise sharply which allow ______________to be grown on the south facing slopes (2m). This relief is found in the Champagne region and is ideal for the production of the famous ______________wine (2m). Soils The soils in this region are extremely fertile as they are covered by a layer of _____________. Limon was once fine materials that were transferred by winds flowing in a southwards direction at the end of last_____ age. These materials (limon) were then deposited by the wind to help form fertile _____________ soils (2m). The B_____________ area has this rich limon soil which allows for intensive wheat and barley production. Its output per hectare ranks it among the highest producing regions in the world (2m). Clay soils found in the Brie area can become _____________ more easily but are ideal for _____________ farming such as dairy. The high milk yield has allowed for development in the cheese and y_____________ sector (2m). The chalk based soils of the Champagne area are p_____________ and well drained. They have allowed for the well-established vines used in the production of Champagne wine (2m). Climate: The climate in the Paris Basin has aided the development of agriculture in this region. The area west of the Paris Basin experiences a cool ______________climate were summer mean temperatures are 17o C and mild winter temperatures of 5o C. Annual rainfall is usually ____________mm (2m). This climate is ideal for early planting of cereal crops which______________around early April in the Beauce area. The dry and warm weather allows large modern machinery easy ______________of the crops (2m). ______________ grazing in Brie are ideally suited to this type of climate as grass growth is promoted nearly all year round. Cattle spend little time inside sheds which reduces_________ and increases __________ which allows for further development (2m). South and East in the Paris Basin experience a more transitional climate with continental features. Less rainfall (below _____mm), higher summer temperatures (____o C) and colder winter temperatures (2o C) has helped with the development of the world renown Champagne wines (2m). Human Factors: Markets: The Paris Basin has an excellent road ______________network that is in a radial format. The autoroute 86 is an outer ring road which allows for quick and efficient delivery of farm produce to many urban market centres in this region (2m). The Paris Basin has a large domestic market of ____ million people which has helped with the development of intensive tillage farming and market gardening (2m). The northern location of the Paris Basin along with the high speed______ trains and the excellent road network allows for easy access to core ___________ market of nearly _____million people. Produce (milk, vegetables) arrives fresh to these markets further improving the reputation of agriculture in the Paris Basin (2m).YOU may choose to include Fishing in your answer..this can only be done if the question is on primary ec activities and NOT if it is on Agriculture. READ QUESTION CAREFULLY!!Fishing has a smaller role in the primary economic sector compared to agriculture. The Paris Basin has a long coastline which contains fishing ports such as Le ____________and Dieppe (2m). Overfishing due to modern technology such as sonar, larger and stronger nets have removed most fish in this region causing many fishing fleets to disappear (2m). Efforts from the fishing communities in this region to exploit the economic potential of the coast have been slowed by ______________ introduced by the EU under the Common Fisheries Policy in __________ (2m). The EU have introduced ______________ and limited the length of fishing ______________ which again has reduced the size of the Paris Basin fishing fleet (2m). However, aquaculture is experiencing rapid ______________ as the market demand increases. Many oyster and mussel farms have set up in such areas as Normandy so the demand from restaurants in ______________ can be met (2m).Secondary Ec Activities in the MezzogiornoIntroduction: A region that I have studied for the development of secondary activities is the_____________ region called the Mezzogiorno in Southern Italy (2m). Peripheral regions receive much less inward investment compared to core regions and manufacturing plants tend to be smaller and employ fewer people (2m). The Mezzogiorno has approximately ____% of all exports of Italy even though it has ____% of the population (2m). The Mezzogiorno didn’t experience the Industrial_______________ in the 1800s and still lags behind Northern Italy in the manufacturing sector. Employment has increased up to 25% in this sector recently but several factors such as:Peripheral locationNegative imageLabour supply have hindered the development of manufacturing in this region (2m). Paragraph 1 – Factors hindering development of secondary sector: Peripheral location: Due to its location the Mezzogiorno is a long distance away from important _____________ in Northern Italy and the core of EU. Raw materials and manufactured products travel a greater distance (over____________km from Giola Tauro to Milan) too access these markets which increases ________ (2m). Industries in the Mezzogiorno find it difficult to _____________with manufacturers in the core regions which make it less attractive to prospective investors when examining potential sites for investment (2m). Peripheral regions experience _____________ migration with many young skilled worked moving to Northern Italy in search of work. Nearly _____________people have migrated northwards between 2000 – 2016 and a large proportion were under 35 (2m). This has resulted in a brain drain of energetic young graduates which has discouraged inward investment by these large industrial manufacturers (2m). 