Who Inspires You

Who Inspires You?

Assignment & Timeline

Day One__________ Assignment Introduction, Brainstorming

For this assignment you are going to speak to the class about a person in your life whom inspires you. This can be a famous person, a spiritual person or a regular person. During your speech you will give us a brief biography of the person’s life and then you will focus on why the person is so inspirational to you. The majority of the speech should be explaining why the person has touched your life (use examples and your own personal experiences).

Brainstorming Questions:

Who has had a large impact on your life?

Who has given you wisdom which you live by?

Who has always been there for you?

Who do you look up to?

Who is your hero?

Who inspires you?

Who has changed the way you see the world?

Day Two__________ Outline **A ROUGH DRAFT IS DUE AT THE END OF CLASS

You will present this speech in extemporaneous format (presented to the class with limited notes (your outline)). Your outline is to be a TYPED document. Double space your paper for easier reading. Your outline will only have full sentences in three areas: Intro, Conclusion and Transition Sentences. You create your outline by using your own voice supported by facts and information from the research. There is not a length requirement for this outline… there is a TIME requirement. Your speech will be 5 to 8 minutes. You will need to write your outline and then time yourself to know if you have completed the length requirement.

Day Three__________ Research & Works Cited, Outline Continue

Once you have selected your person, you will focus on finding information on the person. You will be required to have at least three sources for your speech. If you have chosen a ‘regular’ person then you will want to find sources that capture the essences of that person. You will want to cite your sources both within your speech and on a Works Cited page.

You will create a Works Cited page for your research. Use to help format the Works Cited document. This is a separate page; it will go at the end of your outline and helps you avoid plagiarism (refer back to the handout from the Informative Speech Assignment).

Day Four__________ PowerPoint/Visual Media

Continue writing/editing your outline. Be sure to include THREE SOURCES. To do this you MUST state in your speech/outline and in your Works Cited page where the information you are using is coming from. While you are presenting you will uses phrases such as… The following information was found in ____… According to ____… The author of ____… The website, _____, stated that… In the article____…

If your person is non-famous you may have to get creative with your sources- such as proverbs, parenting skills, something the person relates to, famous quotes, personal interviews etc…

You will also create a PowerPoint for this presentation. You should include at least 10 slides. Slides should be visually appealing and follow the proper format we discussed in class. Remember that slides need to be nice, clean, simple and easy to read. Slides do not include full sentences unless it is a direct quote. If you are using photos and other images found on the internet than you must provide a photo credit with the image. Stealing photos is a form of plagiarism.

By the end of today you should have the your outline finished and a good start on your PowerPoint/Visual Media!

Day Five__________ Proof Reading, Timing & Practicing

The hour should be used to finish your PowerPoint and timing your presentation. You may wish to practice with a partner. Have your partner follow along with the rubric and grade how you do. You should have your outline proof read by a partner then work on practicing and timing your speech. REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT JUST READING YOUR OUTLINE OR YOU POWERPOINT TO THE CLASS. YOU ARE PRESENTING- You do not need to have it memorized but you DO have to use eye contact and an appropriate voice.

I expect this to be your BEST SPEECH!

Day Six__________ Presentations

Your outlines, Works Cited and PowerPoint will be checked for an on time grade at the start of the hour. There is NO excuse for not having this assignment completed by this date. If you are absent on any day you need to continue working on this at home. No late work will be accepted on this assignment.


Your FINAL Presentation should be saved a flash drive or emailed to me at browna@wayland.k12.mi.us

Who Inspires You?

Speech Rubric


Introduction ______/ 5 points

Biographical Information ______/15 points

Inspiration Qualities ______/15 points

Connection to Speaker ______/20 points

Conclusion ______/ 5 points

Time (5 – 8 Minutes) ______/10 points

3 Citations During Speech ______/ 5 points

Visual Media (10 slides/Format) ______/25 points

Total Points ______/ 100 points


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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