85% of the Mezzogiorno contains upland relief such as the _____________ Mountains. For this reason, infrastructural services such as roads and broadband are poorly developed (2m). _____________ is a fundamental need for any business due to the reliance on the internet nowadays. Broadband speeds in the Mezzogiorno are well below the EU average (2m). During the 1950’s_____________industries in the secondary sector relied heavily on easy access to energy sources such as ___________ fields. The Mezzogiorno had no reliable supply of coal and importing it would dramatically increase costs (2m). Additionally, the regions lack of _____ _____________ in local areas massively hindered development in manufacturing. For example, low levels of output from _____________in the region prevented many food processing industries to establish there (2m). Negative images: The Mezzogiorno is a region that suffers from negative headlines relating to organised _________ (2m). The Mafia in Sicily or the Camorra in Campania demand cash from businesses for _____________. This has resulted in many companies moving location and lack of investment by __________ industries (2m). Corrupt _____________ in the past have also received illegal payments that instead should been invested in the local economy (2m). Lack of local investment has resulted in the Mezzogiorno only receiving less than ___% of all foreign investment into Italy. Foreign investors such as ___________ - _____________companies prefer Northern Italy as a region has much more investment by local governments that has allowed development of many services (electricity, broadband, water) that are required by manufacturers (2m). Paragraph 2 – Factors stimulating the secondary sector: To stimulate public growth and development in the secondary sector the government created the _____________ ____ __ _____________ in 1950. Since there was little investment by the private sector, the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno provided credit subsidies and tax _____________ to promote investments (2m). Private companies such as Fiat set up in _________ due to these incentives and now employ nearly _______people. Melfi’s economy and the manufacturing sector have been boosted by this positive development (2m). Cassa per il Mezzogiorno created growth poles in major urban centres such _____________ and the __________-_____________-_____________Taranto industrial triangle. They funded infrastructure programs which included roads (autostrade connecting north to south), _____________, _________________ and irrigation projects to support manufacturing development (2m). The Italian government introduced new laws that forced state owned companies to invest ____% of future spending in the Mezzogiorno region. Heavy industries involved in steel, oil _____________ and petrochemicals based many of their operations in the region (2m). Success stories include a large steel factory in_____________that produces 40% of Italy’s steel and employs large numbers in the region (2m). However, these state owned companies are capital intensive and require small numbers of labours. Large amounts of money were spent on the building of structures but few _______ _______industries are created in the local areas and hence the name ‘_________________ in the _________________’ (2m). Many of these heavy industries are _________________ the surrounding environment which has had a negative impact on the tourism industry in the region (2m). Manufacturing in present day Mezzogiorno: Government and ______________ funding has continued since the ending of the Cassa Per il Mezzogiorno in 1984 (2m). Billions have been given to further develop the manufacturing sector were focus is based on ____________ scale, local resources and labour _________________industries. Examples include the olive oil and fruit juice processing industries (2m). EU funding helped develop what is known as _______________Valley in Catania, Sicily. Over 180 companies are now based in the area, mainly working in the b_________________ and p_________________ sector (2m). High tech industries receive ________ for improving skills of workers and research development. This has reduced unemployment rates in Catania which encouraged young people into _________________ and to remain in the region. Future foreign investment may now be more _________________to the Catania area (2m).Secondary Economic Activities in the Paris BasinIntroduction: The region that I have studied is the Paris Basin which is the most developed manufacturing region in France (2m). Paragraph 1– Human factors influencing the development of secondary activities in the region are accessibility to markets and labour supply while physical factors include availability of raw materials (2m + 2m). Labour Supply There are ____ million people live in the Paris Basin, providing a large labour force (2m). The _________________system in France is considered to be one of the best in the world. The region offers ___ world class universities such as the _________________ in Paris, supplying many high-quality graduates to footloose industries. Footloose industries can locate themselves where ever best suits them and are not restricted on locations (2m). ____% of the research and development in France is carried out in the Paris Basin. These modern industries that include _________________ and aerospace base themselves in technological parks near ________ centres within the Paris Basin so a skilled workforce is readily available (2m). The _________________ industry in Paris is one of the biggest in the world. Skilled tailors from around the world are attracted to Paris which allows for further development of this industry. Locally skilled _________________are also employed for a number of years to ensure vacancies are filled in the industry (2m). Accessibility to markets: The Paris Basin has a large _________________market of 22 million people with high consumer levels which has helped with the development of manufacturing industry (2m). Having better access to markets is essential for the success of manufacturing in the Paris Basin. _________________links are excellent throughout the region, with state of the art roads, rail networks, ports and airports (2m). The Port of ____ ______________is the second largest in France. Modern docking facilities and the deep waters of the port cater for large scale heavy industries like oil-_________________, car-_________________ and textiles were raw materials can be imported more easily (2m). Paris is located on the River ______________which allows large ______________to transport heavy raw materials or manufactured products to and from Paris (2m). These barges enter the Canal Saint Denis which allows for cheap and easy transport of manufactured products to the world market. This attracts large industries to this region (2m). Paris is the ____________ point for communication. Most motorways in the country stem from the capital and connect to other European hubs like B___________and M___________ (2m). The Paris Basin has an excellent road transport network that is in a _________________ format. The _________________ ___ is an outer ring road which allows for quick and efficient delivery of farm produce to many urban market centres in this region (2m). Products such as milk from Normandy dairy farms must be transported_________________ to food manufacturers to ensure the quality of the product. The developed road network help attracts light or _________________ industries to the region (2m). The Paris basin offers the best rail networks in the world. The______ (Trains á Grande Vitesse) is a high-speed rail service that connects the major cities throughout the nation of France and Europe, including Switzerland and Germany (2m). The _________________connects Paris and London via an underwater tunnel through the English Channel. These advanced rail networks make EU markets easily accessible for passengers and freight which is necessary for manufacturing regions to develop (2m). Paragraph 2 Physical Factors: Availability of raw materials: Having quick and easy access to raw materials is essential for the development of manufacturing. The Paris Basin has a large resource of _______ materials for the manufacturing industries. The wide range of agricultural raw materials has allowed the food and drink _________________ industries to flourish in this region (2m). The _________ region is another dairy region that produces milk for the manufacturing of Brie cheese which is sold globally (2m). Wheat produced in Beauce is processed into __________which is used in the baking industry for products such as _________________. Barley is also is used in the brewing industry which is an important component in beer manufacturing (2m). Apples that are produced in Normandy have aided the development of the_________industry in the region. Grapes from the Champagne area established the world famous _________________wines (2m). Cereals from the Beauce region are also used in the _________________ industry near Picardy. Cereals have been processed and raw materials have been extracted from them that are used in the manufacture of paints and washing powders. The Paris Basin is now one of the leaders in the biotech industry (2m). Many manufacturing industries prefer to locate themselves close to essential raw materials. The _________________of raw materials in the Paris Basin region makes it an ideal location for many manufacturers (2m).Tertiary Economic Activities in MezzogiornoIntroduction: A region that I have studied for the development of tertiary activities is the Mezzogiorno in the peripheral region of Southern Italy (2m). Two tertiary activities in the region include tourism and transport (2m + 2m). Over 67% of people in the Mezzogiorno are employed in the tertiary sector due to mainly to funding from the Cassa Per il Mezzogiorno and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (2m). Paragraph 1 – Tourism: More than ____ million visit the Mezzogiorno each year which creates massive employment in the catering recreational sector (2m). Factors that assist tourism: Funding from the ERDF has created great_________________for tourists to the isolated areas of the Mezzogiorno. New motorways (autostrade), railways and airports (e.g Bari and Naples) have all been built along with improvements to essential services such as water supplies, sewage treatment and hotel_________________ (2m). Cassa Per il Mezzogiorno provided funding in 1970s and 1980s that began to promote the region to other Europeans and Americans. ____% of the Cassa funds were allocated for the development of tourism. Attracting large numbers of tourists outside Italy is essential for the _________________of the industry (2m). The region experiences a _________________ climate which brings summer temperatures of nearly ____o C. With an average of ____ hours of sunshine each day and little _________________are ideal for tourists from northern Europe to enjoy sunny beach holidays (2m). Even in winter, temperatures are mild in the lowland areas which are ideal for cycling or walking tourists visiting the amazing _________________ attractions (2m). The Mezzogiorno is abundant with _________________ attractions that are studied throughout the world. Historical sites such as the Greek Temples in _________________, amphitheatres, Roman ruins in _________________ and Herculaneum attract millions of tourists each year (2m). Italy is known for its food and the Mezzogiorno is no different. Foods including p_________, p________ and g_______ are a great attraction to the region (2m) The west coast of the Mezzogiorno have beautiful ___________(e.g bay of Naples), islands (e.g Capri) or cliff side resorts (e.g ________________and ___________). These landscape features are among the top tourist attractions in the region (2m). Famous volcanic mountains such as Mount Vesuvius or Mount Etna are favorite among international tourists and were extremely important landscape features on which tourist industry developed on (2m).Future Potential: The Mezzogiorno is still a region that is not maximising its full potential in the tourism sector. __________ roads and important services are still lacking in the upland _________________preventing the growth and development of tourism in this area. Attracting climbing and hill walking tourists could further improve tourism in the region (2m). The Mezzogiorno only attracts close to 15% of foreign tourists compared to Northern Italy. Only a fractional number of flights arriving into Italy from Northern and Western Europe land in the Mezzogiorno. By improving future m_________________techniques the tourism sector can increase this number greatly (2m). If less competition and more coordination occurs between the different provinces in the Mezzogiorno then tourist numbers will increase. Provinces want tourists to remain in their regions so cities like _________________ have ferry timetables to Sicily that don’t coincide with arriving flights into Calabria. Better relations between provinces will attract more tourists overall (2m). Impacts of tourism: Tourism employs large numbers of people in _________________ and hotels and creates ________ - _____ jobs in other services. This increases the tax revenue which allows more investment for the development of the sector (2m). However, increasing numbers of tourists to coastal and beach resorts have added_________________unto the public utilities such as water and sewage treatment plants. _________ and water pollution have now become a serious issue with local residents (2m). Demand for land along coastal areas has increased prices greatly. Locals can longer _______________ to rent or buy properties in areas that they grew up in (2m). Paragraph 2 Transport: _____________ in the Mezzogiorno region makes development of transport extremely difficult, time, labour intensive and expensive to build (2m). Before the _________________del Sole was build most of the roads were narrow and had a poor surface, making them difficult and dangerous to travel on. The older roads were unsuitable for ________s, which limited the number of goods they could transport (2m). Between 1950 – 1984 the ____________ ____ ___ ___________________ Scheme invested over €_____ billion into improving infrastructure in the region (2m). The Autostrade del Sole is a 754km motorway that connects Milan to Naples via Bologna, Florence and Naples. It is considered the _________ cord of the country’s road network (2m). Tunnels were built through the _________________ Mountain range to allow for the formation of roads and railway lines which decreased travel time from farm to market, particularly for _________________ goods like grapes and citrus fruits (2m). Cassa and EU funding helped develop deep-water ports in coastal towns like _________________, enhancing its steel-manufacturing industry (2m). Gioia Tauro in Calabria has become one of the busiest ports in the Mediterranean dealing with large container ships. It now employs approximately ____________ people (2m). The development of the rail in the Mezzogiorno has been very slow. They often lack _____ _________________ in the warm summer months resulting in many tourists and locals avoiding there use (2m). Most rail lines travel along the coast and avoid the inner Apennine area. The fast speed trains still have not reached Southern Italy which_________________economic development of all sectors (2m). Certain airports in Bari and Naples have received _________________ the government to modernise and improve their services as they are an important component of the tertiary sector. Transport by air allows light and usually expensive goods to be imported or exported for the local economy (2m). The Strait of _________________ Bridge is a long-planned _________________ bridge that would connect the eastern tip of Sicily to mainland Italy. It had been part of the government’s agenda but was cancelled in 2013. It would be the longest suspension bridge in the world, over___________ as long as San Francisco’s _________ ______Bridge. The bridge would be of huge benefit to the economy of Sicily, if it ever gets approval (2m). The EU invested over €____ billion on developing transport and _______________ links in the Mezzogiorno. Future funding from the Italian government and the EU is essential if further progress is to be achieved (2m).Tertiary Economic Activities in the Paris BasinIntroduction: A region that I have studied for the development of tertiary activities is the Paris Basin in the core region of France (2m). Two tertiary activities in the region include tourism and transport (2m + 2m). Paragraph 1 – Tourism: Tourism is a ______- _________________sector of the economy and is an important employer in the city of Paris. Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world with over 30 million people travelling there each year (2m). Tourism provides ___% of the jobs in the city and is worth €___ billion annually (2m). A factor that encourages tourism into the region is easy ______________. It is centrally situated in Western Europe were it has two major international airports such called the Charles __ ____________and B______________. Excellent motorway routes and the ______ link Paris to other French and European cities (2m). Paris has a wide range of ______________ for visiting tourists. Cultural and historical attractions include the famous Eiffel Tower (six million tourists every year), _________ _____ Cathedral, Napoleons tomb and Palaces of ______________. The ___________ Tower has organised tours daily with a restaurant situated at the top (2m). Paris has the ______________, the world’s largest museum which attracts millions of tourists a year. The Louvre contains one of the world’s most famous paintings, the Mona Lisa by ___________ ___ _______ (2m). In addition to these attractions, other outstanding sites include the Arc De Triomphe, the artist’s quarter in Montmartre and its most famous street the Champs-Elysees (2m). The channel tunnel has allowed many British tourists to travel into Paris for a quick and cheap weekend break to ______________ (2m). This __________ tourism market attracts large number of young visitors that sometimes include international school tours. The __________ de France is another of these sites that attracts large number of visitors for away Rugby and Soccer matches (2m). Paris is known as the______________capital of the world which is a key factor in the development of tourism in the region. French fashion companies such as ______________have turned Paris in a key shopping attraction which has created massive revenue for the economy (2m). Sites within the Paris Basin that have aided the development of the industry include the Gothic cathedrals in Reims and the medieval wall of Caen (2m). The beaches of ______________ where the D-day landings took place or the world famous Champagne region or key sites for tourists that make the region extra special (2m). Factors that may hinder the tourist industry: The changing ______________ can have a major impact on how many people visit the Paris Basin region. If the strength of the euro rises against the English __________ or the US __________, less people tend to travel to the euro region as they get less value for their money (2m). ______________ make up a large number of the tourists travelling to Paris. However, since Britain is ______________the European Union, common travel between the two countries may be more difficult which would impact negatively on tourism in the region (2m). Paragraph 2 – Transport: As the sectors of agriculture, industry and tourism grows the need for a d______________ and r__________ transport structure is essential. The Paris Basin has one of the most developed transport services in the world. It is situated in the economic ________ of the EU so major transport routes converge onto the city (2m). The flat ______________ land allows for motorways and railway lines to be built more easily and for cheaper (2m). The Paris Basin has an excellent road transport network that is in a __________ format. The inner ring road Boulevard Peripherique and ______________ 86 an outer ring road allows for easy movement of goods and people in and out of the city (2m). The SNCF is the national _________ company in France. The Paris basin offers the best rail networks in the world. The _______ (Trains á Grande Vitesse) is a high-speed rail service travelling up to ____km/hr that connects the major cities throughout the nation of France and Europe, including Switzerland and Germany (2m). An underground rail system called the Paris _________ carries millions of passengers through the ____ stations each day. It is reliable, fast and cheaper mode of transport (2m). The ______________ connects Paris and ______________ via an underwater tunnel through the English Channel. These advanced rail networks make Paris more accessible for passengers and freight which is necessary for development of all economic sectors (2m). The Port of ___ ___________is the second largest in France. Modern docking facilities and the deep waters of the port cater for large scale heavy industries like oil-refining, car-manufacturing and textiles were raw materials can be imported more easily (2m). Paris is located on the Seine River which allows large______________to transport heavy raw materials or manufactured products to and from Paris. These barges enter the Canal Saint Denis which allows for cheap and easy transport of manufactured products to the world market. This attracts large industries to this region (2m).Growth of an Urban Area Introduction: An urban area I have studied is the city of Paris in the Paris Basin (2m). It established itself as the centre of ______________and ______________in France after the French Revolution in ______ (2m). Paris is a primate city that has seen a growing population throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century. The Paris Basin now has a population of over ____ million people (2m). Paragraph 1 Why the population and area of Paris increased: Paris has grown into the largest ______________ economy across all of mainland Europe due to several factors that includeimportant transport routeslocationglobal economic influence (2m).Important transport routes The Paris Basin has one of the most developed ______________ services in the world. It is situated in the economic core of the EU so major transport routes converge onto the city (2m). It’s located at an important ______________point where the River Marne and _____________ meet. The flat undulating land allows for motorways and railway lines to be built more easily and for cheaper (2m). A developed transport system allows the _____________, _____________ and _____________ sectors to flourish creating employment which encourages urban development and _____________ migration from ambitious young migrants from all over the world (2m). For this reason, Paris has a younger_____________structure resulting in higher birth rates and a natural population _____________ (2m). The Paris Basin has an excellent road transport network that is in a _____________l format. The inner ring road Boulevard Peripherique and autoroute 86 an outer ring road allows for easy movement of goods and people in and out of the city (2m). The _________ is the national rail company in France. The Paris basin offers the best rail networks in the world. The TGV (Trains á Grande Vitesse) is a high-speed rail service travelling up to _______km/hr that connects the major cities throughout the nation of France and Europe, including _____________ and _____________ (2m). An underground rail system called the Paris _____________ carries millions of passengers through the 300 stations each day. It is_____________, fast and cheaper mode of transport (2m). The _____________ connects Paris and London via an underwater tunnel through the _____________ _____________. These advanced rail networks make Paris more_____________for passengers and freight which is necessary for development of all economic sectors (2m). Paris is located on the Seine River which allows large barges to transport heavy raw materials or manufactured products to and from Paris. These barges enter the Canal _____________ __________ which allows for cheap and easy transport of manufactured products to the world market. This attracts large industries to this region (2m). Paris has two major international airports called the Charles De Gaulle and Beauvais. Airlines such as _____________and France-KLM carry up to ___ million passengers each year in and out of Paris were many are tourists (2m). The tourism industry employs nearly _____________ people and with so many job opportunities the city has grown and developed (2m). The Paris Basin has a large domestic market of ____ million people with high _____________ levels which has helped with the development of manufacturing industry (2m). Due to its population of 11 million people and a large domestic market with high consumer levels, Paris has become an important destination of foreign direct investment with ____% of all foreign companies in France. These companies require office blocks, industrial estates and key transport routes which have resulted in urban _____________ outwards from the city (2m). Paris is also the centre of the_____________industry and has a global _____________ on what direction the fashion industry is going in. It has a well-developed _____________l centre with _____________ opportunities in commerce and banking resulting in population growth and the construction of _____________towns (2m). Many manufacturing industries prefer to locate themselves close to essential __________ materials. The abundance of agricultural raw materials in the Paris Basin region makes it an ideal location for many manufacturers. Cereals from the Beauce region are also used in the _____________ industry. Wheat produced in Beauce is processed into flour which is used in the baking industry for products such as baguettes (2m). ___% of the research and development in France is carried out in the Paris Basin. These modern industries that include pharmaceuticals and aerospace base themselves in technological parks near urban centres within the Paris Basin so a skilled workforce is readily available (2m). Immigration from the EU since the early 2000’s has had a major impact on the urban development of Paris. People from the EU do not require a ___________ to work in France and when Poland joined in ______, large numbers of people moved to Paris (2m). The migrants filled job v_____________ in the secondary and tertiary sectors which created greater revenue and allowed Paris to focus on urban r_____________ and re_____________ (2m). Paragraph 2 – Problems with urban growth in Paris: Traffic _____________n can be a major issue and hinder further economic development in the region. As many as 2.5 million commuters travel on the roads each day (2m) Certain inner city areas suffer from urban __________ due to lack of investment and urban renewal. These inner city areas are often occupied by poorer migrants who experience high crime rates, poor _____________ and lack_____________services (2m). With inward migration continuing into the city of Paris, more and more residential areas are required. As a consequence, Paris suffers greatly from urban _____________. Farmland and villages have been consumed by the spreading outwards of Paris resulting in dull and soulless suburbs (2m). Planned urban development: Urban _____________ projects funded by the local government aimed to improve recreational green areas, social services and transport in the inner city. Poor _____________has been replaced with newer and improved homes which are encouraging young people to _____________ in the inner city (2m). If more people remain in the inner city, local businesses such as restaurants and cafes will improve the attraction of the area (2m). To reduce the problem with urban sprawl five new towns such as _____________have been built in the outer edges of Paris housing up to _____________ people (2m). These towns have _____________ estates, office blocks and _____________ centres to attract new businesses so fewer people will need to_____________to the city (2m).Exam Questions Exam Paper 2017, Question 4B: Account for the development of one tertiary activity in a European region (not in Ireland) that you have studied. Exam Paper 2016, Question 6B: Examine the importance of climate to the economic development of any two contrasting European Regions (not in Ireland) that you have studied. Exam Paper 2015, Question 4A: Draw an outline of a European region (not in Ireland) that you have studied. On it, show and name each of the following: A named feature of relief A named urban area A named road or rail link A named river Exam Paper 2015, Question 5B: Account for the development of manufacturing in a European region (not in Ireland) that you have studied. Exam Paper 2014, Question 5B: Examine the importance of relief to the economic development of any two contrasting European regions (not in Ireland) that you have studied. Exam Paper 2013, Question 4A: Draw an outline map of a European region (not in Ireland) that you have studied. On it, correctly show and name the following: A named feature of relief in the region A named river in the region Two named urban centres in the region Exam Paper 2013, Question 5C: Account for the distribution of population throughout a European region (not in Ireland) that you have studied. Exam Paper 2012, Question 4B: Account for the development of agriculture in a European region (not in Ireland) that you have studied, with reference to any two of the factors listed below: Relief Markets Climate, Question 5C: Examine how any two of the factors listed below have influenced the development of one urban area in a European region (not in Ireland) that you have studied: Transport Location Primary economic activity Exam Paper 2011, Question 4C: Discuss the factors which influenced the development of one urban area in a European region (not in Ireland) that you have studied. Exam Paper 2010, Question 4B: Examine the factors that influence the development of one tertiary economic activity in a European region (not in Ireland) that you have studied. Exam Paper 2010, Question 5A: In your answer book, draw an outline map of a European Region (not in Ireland) that you have studied. On it show and name the following:Any two physical features in the region ii) Any two urban centres in the region Exam Paper 2010, Question 5C: Describe and explain any two factors that influence the development of secondary economic activities in a European Region (not in Ireland) that you have studied. Exam Paper 2009, Question 4C: Examine how the distribution of population, in a European Region (not in Ireland) that you have studied, has been influenced by the region’s level of economic development. Exam Paper 2009, Question 6B: Examine the development of one urban area in a European region (not in Ireland) that you have studied. Exam Paper 2008, Question 4B: Examine the factors that influence the development of one economic activity in a European region (not Ireland) that you have studied. Exam Paper 2008, Question 6A: In your answer book, draw an outline map of a European Region (not Ireland) that you have studied. On it show and name the following:Any two physical features in the region ii) Any two large urban centres in the region Exam Paper 2007, Question 4B: Examine the development of any one of the following economic processes in a European region (not Ireland) of your choice: Industry Tourism Exam Paper 2007, Question 6B: Examine the growth of an urban area in a European Region (not Ireland) of your choice. Exam Paper 2006, Question 5A: Examine the development of primary activities in one non Irish European region of your choice. Exam Paper 2006, Question 6C: Account for the development of tertiary activities in one non Irish European region of your choice ................

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